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基于有限元模拟软件SYSWELD,通过建立P92钢板补焊过程的三维有限元模型,计算了补焊过程的温度场及应力场分布,讨论分析了不同补焊长度对残余应力分布的影响. 结果表明,无论是横向还是纵向残余应力,较大的拉应力水平都出现在焊缝和热影响区附近,同时在母材处应力值逐渐降低. 随着补焊长度的增加,横向残余应力在结构表面中心,热影响区和焊缝位置均存在下降趋势. 对于纵向残余应力来说,随着补焊长度的增加,应力值在焊缝位置呈下降趋势,而结构表面中心和热影响区变化较小.  相似文献   

焊后热处理对P92钢管道焊接残余应力场的影响   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用红外热成像仪测量了P92钢管道在焊接过程中的温度场分布,由此获得P92钢焊接过程的温度循环曲线;采用有限元方法模拟了P92钢管道多层多道焊的整个焊接过程,获得焊接温度场分布,与P92钢焊接温度场实测结果吻合良好,验证了模拟计算的准确性;采用间接法,利用温度场结果计算了P92钢管道环焊缝焊接形成的残余应力场,并重点分析了焊后热处理前后的焊接残余应力变化情况.结果表明,焊后热处理对P92钢管道焊接残余应力具有明显的消除作用,但不能完全消除,焊缝中依然存在较大的拉伸残余应力.  相似文献   

《Scripta materialia》2003,48(6):743-748
Conventional nondestructive techniques for welding residual stress measurement have many disadvantages in the field because of poor repeatability, large scatter in data, complex procedures, inaccurate results, etc. To overcome these difficulties, an instrumented indentation technique was applied to evaluate the welding residual stress in A335 P12 steel welds in electric power-plant facilities before and after stress-relaxation annealing. Comparison of our results with stress values obtained from a destructive saw-cutting test showed that the instrumented indentation technique is very useful for quantitative/nondestructive evaluation of welding residual stresses in industrial facilities such as power-plants.  相似文献   

为了研究焊后热处理对8万吨模锻压机主缸材料20MnNiMo焊接接头残余应力的影响,制定了窄间隙焊接方案和15 h×(550±10)℃焊后热处理方案,并通过盲孔法对焊接接头表面残余应力进行了测定和记录。得到了15 h×(550±10)℃焊后热处理对20MnNiMo厚板焊接接头残余应力场分布的影响。结果表明:15 h×(550±10)℃去应力退火可以很好的减小20MnNiMo厚板焊接残余应力,去应力效果显著,可以很好地改善20MnNiMo焊接残余应力的分布,该热处理方案满足实际产品需要,可以用于实际焊接生产中。  相似文献   




《Scripta materialia》2003,48(9):1289-1294
Alloy 304L stainless steel sheets, 3.2 mm thick, were joined by friction stir welding at a single welding speed using two different tool rotation rates. The resulting welds were overmatched relative to the base metal. Longitudinal residual stresses (tensile) were near the base metal yield strength.  相似文献   

刘满华  董洪达  马传平 《电焊机》2015,45(4):170-173
采用X射线衍射法对转向架用P355NL1钢对接接头的残余应力进行了测试。研究T IG重熔处理对单面焊双面成型和封底焊对接接头残余应力的影响。结果表明,TIG重熔处理对降低单面焊双面成型接头焊趾处纵向残余应力有显著影响,但会提高封底焊接头焊缝和焊趾的纵向残余应力。单面焊双面成型接头焊态横向残余应力值总体大于封底焊焊态接头横向残余应力。焊趾T IG重熔增加了单面焊双面成型对接接头焊趾区域横向压应力值,但对封底焊接头焊趾处横向残余应力没有影响。  相似文献   

焊后热处理对P92钢焊缝冲击性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
对P92钢焊后热处理试样的焊缝冲击性能进行研究。P92钢焊接接头断面硬度分析结果表明,厚壁P92钢管道现场焊后热处理时,形成了外层温度高、内层温度低的温度梯度,导致试件焊缝外层冲击吸收能量平均值比内层的高。焊缝冲击试样经过二次高温回火(770℃×2 h)后,内外层冲击吸收能量差别基本消失,同时平均值有所提高。结果表明,P92钢焊接接头壁厚上的温度梯度对P92钢焊缝冲击性能有重要影响。  相似文献   

P92钢埋弧焊焊接工艺   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
华能营口电厂33#机组是国内首台600 MW超超临界机组,主蒸汽管采用SA335P92钢,是国内新引进的电站用钢.本文通过对3#机组P92钢管道的工厂化施工,介绍了P92钢的特点、埋弧焊焊接工艺及焊接过程中的控制要点.  相似文献   

碳化物形貌对高强钢回火残余应力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了不同升温速率回火条件下,碳化物尺寸及形貌对高强钢残余应力的影响.结果表明:300℃低温阶段,合金渗碳体析出使残余应力所产生的弹性应变转化为析出塑性应变,是试验钢残余应力得以消减的关键因素.析出塑形应变的大小与析出碳化物的尺寸、形貌密切相关.碳化物的尺寸越细小、分布越弥散,产生的析出塑性越大.升温速率是影响碳化物形...  相似文献   

P92钢的微观组织和硬度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用布氏硬度计、光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜和X射线衍射仪研究了不同回火温度下P92钢的微观组织和硬度变化。结果表明,P92钢正火组织主要由马氏体、残留奥氏体和M23C6析出相组成,回火后温度升高到600℃时残留奥氏体才全部完成分解。低于400℃回火时因马氏体板条结构和位错组态没有明显变化,并且M23C6析出量也较少,硬度基本保持稳定;500℃回火时因亚晶强化和细小M23C6沉淀强化,硬度有所提高;继续升高回火温度,因马氏体发生高温回复,位错密度降低,M23C6也逐渐发生熟化,强化效果减弱,导致P92钢硬度逐渐降低。  相似文献   


Considerable residual stress and distortion can be produced by friction stir welding, impeding industrial implementation. Finite element analysis has been used to develop three innovative rolling methods that reduce residual stress and distortion in friction stir welds. Of the three methods, post-weld direct rolling where a single roller is applied to roll the top surface of the weld after the weld metal has cooled to room temperature proved the most effective. The residual stress predictions from the model compared favourably with residual stress measurements reported in an accompanying paper. Finally, the effectiveness of using post-weld direct rolling is illustrated with an industrial example of a large integrally stiffened panel, where the distortion was virtually eliminated.  相似文献   

The corrosion of the ferritic–martensitic steel P92 exposed to supercritical water at 550 °C under 25 MPa with the dissolved oxygen contents of 100, 300 and 2000 ppb was investigated. The results indicated that the weight gain increased with the dissolved oxygen content. The oxide scale with a typical dual-layered structure including a Fe-rich outer magnetite layer and a Cr-rich inner layer was formed on all samples in spite of different dissolved oxygen. Finally, the possible explanations for the influence of the dissolved oxygen content on the weight gain and exfoliation of oxide scale were given.  相似文献   

基于SYSWELD软件,首先模拟了P91的Satoh试验,得到加热、冷却过程中的温度-应力曲线. 通过Satoh试验探讨了因固态相变引起的体积变化、屈服强度的变化和相变过程中的超塑性对残余应力形成过程的影响. 随后,以平板TIG重熔模型为研究对象,系统讨论了固态相变对焊接残余应力分布和大小的影响. 结果表明,体积膨胀对焊接残余应力的形成过程和最终应力的大小与分布有显著影响,它不仅可改变焊缝及HAZ处的应力大小,甚至可能改变应力的符号. 相变引起的屈服强度变化对残余应力的形成及最终应力值的大小也有较明显的影响. 相变塑性的影响比前两者小,它在相变过程中有一定的"应力松弛"效应.  相似文献   

在高温水环境中采用线性伏安法和慢拉伸试验法,分别研究了温度对国产P92钢点蚀形核及应力腐蚀开裂的影响规律。线性伏安法结果表明:随着温度的提高,P92钢在水中的耐腐蚀性能逐渐降低,晶界处点蚀形核数增多;慢拉伸试验结果表明,P92钢在试验条件下具有应力腐蚀开裂敏感性和动态应变时效(DSA)倾向,且随温度升高增强。通过扫描电镜(SEM)对试样断口截面及侧面形貌进行分析,结果表明随着温度的升高,断口侧面应力腐蚀裂纹以沿晶形式向内扩展,断口边缘呈明显脆性断裂特征。  相似文献   

对P92钢进行了TTT图测定,观察分析了过冷奥氏体的等温转变的类型及组织形貌。研究结果表明,经1050 ℃奥氏体化,在650~800 ℃之间进行等温转变,奥氏体中首先析出碳化物(Cr23C6),接着发生F+P转变;在170~400 ℃区间存在马氏体的变温转变和贝氏体相变。 在400~650 ℃区间存在宽广的海湾区,且贝氏体相变的孕育期比共析分解短得多。同时发现了两种特殊的组织形态:珠光体组织为纤维状,下贝氏体中的碳化物为颗粒状。  相似文献   

Fracture at high temperature has become a critical problem for such high temperature components as those used in power plants or oil refinery plants, because both high operating temperature and pressure are required for better thermal efficiency. Therefore, it is very important to approach such problems from the viewpoint of high temperature material properties. Since fatigue and creep are closely related to such components failures, the fracture behavior in high temperature components must be evaluated through fatigue and creep crack growth tests, and based on these results, better operating conditions can be determined. In this study, recently developed P92 (9Cr-2W) alloy steel, which is a high strength material for high temperature use, is investigated and its fatigue crack growth has been characterized by Paris law. A series of high temperature fatigue tests were carried out at 400, 500, 550, 600, 625, 650, and 700°C to verify the temperature effect. The results indicated that the Paris exponent remained at approximately the same value up to a certain temperature. From 600 to 700°C, creep rupture tests were conducted in order to investigate the creep behavior with temperature. Further analysis has also been carried out to investigate the effect of temperature on fracture mode shift, dimple formation, and its role in crack growth rate and deformability at high temperature.  相似文献   

固态相变对P91钢激光对接接头残余应力的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
刘晓占  邓德安  毕涛  童彦刚 《焊接学报》2015,36(5):41-43,64
基于SYSWELD软件,模拟了P91钢激光对接焊时的温度场和焊接残余应力,并探讨了固态相变产生的体积膨胀、屈服强度变化和相变塑性对焊接残余应力的影响. 数值模拟结果表明,体积膨胀和屈服强度变化对焊接残余应力的大小与分布有显著的影响; 相变塑性在相变过程中有"应力松弛"效应,对焊缝和热影响区的纵向和横向残余应力的值有一定程度的影响. 对比数值模拟结果与试验结果可知,采用文中建立的有限元模型计算得到的残余应力与中子法测量得到的结果基本吻合,在考虑相变塑性的情况下,计算结果与实测值吻合更好.  相似文献   

The present research work studies the effect of cryogenic treatment on the residual stress state in 4140 steel. Two kinds of cryogenic treatment, namely shallow (SCT, −80 °C × 5 h) and deep cryogenic treatment (DCT, −196 °C × 24 h) were carried out between quenching and tempering in conventional heat treatment process. The results evidenced an increase in the compressive residual stress in steel are subjected to cryogenic treatment before tempering. X-ray diffractometry revealed that residual stresses are relieved during tempering, according to the redistribution of carbon in martensite and the precipitation of transition carbides. While conventional heat treatment (CHT) and shallow cryogenic treatment (SCT) promote a tensile state of residual stress, DCT shows a compressive residual stress.  相似文献   

基于JWRIAN焊接数值模拟软件,开发了考虑固态相变的热-冶金-力学耦合的数值计算方法来模拟低温相变钢的焊接残余应力.重点讨论了固态相变中的体积变化、屈服强度变化和相变塑性对焊接残余应力的影响.结果表明,相变引起的体积变化和屈服强度变化对最终的焊接残余应力分布和大小有显著影响,相变塑性与前两者相比较影响相对较小,但它对焊缝和热影响区在相变过程中的应力变化趋势有一定的减缓作用,从而适度"松弛"了残余应力.  相似文献   

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