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Concerns over the fate and bioaccumulation of mercury (Hg) inputs to Onondaga Lake, a hypereutrophic lake in central New York, prompted an investigation into the concentrations and fluxes of Hg discharge from the Onondaga County Metropolitan Wastewater Treatment Plant (METRO WWTP). Discharge of methyl Hg (MeHg) is of concern because it is the form of Hg that readily bioaccumulates along the aquatic food chain. This study incorporated clean protocols for sampling and Hg analysis to evaluate: seasonal patterns in the concentrations of total Hg (THg) and MeHg in the WWTP unit processes; the production of MeHg within the unit processes of the WWTP; the overall fate of THg and MeHg within the WWTP; and the relative impact of the Hg discharged from the WWTP to Onondaga Lake. Concentrations of THg (range: 80-860 ng/L) and MeHg (0.7-17 ng/L) in raw sewage were highly variable, with higher concentrations observed in the summer months. The dynamics of THg though the WWTP were correlated with total suspended solids (TSS). As a result, the majority of the THg removal (55%) occurred during primary treatment. Overall, about 92% of the THg entering the plant was removed as sludge, with volatilization likely a minor component of the overall Hg budget. The transformation of MeHg through the plant differed from THg in that MeHg was not correlated with TSS, and displayed strong seasonal differences between winter (November to April) and summer (May-October) months. During the summer months, substantial net methylation occurred in the activated sludge secondary treatment, resulting in higher MeHg concentrations in secondary effluent. Net demethylation was the dominant mechanism during tertiary treatment, resulting in removal of substantial MeHg from the secondary effluent. The overall MeHg removal efficiency through the plant was about 70% with more efficient removal during summer months. Sediment trap collections made below the epilimnion of Onondaga Lake indicated average deposition rates of 12 μg/m2-day for THg and 0.33 μg/m2-day for MeHg. These deposition rates are more than an order of magnitude higher than the thermocline area normalized external loads from METRO effluent (0.85 μg/m2-day for THg, 0.05 μg/m2-day for MeHg). Our findings indicate that the impact of the discharge from METRO is relatively small, contributing about 10-15% of Hg to the total gross Hg input to the hypolimnion of the lake.  相似文献   

Mercury has been found in polar bears and other top predators in the Arctic at concentrations that pose a risk to the indigenous population, however, the means by which this occurs is uncertain. There has been extensive research on the atmospheric cycling of mercury but little is known about mercury cycling in Arctic terrestrial ecosystems. The objective of this study was to determine whether wet sedge meadow soils within the Truelove Lowlands, Devon Island, NT, Canada (75° 33′N, 84° 40′N) were acting as sources or sinks for methylmercury (MeHg). Over the course of an Arctic summer, MeHg concentrations and other biophysical characteristics were measured at four wet sedge meadows over a 19 day study period that commenced approximately 1 month after snowmelt. Soil MeHg concentrations declined during the study period, indicating a net loss of MeHg over the summer. The dominant ligand in solution appeared to be dissolved organic matter, little sulfide was detected, and it would seem that most of the mercury was unavailable for methylation during the summer sampling period. In soil microcosms, spiked with 5.0 nmol g− 1 (1 µg g− 1) HgCl2, the soil did methylate mercury suggesting that there is the potential for mercury methylation. We also noted significant spatial variability in MeHg concentrations between catenas that could not be explained by other biophysical parameters, which are known to affect methylation. Given our data and previous geochemical data collected from suprapermafrost groundwater during snowmelt, it seems likely that methylation may occur during the spring melt period in the arctic. Furthermore the geochemical variability of the melt water may lead to the spatial variability observed in MeHg concentrations in this study.  相似文献   

The St. Lawrence River near Cornwall, Ontario was designated an Area of Concern by the International Joint Commission in 1985. Sediments from this area have historically been contaminated with mercury (Hg), and although concentrations have decreased since the 1970s, they still remain high. Nine sediment cores were collected from three sites within the Area of Concern in 2004/05 to determine the variability in historical profiles of Hg deposition to the river. Sediment and pore water phases were analyzed for total mercury (THg) and methyl mercury (MeHg) and cores were analyzed for 210Pb to determine chronologies of sedimentation at these sites. Mercury diffusion rates in pore waters within the sediment column were determined to be very low (between 0 and 2.15 ng cm− 2 year− 1, n = 3) compared to the recent Hg sedimentation rates at these sites (183 ± 30 ng cm− 2 year− 1 SE, n = 9) determined by multiplying surface Hg concentrations with 210Pb-derived sedimentation rates. These results indicate that Hg profiles in these cores accurately depict historical releases of Hg to the river bed. The influence of federal regulations in the early 1970s to restrict Hg emissions to the river was apparent in these dated sediment cores, as were the closures of several local industries in the mid 1990s. Mercury accumulation rates prior to 1970 were 60 times higher than those occurring after 1995. Methyl mercury showed surface enrichment in most of these sediment cores providing evidence that mercury methylation occurred most rapidly near the sediment surface.  相似文献   

Total Hg, methyl-Hg (MeHg) and Se levels were measured in the brain of river otters (Lontra canadensis) and wild mink (Mustela vison) carcasses collected from Nova Scotia, Canada. Total Hg concentrations in the otters' brain were highly variable, ranging from 0.3 to 18.0 μg/g dw and were significantly higher in animals caught from inland areas of the province versus coastal animals. Similarly, inland otters contained significantly more MeHg in the brain than did coastal otters. MeHg was highly correlated with total Hg in both inland and coastal otters and represented on average approximately 82% of the total Hg. Selenium concentrations in the otter brain ranged from 1.0 to 7.8 μg/g dw but unlike Hg, there was no significant difference in Se levels between inland and coastal otters. There was a significant positive relationship between Se and total Hg concentrations in the otters with the molar ratio of Se:Hg approximately 1:1 for animals having an Hg concentration > 18 nmol/g dw.The non-random sampling protocol for the mink precluded extensive statistical analysis of the data. However, unlike otters, virtually all (i.e. 98%) of the total Hg in mink brain was present as MeHg in both inland and coastal mink. Also unlike the otter results, Se concentrations showed no relationship with either total or MeHg in both inland and coastal mink.The data suggest that mink and otters may have different mechanisms for managing high levels of Hg in the brain.  相似文献   

We conducted a whole-lake experiment by manipulating the stratification pattern (thermocline depth) of a small polyhumic, boreal lake (Halsjärvi) in southern Finland and studying the impacts on lake mercury chemistry. The experimental lake was compared to a nearby reference site (Valkea-Kotinen Lake). During the first phase of the experiment the thermocline of Halsjärvi was lowered in order to simulate the estimated increase in wind speed and in total lake heat content (high-change climate scenario). The rate of methyl mercury (MeHg) production during summer stagnation (May-August) was calculated from water profiles before the treatment (2004), during treatment (2005, 2006) and after treatment (2007). We also calculated fluxes of MeHg from the epilimnion and from the hypolimnion to the sediments using sediment traps. Experimental mixing with a submerged propeller caused a 1.5-2 m deepening of the thermocline and oxycline. Methyl mercury production occurred mostly in the oxygen free layers in both lakes. In the experimental lake there was no net increase in MeHg during the experiment and following year; whereas the reference lake showed net production for all years. We conclude that the new exposed epilimnetic sediments caused by a lowering of the thermocline were a major sink for MeHg in the epilimnion. The results demonstrate that in-lake MeHg production can be manipulated in small lakes with anoxic hypolimnia during summer. The climate change induced changes in small boreal lakes most probably affect methyl mercury production and depend on the lake characteristics and stratification pattern. The results support the hypothesis that possible oxygen related changes caused by climate change are more important than possible temperature changes in small polyhumic lakes with regularly occurring oxygen deficiency in the hypolimnion.  相似文献   

The Kastela Bay is heavily polluted with inorganic mercury originated from direct discharges from the chlor-alkali plant, which operated in the period from 1950 to 1990. Even though the plant was closed 15 years ago, elevated levels of total mercury are still evident in surface sediments of the bay. In order to assess the availability of remobilized mercury to marine organisms, cultured mussels (M. galloprovincialis) were transplanted from pristine area to Kastela Bay, in the period from September 2000 to March 2001. Mussel samples were collected for the analysis of THg and MeHg in whole soft tissue, gills and digestive gland. Surface sediments and suspended matter were collected for the analysis of THg. Digestive gland was the target organ for the accumulation of THg, while concentrations of MeHg were similar in all analyzed tissues. The percentage of MeHg in mussel tissues (4-27%) was characteristic for the areas contaminated with inorganic mercury. A significant negative correlation was observed between the THg concentration in the tissues and the percentage of MeHg. Concentrations of THg in mussel tissues, which were decreasing from the source of contamination in an anticlockwise direction towards the exit of the bay, were significantly positively correlated to THg content in sediment and suspended particles. Spatial distribution of mercury species (THg and MeHg) in different environmental compartments was in accordance with the prevailing circulation in the bay. Data obtained through 6 months of biomonitoring experiment indicated that digestive gland was more sensitive indicator of THg concentrations in the environment than the whole organism or gills. As for MeHg, all tissues were equally suitable as biomonitors of MeHg concentrations in the environment.  相似文献   

Organisms of the planktonic food web convey essential nutrients as well as contaminants to animals at higher trophic levels. We measured concentrations of methyl mercury (MeHg) and essential fatty acids (EFAs, key nutrients for aquatic food webs) in four size categories of planktonic organisms - seston (10-64 microm), micro-(100-200 microm), meso-(200-500 microm), and macrozooplankton (>500 microm) - as well as total mercury (THg) and EFAs in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in coastal lakes. We demonstrate that, in all lakes during this summer sampling, MeHg concentrations of planktonic organisms increase significantly with plankton size, independent of their taxonomic composition, and that their MeHg accumulation patterns predict significantly THg concentrations in rainbow trout (R2=0.71, p<0.05). However, concentrations of total EFAs do not follow this pattern. Total EFAs increased from seston to mesozooplankton but decreased in the largest zooplankton size fraction. Moreover, concentrations of individual EFA compounds in rainbow trout are consistently lower, with the exception of docosahexaenoic acid, than those in macrozooplankton. The continuous increase of MeHg concentrations in aquatic organisms, therefore, differs from patterns of EFA accumulation in zooplankton and fish. We interpret these contrasting accumulation patterns of MeHg and EFA compounds as the inability of aquatic organisms to regulate the assimilation of dietary MeHg, whereas the rate of EFA retention may be controlled to optimize their physiological performance. Therefore, we conclude that bioaccumulation patterns of Hg in these aquatic food webs are not controlled by lipid solubility and/or the retention of EFA compounds.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) concentrations in fish in lakes are elevated due to increased global cycling of Hg. A special case of elevated Hg concentrations in fish occurs in new hydroelectric reservoirs because of increased rates of converting Hg in the environment into methyl mercury (MeHg). People and wildlife that eat fish from hydroelectric reservoirs have an elevated risk of accumulating too much MeHg. Demand for electrical energy is leading to the creation of new reservoirs. In 2005, Canada derived 60% of its electricity from hydroelectric reservoirs. As a result, hydroelectric companies and governing agencies are exploring strategies to lower MeHg contamination. Strategies may involve lowering the source of Hg before flooding, the rate of Hg methylation, or MeHg bioaccumulation and biomagnification. Possible strategies reviewed in this article include selecting a site to minimize impacts, intensive fishing, adding selenium, adding lime to acidic systems, burning before flooding, removing standing trees, adding phosphorus, demethylating MeHg by ultraviolet light, capping and dredging bottom sediment, aerating anoxic bottom sediment and waters, and water level management. A preventative strategy is to limit the flooded area, especially wetland areas. Flooded upland areas that contain less carbon produce MeHg for a shorter time than wetland areas. Run-of-the-river reservoirs contain lower MeHg concentrations than reservoirs that flood vast areas, at the cost of exporting MeHg downstream. Managing water levels to flush systems during times of peak MeHg production may have benefits for the reservoir, but also transports MeHg downstream. Intensive fishing can lower MeHg in food webs by increasing fish growth rate. Additions of selenium can lower MeHg bioaccumulation, but the mechanisms are not well established and excess selenium causes toxicity. Liming can lower fish Hg concentrations in lakes acidified with sulphuric and nitric acid. Burning before flooding can lower the production of MeHg, but MeHg bioaccumulation may increase. The most promising strategy will be one that is agreeable to all affected people.  相似文献   

As part of the European Mercury Emissions from Chlor Alkali Plants (EMECAP) project, we tested the hypothesis that contamination of ambient air with mercury around chlor alkali plants using mercury cells would increase the internal dose of mercury in people living close to the plants. Mercury in urine (U-Hg) was determined in 225 individuals living near a Swedish or an Italian chlor alkali plant, and in 256 age- and sex-matched individuals from two reference areas. Other factors possibly affecting mercury exposure were examined. Emissions and concentrations of total gaseous mercury (TGM) around the plants were measured and modeled. No increase in U-Hg could be demonstrated in the populations living close to the plants. This was the case also when the comparison was restricted to subjects with no dental amalgam and low fish consumption. The emissions of mercury to air doubled the background level, but contributed only about 2 ng/m(3) to long-term averages in the residential areas. The median U-Hg levels in subjects with dental amalgam were 1.2 microg/g creatinine (micro/gC) in Italy and 0.6 microg/gC in Sweden. In individuals without dental amalgam, the medians were 0.9 microg/gC and 0.2 microg/gC, respectively. The number of amalgam fillings, as well as chewing, fish consumption, and female sex were associated with higher U-Hg. The difference between the countries is probably due to higher fish consumption in Italy, demethylated methyl mercury (MeHg) being partly excreted in urine. Post hoc power calculations showed that if the background mercury exposure is low it may be possible to demonstrate an increase in U-Hg of as little as about 10 ng/m(3) as a contribution to ambient mercury from a point source.  相似文献   

The environmental loadings of national Norwegian mercury emissions compared to the loadings of atmospheric long range transported mercury have been estimated using national emission data and EMEP model data. The results indicate that atmospheric long-range transport to Norway is somewhat larger than the national Norwegian emissions of mercury. Atmospheric deposition of mercury has been studied using data from Norwegian monitoring programs on mercury in precipitation, mosses, natural surface soils, and lake sediments. Precipitation data show no significant time trend during 1990-2002, whereas moss samples show similar concentrations from 1985 to 1995, but a 30% decrease from 1995 to 2000. Concentrations of mercury in peat cores and reference sediments indicate that the current mercury levels measured in surface sediments, surface soils and mosses at background sites in Norway are substantially affected by long-range atmospheric transport.  相似文献   

River management has altered the land-sea transport of water, sediments, and chemical compounds with profound impacts on the structure of continental and costal ecosystems. Understanding riverine transport across modified watersheds allow for better assessment of the influence of river management on material fluxes to coastal waters. Here, we assess the quantitative and qualitative aspects of mercury (Hg) transport across a modified watershed by diversion of Paraíba do Sul River waters into Sepetiba Bay, Brazil. We measured concentrations and speciation of Hg in water samples collected at sites within the modified watershed. These data, together with water discharge and sediment load from numerical models and measurements were used to estimate mass balances. In the Sepetiba watershed, mercury is mainly associated with suspended sediments (90%) and therefore Hg flux displayed the characteristic trend of downstream reduction due to trapping efficiency of particulate load by successive reservoirs. The mass balance suggests that the major source of mercury to Sepetiba Bay is the erosion of soil-derived particles from the drainage basin rather than mercury diverted from Paraíba do Sul River watershed.  相似文献   

Concentrations and biomagnification of total mercury (TotHg) and methyl mercury (MeHg) were studied in selected species from the pelagic food web in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. Twelve species of zooplankton, fish and seabirds, were sampled representing a gradient of trophic positions in the Svalbard marine food web. TotHg and MeHg were analysed in liver, muscle and/or whole specimens. The present study is the first to provide MeHg levels in seabirds from the Svalbard area. The relative MeHg levels decreased with increasing levels of TotHg in seabird tissues. Stable isotopes of nitrogen (δ15N) were used to determine the trophic levels and the rate of biomagnification of mercury in the food web. A linear relationship between mercury levels and trophic position was found for all seabird species combined and their trophic level, but there was no relationship within species. Biomagnification factors were all > 1 for both TotHg and MeHg, indicating biomagnification from prey to predator. TotHg levels in the different seabirds were similar to levels detected in the Kongsfjorden area in the 1990s.  相似文献   

Filtered and non-filtered natural waters from French Guyana were irradiated with lamps emitting within the wavelength range 300-450 nm for 4 days with and without oxygen. Dissolved gaseous mercury (DGM) evolution was observed and quantified in the course of the irradiation. Measurements of total mercury in waters prior to and after the irradiations were also performed. The mass balance in the various mercury species (Hg(total), Hg(reactive) and DGM) proves the capability of the light to extract the mercury linked to the organic matter. DGM evolvement was greater in N2- than in air-saturated solutions, and the formation of volatile oxidized species can account for the inhibiting effect of oxygen. Filtration did not affect the mercury photoreduction, but reduced the formation of DGM in the dark. Great care has to be taken with regard to the following artifact: it was found that DGM originated not only from the natural waters, but also from the experimental device itself when exposed to the light. These non-expected DGM entries were quantitatively evaluated. This stresses the difficulty in measuring mercury at environmental concentrations.  相似文献   

Ouyang Y 《Water research》2003,37(4):823-832
Naturally occurring total organic carbon (TOC) is an important feature of stream water quality. This study investigates the dynamic load of TOC from the deep creek watershed into the lower St. Johns River (LSJR), FL, USA, using numerical simulations and field measurements. An existing St. Johns River watershed assessment model for simultaneous loading of nutrients from watersheds into rivers is modified to include the TOC component for the purpose of this study. Three simulation scenarios (i.e., daily, monthly, and annually) are performed to estimate the dynamic load of TOC in response to rainfall events. Simulations show that rainfall events have decisive effects on TOC loads from the Deep Creek watershed into the LSJR. In general, the highly frequent the rainfall events occur, the higher the TOC loads into the river. Simulations also illustrate that effects of rainfall events on daily changes of TOC are minimal in winter, but are profound in late summer. Results suggest that TOC load into the river is not only a rainfall-driven but also a temperature-driven biological process.  相似文献   

Total mercury, methyl mercury and selenium concentrations were determined in sediments and organisms from the Kaštela bay in the Central Adriatic, polluted with inorganic mercury by a chlor-alkali plant. Sediments and mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) contained high total mercury concentrations, especially in the vicinity of the source of pollution. The percentage of mercury in the methyl form increased from surface sediments (up to 1.37%) to the edible parts of mussels (0.1–27%, negatively correlated with total mercury concentrations) and to the fish, in which methyl mercury accounted for most of the mercury in the muscle tissue.  相似文献   

The first measurements on the daily trend of dissolved gaseous mercury (DGM) concentration determined in coastal and offshore waters of the Mediterranean basin are reported. Marked daily behaviour tracking solar radiation has been observed at the coastal sampling station with DGM values ranging from 11.0 to 38.9 pg/l. Contrary to these observations the DGM values in offshore water samples (11.9-20.0 pg/l) were independent of the sampling time, thus identifying the absence of higher levels during the hours of maximum insolation. The availability of Hg2+ substrate necessary for the photo-reaction processes of DGM formation has been evaluated by measuring the reactive mercury concentration. In offshore waters the lower DGM concentrations are attributable to the substrate as a limiting factor. The highest concentration of DOC measured in coastal seawater with respect to the offshore one could moreover enhance the reaction rates of DGM production through the formation of inorganic mercury complexes and weaker organic associations.  相似文献   

In sub-arctic and arctic regions mercury is an element of concern for both wildlife and humans. Over thousands of years large amounts of atmospherically deposited mercury, both from natural and anthropogenic sources, have been sequestered together with carbon in northern peatlands. Many of these peatlands are currently underlain by permafrost, which controls mire stability and hydrology. With the ongoing climate change there is concern that permafrost thawing will turn large areas of these northern peatlands from carbon/mercury-sinks into much wetter carbon/mercury-sources. Here we can show that such a change in mire structure in the sub-arctic Stordalen mire in northern Sweden actually is responsible for an increased export of mercury to the adjacent lake Inre Harrsjön. We also show that sediment mercury accumulation rates during a warm period in the pre-industrial past were higher than in the 1970s when atmospheric input peaked, indicating that in areas with permafrost, climate can have an effect on mercury loading to lakes as large as anthropogenic emissions. Thawing of permafrost and the subsequent export of carbon is a widespread phenomenon, and the projection is that it will increase even more in the near future. Together with our observations from Stordalen, this makes northern peatlands into a substantial source of mercury, at risk of being released into sensitive arctic freshwater and marine systems.  相似文献   

From the historic literature on the Idrija mercury mine, it is evident that part of the smelting and mining waste was dumped into the Idrijca River. This waste was transported downstream during floods. The amount of mercury which has accumulated in the alluvial sediments of the Idrijca River until the present was studied. Mapping of Holocene river terraces of the Idrijca River was performed in order to estimate the volume of the alluvial sediment. For the purpose of the assessment of the mercury concentration, we sampled the alluvial sediments on different levels and performed an analysis of variance. The greatest variability is between the floodplain and terraces inside the same alluvial plain. Considering this fact, which determined the methodology employed for calculation, we estimated that about 2029 tons of mercury is stored in the Idrijca River alluvial sediments.  相似文献   

Export of mercury downstream from reservoirs   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Environmental effects monitoring at the La Grande hydroelectric complex (Québec, Canada) revealed important increases in mercury levels in fish caught downstream from reservoirs. A study was carried out in 1997 immediately below the Caniapiscau Reservoir to identify by which components mercury is transported downstream from reservoirs and to assess the amount of mercury being exported. Stomach contents of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) captured immediately below the Caniapiscau Reservoir were examined to determine which components transfer mercury from lower trophic levels to fish. The analyses of water samples and drifting organisms collected below the reservoir indicate that the dissolved fraction (< 0.45 microm) and the suspended particulate matter (0.45-50 microm) are the major components by which methylmercury is transferred downstream of reservoirs, accounting for 64 and 33%, respectively, of the total amounts exported. Drifting organisms such as plant debris, benthic invertebrates, fish, phytoplankton and zooplankton are much less important pathways for mercury export because of their very low biomass per water volume coming out of the generating station, as opposed to the high biomass of suspended particulate matter. However, zooplankton is the major component by which methylmercury is directly transferred to non-piscivorous fish downstream.  相似文献   

Time series on fish mercury (Hg) development are rare for hydroelectric reservoirs in the tropics. In the central-western part of Brazil, a hydroelectric reservoir, called Lago Manso, was completed in 1999 after that background levels of fish Hg concentrations had been determined. The development for the first 3 years was studied in 2002. The objective of the present study was to determine development of fish Hg concentrations for a second three-year period after flooding. The bioaccumulation factor and certain abiotic and biotic factors, possibly affecting the availability and accumulation of Hg, were also examined. The results show that Hg levels in fish from Lago Manso have increased more than five times compared to the background levels observed before construction of the reservoir. At the same time, dissolved organic carbon has increased while dissolved oxygen has decreased indicating enhanced bioavailability of Hg. In the reservoir, Salminus brasiliensis had in average a Hg content of 1.1 microg g(-1) f.w., Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum 1.2, Serrasalmus marginatus/spilopleura 0.9, and Brycon hilarii 0.6 microg g(-1) f.w. The average fish Hg contents were higher downstream, except for B. hilarii. In the reservoir, the average Hg content of each species was in 2005 always over the consumption limit (0.55 microg total Hg g(-1) f.w.) recommended by WHO. Therefore, the people living around Lago Manso should be informed of the health effects of Hg, and fish consumption recommendations should be carried out. The accumulation of Hg varies widely between species as shown by the bioaccumulation factor which ranges between 5.08 and 5.59 log units. The observed variation is explained by differences in diet and trophic position with piscivorous fish exhibiting the highest mean Hg concentration, followed by carnivorous and omnivorous species. Carbon isotope analyses imply that trophic position is not the only cause of the observed differences in Hg levels between omnivorous B. hilarii, having a diet partly based on C(4) plants, and carnivorous S. marginatus as well as piscivorous S. brasiliensis, whose carbon sources are depleted in (13)C. The fact that the species have different carbon sources indicates that they belong to different food chains.  相似文献   

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