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项目核准工作是企业核电项目前期执照申请工作的重要组成部分,作为核电项目业主单位,开展核电项目前期执照申请政策研究是确保核电项目核准工作顺利实施的前提,同时依法开展核电项目前期执照申请;工作也是核电业主、全面落实依法治企的重要体现。本文通过对核电项目前期执照申请相关的政策进行研究,分析政策变化对核电项目前期执照申请工作影响,为核电项目前期执照申请工作提供参考。  相似文献   

文章阐述了我国核电项目前期工作的主要特点和工作任务,简要介绍了我国核电项目前期工作相关法规标准的现状,结合当前我国核电发展所面临的新形势,提出了后续完善核电项目前期工作相关标准的建议,供核电相关单位参考。  相似文献   

核电项目前期工作关键路径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
核电项目前期工作所确定的工程技术方案、合同模式、管理体系以及初步设计是决定核电项目质量、进度、投资的关键.本文以技术成熟、采用自主设计和部件采购模式、建造工期58个月的CPR1000滨海核电站为例,分析了核电项目前期执照申领、设计采购、厂址准备、施工合同招标和施工准备、组织建设等方面工作的关键路径.  相似文献   

核电厂厂址是保障安全高效发展核电国家战略实现的必备稀缺资源,核电项目开发周期长,随着社会经济快速发展,核电厂厂址易在较长的项目前期工作中遭到破坏或挪作他用,核电厂厂址保护工作显得越来越重要。以禁止限制为主要手段的保护措施已经面临挑战,需要在总结传统厂址保护工作基础上结合项目前期工作新形势进行开发性厂址保护的探索与实践。  相似文献   

公众对核电的接受程度已经成为制约我国核电发展的瓶颈.福岛核事故后,我国核能公众沟通工作面临着诸多新挑战,对核电项目前期阶段专项公众沟通工作提出了新要求.为了更加深入地检验核电项目建设单位公众沟通工作的有效性,充分应对这些挑战与要求,切实保障公众的知情权、参与权、监督权,在既有工作的经验基础上,探究融合同行评估和沙盘推演...  相似文献   

近日,国家能源局制定了《2018年能源工作指导意见》,确定了非化石能源可持续发展工程等七大能源重点工程方向。其中,关于核电部分的主要内容如下:安全高效发展核电,稳妥推进核电发展。落实“核电安全管理提升年”专项行动要求,进一步提升核电安全管理水平,确保在运核电机组安全稳定运行,在建核电工程安全质量可控。年内计划建成三门1号、海阳1号、台山1号、田湾3号和阳江5号机组,合计新增核电装机约600万千瓦。在充分论证评估的基础上,开工建设一批沿海地区先进三代压水堆核电项目。积极推进具备条件项目的核准建设,年内计划开工6~8台机组。扎实推进一批厂址条件成熟、公众基础好的沿海核电项目前期论证工作。进一步完善核电项目开发管理制度,做好核电厂址资源保护工作。继续推动解决部分地区核电限发问题,促进核电多发满发。继续实施核电科技重大专项,建设核电技术装备试验平台共享体系,加快推进小型堆重大专项立项工作,深入推进高温气冷堆和模块化小型堆等安全先进核电的试验示范工程建设,积极研究推动北方地区核能供暖试点工作,积极推动核能综合利用。  相似文献   

王凯  李国瑾 《中国核电》2013,(3):246-250
文章介绍了日本福岛核事故发生以后,我国核电站厂址选择工作面临的困难和挑战,分析了当前核电站厂址选择的要点,重点阐述了核安全相关厂址特征的选择与评价方法,并从项目管理的角度,论述了核电项目前期主要的流程和关键点.  相似文献   

江苏核电有限公司始终坚持贯彻落实安全第一,质量第一的核电建设方针,积极推进田湾核电站一期工程两台机组先后于2007年5月和8月投入商业运行,并取得良好的运行业绩;田湾核电基地规划已经明确,扩建项目前期准备取得阶段性进展。这些成绩的取得,是在中俄两国政府、国家有关部委、省市地方政府的重视、关心  相似文献   

国电漳州核电项目筹建处成立于2007年7A6日,是中国国电集团公司成立的第一个核电项目筹建处,主要负责漳州核电项目的前期工作。2009年5月7日,筹建处取得中电联认证中心颁发的《质量管理体系认证证书》、“环境管理体系认证证书》和《职业健康安全管理体系认证证书》,成为国内第一家在核电项目前期发布并实施质量保证大纲的单位,第一家在核电项目筹建阶段通过“三标认证”的单位。  相似文献   

文章通过对ISO 30300、ISO 15489系列文档管理标准体系以及我国文档管理标准现状的分析研究,并结合我国核电文档管理工作的实际特点,提出了核电文档管理标准体系框架,同时给出核电文档管理标准化工作建议,为今后我国核电文档管理标准化体系建设提供思路。  相似文献   

巴军  辛凯强  樊冲 《辐射防护》2022,42(3):236-243
本文从辐射防护群堆业务及信息化管控最优化的角度出发,提出了核电站辐射防护信息感知统一管控平台的设计思路,涵盖的业务范围、系统功能构成、单元之间的关系等设计思想,并结合IT技术发展新的趋势,依据信息系统设计的一般原则,就辐射防护信息一体化管控平台架构设计及开发事项进行阐述。最终实现对辐射防护一体化提升工作的信息化、专业化...  相似文献   

根据核电运维的流程详细梳理了运维的各类数据,分析了数据类型、数据特征和量级,提出了大数据和关系型数据相融合的数据管理构架;根据远程运维的业务特点,进一步分析了核电运维的数据管理需求,基于B/S构架开发了基于大数据和关系型数据相融合的数据管理系统,创新了核电运维数据的管理模式。该系统已在核电运维服务中得到了有效应用,极大提升了核电运维工作效率,同时也为后续智能运维的研究提供了基础。   相似文献   

The European network of excellence NULIFE (nuclear plant life prediction) has been launched with a clear focus on integrating safety-oriented research on materials, structures and systems and exploiting the results of this integration through the production of harmonised lifetime assessment methods. NULIFE will help provide a better common understanding of the factors affecting the lifetime of nuclear power plants which, together with associated management methods, will help facilitate safe and economic long-term operation of existing nuclear power plants. In addition, NULIFE will help in the development of design criteria for future generations of nuclear power plant.NULIFE was kicked-off in October 2006 and will work over a 5-year period to create a single organization structure, capable of providing harmonised research and development (R&D) at European level to the nuclear power industry and the related safety authorities. Led by VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland), the project has a total budget in excess of 8 million euros, with over 40 partners drawn from leading research institutions, technical support organizations, electric power utilities and manufacturers throughout Europe. NULIFE also involves many industrial organizations and, in addition to their R&D contributions, these take part in a dedicated End User Group.Over the last 15 years the European Commission has sponsored a significant number of R&D projects under the Euratom Framework Programme and its Joint Research Centre has developed co-operative European Networks for mutual benefits on specific topics related to plant life management. However, their overall impact has been reduced due to fragmentation. These networks are considered forerunners to NULIFE. The importance of the long-term operation of the plants has been recognized at European level, in the strategic research agenda of SNETP (Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform). In NULIFE, the joint EU-wide coordinated research strategy for plant life integrity management and long-term operation has been defined.Mapping exercise of expertises performed under NULIFE confirmed that NULIFE R&D resources are versatile and high quality. In addition to the wide range of technical expertise available, these are widely spread at geographical and organizational level. Four expert groups, with identified members and links to national programmes, have now produced state-of-the-art type reports related to their expertises. Stress corrosion cracking and thermal fatigue pilot projects have finished concluding reports. Several project proposals have been introduced and optimised for new NULIFE pilot projects or other R&D projects.Based on NULIFE business plan, the discussion of long-term business plan, operational model and statute of the future NULIFE institute has been started. NULIFE maintains the sustainability of nuclear power by focusing on the continued, 60+ years of safe operation of nuclear power plants.  相似文献   

Future Features     

BNFL have carried out the marine transport of irradiated nuclear fuel since the 1960s. Since 1976 BNFL have managed the transport system for this business and to date nearly 300 voyages and the transport of over 8000 tonnes of irradiated fuel have been completed. Between 1986 and 1993 the IMO (International Maritime Organization) developed the INF code for ships carrying varying quantities of irradiated fuel, plutonium and high level waste. The PNTL vessels meet the highest level of this code (INF3). This paper described the design and operation of the ships and their cargo. The management of the transport system is also described, including emergency response plans and salvage arrangements.  相似文献   


Historically, the progression of IAEA Regulation revisions has always resulted in changes mainly for the better, in the way spent fuel is transported. The more recent regulatory changes have had a more pronounced effect on the way NTL transports spent fuel. A Transport Management System has been established which not only ensures the Regulations and Package Approval requirements are met but also demonstrates that they are complied with. The system provides documented procedures for all levels of management. They cover a wide range of disciplines from the simplest of transport administration tasks to the more complex business of transport scheduling, reactor site operations and maintenance of packagings and associated equipment. NTL's Transport Management System is self regulatory. The clearly defined boundaries of responsibilities of the personnel carrying out documented procedures ensures non-conformities are minimised. When non-conformities do arise corrective actions are put into the system to prevent recurrence. The benefits of a formal Quality Management System are easily quantified. NTL have recognised the increased efficiency in spent fuel transport activities alld the snowball effect it has had on other bodies. For example, approved suppliers have responded favourably to demands for better quality and Competent Authorities have expressed satisfaction after completing their compliance checks.  相似文献   

The collaboratory for the EAST is available, which possesses the capacity to further advance active research on EAST. In doing so, the distance between local researchers and participators over the world is just a click away. To feature the system with the function of remote control, the functional business logic is all encapsulated in the mandatory controls, which can potentially boost the computing capability of the clients with a B/S framework. At the same time, the EAST collaboratory embraces powerful on-line data exchange and data management functions via state-of-the-art XML Web services. With the goal of accessing and analysing the pivotal experimental data on-line, a data analysis system is implemented in JAVA. Finally as a valuable asset of the EAST collaboratory the function of videoconference will be also covered in this contribution.  相似文献   


The transport security is very important for AREVA group and the nuclear business in general. Because the transports are on the public field they are more sensitive for the persons and the environment. In order to optimise the AREVA group transport security and the effective implementation of nuclear safety charters the Business Unit Logistics puts in place in 2006 a specific organisation with a reinforced team and some new processes. The scope is the transportation of nuclear materials and contaminated equipment representing a specific risk to the group (safety, physical protection, industrial and media). The main BU LOGISTICS assignments are:

(i) to provide customised services to every BU of the group

(ii) to certify and control external subcontractors chosen with BU's consent

(iii) to supply all support for BU's in the field of:

(a) transportation preparation and organisation

(b) emergency management

(c) monitoring of regulations

(d) technical expertise associated with transportation.

This paper will introduce the approach of the risk analysis. The approach is in three steps:

(i) the transportation flow risk analysis

(ii) the Implementation priority

(iii) the proposal for corrective actions.

For risks analysis, we evaluate, for each transportation flow, the occurrence or probability of an event during transport and the consequence of any potential event. From this, we get a risk level for each transport flow. For the implementation priority, based on the risk level already evaluated in step (i), we evaluate and grade the current management of the risk. So, for each transportation flow, we have the risk level and the current level of the risk management. For the last part we propose corrective actions for priority flows.  相似文献   

核反应堆工程实验系统的复杂性一直是制约核反应堆工程实验技术攻关和创新的重要因素之一。为提升应对核反应堆工程实验系统复杂性的能力和手段,引入数字实验概念,目的是建立适用于核反应堆工程实验全生命周期的统一高效的业务执行环境。本文基于系统工程方法论详细阐述了数字实验平台的顶层架构,包括由V模型和业务场景图构成的业务流程架构,由数据模型化知识化逻辑图构成的实验基础架构,以及由业务层的业务管理系统、应用层的实验设计仿真环境系统、知识层的实验知识系统和资源层的基础功能系统构成的平台功能分层架构,并以"华龙一号"(ACP1000)二次侧非能动余热排出系统(PRS)实验系统为对象进行了应用验证。验证结果表明:上述的架构具有较强的可行性,可作为数字实验平台开发的整体逻辑框架。  相似文献   

Advanced high-temperature nuclear reactors create a number of new opportunities for nuclear process heat applications. These opportunities are based on the high-temperature heat available, smaller reactor sizes, and enhanced safety features that allow siting close to process plants. Major sources of value include the displacement of premium fuels and the elimination of CO2 emissions from combustion of conventional fuels and their use to produce hydrogen. High value applications include steam production and cogeneration, steam methane reforming, and water splitting. Market entry by advanced high-temperature reactor technology is challenged by the evolution of nuclear licensing requirements in countries targeted for early applications, by the development of a customer base not familiar with nuclear technology and related issues, by convergence of oil industry and nuclear industry risk management, by development of public and government policy support, by resolution of nuclear waste and proliferation concerns, and by the development of new business entities and business models to support commercialization. New HTR designs may see a larger opportunity in process heat niche applications than in power given competition from larger advanced light water reactors. Technology development is required in many areas to enable these new applications, including the commercialization of new heat exchangers capable of operating at high temperatures and pressures, convective process reactors and suitable catalysts, water splitting system and component designs, and other process-side requirements. Key forces that will shape these markets include future fuel availability and pricing, implementation and monetization of CO2 emission limits, and the formation of international energy and environmental policy that will support initiatives to provide the nuclear licensing frameworks and risk distribution needed to support private investment. This paper was developed based on a plenary session presentation at HTR-2006 which won Best Paper.  相似文献   

Cost and risk are two major competing criteria in maintenance optimization problems. If a plant is forced to shutdown because of accident or fear of accident happening, beside loss of revenue, it causes damage to the credibility and reputation of the business operation.  相似文献   

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