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Since 2005, there has been dramatic progress in China's wind power industry. The annual growth rate of newly constructed capacity reached a miracle of 105% and the total installed capacity has increased from 1.27 GW in 2005 to 44.73 GW in 2010, which has exceeded the target of China's energy long-term planning for 2020. During the 11th Five-Year-Plan (FYP), the Chinese government has issued a series of polices to promote and regulate the development of wind power industry, which is the underlying force driving its rapid development. This paper is a systematical review on the current status and policies of wind power industry in China. Firstly the current status including achievements and shortcomings is presented, and then the relevant polices and regulations released during the period of 11th FYP are reviewed. Meanwhile, the main approaches of the policies and regulations in promoting the development of wind power industry are discussed and the issues of the current policies are analyzed. Finally, the paper concludes on the perspectives of wind power policies in China.  相似文献   

风能资源的开发对改善我国能源消费结构、缓解电力供需矛盾、促进经济发展具有重要作用,风电特许权项目在推动我国风能资源开发、风电产业发展方面起到了关键作用。风电特许权电价政策是推进特许权项目良性发展、实现特许权项目政策初衷的核心要素,对其他风电项目甚至总体风能资源的开发都具有重要的示范作用。文章讨论了目前风电价格政策在风电项目招标和项目运行过程中存在的缺陷,并提出了在招标、运营和售电阶段分别引入区间电价、动态电价和分段电价机制的政策构想,可以为完善下个阶段风电特许权项目提供一些有益参考。  相似文献   

Existing literature indicates that theoretically, the earth's wind energy supply potential significantly exceeds global energy demand. Yet, only 2–3% of global electricity demand is currently derived from wind power despite 27% annual growth in wind generating capacity over the last 17 years. More than 95% of total current wind power capacity is installed in the developed countries plus China and India. Our analysis shows that the economic competitiveness of wind power varies at wider range across countries or locations. A climate change damage cost of US$20/tCO2 imposed to fossil fuels would make onshore wind competitive to all fossil fuels for power generation; however, the same would not happen to offshore wind, with few exceptions, even if the damage cost is increased to US$100/tCO2. To overcome a large number of technical, financial, institutional, market and other barriers to wind power, many countries have employed various policy instruments, including capital subsidies, tax incentives, tradable energy certificates, feed-in tariffs, grid access guarantees and mandatory standards. Besides, climate change mitigation policies, such as the Clean Development Mechanism, have played a pivotal role in promoting wind power. Despite these policies, intermittency, the main technical constraint, could remain as the major challenge to the future growth of wind power.  相似文献   

风电出力与负荷需求的不协调性导致弃风现象时有发生,实行分时电价和引导大用户直接消纳风电可以优化弃风问题解决方案。文章建立了分时电价下大用户直接消纳风电时火电、风电、大用户3方的收益模型;建立了考虑火电、风电、大用户3方约束条件下的系统利益优化模型;以利益最大和弃风最小为目标,对提出的算例进行优化,表明大用户与分时电价双途径可以优化风电消纳,同时需要考虑合理的弃风,以使各方利益均衡。算例分析验证了所提出模型的有效性和适用性,表明该模型对风电与需求侧组合调度策略具有一定的参考价值和指导作用。  相似文献   

We apply a partial adjustment model to investigate the driving factors of the regional disparity of China's wind power development. We have three major findings. First, similar to many industries, wind power shows an agglomeration effect, that is, existing installed capacity attracts new addition of capacity. Second, demand factors including both local demand, indicated by variables in the local economy, and demand outside the region, indicated by transmission capacity, do not significantly affect the location choice of wind power farms. Lastly, governmental supporting measures have heterogeneous effects on different regions. They are most effective in wind resource rich regions but have little impact in other regions.  相似文献   

A comparison of support schemes for market-based deployment of renewable energy in the UK and Germany shows that the feed-in tariff reduces costs to consumers and results in larger deployment. A survey among project developers suggests two explanations: (1) Site selection presents the biggest obstacle under the feed-in tariff. Uncertain financing of other schemes reduces efforts at initial project stages and planning permits become a major obstacle. (2) Project developers do not compete in price but for good sites under the feed-in tariff. Most importantly, turbine producers and construction services contribute to most of the costs, and face at least equal levels of competition under the feed-in tariff.  相似文献   

The People's Republic of China foresees a target of 30 GW for installed wind power capacity by 2010 (2008: 12 GW). This paper reports on the technical and economic potentials of wind power, the recent development, existing obstacles, and related policies in China. The barriers to further commercialization of the wind power market are important and may deter the 100 GW capacity target of the Chinese government by 2020. The paper concludes that the diffusion of wind power in China is an important element for not only reducing global greenhouse gas emissions, but also for worldwide progress of wind power technology and needed economies of scale.  相似文献   

One of the limitations of the efficiency of renewable energy sources is the stochastic nature of generation; consequently, it is necessary to use high-capacity energy storage systems such as hydrogen storage for its integration into existing power networks. At the same time, electricity market tariffs for large enterprises change during the day. Therefore, it can be assumed that storing energy during cheaper hours and usage in more expensive hours allows increasing the efficiency of renewable energy sources. Evaluation of the economic efficiency of an energy storage system requires simulation with a step of at least 1 h for several years since the use of averaged production volume and averaged electricity tariffs will not allow obtaining an adequate to the task accuracy. A simulation model and software have been implemented to perform simulations and calculate the economic efficiency of a wind turbine with and without a hydrogen storage device. The methodology has been approved on three-year real data of wind speeds and electricity tariffs in the Novosibirsk region and Krasnodar Territory (Russian Federation).  相似文献   

一案由 关于制定阶梯电价和促进我匡光伏发电发展的议案。  相似文献   

我国的风电技术和风电发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展风力发电是我国能源战略的一项重要内容.文章首先介绍了我国风电利用的总体状况;然后从风机叶片制造、控制系统及整机制造等方面,详述了现阶段我国风电设备的基本状况;最后对我国风电发展障碍进行了分析,并提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

T. Y. Liu  P. J. Tavner  Y. Feng  Y. N. Qiu 《风能》2013,16(5):786-803
Rapid wind power development in China has attracted worldwide attention. The huge market potential and fast development of wind turbine manufacturing capacity are making China a world leader in wind power development. In 2010, with the newly installed wind power capacity and the cumulative installed capacity, China was ranked first in the world. In 2009, China also constructed and commissioned its first large offshore wind farm near Shanghai. Following earlier papers reviewing the state of China's onshore wind industry, this paper presents a broader perspective and up‐to‐date survey of China's offshore wind power development, making comparisons between the developments in the rest of the world and China, to draw out similarities and differences and lessons for the China offshore wind industry. The paper highlights six important aspects for China's offshore wind development: economics, location, Grid connection, technological development, environmental adaptation and national policies. The authors make recommendations for mitigating some outstanding issues in these six aspects for the future development of China's offshore wind resource. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

关于发展我国风力发电问题的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阐述风电的优势。指出我国虽有丰富的风能资源 ,但发展现状存在着问题。提出加快我国风电发展的策略建议  相似文献   

Proliferation of wind power generation is increasingly making this power source an important asset in designs of energy and reserve markets. Intuitively, wind power producers will require the development of new offering strategies that maximize the expected profit in both energy and reserve markets while fulfilling the market rules and its operational limits. In this paper, we implement and exploit the controllability of the proportional control strategy. This strategy allows the splitting of potentially available wind power generation in energy and reserve markets. In addition, we take advantage of better forecast information from the different day‐ahead and balancing stages, allowing different shares of energy and reserve in both stages. Under these assumptions, different mathematical methods able to deal with the uncertain nature of wind power generation, namely, stochastic programming, with McCormick relaxation and piecewise linear decision rules are adapted and tested aiming to maximize the expected revenue for participating in both energy and reserve markets, while accounting for estimated balancing costs for failing to provide energy and reserve. A set of numerical examples, as well as a case study based on real data, allow the analysis and evaluation of the performance and behavior of such techniques. An important conclusion is that the use of the proposed approaches offers a degree of freedom in terms of minimizing balancing costs for the wind power producer strategically to participate in both energy and reserve markets. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As China starts to build 6 10-GW wind zones in 5 provinces by 2020, accommodating the wind electricity generated from these large wind zones will be a great challenge for the regional grids. Inadequate wind observing data hinders profiling the wind power fluctuations at the regional grid level. This paper proposed a method to assess the seasonal and diurnal wind power patterns based on the wind speed data from the NASA GEOS-5 DAS system, which provides data to the study of climate processes including the long-term estimates of meteorological quantities. The wind power fluctuations for the 6 largest wind zones in China are presented with both the capacity factor and the megawatt wind power output. The measured hourly wind output in a regional grid is compared to the calculating result to test the analyzing model. To investigate the offsetting effect of dispersed wind farms over large regions, the regional correlations of hourly wind power fluctuations are calculated. The result illustrates the different offsetting effects of minute and hourly fluctuations.  相似文献   

The current development of wind power in China was presented in this paper. Many regions such as Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and southeast coastal region, etc. in China have abundant wind energy resource. At the same time, the utilization of wind power in China has been developing quickly and its prospect is promising in spite of many some obstacles. With the implementation of the Renewable Energy Law, some previous obstacles have been or are being eliminated. Much investment and many enterprises start to enter this field. In spite of this, there still exist some financial and technological obstacles. One of the technological obstacles is the stability of local power grid owing to the increasing proportion of the wind power capacity. Because the centralized development mode of wind power was adopted, the quick fluctuation of wind speed will influence the voltage and frequency stability of local power grid. In addition, large wind farm has little dispatching ability because of the uncontrollability, randomness and fluctuation of natural incoming wind. To erase these obstacles, a novel hybrid power system combining wind farm and small gas turbine power plants is discussed.  相似文献   

统计说明1.风能专委会自2010年12月末至2011年3月初,对中国市场2010年风电装机情况进行了调研和统计。统计基础数据来源于风电设备制造商,  相似文献   

中国风电并网若干问题的博弈研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
用博弈论的方法对我国风力发电的基本利益格局和相互关系进行了初步分析,涉及了技术研发、风电上网、化石燃料消费税的征收等关键问题。以博弈分析的结果说明了不同的发展机制的预期效果,并有针对性地提出了立法和政策建议。  相似文献   

<正>4月2日,国家发改委对宁夏太阳山等四个太阳能光伏电站临时上网电价作出批复:一、核定宁夏发电集团太阳山光伏电站一期、宁夏中节能太阳山光伏电站一期、华电宁夏宁东光伏电站、宁夏中节能石嘴山光伏电站一期发电项目临时上网电价为1.15元/kWh(含税);二、以上电价自光伏电站投入商业运营之日起执行,高出当地脱硫燃煤机组标杆上网电价的部分纳入全国可再生能源电价附加分摊。  相似文献   

中国风电CDM项目经济性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国风电项目开发的主要障碍在于投资不足和融资风险相对较高。分析中国风电项目融资中的问题.对促进我国风电行业发展具有前瞻意义。文中通过构造并网型风电项目案例,讨论了项目经济性评估以及CDM合格性认定中存在的典型问题,提出了综合考虑国家政策和国际CDM资金的并网风电类项目的评价模式,以期能对中国风电行业发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

Wind power hydrogen production is the direct conversion of electricity generated by wind power into hydrogen through water electrolysis hydrogen production equipment, which produces hydrogen for convenient long-term storage through water electrolysis. With the development of offshore wind power from offshore projects, construction costs continue to rise. Turning power transmission into hydrogen transmission will help reduce the cost of offshore wind power construction. This paper analyses the methods of producing hydrogen from offshore wind power, including alkaline water electrolysis, proton exchange membrane electrolysis of water, and solid oxide electrolysis of water. In addition, this paper outlines economic and cost analyses of hydrogen production from offshore wind power. In the future, with the development and advancement of water electrolysis hydrogen production technology, hydrogen production from offshore wind power could be more economical and practical.  相似文献   

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