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PVC膜材料的光氧老化性能 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以PVC膜材料为对象,采用不同辐射强度的紫外线人工加速老化实验对其光氧老化过程进行研究。对老化过程中试样的黄度指数进行测试,并进行红外光谱和紫外光谱分析。测试结果表明:不同辐射强度下试样的老化机制没有发生变化,但当累积紫外线辐射能相同时,试样的老化程度并不一致,这是因为试样在不同辐射强度下的光氧老化速度与辐射强度不成比例关系,因此,互易定律不适用于PVC涂层膜材料寿命预测模型的建立,而根据Schwarzschild定律可很好地建立不同辐射强度下试样老化结果的相关性。 相似文献
为深入研究建筑用膜材的蠕变行为,在室温条件下对聚氯乙烯(PVC)涂层膜材的单轴拉伸蠕变性能进行了测试和分析,采用Burgers模型及其修正模型和Findley幂函数模型对蠕变实测值进行了拟合,并比较了各模型的预测精度。研究结果表明,PVC涂层膜材的蠕变具有非线性特征,且非线性程度与蠕变时间和蠕变应力有关。拟合曲线和蠕变实测值对比显示,选用的蠕变模型均具有较好的拟合优度,均可用于描述PVC涂层膜材的蠕变特性。预测曲线与实测蠕变曲线对比显示,分数阶Burger模型预测精度最高,Findley幂函数模型次之,指数Burgers模型再次之,Burger模型最差。 相似文献
通过改变工艺参数的试验,对影响PVC输送带界面黏结性能的四个因素进行研究,从而得到最优涂层工艺方案.研究表明,对涤纶基布的前处理能大幅提高产品的剥离性能;试剂浓度的正确选择,塑化时间和温度的有效控制也能大幅提高产品性能. 相似文献
为进一步研究膜结构材料的力学特性,以机织聚氯乙烯涂层膜结构材料为研究对象,对其无损及单边切口试样的短期拉伸蠕变性能进行测试,分析切口尺寸及蠕变应力对蠕变性能的影响,并对其拉伸蠕变特性进行研究。实验结果表明:无损及切口试样的蠕变曲线均体现了初始蠕变和等速蠕变阶段的特征。在同等净切口蠕变应力条件下,切口试样的蠕变量小于无损试样,且随着切口尺寸的增加而降低。相对于Findley 模型,4 元件Burger 模型较适合描述聚氯乙烯涂层膜结构材料的短期蠕变行为。同时,基于4元件Burger 模型拟合系数,分析了蠕变应力及切口尺寸对初始蠕变应变、缓弹性变形和黏性变形的影响。 相似文献
针对真丝双绉在复练中易产生的练花、沾污等病疵,在正交试验的基础上,对极差值较大的三因素进行多元回归分析,得出了优化的工艺参数。该工艺投入生产后效果较好。 相似文献
Nangkuo Guo 《纺织学会志》2018,109(2):219-224
Based on the characteristics of high tenacity, low density, flexible design, the coated fabric has emerged as a promising construct for tensile test. Here, it reports the deformation mechanism of a PU-coated multi-axial warp-knitted fabric under uniaxial tensile via a digital image correlation system. Specimens produced by us are chase in three fibre-reinforced directions namely 0°, 45° and 90°, respectively. The result shows that the crease does not have an effect on the deformations in the small deformation range (strain < 5%), and the deformation was evidently occurred near the fixed end lags because of the faster movement of specimen at the loading end, and the transverse shrinking at the edges is faster than that in the middle of the specimen. In the large deformation range, the strain fields are inconsistent at the same displacement revealing that the deformations of this kind of flexible coated fabric is in-homogeneous under tensile. 相似文献
UV radiation is a major source of radiation in environmental conditions which affects many characteristics of the exposed fabrics. Toughness of polymeric materials and fabrics decreases when exposed to environmental conditions. Study of the changes in toughness has been a major attention for the researchers. The main aim of this work is to predict toughness of UV-degraded woven fabrics at different levels of exposure time and various directions. Samples of plain-woven fabrics that consist of nylon 66 as weft yarns and polyester as warp yarns are selected. A UV light source was used to induce controlled degradation at different exposure times. The samples were then tested with tensile tester machine and load–elongation curves were obtained. The toughness and the loss rate of toughness of the fabrics were determined. The areas under the curves are measured by the numerical method in Matlab 7.1 software. Regression method was used to find the correlation between the exposure times and the loss rate of toughness. For validating the regression model, a category of samples with an arbitrary exposed time were prepared. The experimental result of the validating sample was compared with the results form predicting regression model. Acceptable agreement was observed between experimental results and regression model. 相似文献
运用回归分析的方法对涤纶织物的减量率进行预测,达到有效控制织物的减量率并保持相对稳定的效果。文中还对影响减量率的有关因素进行了探讨。 相似文献