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近日,黄浦区政府对全区年能耗在5000吨以上标煤的22家重点企业,下达了2012年节能降耗目标、能耗强度和总量目标,以及完善节能目标责任、考核制度,加强监督管理等要求,并加强重点企业能耗分析和监测预警,对能耗增长较快的企业加强能源审计,评估节能潜力,推动节能改造。  相似文献   

携手节能30载共创低碳新时代2015全新改版为全面适应新常态下的节能减排绿色低碳趋势,紧紧围绕国家提出的"政府将通过强化目标责任制和问责制、加大结构调整的力度、推动重点领域区域节能减排和低碳发展、控制能源消费总量和碳排放总量、大力发展循环经济、完善激励约束机制、动员全民参与、加强重大问题研究等八个方面开展的工作",实现完成节能减排约束性指标的目标,进一步体现《上海节能》杂志的  相似文献   

作为能源控制的重要手段,节能对我国降低能源消耗和减少碳排放,具有重要作用。"十二五"以来,能耗"双控"成为节能工作的主要政策,在积极推动节能降耗的同时,对降低碳排放发挥了重要作用,为我国"碳达峰、碳中和"目标的实现,奠定了坚实基础。综合来看,能耗"双控"政策,对碳减排的作用效应主要体现在四个方面:一是能源消费总量控制对碳排放产生直接约束,二是能源消费强度控制为碳排放强度目标的实现提供重要支撑,三是倒逼经济转型对碳减排产生长期促进效应,四是为碳减排机制建设提供基础。"十四五"期间,在继续推进能耗"双控"政策的同时,节能工作需要实现更加精细化的管理,并需要进一步加强碳减排工作的协调统一,以减少二氧化碳的排放,加快"双碳"目标的实现。  相似文献   

<正>携手节能30载共创低碳新时代2015全新改版为全面适应新常态下的节能减排绿色低碳趋势,紧紧围绕国家提出的"政府将通过强化目标责任制和问责制、加大结构调整的力度、推动重点领域区域节能减排和低碳发展、控制能源消费总量和碳排放总量、大力发展循环经济、完善激励约束机制、动员全民参与、加强重大问题研究等八个方面开展的工作",实现完成节能减排约束性指标的目标,进一步体现《上海节能》杂志的  相似文献   

分析总结了上海市自由贸易试验区19家既有公共建筑的能源消耗现场调研结果,对自贸区公共建筑能耗和节能管理现状、用能特点和节能改造潜力进行了分析,并提出了降低自贸区公共建筑系统能耗的具体管理方法,对采暖系统、照明系统、维护结构以及利用再生能源的节能方法进行了总结。对上海自贸区开展绿色建筑节能工作起到一定的推动促进作用,使公共建筑成为自贸区低碳、可持续发展的示范。  相似文献   

贾若祥 《中国能源》2008,30(2):13-16
国家"十一五"规划纲要明确提出到"十一五"期末要实现单位GDP能耗下降20%的目标,我国政府对节能工作高度重视,目前已经出台了一系列的相关法律和政策,必将进一步推动我国的节能工作。我国能源消费和供应结构都是以煤为主,单位GDP能耗较高,而且能源资源价格还有待于进一步完善。"十一五"期间,要坚持节能与开源并举,节能优先的基本方针,大力提高能源利用效率,积极优化产业结构,大力发展清洁新能源,加大节能先进适用技术的研发。为此,要进一步修改完善相关法律法规、完善能源价格形成机制、加大节能研发和国际合作、建立能耗统计、监测和评估体系,以保障"十一五"节能目标的实现。  相似文献   

2022年,党的二十大胜利召开,对我国节能工作提出了重要指导,为完善节能制度指明了方向。随着我国碳达峰碳中和“1+N”政策体系逐步建立,“双碳”战略下的节能工作稳步推进,节能任务进一步清晰。2022年,全国能耗强度继续下降,能源消耗总量和强度调控制度进一步完善,节能任务稳步落实、机制逐步健全。展望2023年,我国能耗强度有望实现更大幅度地下降,化石能源消费控制将持续强化,但挑战依然存在,仍需各部门间统筹协调,持续深化重点领域节能,切实落实各项任务措施,力争为“十四五”后期节能工作打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

贾若祥 《中国能源》2008,30(2):13-16,12
国家“十一五”规划纲要明确提出到“十一五”期末要实现单位GDP能耗下降20%的目标,我国政府对节能工作高度重视,目前已经出台了一系列的相关法律和政策,必将进一步推动我国的节能工作。我国能源消费和供应结构都是以煤为主,单位GDP能耗较高,而且能源资源价格还有待于进一步完善。“十一五”期间,要坚持节能与开源并举,节能优先的基本方针,大力提高能源利用效率,积极优化产业结构,大力发展清洁新能源,加大节能先进适用技术的研发。为此,要进一步修改完善相关法律法规、完善能源价格形成机制、加大节能研发和国际合作、建立能耗统计、监测和评估体系,以保障“十一五”节能目标的实现。  相似文献   

正发布单位:国家发展改革委、国家能源局发布时间:2017年1月17日摘要:第三章:主要任务。二、节约低碳,推动能源消费革命。坚持节约优先,强化引导和约束机制,抑制不合理能源消费,提升能源消费清洁化水平,逐步构建节约高效、清洁低碳的社会用能模式。实施能源消费总量和强度"双控",调整产业结构,综合运用经济、法律等手段,切实推进工业、建筑、  相似文献   

应用不同的终端用电折算方法将得到消费端不同的能耗量和碳排放量结果,因此在当前节能低碳的形势下,如果折算方法应用不当将无法有效推动终端用户节能减碳的积极性,并可能导致用户错误选择用能技术方式.为此,本文总结并分析了终端用户能耗和碳排放考核及项目评价等政策中电力折算方法的应用.研究表明,我国当前在计算终端能耗和碳排放时存在方法不统一及使用不当等问题.建议从全局角度出发,在现有电价制度下将能源损失和碳排放计入消费端,供应端根据技术标准进行控制,尽快完善电力体制机制,推动全社会的节能减碳.  相似文献   

This paper discusses energy consumption, building development and building energy consumption in China, and points that energy efficiency management and maintenance of large-scale public buildings is the breakthrough point of building energy saving in China. Three obstacles are lack of basic statistics data, lack of service market for building energy saving, and lack of effective management measures account for the necessity of energy efficiency supervision for large-scale public buildings. And then the paper introduces the supervision aims, the supervision system and the five basic systems’ role in the supervision system, and analyzes the working mechanism of the five basic systems. The energy efficiency supervision system of large-scale public buildings takes energy consumption statistics as a data basis, Energy auditing as a technical support, energy consumption ration as a benchmark of energy saving and price increase beyond ration as a price lever, and energy efficiency public-noticing as an amplifier. The supervision system promotes energy efficiency operation and maintenance of large-scale public building, and drives a comprehensive building energy saving in China.  相似文献   

In traditional methods, benchmarking of building energy performance usually takes into consideration of a wide range of different factors, including floor area, number of occupants, climate condition, energy efficiency of the equipment used, setting of indoor temperature and so on. These different factors are then given different weights to calculate one general indicator. The indicator is “general” as it measures only the overall energy performance of a building. For obtaining more specific information, such as the energy management effectiveness of a building, this paper proposes an adjustment to the traditional approach by using data envelopment analysis. Factors related to the evaluation of building energy performance are divided into scale factors and management factors; the effect of scale factors is then removed to focus on the performance of management factors that may provide an optional indicator to refine the traditional focus on energy consumption per unit floor area. Samples under evaluation incorporate 47 government office buildings in Taiwan, and floor area and the number of occupants are used as the scale factors for climate-adjusted building energy consumption after regression analysis. According to the evaluation focusing on management performance, five evaluated buildings report minimum energy consumption in different scales and they are rated as 100% for the best management performance. Six buildings receive the rating of 80–99%, 23 buildings fall under 60% and the poorest reads 31%. The average indicator of energy performance of all evaluated buildings reads 65%.  相似文献   

According to statistics and field investigation, the energy consumption situation and reality of commercial building is described in this paper. As the first step of large-scale public building energy efficiency supervision system encouraged by central government of China, the energy consumption of several typical commercial buildings and public buildings was analyzed in detail. The main contents of investigation are as follows: basic information of building, operational record of energy consumption equipment, energy consumption of indoor equipments, energy-efficiency assessment of energy consumption systems and equipments, investigation of behavior energy saving, etc. On this basis further analysis and diagnosis including indoor thermal and humid environment, operation state of air-conditioning water system, operation state of air-conditioning duct system and operation management of air-conditioning system were implemented. The results show that the most energy consumption of buildings in this city is commercial buildings, which can reach to about 240 W/m2 per year. Further analysis tells that air conditioning systems play the major role of building energy consumption, and building energy saving has great potential in this city. In this paper, the ways of diagnosis work for building energy consumption are also described and discussed. Reasonable test, diagnosis and analysis are meaningful for building energy efficiency retrofit and management.  相似文献   

The supervision of energy efficiency in government office buildings and large-scale public buildings is the main embodiment for government implementation of Public Administration in the fields of resource saving and environmental protection. Aimed at improving the current situation of lack of government administration in building energy efficiency, this paper proposes the concept of “change and redesign of governmental supervision in building energy efficiency”, repositioning the role of government supervision. Based on this theory and other related theories in regulation economic and modern management, this paper analyzes and researches the action and function of all level governments in execution of the supervisory system of building energy efficiency in government office buildings and large-scale public buildings. This paper also defines the importance of government supervision in energy-efficiency system. Finally, this paper analyzes and researches the interaction mechanism between government and owners of different type buildings, government and energy-efficiency service institution with gambling as main features. This paper also presents some measurements to achieve a common benefit community in implementation of building energy-efficiency supervisory system.  相似文献   

Sustainable buildings have an important role in achieving sustainable development by improving energy utilization and environmental performance. Buildings are considered as the biggest single contributor to world energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. In Saudi Arabia, the significance of the building sector can be described on the basis of per capita electricity consumption, per capita carbon dioxide emissions, and the increasing number of buildings because of economic and population growth. Therefore, the country should consider establishing energy-efficient buildings to promote sustainable development. Efforts in developing energy-efficient technologies should increase for the national energy policy. This article comprehensively describes the current challenges and opportunities of energy consumption and various energy conservation options that are viable for the Saudi building sector. Current policy efforts for improving energy efficiency in Saudi buildings have been analyzed to enhance the sustainable development in the country. The study reveals that the energy conservation policy of the country has fairly improved in the past decades. However, the country has to focus on this area and perform urgent measures to adopt energy-efficient technologies in the building sector.  相似文献   

Energy management in buildings is indispensable which would control the energy use as well as the cost involved while maintaining comfort conditions and requirements in indoor environments. Energy management is intensely coupled with energy efficiency and increasing of which would provide a cost-effective pathway for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In recent years, the magnitude of energy consumption in buildings seems to crest from the normal demand and that has to be carefully addressed through implementing energy conservative and energy management techniques. In the class of having several energy efficient schemes, thermal energy storage (TES) technologies for buildings are increasingly attractive among architects and engineers. In the scenario of growing energy demand worldwide, the possibility of improving the energy efficiency of TES systems can be achieved from break-through research efforts. The prime intention of this paper is to review the potential research studies pertaining to a variety of latent heat energy storage (LHES) and cool thermal energy storage (CTES) systems solely dedicated for building heating, cooling and air conditioning (A/C) applications. Technical revelations regarding the integration and performance evaluation of heat storage materials in building fabric elements as well as using separate heat storage facility to satisfy the space thermal load demand have been gleaned from numerous research contributions and presented. Emphasis is also given on advanced heat storage materials produced using micro and nanoparticles to realize their improved heat transfer characteristics which would eventually enhance the overall performance of these TES systems. Furthermore, the sustainable aspects of these TES systems to gain the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) credentials for low carbon/high performance buildings are signified.  相似文献   

Buildings are important contributors to total energy consumption accounting for around 30% of all energy consumed in China. Of this, around two-fifths are consumed within urban homes, one-fifth within public buildings, and two-fifths within rural area. Government office buildings and large-scale public buildings are the dominant energy consumers in cities but their consumption can be largely cut back through improving efficiency. At present, energy management in the large public sector is a particular priority in China. Firstly, this paper discusses how the large public building is defined, and then energy performance in large public buildings is studied. The paper also describes barriers to improving energy efficiency of large public buildings in China and examines the energy-efficiency policies and programs adopted in United States and European Union. The energy-efficiency supervision (EES) systems developed to improve operation and maintenance practices and promote energy efficiency in large public sector are described. The benefits of the EES systems are finally summarized.  相似文献   

以一栋典型干打垒建筑为研究对象,为解决其保护不善问题,提出了多种因素、多个目标综合分析的保护性低碳节能改造策略。建立干打垒建筑信息模型,为后续改造和管理提供数据支撑。在不影响文化和历史价值的基础上,研究了在外墙和屋顶上添加内保温材料以及更换外窗。考虑保护方法、传热系数限制和当地材料等因素,选取了6种保温材料和4种窗户类型,建立了24种工况。分别模拟和估算各个工况的能耗、碳排放和生命周期成本。基于节能、低碳及经济三个目标,采用分类比较与综合比较相结合的方法评价各个工况。结果表明,采用发泡聚苯乙烯(EPS)和90系列隔热铝合金窗,能耗、碳排放及成本最低,是最佳方案。该优化方法可以促进既有建筑创新节能和低碳改造方法的发展。  相似文献   

Hong Kong is located in a typical subtropical region. The buildings in Hong Kong are subjected to high cooling demands for their air-conditioning systems throughout most of the year, and their contribution toward the total energy consumption is about 40%. Therefore, energy efficiency in buildings is essential to reduce the global energy use and improve the local environmental sustainability. This paper provides an overall review of the building energy research and efforts in Hong Kong over the last decade. Various aspects and energy saving measures, including energy policy, energy audit, design, control, diagnosis, building performance evaluation and renewable energy systems, studied or used to enhance the energy efficiency in buildings are reviewed. A brief introduction of the Hong Kong Building Energy Codes (BEC) and Hong Kong Building Environmental Assessment Method (HK-BEAM) are also provided to present the efforts of the local government and community on energy efficiency in buildings. This review aims at providing building researchers and practitioners a better understanding of buildings energy saving opportunities and approaches in cities particularly in subtropical regions and taking further proper actions to promote buildings energy efficiency and conservation.  相似文献   

The Chinese central government released a document to initiate a task of energy efficiency supervision system construction for government office buildings and large-scale public buildings in 2007, which marks the overall start of existing buildings energy efficiency management in China with the government office buildings and large-scale public buildings as a breakthrough. This paper focused on the implementing effect in the demonstration region all over China for less than one year, firstly introduced the target and path of energy efficiency supervision system, then described the achievements and problems during the implementing process in the first demonstration provinces and cities. A certain data from the energy efficiency public notice in some typical demonstration provinces and cities were analyzed statistically. It can be concluded that different functional buildings have different energy consumption and the average energy consumption of large-scale public buildings is too high in China compared with the common public buildings and residential buildings. The obstacles need to be overcome afterward were summarized and the prospects for the future work were also put forward in the end.  相似文献   

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