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The cpr5 mutant was identified from a screen for constitutive expression of systemic acquired resistance (SAR). This single recessive mutation also leads to spontaneous expression of chlorotic lesions and reduced trichome development. The cpr5 plants were found to be constitutively resistant to two virulent pathogens, Pseudomonas syringae pv maculicola ES4326 and Peronospora parasitica Noco2; to have endogenous expression of the pathogenesis-related gene 1 (PR-1); and to have an elevated level of salicylic acid (SA). Lines homozygous for cpr5 and either the SA-degrading bacterial gene nahG or the SA-insensitive mutation npr1 do not express PR-1 or exhibit resistance to P. s. maculicola ES4326. Therefore, we conclude that cpr5 acts upstream of SA in inducing SAR. However, the cpr5 npr1 plants retained heightened resistance to P. parasitica Noco2 and elevated expression of the defensin gene PDF1.2, implying that NPR1-independent resistance signaling also occurs. We conclude that the cpr5 mutation leads to constitutive expression of both an NPR1-dependent and an NPR1-independent SAR pathway. Identification of this mutation indicates that these pathways are connected in early signal transduction steps and that they have overlapping functions in providing resistance.  相似文献   

The full-length BIO2 cDNA from Arabidopsis thaliana was isolated using an expressed sequence tag that was homologous to the Escherichia coli biotin synthase gene (BioB). Comparisons of the deduced amino acid sequence from BIO2 with bacterial and yeast biotin synthase homologs revealed a high degree of sequence similarity. The amino terminus of the predicted BIO2 protein contains a stretch of hydrophobic residues similar in composition to transit peptide sequences. BIO2 is a single-copy nuclear gene in Arabidopsis that is expressed at high levels in the tissues of immature plants. Expression of BIO2 was higher in the light relative to dark and was induced 5-fold during biotin-limited conditions. These results demonstrate that expression of at least one gene in this pathway is regulated in response to developmental, environmental, and bio-chemical stimuli.  相似文献   

An Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA clone, AtTPS1, that encodes a trehalose-6-phosphate synthase was isolated. The identity of this protein is supported by both structural and functional evidence. On one hand, the predicted sequence of the protein encoded by AtTPS1 showed a high degree of similarity with trehalose-6-phosphate synthases of different organisms. On the other hand, expression of the AtTPS1 cDNA in the yeast tps1 mutant restored its ability to synthesize trehalose and suppressed its growth defect related to the lack of trehalose-6-phosphate. Genomic organization and expression analyses suggest that AtTPS1 is a single-copy gene and is expressed constitutively at very low levels.  相似文献   

In plant and algal cells, inhibition of the enzyme protoporphyrinogen oxidase (Protox) by the N-phenyl heterocyclic herbicide S-23142 causes massive protoporphyrin IX accumulation, resulting in membrane deterioration and cell lethality in the light. We have identified a 40.4 kb genomic fragment encoding S-23142 resistance by using transformation to screen an indexed cosmid library made from nuclear DNA of the dominant rs-3 mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. A 10.0 kb HindIII subclone (Hind10) of this insert yields a high frequency of herbicide-resistant transformants, consistent with frequent non-homologous integration of the complete RS-3 gene. A 3.4 kb XhoI subfragment (Xho3.4) yields rare herbicide-resistant transformants, suggestive of homologous integration of a portion of the coding sequence containing the mutation. Molecular and genetic analysis of the transformants localized the rs-3 mutation conferring S-23142 resistance to the Xho3.4 fragment, which was found to contain five putative exons encoding a protein with identity to the C-terminus of the A rabidopsis Protox enzyme. A cDNA clone containing a 1698 bp ORF that encodes a 563 amino acid peptide with 51% and 53% identity to Arabidopsis and tobacco Protox I, respectively, was isolated from a wild-type C. reinhardtii library. Comparison of the wild-type cDNA sequence with the putative exon sequences present in the mutant Xho3.4 fragment revealed a G-->A change at 291 in the first putative exon, resulting in a Val-->Met substitution at a conserved position equivalent to Val-389 of the wild-type C. reinhardtii cDNA. A sequence comparison of genomic Hind10 fragments from C. reinhardtii rs-3 and its wild-type progenitor CC-407 showed this G-->A change at the equivalent position (5751) within exon 10.  相似文献   

To identify plant defense responses that limit pathogen attack, Arabidopsis eds mutants that exhibit enhanced disease susceptibility to the virulent bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv maculicola ES4326 were previously identified. In this study, we show that each of four eds mutants (eds5-1, eds6-1, eds7-1, and eds9-1) has a distinguishable phenotype with respect to the degree of susceptibility to a panel of bacterial phytopathogens and the ability to activate pathogenesis-related PR-1 gene expression after pathogen attack. None of the four eds mutants exhibited observable defects in mounting a hypersensitive response. Although all four eds mutants were also capable of mounting a systemic acquired resistance response, enhanced growth of P. s. maculicola ES4326 was still apparent in the secondarily infected leaves of three of the eds mutants. These data indicate that eds genes define a diverse set of previously unknown defense responses that affect resistance to virulent pathogens.  相似文献   

The soilborne, vascular pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum, the causative agent of bacterial wilt, was shown to infect a range of Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. The pathogen was capable of infecting the Col-5 accession in an hrp-dependent manner, following root inoculation. Elevated bacterial population levels were found in leaves of Col-5, 4 to 5 days after root inoculation by the GMI1000 strain. Bacteria were found predominantly in the xylem vessels and spread systematically throughout the plant. The Nd-1 accession of A. thaliana was resistant to the GMI1000 strain of R. solanacearum. Bacterial concentrations detected in leaves of Nd-1, inoculated with an hrp+ strain of R. solanacearum, were only slightly higher than those detected in the susceptible accession, Col-5, following inoculation with a strain whose hrp gene cluster was deleted. Leaf inoculation of the GMI1000 strain on the resistant accession Nd-1 induced the formation of lesions in the older leaves of the rosette whereas the same strain of R. solanacearum provoked complete wilting of Col-5. Resistance to strain GMI1000 of R. solanacearum segregated as a simply inherited recessive trait in a genetic cross between Col-5 and Nd-1. F9 recombinant inbred lines generated between these two accessions were used to map a locus, RRS1, that was the major determinant of resistance between restriction fragment length polymorphism markers mi83 and mi61 on chromosome V. This region of the A. thaliana genome is known to contain many other pathogen recognition capabilities.  相似文献   

Coronatine is a phytotoxin produced by some plant-pathogenic bacteria. It has been shown that coronatine mimics the action of methyl jasmonate (MeJA) in plants. MeJA is a plant-signaling molecule involved in stress responses such as wounding and pathogen attack. In Arabidopsis thaliana, MeJA is essential for pollen grain development. The coi1 (for coronatine-insensitive) mutant of Arabidopsis, which is insensitive to coronatine and MeJA, produces sterile male flowers and shows an altered response to wounding. When the differential display technique was used, a message that was rapidly induced by coronatine in wild-type plants but not in coi1 was identified and the corresponding cDNA was cloned. The coronatine-induced gene ATHCOR1 (for A. thaliana coronatine-induced) is expressed in seedlings, mature leaves, flowers, and siliques but was not detected in roots. The expression of this gene was dramatically reduced in coi1 plants, indicating that COI1 affects its expression. ATHCOR1 was rapidly induced by MeJA and wounding in wild-type plants. The sequence of ATHCOR1 shows no strong homology to known proteins. However, the predicted polypeptide contains a conserved amino acid sequence present in several bacterial, animal, and plant hydrolases and includes a potential ATP/GTP-binding-site motif (P-loop).  相似文献   

Covalent attachment of ubiquitin to other intracellular proteins is essential for many physiological processes in eukaryotes, including selective protein degradation. Selection of proteins for ubiquitin conjugation is accomplished, in part, by a group of enzymes designated E2s or ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (UBCs). At least six types of E2s have been identified in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana; each type is encoded by a small gene family. Previously, we described the isolation and characterization of two three-member gene families, designated AtUBC1-3 and AtUBC4-6, encoding two of these E2 types. Here, we investigated the expression patterns, of the AtUBC1-3 and AtUBC4-6 genes by the histochemical analysis of transgenic Arabidopsis containing the corresponding promoters fused to the beta-glucuronidase-coding region. Staining patterns showed that these genes are active in many stages of development and some aspects of cell death, but are not induced by heat stress. Within the two gene families, individual members exhibited both overlapping and complementary expression patterns, indicating that at least one member of each gene family is expressed in most cell types and at most developmental stages. Different composite patterns of expression were observed between the AtUBC1-3 and AtUBC4-6 families, suggesting distinct biochemical and/or physiological functions for the encoded E2s in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Plants are continually subjected to ultraviolet-B (UV-B) irradiation (290 to 320 nanometers) as a component of sunlight, which induces a variety of types of damage to the plant DNA. Repair of the two major DNA photoproducts was analyzed in wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana and in a mutant derivative whose growth was sensitive to UV-B radiation. In wild-type seedlings, repair of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers occurred more slowly in the dark than in the light; repair of this photoproduct was not affected in the mutant. Repair, in the dark, of pyrimidine-pyrimidinone(6-4) dimers was defective in the UV-sensitive mutant.  相似文献   

A 2274 bp Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA was isolated that encodes a protein 57% identical to cycloartenol synthase from the same organism. The expressed recombinant protein encodes lupeol synthase, which converts oxidosqualene to the triterpene lupeol as the major product. Lupeol synthase is a multifunctional enzyme that forms other triterpene alcohols, including beta-amyrin, as minor products. Sequence analysis suggests that lupeol synthase diverged from cycloartenol synthase after plants diverged from fungi and animals. This evolutionary order is the reason that fungi and animals do not make lupeol.  相似文献   

The prenyltransferase undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthetase (di-trans,poly-cis-decaprenylcistransferase; EC was purified from the soluble fraction of Escherichia coli by TSK-DEAE, ceramic hydroxyapatite, TSK-ether, Superdex 200, and heparin-Actigel chromatography. The protein was labeled with the photolabile analogue of the farnesyl pyrophosphate analogue (E, E)-[1-3H]-(2-diazo-3-trifluoropropionyloxy)geranyl diphosphate and was detected on a sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel as a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 29 kDa. This protein band was cut out from the gel, trypsin digested, and subjected to matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometric analysis. Comparison of the experimental data with computer-simulated trypsin digest data for all E. coli proteins yielded a single match with a protein of unassigned function (SWISS-PROT Q47675; YAES_ECOLI). Sequences with strong similarity indicative of homology to this protein were identified in 25 bacterial species, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and in Caenorhabditis elegans. The homologous genes (uppS) were cloned from E. coli, Haemophilus influenzae, and Streptococcus pneumoniae, expressed in E. coli as amino-terminal His-tagged fusion proteins, and purified over a Ni2+ affinity column. An untagged version of the E. coli uppS gene was also cloned and expressed, and the protein purified in two chromatographic steps. We were able to detect Upp synthetase activity for all purified enzymes. Further, biochemical characterization revealed no differences between the recombinant untagged E. coli Upp synthetase and the three His-tagged fusion proteins. All enzymes were absolutely Triton X-100 and MgCl2 dependent. With the use of a regulatable gene disruption system, we demonstrated that uppS is essential for growth in S. pneumoniae R6.  相似文献   

The tyrosine phosphatase IA-2 is a molecular target of pancreatic islet autoimmunity in type 1 diabetes. T-cell epitope peptides in autoantigens have potential diagnostic and therapeutic applications, and they may hold clues to environmental agents with similar sequences that could trigger or exacerbate autoimmune disease. We identified 13 epitope peptides in IA-2 by measuring peripheral blood T-cell proliferation to 68 overlapping, synthetic peptides encompassing the intracytoplasmic domain of IA-2 in six at-risk type 1 diabetes relatives selected for HLA susceptibility haplotypes. The dominant epitope, VIVMLTPLVEDGVKQC (aa 805-820), which elicited the highest T-cell responses in all at-risk relatives, has 56% identity and 100% similarity over 9 amino acids (aa) with a sequence in VP7, a major immunogenic protein of human rotavirus. Both peptides bind to HLA-DR4(*0401) and are deduced to present identical aa to the T-cell receptor. The contiguous sequence of VP7 has 75% identity and 92% similarity over 12 aa with a known T-cell epitope in glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), another autoantigen in type 1 diabetes. This dominant IA-2 epitope peptide also has 75-45% identity and 88-64% similarity over 8-14 aa to sequences in Dengue, cytomegalovirus, measles, hepatitis C, and canine distemper viruses, and the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae. Three other IA-2 epitope peptides are 71-100% similar over 7-12 aa to herpes, rhino-, hanta- and flaviviruses. Two others are 80-82% similar over 10-11 aa to sequences in milk, wheat, and bean proteins. Further studies should now be carried out to directly test the hypothesis that T-cell activation by rotavirus and possibly other viruses, and dietary proteins, could trigger or exacerbate beta-cell autoimmunity through molecular mimicry with IA-2 and (for rotavirus) GAD.  相似文献   

Adhesion molecules such as VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 are increased in the central nervous system (CNS) during inflammatory responses and contribute to extravasation of leukocytes across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and into CNS parenchyma. Astrocytes contribute to the structural integrity of the BBB and can be induced to express VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 in response to cytokines such as TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, and IFN-gamma. In this study, we investigated the influence of IL-6 on astroglial adhesion molecule expression. IL-6, the soluble form of the IL-6R (sIL-6R), or both IL-6 plus sIL-6R, had no effect on VCAM-1 or ICAM-1 gene expression. Interestingly, the IL-6/sIL-6R complex inhibited TNF-alpha-induced VCAM-1 gene expression but did not affect TNF-alpha-induced ICAM-1 expression. The inhibitory effect of IL-6/sIL-6R complex was reversed by the inclusion of anti-IL-6R and gp130 Abs, demonstrating the specificity of the response. A highly active fusion protein of sIL-6R and IL-6, covalently linked by a flexible peptide, which is designated H-IL-6, also inhibited TNF-alpha-induced VCAM-1 expression. sIL-6R alone was an effective inhibitor of TNF-alpha-induced VCAM-1 due to endogenous IL-6 production. These results indicate that the IL-6 system has an unexpected negative effect on adhesion molecule expression in glial cells and may function as an immunosuppressive cytokine within the CNS.  相似文献   

Glutamine:fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase (glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase) catalyzes the first step of the hexosamine pathway required for the biosynthesis of cell wall precursors. The Candida albicans GFA1 gene was cloned by complementing a gfa1 mutation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (previously known as gcn1-1; W. L. Whelan and C. E. Ballou, J. Bacteriol. 124:1545-1557, 1975). GFA1 encodes a predicted protein of 713 amino acids and is homologous to the corresponding gene from S. cerevisiae (72% identity at the nucleotide sequence level) as well as to the genes encoding glucosamine-6-phosphate synthases in bacteria and vertebrates. In cell extracts, the C. albicans enzyme was 4-fold more sensitive than the S. cerevisiae enzyme to UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (an inhibitor of the mammalian enzyme) and 2.5-fold more sensitive to N3-(4-methoxyfumaroyl)-L-2,3-diaminopropanoic acid (a glutamine analog and specific inhibitor of glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase). Cell extracts from the S. cerevisiae gfa1 strain transformed with the C. albicans GFA1 gene exhibited sensitivities to glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase inhibitors that were similar to those shown by the C. albicans enzyme. Southern hybridization indicated that a single GFA1 locus exists in the C. albicans genome. Quantitative Northern (RNA) analysis showed that the expression of GFA1 in C. albicans is regulated during growth: maximum mRNA levels were detected during early log phase. GFA1 mRNA levels increased following induction of the yeast-to-hyphal-form transition, but this was a response to fresh medium rather than to the morphological change.  相似文献   

The RPS2 gene in Arabidopsis thaliana governs resistance to strains of the bacterial pathogen, Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, that express the avrRpt2 gene. The two loci are involved in a gene-for-gene interaction. Seventeen accessions of A. thaliana were sequenced to explore the diversity present in the coding region of the RPS2 locus. An unusually high level of nucleotide polymorphisms was found (1.26%), with nearly half of the observed polymorphisms resulting in amino acid changes in the RPS2 protein. Seven haplotypes (alleles) were identified and their evolutionary relationships deduced. Several of the alleles conferring resistance were found to be closely related, whereas susceptibility to disease was conferred by widely divergent alleles. The possibility of selection at the RPS2 locus is discussed.  相似文献   

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