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一家以往存能源行业极少被关注的公司,却在2014年8月初,与储能概念多次发生联系,这就是刚刚“摘星脱帽”的锌业股份。  相似文献   

推进能源行业依法治理,落实党中央对全面依法治国的决策部署,有助于实现能源体制改革目标,提升能源行业法治化水平。本文通过分析我国能源行业依法治理现状,并借鉴国外能源行业依法治理的相关经验,根据目前我国能源行业依法治理面临的主要问题与挑战,从治理体系、依法行政、发挥协会作用、营造法治氛围等方面提出推进我国能源行业依法治理的相关建议。  相似文献   

加快转变经济发展方式,必然要求能源行业进行一系列重大战略调整,进一步优化能源的供给结构和消费结构,构建起更加清洁高效安全的能源体系。  相似文献   

政策1能源行业17项风电技术标准发布2011年8月5日,国家能源局在北京召开能源行业风电标准化技术委员会一届二次会议暨能源行业风电标准化工作会议。能源局副局长刘琦、  相似文献   

混合所有制是从微观层面推进混合所有制经济发展的手段。本文首先分析了混合所有制概念的内涵及其演变;其次,从煤炭、石油、天然气和电力行业的技术经济特征与竞争特点出发,探讨了各能源子行业推进混合所有制改革的不同实现模式;第三,从参与激励和实现机制两个角度,分别阐述了能源行业混合所有制改革的推进路径;最后,从法制、政策和外部条件3个方面简要提出了避免能源行业混合所有制改革流于形式的配套条件。  相似文献   

从天然气分布式能源行业的优势和目前存在的问题进行综合分析,探讨天然气分布式能源在中国发展过程中存在的问题,以及提出相应的行业发展对策。  相似文献   

简要介绍了黑龙江省能源发展的概况,指出了黑龙江省能源行业发展存在不平衡,目前能源管理体制不能适应社会主义市场经济的总体要求和能源利用效率低等问题。  相似文献   

<正>2019年4月12日,国家能源局印发《关于能源行业市场主体信用修复管理办法(试行)》(国能发资质[2019]22号,以下简称《修复管理办法》),《修复管理办法》适用于能源行业信用信息平台归集,并经国家能源局及其派出能源监管机构依法认定的能源行业市场主体不良信息(简称失信信息)的信用修复。根据《能源行业市场主体信用行为清单(2018版)》,失信信息分为轻微失信信息、较重失信信息  相似文献   

<正>3月5日上午,在第十二届全国人民代表大会第三次会议上,国务院总理李克强所作的政府工作报告好评如潮。这份报告为2015年能源行业的改革发展指明了方向。针对能源行业改革,报告指出,要不失时机加快价格改革,发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用。要扩大输配电价改革试点,健全节能环保价格政策。扩大完善资源性产品价格,全面实行居民阶梯价格制度。为什么要进行改革?正如一些委员所分析,我国能源体制仍存在与生产  相似文献   

<正>8月1日,国家能源局印发《能源行业市场主体信用评价工作管理办法(试行)》(国能发资质[2017]37号,以下简称《办法》),《办法》明确,能源行业市场主体信用评价实行一票否决制,凡发生严重失信行为的,一律为最低信用等级,且两年内不受理企业的升级申请。其中,企业存在恶意竞争等行为造成严重后果的、合同诈骗的,都将按照"一票否决制"降为最低信用等级。  相似文献   

Domestic gas prices in Russia are administratively regulated, and they are substantially lower than export netback prices. The administrative price regulation operates as an implicit subsidy on domestic gas consumption. The Russian government aims to liberalise domestic wholesale gas prices in the long term. While the “export netback parity” is defined as a political objective, it seems not to be a necessary target anymore. The export netback parity is not economically rational for Russia because the average export netback price of gas is higher than the marginal cost due to Gazprom's market power in export gas markets. An optimal domestic gas price is still not well-defined. This paper addresses this question by employing a comparative static, single-country, multi-sector Computable Generation Equilibrium model (CGE). The administrative regulation of domestic gas prices is explicitly modelled. The main findings are as follows. An increase in the domestic gas price provides economic efficiency gains: the more elastic the export and domestic demand for gas, the larger the welfare gains. The optimal domestic gas price should be approximately 55% of the export netback price. Increasing the domestic gas price provides additional government revenues, which can be used to reduce distortionary taxes. On sectoral effects, the structure of the Russian economy shifts from energy toward non-energy intensive sectors in response to an increase in the domestic gas price. There is an increase in the export supply of gas. Furthermore, an increase in the domestic gas price leads to a reduction in total CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

促进风电产业健康发展的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范必 《中国能源》2009,31(12):7-10
文章对制约风电发展的因素进行了分析,认为,我国应大力发展小规模、低电压、近消纳、直接接入配电网系统的分散式风电,积极开展大规模集中开发风电的研究,待时机成熟时再全面推开。国家应当用好政府补贴、特许权招标两个手段,加强对风电的调控。合理确定各地风电规模,统筹考虑风电电源布局,加强风电配套电网建设,改革风电项目审批或核准方式,取消行政办法对风电上网的定价。推广实施节能发电调度办法,确保优先调度已建成运行的风电上网。通过竞争使风电招标的上网价格尽快达到常规电力的水平,具备与普通商业电力相同的竞争力。  相似文献   

党的十六大提出了到2020年全面建设小康社会和国内生产总值翻两番的社会和经济发展目标。在这一远景目标下,作为重要能源的石油天然气如何发展,是本文试图研究的问题。文中首先分析预测了2020年中国经济发展和能耗水平,以油气的可供性和可持续发展为制约条件,提出未来中国能源发展方针和目标,以及具体的方案设想,从宏观上确立了石油天然气在我国未来能源消费结构中的地位,进而提出了石油天然气发展的总体战略意见。本文认为中国今后将处于完成工业化的发展阶段,从国际环境的发展和中国的国情出发,应走适合自身条件的能源发展路线,要引导能源消费,适度控制石油天然气消费的增长速度和消费总量。对石油工业要进行布局调整,产品结构调整以及建立经济的管理体制和经营方式,并从国家长远发展角度制定国际国内有关政策。  相似文献   

创新煤炭管理体制   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在全面建设小康社会,构建社会主义和谐社会新的历史时期,煤炭行业承担着为社会提供可靠的能源保障的艰巨任务;煤炭行业大量外部性问题的存在,需要加强政府规制,建立与社会主义市场经济体制和经济发展要求相适应的煤炭行业管理体制;经过20多年的改革,我国并没有建立起这样的管理体制;因此,需要用科学发展观为指导,进一步深化改革,尽快建立一个集中统一、专业权威、手段先进、保障有力的新型煤炭管理体制。  相似文献   

《Energy Policy》1986,14(1):35-44
In this paper the various benefits from electricity trade are detailed. Considerations of these gains have already led to significant exchanges particularly in continental Europe and North America. To quantify these gains, a computer model was developed and used to evaluate the optimal trading strategy for the electricity supply industry in the UK. The results obtained, under a range of uncertain futures, show that there are considerable gains to be made from the expansion of electricity trade between England and Scotland. These results suggest that a more detailed analysis of this problem should be carried out by the utilities concerned.  相似文献   

陈光  吴绍增等 《节能》2000,(10):4-7
简述了发展节能产业的战略意义,提出了节能产业的基本概念。通过分析沈阳市节能产业的现状,发现了发展节能产业亟需解决的主要问题,提出了发展节能产业的主要对策。  相似文献   

A transition to a renewable energy system is high on the policy agenda in many countries. A promising energy source for a low-carbon energy future is wind. Policy-makers can attract wind energy development by providing attractive policy frameworks. This paper argues that apart from the level of financial support, both the risks stemming from the regulatory environment (legal security, administrative process and grid access) and the ability to finance projects play a critical role in determining the attractiveness of the development environment. It sheds light on how project developers trade off these different aspects and to what extent the attractiveness of a certain policy framework increases with the introduction of specific measures. Conjoint analysis is employed to provide empirical evidence on the preference of wind energy developers in the EU and the US. The analysis shows that developers' preferences are very similar across the studied regions and for different types of developers. Which policy measures could be most valuable depends on the specific existing environment. In some southeastern European countries, a reduction of administrative process duration may yield the highest utility gains, whereas, in the US, improvements in grid access regulation and an increase in remuneration levels may be more effective.  相似文献   

Energy conservation policy, more than energy supply policy, poses severe problems to both policy instruments and administrative organization. Barriers to effective policy derive from inadequate control structures and rationality types, as well as from social psychological factors. This case study on the Dutch housing sector considers policy organization, regulation and finance. Main barriers to effective conservation policy were found in three areas: the centralization and prevailing decomposition of control tasks, acting as a source of ineffectivity; the predominantly substantial rationality underlying regulation; and finally, the way people involved in the building industry make their interpretations of regulations and regulatory organizations.  相似文献   

Energy use continues to rise and with it the emissions of CO2. Energy efficiency methods have been applied across sectors. Efficiency gains and energy use per manufactured unit have fallen, particularly in relation to the processing industry. Residential, work place, leisure, and service sectors still use large amounts of energy and produce large emissions of CO2 despite efficiency gains. Successful strategies used in the processing industry for integrating energy systems, namely Total Site targeting, have been applied to locally integrated energy sectors. The method shows that it can be successfully applied to integrate renewables into the energy source mix and consequently reduce the carbon footprint of these locally integrated energy sectors.  相似文献   

页岩气产业远景展望及风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙鹏 《中国能源》2014,(1):21-24
页岩气革命给全球能源市场带来重要影响,并吸引了全球范围内对页岩气产业的广泛关注。页岩气促使美国从天然气进口国向出口国转变;促使加拿大逐渐脱离美国市场,寻求开拓新的油气市场;促使欧洲地区重新审视油气供需现状;促使亚太地区积极参与页岩气开发活动。页岩气产业的发展面临着价格、制度、效益、信誉和地缘政治等方面的风险。我国页岩气产业的发展,需要辩证地分析和借鉴美国的发展经验;根据气价变化调整生产和并购决策,规避价格风险;需要完善政策法规体系,降低产业发展效益风险和信誉风险;要立足国内资源,放眼全球视角。  相似文献   

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