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In the ATLAS muon spectrometer, large drift-tube chambers are used for precision tracking. The chambers will be operated at a high neutron and /spl gamma/ background resulting in count rates of up to 500 Hz cm/sup -2/ corresponding to 300 kHz per tube. The spatial resolution of the drift tubes is degraded from 82 /spl mu/m without background to 108 /spl mu/m at 500 Hz cm/sup -2/ background count rate. Due to afterpulsing in the Ar/CO/sub 2/ gas mixture used in the drift tubes, ionizing radiation causes more than one hit in a tube within the maximum drift time of about 800 ns which is expected for magnetic field strengths around 1.2 T. In order to limit the count rate, the drift tubes are read out with an artificial dead time of 790 ns which causes an efficiency loss of 23% at a rate of 300 kHz per tube. The space-to-drift-time relationship of the tubes varies with background rate, temperature, and magnetic field strength. The mean magnetic field strength in a muon chamber is 0.4 T on the average, but may vary by up to 0.4 T within a chamber. The space-to-drift-time relationship must therefore be determined in short time intervals with an accuracy better than 20 /spl mu/m using muon tracks and applying corrections for measured magnetic field variations.  相似文献   

This paper describes a feasibility study for the design of the muon trigger track finder processor in the high-energy physics experiment compact muon solenoid (CMS), planned for 2005, at CERN. It covers the specification, proposed method, and a prototype implementation. Comparison between several other measurement methods and the proposed one are carried out. The task of the processor is to identify muons and measure their transverse momenta and locations within 350 ns. It uses data from almost 200000 detector cells of drift tube muon chambers. The processor searches for muon tracks originating from the Interaction point by joining the track segments provided by the drift tube muon chamber electronics to full tracks. It assigns transverse momentum to each reconstructed track using the track's bend angle  相似文献   

A new pixel front-end integrated circuit is being developed in a 130 nm technology for use in the foreseen b-layer upgrade of the ATLAS pixel detector. Development of this chip is considered as an intermediate step towards super-LHC upgrade, and also allows having a smaller radius insertable pixel layer. The higher luminosity for which this chip is tuned implies a complete redefinition of the digital architecture logic with respect to the current ATLAS pixel front-end. The new digital architecture logic is not based on a transfer of all pixel hits to the periphery of the chip, but on local pixel logic, local pixel data storage, and a new mechanism to drain triggered hits from the double-column. An overview of the new chip will be given with particular emphasis on the new digital logic architecture and possible variations. The new interface needed to configure and operate the chip will also be described.  相似文献   

By implementing an additional heavy quark–antiquark pair production trigger in a multiphase transport(AMPT) model, we study the effect on anisotropy flows of identified particles with a focus on charged particles and quarkonium(J/Ψ and Υ). A systematic increase in the collision rate for active partons in the AMPT model with such an implementation has been observed. It leads to a slight increase of identified particles anisotropy flows as a function of transverse momentum(pT) and rapidity, and gi...  相似文献   

We have constructed models for muon interactions (i.e., bremsstrahlung, electron–positron pair production, muon photonuclear interaction, and negative muon capture reaction) and implemented these models in the particle and heavy ion transport code system (PHITS). The PHITS2.86 agrees well with experimental data for the vertical intensities of cosmic-ray muons in water and standard rock. The calculated results for neutron production by muon photonuclear interaction and negative muon capture reaction are in good agreement with measured data, except in the case of lead target. PHITS2.86 can also reproduce the cross-section of radionuclide production by muons passing through a concrete wall very well. These results indicate the applicability of PHITS2.86 to the shielding design of muon facilities in which estimations of attenuation length and induced radioactivity are important.  相似文献   

概述了DAMA实验的触发判选系统之构成、功能、所解决的问题,以及与整个数据获取系统联合使用时所达到的指标。该系统的设计方案不仅用于DAMA实验,也用于DAMA合作组的其他实验,如液氙闪烁探测器和R&D实验系统等,其效果很好。  相似文献   

使用强制触发的方法,清华大学高能中心的研究人员首次在日本超级神冈实验的纯水探测介质中观察到了中子俘获寿命曲线.本文讨论强制触发的实现原理和强制触发电子学模块的具体设计,并对实验过程和结果进行了讨论.  相似文献   

In this article,we briefly review the recent progress on collective flow and hydrodynamics in large and small systems at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC),which includes the following topics:extracting the QGP viscosity from the flow data,initial-state fluctuations and final-state correlations at 2.76 A TeV Pb-Pb collisions,correlations,and collective flow in high-energy p-Pb and p-p collisions.  相似文献   

An experimental muon source is planned for the China Spallation Neutron Source. A simplified beamline with a limited number of magnets is achieved using a FODO lattice for implementation in a future preliminary stage. The yield of the muon delivered to the experimental sample is slightly larger than 10~5 μ~+/s within the FWHM beam spot(~?30 mm) from a thick muon target. In addition, the beam polarization is 92% and the contamination that is mainly formed by positrons is approximately a fraction of 1%.  相似文献   

At the CHEP03 conference, we launched the Physics Analysis eXpert (PAX), a C++ toolkit released for the use in advanced high energy physics (HEP) analyses. This toolkit allows to define a level of abstraction beyond detector reconstruction by providing a general, persistent container model for HEP events. Physics objects such as particles, vertices and collisions can easily be stored, accessed and manipulated. Bookkeeping of relations between these objects (like decay trees, vertex and collision separation, etc.) including deep copies is fully provided by the relation management. Event container and associated objects represent a uniform interface for algorithms and facilitate the parallel development and evaluation of different physics interpretations of individual events. So-called analysis factories, which actively identify and distinguish different physics processes and study systematic uncertainties, can easily be realized with the PAX toolkit. PAX is officially released to experiments at Tevatron and LHC. Being explored by a growing user community, it is applied in a number of complex physics analyses, two of which are presented here. We report the successful application in studies of tt~ production at the Tevatron and Higgs searches in the channel tt~H at the LHC and give a short outlook on further developments.  相似文献   

介绍了用于大亚湾中微子实验的PMT触发判选电路的一种设计方案.从PMT触发判选电路的设计要求谈起,着重讨论了如何采用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)来实现判选过程及数据暂存,介绍了采用来自GPS的高精度时间信息对事例数据进行时间标记的具体方法.  相似文献   

The stresses in the coupling superconducting solenoid coil assembly, which is applied in the Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE), are critical for the structure design and mechanical stability because of a large diameter and relative high magnetic field. This paper presents an analytical stress solution for the MICE coupling coil assembly. The stress due to winding tension is calculated by assuming the coil package as a set of combined cylinders.The thermal and electromechanical stresses are obtained by solving the partial differential equations of displacement based on the power series expansion method. The analytical stress solution is proved to be feasible by calculating stresses in a tested superconducting solenoid with 2.58 m bore at room temperature. The analytical result of the MICE coupling coil is in good agreement with that ofthe finite element which shows that the transverse shear stress induced by Lorentz force is principally dominant to magnet instability.  相似文献   

The ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) high momentum particle identification (HMPID) detector, presently under construction, consists of seven identical proximity focusing ring imaging Cherenkov (RICH) counters exploiting large area CsI photocathodes for Cherenkov light imaging. With a total area of 11$ m^2$, it represents the largest CsI-RICH system ever used in High Energy Physics. The detector layout, assembly and quality checks will be presented, with particular emphasis on CsI photocathodes mass production. A validation procedure has been established combining the results of the photocathode response mapping obtained in a dedicated VUV scanner with test beam data. The long-term stability has also been studied by irradiation with a Sr-90 source of a final size CsI photocathode inside a detector prototype.  相似文献   

Muon scattering tomography is believed to be a promising technique for cargo container inspection, owing to the ability of natural muons to penetrate into dense materials and the absence of artificial radiation. In this work, the material discrimination ability of muon scattering tomography is evaluated based on experiments at the Tsinghua University cosmic ray muon tomography facility,with four materials: flour(as drugs substitute), aluminum,steel, and lead. The features of the different materials could be discriminated with cluster analysis and classifiers based on support vector machine. The overall discrimination precisions for these four materials could reach 70, 95, and 99% with 1-, 5-, and 10-min-long measurement,respectively.  相似文献   

The space-time characters of the pion-emitting sources produced in the heavy ion collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) energies are investigated in a granular source model of quark-gluon plasma droplets. The results of two-pion interferometry indicate that the longi tudinal interferometry radius is sensitive to the initial breakup time of the system. For a larger breakup time the values of the longitudinal interferometry radius for the LHC source are larger than that of the source produced in the collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider’s (RHIC) top energy. However, the values of the longitudinal radius are smaller if the source fragments at a smaller breakup time with a higher initial temperature of the droplets. The values of the transverse interferometry radius in the side direction for the LHC sources are larger than those for the RHIC source. The imaging analyses for the characteristic quantities of the granular sources are consistent with the interferometry radii.  相似文献   

The ATLAS TDAQ network consists of four separate Ethernet based networks which together total over 4000 ports with 200 edge switches and 6 multi-blade chassis switches at the core. System checks are invoked at every level of the installation. The full installation is described in different static databases. Tools are provided to automatically cross-check these for consistency. The configuration management is centralized: configuration files stored in a database are distributed to all devices and the actual settings are periodically verified. Monitoring systems are deployed to validate the connectivity, identify malfunctions and confirm the resources availability upon request from TDAQ control. Relevant operational statistics (e.g., port status and throughput) are continuously logged and made available to TDAQ control. Watches and alarms are set for dynamic threshold violations and the complete instantaneous status can be viewed at different levels of abstraction in a 3D fly-through. A tool-set has been developed to demonstrate aggregate achievable cross-sectional bandwidth for TDAQ-specific traffic profiles, as well as to analyze traffic flows and hot spot behaviour.  相似文献   

为实现放射性废物压缩设备国产化,设计、研制了超级压缩装置,并针对核电站多种典型废物进行了试验研究。结果表明:在累计运行200小时后,装置完好无渗漏,生产能力达到7桶/h。研制的超压装置可用于核电站产生的可压缩放射性废物的处理。  相似文献   

Sub Farm Interface is the event builder of the ATLAS(A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS) Dataflow System. It receives event fragments from the Read Out System, builds full events and sends complete events to the Event Filter for high level event selection. This paper describes the implementation of the Sub Farm Interface. Furthermore, this paper introduces some issues on SFI(Sub Farm Interface) optimization and the monitoring service inside SFI.  相似文献   

KAERI recently constructed a new thermal-hydraulic integral test facility for advanced pressurized water reactors (PWRs) – ATLAS. The ATLAS facility has the following characteristics: (a) 1/2-height&length, 1/288-volume, and full pressure simulation of APR1400, (b) maintaining a geometrical similarity with APR1400 including 2(hot legs) × 4(cold legs) reactor coolant loops, direct vessel injection (DVI) of emergency core cooling water, integrated annular downcomer, etc., (c) incorporation of specific design characteristics of OPR1000 such as cold leg injection and low-pressure safety injection pumps, (d) maximum 10% of the scaled nominal core power. The ATLAS will mainly be used to simulate various accident and transient scenarios for evolutionary PWRs, OPR1000 and APR1400: the simulation capability of broad scenarios including the reflood phase of a large-break loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA), small-break LOCA scenarios including DVI line breaks, a steam generator tube rupture, a main steam line break, a feed line break, a mid-loop operation, etc. The ATLAS is now in operation after an extensive series of commissioning tests in 2006.  相似文献   

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