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T315, an integrin-linked kinase (ILK) inhibitor, has been shown to suppress the proliferation of breast cancer, stomach cancer and chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells. Here we demonstrate that T315 decreases cell viability of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell lines (HL-60 and THP-1) and primary leukemia cells from AML patients in a dose-responsive manner. Normal human bone marrow cells are less sensitive than leukemia cells to T315. T315 down regulates protein kinase B (Akt) and p-Akt and induces caspase activation, poly-ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) cleavage, apoptosis and autophagy through an ILK-independent manner. Interestingly, pretreatment with autophagy inhibitors rescues cells from apoptosis and concomitant PARP cleavage, which implicates a key role of autophagic cell death in T315-mediated cytotoxicity. T315 also demonstrates efficacy in vivo, suppressing the growth of THP-1 xenograft tumors in athymic nude mice when administered intraperitoneally. This study shows that autophagic cell death and apoptosis cooperatively contribute to the anticancer activity of T315 in AML cells. In conclusion, the complementary roles of apoptotic and autophagic cell death should be considered in the future assessment of the translational value of T315 in AML therapy.  相似文献   

Piezo1/2 are mechanosensitive calcium-permeable channels that can be activated by various modes of membrane deformation. The identification of the small molecule Yoda1, a synthetic Piezo1 agonist, revealed the possibility of chemical activation of the channel. Stimulating effects of Yoda1 on Piezo1 have been mainly documented using over-expressing cellular systems or channel proteins incorporated in artificial lipid bilayers. However, the activating effect of Yoda1 on native Piezo1 channels in the plasma membrane of living cells remains generally undefined, despite the increasing number of studies in which the agonist is utilized as a functional tool to reveal the contribution of Piezo1 to cellular reactions. In the current study, we used the human myeloid leukemia K562 cell line as a suitable model to examine chemically induced Piezo1 activity with the use of the patch-clamp technique in various specific modes. The functional expression of Piezo1 in leukemia cells was evidenced using a combinative approach, including single channel patch-clamp measurements. Utilizing our established single-current whole-cell assay on K562 cells, we have shown, for the first time, the selective real-time chemical activation of endogenously expressed Piezo1. Extracellular application of 0.5–1 µM Yoda1 effectively stimulated single Piezo1 currents in the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Whilst the survival rates of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) have increased remarkably over the last decades, the therapy resistance and toxicity are still the major causes of treatment failure. It was shown that overexpression of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) promotes proliferation and chemoresistance of cancer cells. In humans, the HO-1 gene (HMOX1) expression is modulated by two polymorphisms in the promoter region: (GT)n-length polymorphism and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) A(−413)T, with short GT repeat sequences and 413-A variants linked to an increased HO-1 inducibility. We found that the short alleles are significantly more frequent in ALL patients in comparison to the control group, and that their presence may be associated with a higher risk of treatment failure, reflecting the role of HO-1 in chemoresistance. We also observed that the presence of short alleles may predispose to develop chemotherapy-induced neutropenia. In case of SNP, the 413-T variant co-segregated with short or long alleles, while 413-A almost selectively co-segregated with long alleles, hence it is not possible to determine if SNPs are actually of phenotypic significance. Our results suggest that HO-1 can be a potential target to overcome the treatment failure in ALL patients.  相似文献   

Primary plasma cell leukemia (pPCL) is a rare and aggressive variant of multiple myeloma (MM) which may represent a valid model for high-risk MM. This disease is associated with a very poor prognosis, and unfortunately, it has not significantly improved during the last three decades. New high-throughput technologies have allowed a better understanding of the molecular basis of this disease and moved toward risk stratification, providing insights for targeted therapy studies. This knowledge, added to the pharmacogenetic profile of new and old agents in the analysis of efficacy and safety, could contribute to help clinical decisions move toward a precision medicine and a better clinical outcome for these patients. In this review, we describe the available literature concerning the genomic characterization and pharmacogenetics of plasma cell leukemia (PCL).  相似文献   

Heat-inactivation of sera is used to reduce possible disturbing effects of complement factors in cell-culture experiments, but it is controversially discussed whether this procedure is appropriate or could be neglected. Here, we report a strong impact of heat-inactivation of human sera on the activation and effector functions of human CD4+ T cells. While T cells cultured with native sera were characterized by a higher proliferation rate and higher expression of CD28, heat-inactivated sera shaped T cells towards on-blast formation, higher cytokine secretion (interferon γ, tumor necrosis factor, and interleukin-17), stronger CD69 and PD-1 expression, and increased metabolic activity. Heat-inactivated sera contained reduced amounts of complement factors and regulators like C1 inhibitor, but increased concentrations of circulating immune complexes. Substitution of C1 inhibitor reduced the beneficial effect of heat-inactivation in terms of cytokine release, whereas surface-molecule expression was affected by the addition of complex forming anti-C1q antibody. Our data clearly demonstrate a beneficial effect of heat-inactivation of human sera for T cell experiments but indicate that beside complement regulators and immune complexes other components might be relevant. Beyond that, this study further underpins the strong impact of the complement system on T cell function.  相似文献   

miRNAs are 20–22 long nucleotide non-coding ribonucleic acid molecules critical to the modulation of molecular pathways. Immune evasion and the establishment of a suitable tumor microenvironment are two major contributors that support tumor invasion and metastasis. Tumorigenic miRNAs support these two hallmarks by desensitizing important tumor-sensitive regulatory cells such as dendritic cells, M1 macrophages, and T helper cells towards tumors while supporting infiltration and proliferation of immune cells like Treg cells, tumor-associated M2 macrophages that promote self-tolerance and chronic inflammation. miRNAs have a significant role in enhancing the efficacies of immunotherapy treatments like checkpoint blockade therapy, adoptive T cell therapy, and oncolytic virotherapy in cancer. A clear understanding of the role of miRNA can help scientists to formulate better-targeted treatment modalities. miRNA therapeutics have emerged as diverse class of nucleic acid-based molecules that can suppress oncogenic miRNAs and promote the expression of tumor suppressor miRNAs.  相似文献   

The clinical course of the new coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has shown that patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) are characterized by a high mortality rate, poor response to standard treatment, and low virus-specific antibody response after recovery and/or vaccination. To date, there are no data on the safety and efficacy of the combined vector vaccine Sputnik V in patients with CLL. Here, we analyzed and compared the magnitudes of the antibody and T cell responses after vaccination with the Sputnik V vaccine among healthy donors and individuals with CLL with different statuses of preexposure to coronavirus. We found that vaccination of the COVID-19–recovered individuals resulted in the boosting of pre-existing immune responses in both healthy donors and CLL patients. However, the COVID-19–naïve CLL patients demonstrated a considerably lower antibody response than the healthy donors, although they developed a robust T cell response. Regardless of the previous infection, the individuals over 70 years old demonstrated a decreased response to vaccination, as did those receiving anti-CD20 therapy. In summary, we showed that Sputnik V, like other vaccines, did not induce a robust antibody response in individuals with CLL; however, it provided for the development of a significant anti-COVID-19 T cell response.  相似文献   

Small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) is the most aggressive form of lung cancer and the leading cause of global cancer-related mortality. Despite the earlier identification of membrane-proximal cleavage of cell adhesion molecule 1 (CADM1) in cancers, the role of the membrane-bound fragment of CAMD1 (MF-CADM1) is yet to be clearly identified. In this study, we first isolated MF-CADM1-specific fully human single-chain variable fragments (scFvs) from the human synthetic scFv antibody library using the phage display technology. Following the selected scFv conversion to human immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) scFv-Fc antibodies (K103.1–4), multiple characterization studies, including antibody cross-species reactivity, purity, production yield, and binding affinity, were verified. Finally, via intensive in vitro efficacy and toxicity evaluation studies, we identified K103.3 as a lead antibody that potently promotes the death of human SCLC cell lines, including NCI-H69, NCI-H146, and NCI-H187, by activated Jurkat T cells without severe endothelial toxicity. Taken together, these findings suggest that antibody-based targeting of MF-CADM1 may be an effective strategy to potentiate T cell-mediated SCLC death, and MF-CADM1 may be a novel potential therapeutic target in SCLC for antibody therapy.  相似文献   

The C-terminal aminoacidic sequence from NPM1-mutated protein, absent in normal human tissues, may serve as a leukemia-specific antigen and can be considered an ideal target for NPM1-mutated acute myeloid leukemia (AML) immunotherapy. Different in silico instruments and in vitro/ex vivo immunological platforms have identified the most immunogenic epitopes from NPM1-mutated protein. Spontaneous development of endogenous NPM1-mutated-specific cytotoxic T cells has been observed in patients, potentially contributing to remission maintenance and prolonged survival. Genetically engineered T cells, namely CAR-T or TCR-transduced T cells, directed against NPM1-mutated peptides bound to HLA could prospectively represent a promising therapeutic approach. Although either adoptive or vaccine-based immunotherapies are unlikely to be highly effective in patients with full-blown leukemia, these strategies, potentially in combination with immune-checkpoint inhibitors, could be promising in maintaining remission or preemptively eradicating persistent measurable residual disease, mainly in patients ineligible for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT). Alternatively, neoantigen-specific donor lymphocyte infusion derived from healthy donors and targeting NPM1-mutated protein to selectively elicit graft-versus-leukemia effect may represent an attractive option in subjects experiencing post-HSCT relapse. Future studies are warranted to further investigate dynamics of NPM1-mutated-specific immunity and explore whether novel individualized immunotherapies may have potential clinical utility in NPM1-mutated AML patients.  相似文献   

Non-coding micro-RNA (miRNAs) regulate the protein expression responsible for cell growth and proliferation. miRNAs also play a role in a cancer cells’ response to drug treatment. Knowing that leukemia and lymphoma cells show different responses to active forms of vitamin D3, we decided to investigate the role of selected miRNA molecules and regulated proteins, analyzing if there is a correlation between the selected miRNAs and regulated proteins in response to two active forms of vitamin D3, calcitriol and tacalcitol. A total of nine human cell lines were analyzed: five leukemias: MV-4-1, Thp-1, HL-60, K562, and KG-1; and four lymphomas: Raji, Daudi, Jurkat, and U2932. We selected five miRNA molecules—miR-27b, miR-32, miR-125b, miR-181a, and miR-181b—and the proteins regulated by these molecules, namely, CYP24A1, Bak1, Bim, p21, p27, p53, and NF-kB. The results showed that the level of selected miRNAs correlates with the level of proteins, especially p27, Bak1, NFκB, and CYP24A1, and miR-27b and miR-125b could be responsible for the anticancer activity of active forms of vitamin D3 in human leukemia and lymphoma.  相似文献   

DOG1 is a transmembrane protein originally discovered on gastrointestinal stromal tumors and works as a calcium-activated chloride channel protein. There are a limited number of articles on the potential utility of this antibody in the diagnosis of salivary gland tumors in routine practice. In this study, we aimed to investigate the role of DOG1 as an immunohistochemical marker in patients with salivary acinic cell carcinoma (ACC) through meta-analysis. A literature search was performed of the PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases for English-language studies published from January 2010 to September 2021. The literature search revealed 148 articles, of which 20 were included in the study. The overall rate of DOG1 expression in salivary acinic cell carcinoma was 55% (95% CI = 0.43–0.58). Although ACC is a challenging diagnosis, paying careful attention to the cytomorphological features in conjunction with DOG1 immunostaining can help to reach an accurate diagnosis.  相似文献   

Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is caused by CTG-repeat expansions leading to a complex pathology with a multisystemic phenotype that primarily affects the muscles and brain. Despite a multitude of information, especially on the alternative splicing of several genes involved in the pathology, information about additional factors contributing to the disease development is still lacking. We performed RNAseq and gene expression analyses on proliferating primary human myoblasts and differentiated myotubes. GO-term analysis indicates that in myoblasts and myotubes, different molecular pathologies are involved in the development of the muscular phenotype. Gene set enrichment for splicing reveals the likelihood of whole, differentiation stage specific, splicing complexes that are misregulated in DM1. These data add complexity to the alternative splicing phenotype and we predict that it will be of high importance for therapeutic interventions to target not only mature muscle, but also satellite cells.  相似文献   

The autoimmune reaction against the beta cells of the pancreatic islets in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients is active in prediabetes and during the development of the clinical manifestation of T1DM, but it decreases within a few years of the clinical manifestation of this disease. A key role in the pathogenesis of T1DM is played by regulatory T cell (Treg) deficiency or dysfunction. Immune interventions, such as potential therapeutic applications or the induction of the Treg-cell population in T1DM, will be important in the development of new types of treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate innovative immune interventions as treatments for T1DM. After an evaluation of full-length papers from the PubMed database from 2010 to 2021, 20 trials were included for the final analysis. The analysis led to the following conclusions: Treg cells play an important role in the limitation of the development of T1DM, the activation or application of Tregs may be more effective in the early stages of T1DM development, and the therapeutic use of Treg cells in T1DM is promising but requires long-term observation in a large group of patients.  相似文献   

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