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Ying  Z. Kishk  A.A. Kildal  P.-S. 《Electronics letters》1995,31(14):1114-1115
A compact flare angle controlled corrugated horn antenna with a 60° half beamwidth is optimised by using a moment method for bodies of revolution. The horn has corrugations with simple rectangular cross-sections and is excited by a smooth wall circular waveguide. The resulting 15 dB beamwidth varies by <18% and the crosspolar sidelobe levels are more than 26 dB below the mainlobe, both over a 1.8:1 bandwidth. All results are confirmed by measurements. The horn is suited for broadband feeding of e.g. prime-focus reflectors in radioastronomy applications  相似文献   

为了获得宽带高效率光波吸收器,设计了石墨烯和1维光子晶体的复合结构,采用修正的传输矩阵法研究了其传输特性。结果表明,在一定条件下,复合结构在太赫兹波段具有一定带宽和高效率的吸收带,吸收带的位置和宽度与1维光子晶体通带一致;在一些特别的吸收带,吸收峰值达到1;对相同的结构吸收结果还与入射方向有关。石墨烯和1维光子晶体的结合进一步拓展了它们的应用范围。  相似文献   

为了研究晶体结构对电磁波传输特性的影响,提出了一种空气平板层和圆形复合介质柱混合组成的新型2维混合介质柱光子晶体结构.采用时域有限差分法对其进行了数值模拟和计算,研究了改变混合介质柱的形状和结构参量对晶体透射特性的影响.结果表明,该结构可以基本保留组合前光子晶体的主带隙,并且在新的频段产生新的禁带;在混合结构中将复合介质柱换为简单介质柱没有新的禁带产生.通过改变相关参量发现,增加介质平板的宽度,这增大内嵌介质柱的半径都有利于新禁带的产生.2维混合介质柱光子晶体比单一介质柱光子晶体有更多的可调因素,这为相关光子晶体器件的设计提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

Ultrashort 2-D photonic crystal directional couplers   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A novel approach to reduce the coupling length and to increase the coupling coefficient in waveguide directional couplers implemented on two-dimensional (2-D) photonic crystals (PhC) is proposed. To increase the coupling coefficient of a 2-D PhC directional coupler, which is composed of two parallel PhC waveguides separated by one or several rows of rods, the radius of the rods between both waveguides is reduced. The application of this feature to ultrasmall channel interleavers and wavelength demultiplexers is addressed.  相似文献   

Optical couplers arei mportant componentsinthe sys-temof optical signal processing,optical communicationand optical calculation.Therefore many people areinter-estedinseekingfor those couplers with uniquefunction.Photonic crystals (PC)[1-2]have drawn great…  相似文献   

正It is experimentally exhibited that optical reflectors with the reflectivity in excess of 60%and the fractional bandwidth in excess of 10%can be fabricated by drilling less than ten periodic through-holes in micronscale fiber tapers.These one-dimensional(1D)photonic crystal(PhC)devices make use of the refractive index contrast in the silica/air context to the maximum extent and bring unprecedented size compactness.Additionally,the radiation losses at the central wavelength of the photonic bandgap(PBG)generated in these PhC reflectors are measured and interpreted by interferometric mechanisms.A PhC reflector was fabricated in a silica fiber taper with the fractional reflection bandwidth in excess of 10%and the device length of several wavelengths.The measured spectra agree well with the simulation.The losses of the devices at the central wavelengths of the PBGs were measured and the undulation with the increase of the period number was exhibited.The interferometric interactions between component radiation beams may explain this feature.In addition,by drilling through-holes in micron-dimension fiber tapers and then safely suspending them into the air,a sufficiently large mechanical strength of this optical micro-wire was exhibited.All these unique properties open the possibility of fabricating more complicated structures in this fiber-based optical waveguide.  相似文献   

设计了一种基于二维光子晶体的太赫兹带通滤波器,通过在线缺陷的光子晶体波导两侧引入对称的点缺陷形成谐振腔,在太赫兹频段实现了较好的带通滤波特性。这种二维光子晶体带通滤波器具备较宽的通带带宽,同时还可以通过增加多组对称点缺陷的方式实现多个谐振腔的级联,进一步提高带外抑制特性,可满足太赫兹通信或雷达系统的应用需求,具有良好的应用价值。  相似文献   

Using photonic crystals (PCs), the extraction efficiency of the light-emitting diodes (LEDs) can be greatly enhanced by the effects of photonic band gap (PBG) and grating diffraction. The two theoretical methods are also discussed. Meanwhile, we demonstrate that LEDs can achieve high extraction efficiency by employing photonic crystal as diffraction grating. PCs with square lattice of cylindrical unit cells are fabricated in GaN layer of GaN-based blue LED. We present a theoretical discussion on the extraction efficiency of PC-LED, which relies on the effective medium theory and transmission matrix method to investigate the effect of lattice constant. The results show that the extraction efficiency of the high performance LEDs can achieve 61.8% when the lattice constant is 270 nm.  相似文献   

为了研究2维正方晶格光子晶体的完全带隙特性,采用平面波展开方法模拟了两种结构2维光子晶体,在固定光子晶体周期常数a的前提下,研究了2维正方晶格光子晶体的完全禁带随柱半径和折射率的变化规律。结果表明,以空气为背景的锗介质柱组成的光子晶体,随着半径的增大,完全带隙宽度先增大后减小最后消失,填充比为38.3%时,同时增大介质柱的介电常数,在介质柱折射率为4.2处,完全带隙最大,带宽是0.02754(ωa/(2πc));以锗为背景的空气柱组成的光子晶体,光子禁带对应的无量纲频率随半径的增大而增大,填充比为48.3%时,同时增大背景介质的介电常数,出现多个完全带隙,在背景折射率为6.2处,完全禁带最大,带宽为0.02922(ωa/(2πc))。光子晶体带隙的频谱响应也表明了完全带隙的范围。这为大带隙2维正方晶格光子晶体的设计和制备提供了依据。  相似文献   

光子晶体最显著的特点是抑制某些频率电磁波,产生光子禁带,实现对光子的优良滤波性能.在此介绍了目前一维光子晶体滤波器的基本理论、实验进展以及一维光子晶体滤波器的主要应用类型.  相似文献   

In this paper, the fourfold parametric enhancement over Raman gain of the total optical fiber-amplifier gain is analyzed. Such fiber-amplifier gain may be obtained with a relatively flat profile over a bandwidth in excess of 70 nm by using a microstructure or photonic crystal fiber with two zero-dispersion wavelengths. Optimal fiber-amplifier gain enhancement occurs whenever the pump wavelength is slightly shorter than the second zero-dispersion wavelength of a microstructure optical fiber.  相似文献   

为了研究由两种不同的介质柱组合成的2维光子晶体的传输特性,对包层介质柱/基质光子晶体与空气柱/基质光子晶体组合的三角晶格光子晶体进行研究,采用时域有限差分法,对其进行模拟计算,得到多种情况下光子晶体的透射系数与入射光频率的关系曲线.结果表明,在这种组合结构的光子晶体中,可以得到从低频到高频的组合宽带隙,从而达到在更宽范围内控制电磁波传播的目的;包层介质柱外半径的变化对带隙的宽度影响较大;包层介质柱的内半径的大小、内柱和中间夹层的介电常数对带隙宽度没有影响,但是对带隙内的缺陷模有明显的影响.由此可以根据实际需要,通过调节此种光子晶体的结构参量制作极窄带通的滤波器和光开关等.  相似文献   

基于二维光子晶体的多频段太赫兹波滤波器研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于二维光子晶体,提出一种多频段 太赫兹(THz)波滤波器。在光子晶体中引入3条平行的横向波导,通过改变介质柱的半 径或插入半径较小的介质柱在 相邻波导之间构成耦合区域,使特定频率的THz波从中部波导耦合至上、下侧光子晶体波 导并分别从端口2和1输出, 其余的THz波经中部波导从端口3输出,最终达到多频段滤波的效果。利用时域有限差 分法和平面波展开法对所提出 的器件计算和仿真结果显示,频率为f=3.24和3.75THz的THz波分 别从端口1、2和3输出中,传输效率分 别达到95%和99% ,表明本文结构能很好实现多频段滤波效果。  相似文献   

设计了一种二维光子晶体的极化分离器,时域有限差分模拟和频率等高线图均用来显示这种器件是如何在给定的频率下工作的,其工作原理来源于二维光子晶体对TE和TM模式有着不同的色散特性,这种器件可以使用在集成光学和微波技术.  相似文献   

A large-core compact high-power single-mode photonic crystal fiber laser   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A novel method for making a compact high-power single-mode photonic crystal fiber laser (PCFL) is proposed. The entire photonic crystal fiber is doped uniformly with active material yet only the core is pumped. Numerical simulations predict that, by using Er-Yb codoped phosphate glass, it is possible to extract 9.5 W from a 1.8-cm-long PCFL with a 100-/spl mu/m core diameter pumped with 20 W, achieving near 50% efficiency.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of off-plane angle dependence of the photonic band gap in a two-dimensional triangular lattice with circular air rods embedded in a dielectric background. The plane-wave expansion theory is used to calculate band structures within the first Brillouin zone, and an effective refractive index approach is introduced to derive the off-plane angle dependence. The off-plane angle at which the in-plane band gap decreases to half of its gap width has been obtained, which can be increased significantly by increasing the filling fraction of the air rods. For a typical semiconductor material with a refractive index of 3.6 as the background, this angle reaches 26° at a high filling fraction of 0.84 (where the normalized in-plane band gap width is 24%). The corresponding solid angle of 1.75π could cover about 60 of the spontaneous emission from a linear-polarized dipole along the air rods  相似文献   

程阳 《激光技术》2010,34(2):279-281
为了研究两种偏振光通过1维光子晶体的偏振特性,采用传输矩阵法做了相关计算,得到介质折射率、折射率调制的变化,在光正入射和倾斜入射时对不同偏振光的禁带都有影响的结果。结果表明,当光线正入射的时候,折射率和折射率调制的变化都不会影响禁带位置,折射率增大,禁带宽度减小;折射率调制增大,禁带宽度变大,正入射时p偏振、s偏振的禁带完全重合;当光线以一定的角度照射到介质表面上时,两种偏振态下禁带位置随折射率调制的增大移向低频,带的中心位置一样,禁带宽度变大。两种偏振态下禁带带宽随折射率的增大变窄,禁带中心移向低频,s偏振的带宽减小得更明显;介质厚度对不同偏振态下禁带没有任何影响。这为设计1维全息光子晶体偏振片提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

介绍了一种形式如(ABBA)m(ABBB)m的新型二元特殊复周期结构光子晶体来近似分析研究多元一维光子晶体的滤波特性,并运用光学导纳特征矩阵方法数值分析了这种结构以及它的一种掺杂形式(ABBA)mCn(ABBB)m结构光子晶体的能带特性.研究结果表明,这种新结构的光子晶体的禁带宽度较之几种常见二元结构很大或多出一个大的带隙区,非常适合应用于宽带滤波器;同时在某些频率段出现的透过峰也适合应用于多通道窄带滤波器,在引入掺杂C时,发现C的材料,厚度可以影响窄透过峰的位置及多少,对多通道窄带滤波器的设计也很有帮助.而在使用多种材质进行替代研究后发现,多样化的介电常数对光子晶体的禁带宽度及透过峰的宽窄,位置有一定影响.由于其参数设计简单,很适用于设计不同种类要求的滤波器.  相似文献   

By considering the full frequency-dependent dispersion and birefringence properties of a photonic crystal fiber, we found that fourth-order dispersion has a striking influence on the spectrum of modulation polarization instabilities with either group or phase birefringence phase matching. The lower threshold is frustrated and an upper threshold is created for linear birefringence values that lead to parametric gain.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于椭圆双芯光子晶体光纤的偏振分束器,并利用全矢量有限元法分析了偏振分束器长度与结构参数的关系,由此得出了偏振分束器长度随孔间距、占空比和桥路变化的一般规律。研究表明,当椭圆双芯光子晶体光纤偏振分束器结构参数一定时,孔间距越小,桥路宽度越宽,则分束器长度越短;占空比变化对长度影响不明显,但对消光比的影响较明显。进而,通过结构参数的优化,设计出一种超短的椭圆双芯光子晶体光纤偏振分束器,在工作波长1 550 nm处,该分束器的长度仅为0.775 mm,消光比高达50 dB,消光比大于20 dB的带宽覆盖了从1 535~1 565 nm之间30 nm的波长范围,即通信C波段范围。  相似文献   

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