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As the largest developing country, China has abundant wind, biomass and solar energy resources. Under the large demand for electricity and the shortage of fossil energy, it is essential to develop renewable energy generation in China. This paper analyzes the resources, scale, market operation, profitability and policies of China’s wind, biomass and solar power generation and gives a discussion of the investment risks in the current situation. It is expected that the analysis in this paper could be helpful for the potential investors to make decision.  相似文献   

Solar central receiver, which plays a dominant role in the radiation–heat conversion, is one of the most important components in the solar tower plants. Its performance can directly affect the efficiency of the entire solar power generation system. In this study, an integrated receiver model for full range operation conditions was proposed in order to simulate and evaluate the dynamic characteristics of a solar cavity receiver. It mainly couples the radiation–heat conversion process, the determination of convective heat transfer coefficient, the temperature computation of receiver walls and the calculation and analysis of the thermal losses. Based on this model, the dynamic characteristics of the solar cavity receiver were tested by encountering a sudden solar radiation disturbance. In addition, the thermal loss was also calculated and analyzed with different wind conditions. The results indicated that the parameters of the receiver had a significant variation under the sharp disturbance of DNI if no control rules were imposed. The wind conditions can obviously affect the thermal losses and the value reaches its maximum when the wind blows from the side of the receiver (α = 90°). In order to verify the validity of this model, the simulation results were used to compare the design points under the same input conditions, and the results showed that simulation data had a good agreement with design data.  相似文献   

《Applied Energy》2009,86(2):163-169
Solar energy and wind energy are the two most viable renewable energy resources in the world. Good compensation characters are usually found between solar energy and wind energy. This paper recommend an optimal design model for designing hybrid solar–wind systems employing battery banks for calculating the system optimum configurations and ensuring that the annualized cost of the systems is minimized while satisfying the custom required loss of power supply probability (LPSP). The five decision variables included in the optimization process are the PV module number, PV module slope angle, wind turbine number, wind turbine installation height and battery capacity. The proposed method has been applied to design a hybrid system to supply power for a telecommunication relay station along south-east coast of China. The research and project monitoring results of the hybrid project were reported, good complementary characteristics between the solar and wind energy were found, and the hybrid system turned out to be able to perform very well as expected throughout the year with the battery over-discharge situations seldom occurred.  相似文献   

At present, researches about energy conservation are focused on prediction. But there are few researches focused on the estimation of effective input and energy conservation potential, and there has been even no research on energy conservation of thermal power industry of China. This paper will try to fill in such a blank. Panel data on Chinese thermal power industry over 2005–2010 are established, and we adopt the stochastic frontier analysis approach to estimate the energy saving potential of thermal power industry. The results are as follows: (1) the average efficiency of energy inputs in China′s thermal power industry over 2005–2010 was about 0.85, and cumulative energy saving potential equals to 551.04 (Mtce); (2) by improving the non-efficiency factors, the relatively backward inland cities could achieve higher energy saving in thermal power industry; (3) the energy input efficiency of Eastern China Grid is shown to be the highest; (4) in order to realize the energy-saving goal of thermal power industry, one important policy method the government should adopt is to conduct a market-oriented reform in power industry and break the state-owned monopoly to provide incentives for private and foreign direct investment in thermal power sector.  相似文献   

Sustainable development of the new energy industry requires continuous input from professional talents. The new energy industry will continue to grow in importance, and the characteristics of the necessary cross-discipline talents that will promote its development are becoming more and more defined. This article puts forward an analysis model starting with the addition of talents carriers subdivided by specialties, and takes this subdivision as a starting point with the purpose of maximizing talents selection throughout the entire nation. First of all, we define each talent as a specific vector. Then a clustering algorithm is used to perform an analysis and the new energy talents database is created. Finally, we use an algorithm based on graph theory and discrete mathematics to calculate the essential value of the talents vector. This value provides a measurement of the importance of the talents. The current talents structure is analyzed in order to clarify understanding of the present situation so as to enable informed planning of targeted training needs and structural adjustments, thus meeting the sustainable development requirements for the new energy industry in China.  相似文献   

China is now a major consumer and importer of energy, and its choices and policies will increasingly affect the rest of the world. This paper analyses the key features of China’s energy policy as it faces the prospect of possible challenges to its energy security given the increasing reliance on fuel imports and the need to transform its energy to meet the requirements of a modern, fast-growing economy. The paper examines whether the current energy mix is appropriate and sustainable, and considers the China’s policymakers new emphasis on energy efficiency, conservation, renewable energy and the shift to natural gas the primary energy source. It examines the internal and external constraints on China’s energy policy and considers the strategic dilemmas arising from China’s increasing involvement in international energy markets. It concludes that both the domestic and international implications of China’s search for energy security will confront policymakers with hard choices that will affect not only energy policy, but also China’s geopolitical grand strategy.  相似文献   

The amount of installed wind power varies significantly across municipalities although the financial support for wind power production and the technology available is identical in all Swedish municipalities. This study analyses how local differences between municipalities, such as local wind prerequisites and socioeconomic conditions, might explain the establishment of wind power. The analysis is carried out for a cross section of Swedish municipalities. The time periods before and after 2006 are analyzed separately; and results reveal that the factors affecting wind power establishments are different between the two periods. In the later time period we found a statistically significant positive relationship between good wind resources and the presence of wind power as well as with the amount of wind energy installed. This result is consistent with the idea that the first wind power investments in Sweden were highly affected by individual wind energy enthusiasts, while in the more recent large-scale investments market-based judgments about future profitability may have become increasingly important. In addition, previous experience seems to be a factor that in itself facilitates additional future wind power establishments, thereby pointing to the role of accumulated institutional capacity.  相似文献   

This paper examines the current situation of wind industry development, evaluates the potentials of GHG mitigation and identifies the key determinants of scaling up wind power deployment in China. China has doubled its wind capacity every year for the past 4 years, the total installed capacity reached 12 Gigawatts (GW) and surpassed the 10-GW target 2 years ahead of schedule in the national plan for renewable energy development [38], [71], [87],and would reach 100–120 GW by 2020 according to the government’s new energy plan. It may become the biggest wind power generation and wind turbines manufacturing country of the world in the next years if the abundant wind resources and enormous domestic market can be harnessed with appropriate policies and efficient technology. The recent positive move in vigorous development of wind power in China implies that the total installed capacity will far exceed the targets of the government’s 2007 renewable energy plan. However, the prosperous Chinese wind market has also revealed some worrisome signals and weakness [28], [58], such as low capacity factor and frequent outage of wind farms, inadequate grid infrastructure, long distance transmission, low quality of turbines, adverse price bidding, nepotism in wind farm developer selection process and regulatory uncertainty and policy inconsistency which all conspire to hinder effective power generation in the massively new installed wind capacities. A coherent policy framework is required for creating enabling environment for accelerating wind energy penetration and state-of-art technology deployment in the country. It is argued that institutional, financial and technical capacity will need to be cemented to exploit the huge potentials of wind resources to meet the rapidly growing demand for electricity in China in the coming decades with minimised environmental implications.  相似文献   

Thailand’s economy is growing rapidly as seen in terms of GDP; according to Thailand is a developing country. So, in industrial sector and logistics are high cost. Around 36% of diesel is spent on the transportation sector, and the amount of oil imported is going up. The Thai government had launched a master plan to increase the stability of the energy situation.

This paper studied the biodiesel policy in Thailand. Although the Thai government had launched a plan 8 years back, the plan could not meet its expected target. The policy was then extended to a 15-year plan. The goal is changed, using more biodiesel: 492.75 million liters in 2008 compared with 1642.5 million liters in 2022. The problems are politics, lack of raw materials, standard of specifications, no clear subsidized policy, and farmers’ lack technology.  相似文献   

China is facing a number of energy-related challenges such as shortage of electricity supply and environmental pollution. The Government recognized the important role the renewable energy plays in the power generation structure. As a result, a series of supporting policies, laws and regulations have been issued to boost the renewable energies in China. This paper provides a critical analysis of the policy framework for the renewable energy in China and its impacts on the power generation structure. The relevant policy documents, including the most recent government work report delivered by Premier Wen Jia-bao during the Third Session of the 11th National People’s Congress (NPC) in March 2010 are analyzed. The patterns of renewable energy developments are found strongly correlated with the promulgation of relevant policies.  相似文献   

Despite operating a delivery programme for RES-E since 1990, UK targets and policy goals have not been achieved. In response, the Government reformed the RO. This article re-examines UK renewable energy policy by analysing the internal and external failures of the various mechanisms to determine if Government has learnt from previous experience in reforming the RO. Government did not learn from their own actions during the NFFO/RO transition, evidenced by high-levels of similarity in internal/external failures. The reformed-RO is expected to significantly increase deployment, has provided a ‘renewables package’ by comprehensively addressing both internal/external failures but major internal failures (price/financial risk) still remain, resulting in contiguous failures over two decades and two mechanism changes (NFFO, RO, RO/reformed-RO). Success will again be heavily dependent on a select few technologies and new/untested measures to combat external failures. Mechanism-extension to 2037 is probably the single most important factor underlying potential deployment increases. However, introducing a FIT-like system via the sheer number of ‘bolt-on’ reforms to counter policy failures indicates loss of direction and clarity. Overall, although Government appears to have learnt some of its lessons from the past two-decades, significant doubt remains whether renewable energy policy objectives will be met via the latest mechanism change.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to quantify the development of the rural electricity market at county level and below in China. A sectorial energy demand analysis and forecasting model was developed to analyze six Chinese provinces with different economic backgrounds. Historical data for over 20 years were collected on rural economic development, households, population, per capita income, community infrastructure development, capital investment, electricity consumption, output values in agriculture sector, and township and village enterprises (TVEs). This paper concludes that by 2010, annual electricity demand will increase at a rate between −1.40% and 15.60% (depending on the sectors and provinces). It also recommends a preferred order for future rural electricity investment: Jiangsu, Hebei, Henan, Shaanxi, Liaoning and Xinjiang, i.e. from the most to the least developed provinces, if the investment objectives are to find the best market return and the greatest impact on rural market development.  相似文献   

China's wind power is in an embarrassing state. Along with its dramatic development since 2005, its curtailment ratio has been rising. Although this could be attributed to both physical and institutional factors, it is the institutional obstacles, mainly resulting from the adjustment difficulties of interests distribution, that have exercised a greater impact. The stakeholders relating to wind power integration are thermal power companies, grid companies and local governments. The extent to which wind power deployment affects these vested interests determines the core institutional obstacles to be addressed. Mainly based on quantitative and case analyses, we argue that currently wind deployment in China has a little impact on the interests of thermal companies, moderate impact on the interests of grid companies and great impact on local governments. We recommend that it is crucial to elevate the role of environmental protection and renewable energy increase while de-emphasize the role of economic growth in the evaluation of local governments’ performance, as well as provide incentives for grid companies to attend more to their social responsibilities rather than their scale expansion and revenue growth.  相似文献   

In this century, China started facing five major challenges in the energy field: energy supply, shortage of liquid fuel, environmental pollution, green house gas (GHG) emission, and energy supply in rural areas. In this paper, the Chinese energy development strategy and general technical scheme (including energy conservation, utilization of coal, alternative fuel and renewable energy) are discussed, and some key scientific problems in the fundamental research of energy are put forward.  相似文献   

Wind power time series usually show complex dynamics mainly due to non-linearities related to the wind physics and the power transformation process in wind farms. This article provides an approach to the incorporation of observed local variables (wind speed and direction) to model some of these effects by means of statistical models. To this end, a benchmarking between two different families of varying-coefficient models (regime-switching and conditional parametric models) is carried out. The case of the offshore wind farm of Horns Rev in Denmark has been considered. The analysis is focused on one-step ahead forecasting and a time series resolution of 10 min. It has been found that the local wind direction contributes to model some features of the prevailing winds, such as the impact of the wind direction on the wind variability, whereas the non-linearities related to the power transformation process can be introduced by considering the local wind speed. In both cases, conditional parametric models showed a better performance than the one achieved by the regime-switching strategy. The results attained reinforce the idea that each explanatory variable allows the modelling of different underlying effects in the dynamics of wind power time series.  相似文献   

China, one of the global biggest emitter of CO2, needs promotion renewable energy to reduce air pollution from its surging fossil fuel use, and to increase its energy supply security. Renewable energy in its infancy needs policy support and market cultivation. Wind power installed capacity has boomed in recent year in China, as a series of effective support policies were adopted. In this paper, I review the main renewable energy policies regarding to China's wind power, including the Wind Power Concession Program, Renewable Energy Law, and a couple of additional laws and regulations. Such policies have effectively reduced the cost of wind power installed capacity, stimulated the localization of wind power manufacture, and driven the company investment in wind power. China is success in wind power installed capacity, however, success in wind-generated electricity has yet achieved, mainly due to the backward grid system and lack of quota system. The paper ends with the recommended best practice of the China's wind power installed capacity might be transferable to China's photovoltaic power generation.  相似文献   

Large numbers of households in rural areas in Bangladesh have no access to electricity. Providing these households with electricity by extending the country’s already overloaded grids is neither an economically nor a technically feasible option. Rural electrification strategies therefore, by necessity, need to rely on stand-alone generation systems. One of these is solar home systems (SHS) and the SHS program developed and implemented in Bangladesh has been highly successful, with very large numbers of rural households now participating in the program. What makes the program’s success most remarkable is the fact that it targets households with very low incomes using a purely market-based approach. Those participating in the program pay the full, unsubsidised cost of their SHS using a micro-credit loan facility and are charged high interest rates. Understanding the reasons behind the success of the Bangladeshi program therefore holds potentially valuable lessons for SHS programs being implemented in other developing countries. A comprehensive qualitative and quantitative survey was used to find those factors perceived by program stakeholders as being most critical to the program’s success to date and the factors considered most likely to impact on its future success. The two primary reasons for the program’s success were perceived to be its strong focus on meeting householders’ needs and on its ability to make the solar home systems as affordable as possible. The continued success of the program was considered likely to be determined by a variety of factors, including the ability of program implementers to control increases in the cost of SHS, to maintain the quality of SHS and components and to increase program loan recovery rates, the degree to which the program is integrated into national, energy policy, and the degree to which local banks become involved in the program.  相似文献   

Increasing the level of wind power penetration beyond the present level in the Danish power system implies large challenges when it comes to energy management and system stability. Plug-in electric vehicles promise to contribute to the flexibility of the energy system by creating a link between the power system and the transportation sector and provide the possibility to make use of the inherent energy storage of a large electric vehicle (EV) fleet. The present work investigates the effects of different EV charging strategies on the balance between wind power production and consumption in a future Danish power system. The results show that an electrification of the transport sector will indeed reduce the excess of wind power, but additional mechanisms are needed if the full wind power potential in Denmark is utilized. Further it is foreseen that the vehicle-to-grid option (where the vehicle batteries are used as backup at times with little wind power production) will have very limited effects on the overall energy management and is more likely to be used only for regulation and reserve services, also in the longer perspective.  相似文献   

Energy and water are interlinked. The development, use, and waste generated by demand for both resources drive global change. Managing them in tandem offers potential for global-change adaptation but presents institutional challenges. This paper advances understanding of the water–energy nexus by demonstrating how these resources are coupled at multiple scales, and by uncovering institutional opportunities and impediments to joint decision-making. Three water–energy nexus cases in the United States are examined: (1) water and energy development in the water-scarce Southwest; (2) conflicts between coal development, environmental quality, and social impacts in the East; and (3) tensions between environmental quality and economic development of shale natural gas in the Northeast and Central U.S. These cases are related to Eastern, Central, and Western regional stakeholder priorities collected in a national effort to assess energy–water scenarios. We find that localized challenges are diminished when considered from broader perspectives, while regionally important challenges are not prioritized locally. The transportability of electricity, and to some extent raw coal and gas, makes energy more suitable than water to regionalized global-change adaptation, because many of the impacts to water availability and quality remain localized. We conclude by highlighting the need for improved coordination between water and energy policy.  相似文献   

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