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We recently reported that glottic closure was present throughout central apneas in awake lambs. The present study tested whether glottic closure was also observed during periodic breathing (PB). We attempted to induce PB in 21 nonsedated lambs on return from hypocapnic hypoxia to room air. Airflow and thyroarytenoid (a laryngeal constrictor, n = 16), cricothyroid (a laryngeal dilator, n = 10), and abdominal (n = 9) muscle electrical activity (EMG) were monitored continuously. PB was observed in 16 lambs, with apneic phases in 8 lambs. Thyroarytenoid muscle EMG was observed at the nadir of PB, either throughout apnea or with prolonged expiration during the lowest respiratory efforts. Phasic inspiratory cricothyroid muscle EMG and phasic expiratory abdominal EMG disappeared at the nadir of PB. Active glottic closure at the nadir of PB, without abdominal muscle contraction, could be a beneficial mechanism, preserving alveolar gas stores for continuing gas exchange during the apneic/hypopneic phase of PB. However, consequences of active glottic closure on ventilatory instability, either enhancing or reducing, are unknown.  相似文献   

Superfast myosin heavy chain (MHC), which is found in jaw-closing muscle and extraocular muscle (EOM), may also be found in rat laryngeal muscles. Immunostaining and Western blot using anti-EOM antibody were performed to identify and localize EOM MHC in laryngeal muscles. Specific reactivity of laryngeal IIL MHC was confirmed by Western blot and on immunostaining, all fibers in the lateral part of thyroarytenoid muscle reacted with EOM antibody. A scattered pattern of positive fibers was observed in the medial part of the thyroarytenoid, the posterior cricoarytenoid and the lateral cricoarytenoid muscles. EOM MHC was not detected in the cricothyroid muscle. The expression of EOM MHC in rat laryngeal muscle is consistent with the functional demands of the airway protection reflex.  相似文献   

It has previously been reported that active glottic adduction is present during prolonged apneas but absent during periods of breathing movements in fetal lambs in utero. The present study was aimed at examining the precise coordination between fetal breathing movements [diaphragm electromyographic (EMG) activity (Di EMG)] and glottic adduction [thyroarytenoid muscle EMG activity (TA EMG)]. Electrodes for electroencephalogram, eye movements, TA EMG, and Di EMG and an arterial catheter were surgically implanted in fetal lambs 123-142 days postconception. Polygraphic recordings were performed without sedation while the ewe breathed room air (n = 11) or various gas mixtures (hypoxia, n = 5; hyperoxia, n = 4; hypercapnia, n = 5; hypercapnia+hyperoxia, n = 5). Tonic TA EMG was observed throughout >90% of apneas (>6 s) in both non-rapid-eye-movement and rapid-eye-movement sleep, and when Di EMG frequency decreased in rapid-eye-movement sleep. In all but two fetuses, TA EMG was immediately inhibited when Di EMG appeared. Altering blood gases did not modify these results. In conclusion, Di EMG and TA EMG are well coordinated in late gestation in fetal lambs, except in a few cases. These findings may have consequences for understanding the pathogenesis of mixed/obstructive apneas of prematurity.  相似文献   

The gross and microscopic anatomy of the rat larynx was studied with particular attention to myology and neuromuscular structures to further validate it as a model to evaluate morphologic and functional changes induced by botulinum injection. A laryngeal alar cartilage (LAIC), alar cricoarytenoid (ACA) muscle, and a superior cricoarytenoid muscle (SCA) were identified as anatomic structures not previously described. Two portions (medial and lateral) of the thyroarytenoid muscle (TA) were distinguished. The function of the ACA was suggested to be similar to the aryepiglottis muscle in humans and the function of the SCA was suggested to be similar to the human interarytenoid muscle. The predominant pattern of motor endplate (MEP) distribution in rat laryngeal muscles (posterior cricoarytenoid, lateral cricoarytenoid, cricothyroid, and SCA) was to have MEPs concentrated mostly at the midbelly of muscle where they were distributed throughout the cross-sectional area of the midbelly. The TA and ACA differed from this pattern. The lateral TA had MEPs concentrated at the anterior third of its belly and those of the medial TA were located at the midbelly. Motor endplates in the ACA were located mostly at the posterior portion of muscle. Muscle fiber-typing showed subtle differences between the intrinsic laryngeal muscles. Fast fibers were predominant in the rat laryngeal muscles. This study supports the expanded use of rats in studies of laryngeal neuromuscular function and disease in humans.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of sleep on the characteristics of sigh breaths and the associated changes in breathing pattern in breaths following spontaneous sighs in 4 unrestrained dogs with an intact upper airway. The sigh breath was characterized by its large tidal volume (VT), long TI and TE in comparison with the control breath. The volume of the sigh breath was larger in awake sighs than in those recorded during non-REM (NREM) and REM sleep. The strength of Hering-Breuer reflex as determined by duration of the post-sigh apnea was similar in NREM and REM sleep. Sighs occurring during wakefulness, NREM and REM sleep were associated with augmented activity of the parasternal muscles during inspiration, and a persistent tonic abdominal muscle activity during the expiratory period. Breathing pattern in the post-sigh period was characterized by a smaller VT and longer TE in the first post-sigh breath in all sleep states (compared with the control breath), but the pattern returned to control level within the second or third post-sigh breath in both NREM and REM sleep. Sighs did not precipitate periodic breathing or other forms of abnormal breathing patterns in either wakefulness or sleep. We conclude that the respiratory control mechanisms stabilizing breathing after a sigh in the awake dog are intact in NREM and REM sleep.  相似文献   

The TNM classification is unsatisfactory regarding the impaired mobility of the vocal cord and/or the arytenoid. The authors have studied the intrinsic laryngeal musculature, with particular attention to the medial thyroarytenoid muscle, the lateral thyroarytenoid muscle, and the inferior paraglottic space. The study was conducted on serial sections of 4 embryonal and 9 fetal larynges at different stages of development. The embryological observations showed that the lateral and medial thyroarytenoid muscles have different maturation times and probably different functions: phonatory and sphincteric. The authors have found that the inferior paraglottic space is situated between these 2 muscles. It would represent a path of diffusion for glottic cancer and play a central role in impaired vocal cord and/or arytenoid mobility, according to the degree of diffusion. Embryological observations have suggested the existence of laryngeal morphofunctional units belonging to the subsites of the glottic region and related to tumoral spreading.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation of the superior laryngeal nerve (SLN) can elicit reflex responses in the cricothyroid (CT) and thyroarytenoid (TA) muscles. We made bilateral recordings of the responses evoked in these muscles in piglets by the stimulation of either the right or the left superior laryngeal nerve (SLN). The stimulus intensity was gradually increased to study the "persistence" of the responses. We observed a direct, ipsilateral response in the CT muscle, and reflex, ipsilateral and crossed responses in both CT and TA muscles. The ipsilateral or contralateral responses obtained in TA muscles, following stimulation of the left SLN, were significantly delayed in comparison with those evoked by stimulation of the right SLN. This delay cannot be explained by the difference in length between the right and the left recurrent laryngeal nerves, but rather by an asymmetry in the sensory afferent pathway. The functional significance of this observation remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The response to tracheal stimulation (50 microliters of tap water) during wakefulness, non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep was investigated in adult cats. In wakefulness, repetitive coughing occurred on 80% of the trials. In NREM and REM sleep, the most frequent response (approximately 69% and 58% of the trials, respectively) was arousal, followed by coughing. Apneas occurred following the stimulus and before arousal in 11% and 24% of the trials in NREM and REM sleep, respectively. In NREM sleep, the tracheal stimulus sometimes evoked expiratory efforts following a normal inspiratory effort (11% of the trials). These were much weaker than the expiratory efforts during coughing in wakefulness. In REM sleep, stimulation in 11% of the trials elicited increased inspiratory efforts. Although these may have been diminutive preparatory inspirations for coughing, they were much smaller than preparatory inspirations associated with coughing in wakefulness, and they were never followed by active expiratory efforts. Arousal from either NREM or REM sleep in response to tracheal stimulation was sometimes associated with an augmented breath. This response, which is common upon spontaneous arousal, may lead to deeper aspiration of the tracheal fluid. We conclude that in cats coughing requires wakefulness and that airway stimuli in sleep cause a variety of respiratory responses, some of which may be maladaptive.  相似文献   

We measured electromyograms (EMGs) of genioglossus muscle (GG) and inspiratory intercostal muscle (IIM) in both rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM sleep of 12 patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) to examine the influence of different sleep stages on upper airway muscle activity during sleep apnea. Quantifications of both muscle activities were assessed by their individual peak amplitude of integrated inspiratory EMG. Genioglossus and IIM activities showed a qualitatively similar cyclic change with an alteration of apneic and ventilatory phases during both non-REM and REM sleep. Both muscle activities increased gradually in the late apneic phase and reached each peak at the opening of the upper airway and, subsequently, decreased gradually. There were no significant differences in both muscles activities in either the ventilatory or early apneic phase between non-REM sleep and REM sleep. On the other hand, GG and IIM activities in the late apneic phase during REM sleep were significantly lower than those during non-REM sleep. The relative activity of GG to IIM in the late apneic phase was significantly lower during REM sleep than that during non-REM sleep. These results indicate that upper airway and intercostal muscle activation in the later apneic phase during REM sleep were inhibited compared with those during non-REM sleep and that this inhibition was observed predominantly in upper airway muscles.  相似文献   

Sleep architecture and quantitative EEG from wakefulness and REM sleep were studied in six patients (mean age, 70.5 years) with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and compared with that of six control subjects (mean age, 69.8 years). Particular attention was given to quantifying REM sleep variables because of the known PSP-associated degeneration of the pedunculopontine tegmentum (PPT)--a critical structure in REM sleep generation. Patients with PSP had a shorter total sleep time, a lower sleep efficiency, a drastic reduction in sleep spindles, an atonic slow-wave sleep, and a lower percentage of REM sleep. The lower percentage of REM sleep was the result of both a reduction in the number of REM periods and a reduction in mean period of duration. REM density was also reduced while REM efficiency, atonia, and phasic EMG were similar to control values. REM sleep findings are consistent with the known role of the PPT in REM sleep induction. A slowing of the awake EEG was found for the six frontal leads and for C4, P4, and T4 in PSP patients. The frontal EEG slowing found in wakefulness is in accord with imaging and neuropsychological studies showing impairment of the frontal lobes in these patients. REM sleep EEG was not significantly slower in any regions. Because all previous studies on PSP have relied on visual inspection of the EEG tracings, the present finding of EEG slowing in the frontal lobes (rather than in the temporal regions or diffusely) suggests that our quantitative EEG approach may be more useful in determining specific regions of impaired cortical activity.  相似文献   

Upper airway dilator muscle generate inspiratory pressure that balances subatmospheric pharyngeal pressure gene-rated by diaphragmatic contraction leading to reduce upper airway patency. Neural control of upper airway dilator muscles involve several categories of receptors such as vagal pulmonary receptors, upper airway mecanoreceptors, baroreceptors, chemoreceptors. Upper airway resistances increase during sleep and upper airway inspiratory muscle activity decrease especially during bursts of rapid eye movements in REM sleep. Sleep-related upper airway obstruction occurs when upper airway dilator pressure does not balance subatmospheric pharyngeal pressure. Several variables are involved in the pathophysiology of obstructive apneas such as upper airway anatomical factors, structural muscular dysfunction, changes in neural drive.  相似文献   

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) causes recurrent sleep disruption that is thought to contribute to excessive daytime sleepiness in patients with this disorder. The purpose of this study was to determine the specific effects of OSA on overall sleep architecture in a canine model of OSA. The advantage of this model is that sleep during long-term OSA can be compared to both normal sleep before OSA and recovery sleep after OSA. Studies were performed in four dogs in which sleep-wake state was monitored continuously by a computer that received telemetered EEG and EMG signals. Whenever sleep was detected, the computer sent a signal to close a valve through which the dog breathed; when the dog awoke the occlusion was released. In each dog, data were analyzed from 4 consecutive nights in three phases: a control phase before induction of OSA, a phase during long-term OSA (mean = 85 days, apnea index = 59/hour), and a recovery phase after cessation of OSA. During recovery there was a significant increase in the amount of rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep compared to the OSA phase (p < 0.01), as well as significant increases in sleep efficiency and decreases in wakefulness (p < 0.01), similar to that reported in OSA patients. The REM rebound during recovery, however, could not be attributed to overall REM deprivation since the amount of REM sleep during the OSA phase was not different from the control phase (p = 0.708). This finding suggests that REM rebound during recovery from OSA is not the result of an overall REM sleep deficit per se. Rather, repeated sleep disruption due to the effects of repetitive apneas and hypoxia may lead to an increased REM sleep drive that manifests itself as a REM sleep rebound during recovery sleep after OSA.  相似文献   

Previous investigations involving continuous blood pressure (BP) monitoring have shown an important alteration of the 24-hour BP profile in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). We investigated the impact of REM sleep on the 24-hour BP cycle in 16 severe OSAS male patients (mean respiratory disturbance index = 66 +/- 16 events/hour of sleep), with hypertension (mean BP 162 +/- 21/105 +/- 11 mmHg World Health Organization (WHO) protocol). Two successive nights of polysomnography were performed, and arterial BP was monitored continuously during the second 24-hour period after brachial artery cannulation. During the daytime, subjects were kept awake and supine. At 3 p.m. BP was continuously monitored during quiet supine wakefulness for 20 minutes. Systolic, diastolic and mean BP and heart rate (HR) were analyzed and tabulated in mean values of 5 minute segments. Sleep/wake information were correlated with cardiovascular variables. Each uninterrupted REM sleep period was identified and comparison between the period of quiet supine wakefulness and REM sleep HR and BP values was performed. 8 OSAS patients presented a normal drop of the mean arterial BP during the nocturnal REM sleep periods compared to quiet supine wakefulness (mean value = -10.8 +/- 7.3 mmHg) ("dippers") while the other 8 subjects ("REM sleep non dippers"), revealed an elevated mean arterial BP during REM sleep (mean value = 18.9 +/- 10.9 mm Hg). The absence of the normal circadian BP dip seen during the nocturnal sleep period is considered as an indication of vascular risk. The REM sleep non dipping may play a role in this risk.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that dysrhythmic breathing induced by the alpha2-agonist clonidine is accompanied by differential recruitment of respiratory muscles. In adult goats (n = 14) electromyographic (EMG) measurements were made from inspiratory muscles (diaphragm and parasternal intercostal) and expiratory muscles [triangularis sterni (TS) and transversus abdominis (Abd)]. EMG of the thyroarytenoid (TA) muscle was used as an index of upper airway (glottal) patency. Peak EMG activities of all spinal inspiratory and expiratory muscles were augmented by central and peripheral chemoreceptor stimuli. Phasic TA was apparent in the postinspiratory phase of the breathing cycle under normoxic conditions. During dysrhythmic breathing episodes induced by clonidine, TS and Abd activities were attenuated or abolished, whereas diaphragm and parasternal intercostal activities were unchanged. There was no tonic activation of TS or Abd EMG during apneas; however, TA activity became tonic throughout the apnea. We conclude that 1) alpha2-adrenoceptor stimulation results in differential recruitment of respiratory muscles during respiratory dysrhythmias and 2) apneas are accompanied by active glottic closure in the awake goat.  相似文献   

The effect of the dopamine autoreceptor antagonist (-)DS121 on wakefulness, locomotor activity, body temperature and subsequent compensatory sleep responses was examined in the rat. Animals entrained to a light-dark cycle were treated at 5 h after lights-on (CT-5) with 0.5, 1, 5 or 10 mg/kg i.p. (-)DS121 or methylcellulose vehicle. An additional group received 5 mg/kg i.p. (-)DS121 or vehicle 6 h after lights-off (CT-18). At CT-5, (-)DS121 dose-dependently increased wakefulness, locomotor activity and body temperature, and decreased both non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM) and rapid eye movement sleep (REM) during the first 4 h post-treatment relative to vehicle controls. REM interference lasted up to 3 h longer than NREM. Low doses of (-)DS121 (0.5 and 1 mg/kg) produced relatively little waking that was not followed by significant compensatory sleep responses. In contrast, higher doses (5 and 10 mg/kg) produced compensatory hypersomnolence (robust increases in NREM immediately after the primary waking effect) that was proportional to the duration of drug-induced wakefulness. NREM recovery 24 h post-treatment was the same for the 5 mg/kg (65.4 +/- 9.9 min) and 10 mg/kg (64.8 +/- 9.3 min) doses, but was not proportional to prior wake duration. NREM displaced by drug-induced wakefulness was recovered completely by 24 h post-treatment at the 5 mg/kg dose, but only 63.5% recovered at 10 mg/kg. In contrast, equivalent wakefulness produced by sleep deprivation yielded 100% NREM recovery. At CT-18, (-)DS121 (5 mg/kg) increased wakefulness without disproportionately increasing locomotor activity, and was compensated fully by 24 h post-treatment. These data show that (-)DS121 dose-dependently increases wakefulness, which is followed by hypersomnolence that is proportional to drug-induced wake-promoting efficacy.  相似文献   

Electroencephalogram (EEG) alpha (8-12 Hz) asymmetries were collected from the mid-frontal and central regions during presleep wakefulness and Stage 1, Stage 2, and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep in 11 healthy right-handed participants who were free of psychiatric, neurological, and sleep problems. The authors found significant correlations between presleep wakefulness and different stages of sleep in the frontal, but not central, EEG alpha asymmetry measure. The strongest correlation was between presleep waking and REM sleep, replicating and extending relation earlier work to a normal population. The high degree of association between presleep waking and REM sleep may be a result of high cortical activation common to these states and may reflect a predisposition to different styles of emotional reactivity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This 52-year-old man suffered from auditory hallucinations that occurred during brief episodes of sleep paralysis at the end of REM sleep periods. During these episodes the patient experienced a dissociated state of consciousness with REM sleep intrusions into wakefulness. The occurrence of this mixed state, and of excessive sleep-onset REM periods during daytime polysomnography (MSLT = Multiple Sleep Latency Test), point to a disorder of REM sleep generation. The existence of narcolepsy could be ruled out. The observation of REM sleep-associated hallucinations has been reported earlier. In the presented polysomnographic sleep studies the existence of a REM sleep associated parasomnia characterised by hallucinations and sleep paralysis could be confirmed.  相似文献   

An electromyographic study of nonmimetic skeletal muscles was carried out in 8 normal adults and 4 patients with spastic hemiparesis during all stages of sleep for a total of 21 nights. All normal subjects showed absence of tonic electromyographic activity in all nonmimetic skeletal muscles in all stages of sleep. Also, during quiet, relaxed wakefulness, tonic muscle discharges disappeared in the normal subjects. Three patients with upper motor neuron spasticity demonstrated results during sleep similar to those obtained in the normal subjects. In the fourth patient, tonic muscle discharges persisted into stage 2 non-REM sleep, disappeared within 30 to 240 seconds following the onset of stage 2 sleep, and were absent during stages 3 and 4 sleep and REM sleep.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between hemodynamic changes in the cortex measured by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and the polysomnographic changes during sleep. Four healthy male volunteers participated in the study. Near-infrared spectroscopy measuring and polysomnographic recordings were done simultaneously during sleep. In many case, oxy-hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) decreased and deoxy-hemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) increased during the transition from wakefulness to sleep, and oxy-Hb increased toward deep sleep. Oxy-Hb and deoxy-Hb had larger fluctuations during REM sleep than those during non-REM sleep. During REM sleep, oxy-Hb often showed a lower level and deoxy-Hb showed a higher level than those during the preceding and following non-REM sleep.  相似文献   

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