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金卓仁 《水泥》1998,(6):16-18
介绍一项矿渣活化的新技术:将碱性激发剂配制成一定浓度的溶液,跟矿渣在一定的条件下作用,使矿渣在系统外先期得到激发,这样既可避免大量碱金属离子进入水泥,又可提高矿渣活性,增加矿渣掺量。实验结果表明,矿渣活性由80提高到91,且矿渣活化前后的水泥配制的混凝土性能无明显差别。  相似文献   

425号高掺量矿渣硅酸盐水泥的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
提高矿渣硅酸盐水泥中矿渣的掺量,降低熟料用量,将引起水泥性能的变化,必须采取一些技术措施以改善水泥的性能。本文研究了激发剂种类及掺量对水泥性能影响的规律,证实激发剂混合使用其效果比单独使用好,得到了生产425号高掺量矿渣水泥的合理配料方案。  相似文献   

王复生  尹斫 《水泥》2006,(6):27-29
针对掺用HM1002助磨剂生产60%~70%的高掺量矿渣水泥进行了试验研究,以了解助磨剂种类、掺量等因素对水泥性能改进的效果.  相似文献   

钱有贵 《水泥》1990,(2):31-34
我厂矿渣水泥掺有矿渣、煤矸石和窑灰等多种混合材料,其中矿渣又由两个钢厂供给。原来用还原值法测定水泥中混合材掺量,由于两个厂矿渣还原值在6~10的范围内频繁波动,致使检验误差高达±10%左右,使混合材掺量这个预测水泥强度的重要依据失去作用,致使生产过程中的质量失控。据1987年统计,出磨矿渣水泥28天抗压强度标准偏差高达2.77兆帕,最高月份曾达  相似文献   

在高掺量矿渣水泥中掺少量可看作低质熟料的钢渣,弥补由于熟料掺量少造成的碱性不足。当混合材的总量为60%~65%时,钢渣掺量控制在15%~20%左右,只需采用普通外加剂,就能够生产425水泥。工业性试验在太钢东山水泥厂进行。  相似文献   

1水泥中矿渣掺量误差剖析 山东鲁碧建材有限公司采用分别粉磨方法生产矿渣水泥,即将熟料和干矿渣分别粉磨成规定细度和比面积的熟料粉和矿渣粉。即旋窑熟料+石膏一熟料粉;干矿渣+石膏+粗粉煤灰一矿渣粉。然后经微机计量后拌和制成水泥。  相似文献   

采用矿渣与熟料分别粉磨再混合粉磨的技术,研究了不同细度、掺量的矿渣微粉对水泥物理性能的影响,确定了水泥中SO3的最佳掺入量和高掺量高细矿渣水泥的组成,认为高细粉磨的矿渣以高掺量与熟料、石膏混合可制备出各项性能良好的水泥.  相似文献   

在水泥生产中,充分利用工业废渣,减少水泥熟料用量是一种节约能源与资源并且有利于环保的有效途径。同时,还能降低企业生产成本,提高经济效益。目前,一般机立窑水泥生产厂生产P·S32.5水泥矿渣掺量在40%左右,P·S42.5水泥矿渣掺量在20%左右。为了提高矿渣的掺量,降低生产成本,在山西尧都锐丰水泥有限公司进行了大量的实验与研究,经过近两年的生产实践,开发出一种“活性激发剂”产品,在提高矿渣掺量方面起到了很好的作用。1实验1.1主要原料熟料:山西尧都锐丰水泥有限公司机立窑生产,化学成分见表1。石膏:山西襄汾石膏,SO3含量为36.0%。激…  相似文献   

刘小华  权娟娟  张郁 《硅酸盐通报》2014,33(6):1505-1509
为探索孔结构特征与高掺量矿渣水泥浆体的力学性能相关性,在矿渣掺量高达70%作用下,测试了比表面积分别为380 m2/kg、472 m2/kg、565 m2/kg的高掺量矿渣水泥(对应编号分别为HSC-1、HSC-2、HSC-3)硬化浆体各龄期强度;并采取压汞法和吸水动力学测孔法,对硬化浆体孔分布曲线、特征孔径以及孔均匀性进行分析.结果表明:HSC-2、HSC-3试样浆体3d强度较HSC-1试样浆体3d强度分别高出6.5 MPa、10.8 MPa;28 d强度分别高出8.8MPa、11.2 MPa;随着高掺量矿渣水泥比表面积的增大,硬化浆体平均孔径、中孔直径、最可几孔径及吸水率均逐渐减小,水化产物凝胶微孔增多,但同时总孔隙率有所增大,高掺量矿渣水泥细度的提高可使孔径分布均匀,孔分布趋于细化,力学性能得到改善.  相似文献   

杨德昌 《水泥》2002,(11):49-51
我公司从1995年6月投产以来,一直用EDTA配位滴定法测定水泥中的矿渣掺加量,该方法耗时较长。2002年7月2号磨试生产后,生产控制组矿渣掺量检验分析明显滞后,不能及时准确地报出生产数据,影响1号磨的正常运转和2号磨的生产调试。而我公司现有2台DM1010型微机钙铁煤分析仪,除1台测出磨生料及入窑生料CaO、Fe2O3外,尚有1台闲置备用。鉴于此,笔者根据钙铁煤分析仪工作原理,尝试用该仪器测定水泥中的CaO含量,再根据物料平衡原理,计算出磨水泥中的矿渣掺加量,以简化矿渣掺量检验程序,减少分析员的工作量,…  相似文献   

李文杰 《水泥工程》2015,28(5):16-18
研究了矿渣沸石基水泥中原料组成含量对水泥的强度、凝结时间及标准稠度等性能的影响规律,并探讨了该水泥体系的水化机理。研究结果表明,以30%的沸石、25%的熟料、34%的矿渣、6%的钢渣和5%的石膏,可以制备出3d抗压强度达15.3MPa、28 d抗压强度达42.8 MPa的矿渣沸石基水泥。该水泥的主要水化产物为C-S-H凝胶和水化硫铝酸钙。  相似文献   

立磨技术已在水泥、矿渣粉磨领域得到成功的应用。国内只有部分水泥厂使用立磨粉磨原料和煤,用于水泥粉磨较少,特别是国产立磨尚无成功粉磨较高磨蚀性的水泥、矿渣的实例。目前高质量矿渣水泥的优越性逐渐被人们所认识,采用屯磨分别粉磨矿渣和熟料生产矿渣水泥能更有效地利用矿渣,生产过程高效、节能。为此介绍近几年来此类生产线建设的主要方案、建设经验,以期使行业对目前采用立磨分别粉磨矿渣、熟料生产优质矿渣水泥生产线建设的基本情况有进一步的了解。  相似文献   

常温下矿渣的活性必须在碱的环境下才能得到发挥。增加激发剂的掺入量有利于矿渣水泥强度的提高。适当地提高温度有利于矿渣活性的充分发挥,但温度不能过高,温度过高反而不利于矿渣水泥活性的体现。本试验的结论是:无碱矿渣水泥水化的温度应控制在50-60℃。  相似文献   

Three blends of slag cement were prepared, namely 70/30, 50/50 and 30/70 mass% of Portland cement clinker and granulated slag, respectively. Each blend was mixed with 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 mass% by-pass cement dust. The physical properties of cement pastes were studied, including setting times, electrical conductivity and fluidity. The results indicated that the rheological properties of Portland cement clinker were enhanced by partial replacement by granulated slag. By-pass cement dust affects the rheological properties of Portland cement clinker/granulated slag composites and depends on its amount as well as mix composition. The increase in the amount of by-pass cement dust increases the required water of normal consistency. The setting time of Portland slag cement paste was extended with the increase in slag content. The addition of 2.5 mass% by-pass cement dust to M.1 (70 mass% Portland cement clinker/30 mass% granulated slag) and M.2 (50 mass% Portland cement clinker/50 mass% granulated slag) retards the initial and final setting time, whereas it accelerates the final setting time of M.3 (30 mass% Portland cement clinker/70 mass% granulated slag). The presence of by-pass cement dust affects the location and height of the conductivity peaks. By increasing the by-pass cement dust from 2.5 to 7.5 mass%, the conductivity maximum increases. With further addition (10.0 mass%), the height of the conductivity maximum decreases.  相似文献   

陈德谦 《水泥工程》2015,28(1):12-17
为利用所在城市3家黄磷企业排出的磷渣,攀枝花集团瑞丰水泥有限公司进行了水泥中外掺磷渣微粉的试验研究。一系列实验室实验结果表明,水泥中外掺磷渣微粉对水泥的各项质量指标及施工性能无不良影响,是完全可行的,并建议适宜的磷渣微粉掺量控制在10%左右,比表面积控制在350~420m2/kg。在掌握了实验数据后,建立相关设施,进行了工业试验和实际的工业生产运行,取得了令人满意的效果。  相似文献   

为了研究含有不同官能团的有机物对矿渣粉磨的影响,选取了三乙醇胺、丙三醇、乙酸乙酯、冰乙酸作为助磨剂。通过单掺以上有机物及从中选取助磨效果较好的两种有机物进行复配得到复合助磨剂,结果表明:三乙醇胺的助磨效果最优,丙三醇次之,冰乙酸效果最差;三乙醇胺与丙三醇的配比为3:1、掺量为0.04%时,复合助磨剂的助磨效果最优。  相似文献   

The problem of aggressive attack of sulphate and chloride ions has been of considerable scientific and technological interest because this attack is one of the factors responsible for damage to concrete. The corrosive action of chlorides is due to the formation of chloroaluminate hydrates, which causes softening of concrete. Sulphate ions can enter into chemical reactions with certain constituents of concrete, producing sulphoaluminate hydrates and gypsum, which cause the expansion of concrete. The aim of the present work is to study the hydration and the durability of mixed cement (sulphate-resisting and slag cement blends) pastes and mortars in Caron's Lake water. Different mixes of sulphate-resisting cement (SRC) with various proportions of slag cement were prepared and immersed in tap water for 3, 7, 28 and 90 days. The durability of the cement mortars was followed by curing the samples in tap water for 28 days (zero time) then immersed in Caron's Lake water for 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. The hydration behavior was measured by the determination of the compressive strength, free lime, evaporable and nonevaporable water, total chloride and total sulphate contents at each curing time. The increase of substitution of SRC with blast-furnace slag cement (BFSC) up to 30% increases slightly the total pore volume. The free lime contents decrease sharply in the first months of immersion then slightly up to 1 year. The blended cement pastes made of SRC with BFSC up to 30 mass% have lower values of total chloride and total sulphate, while the mortars containing only SRC have lower values of compressive strength than those of all blended cement mortars at all curing ages of immersion under Caron's Lake water. Useful conclusions and recommendations concerning the use of 70 mass% of SRC with 30 mass% slag cement produces a highly durable mixed cement.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the formulation of new cementitious materials via the alkaline activation of an industrial by-product (blast furnace slag) or a natural rock (diatomite) in the presence of reactive aluminium sourced from calcium aluminate cement (CAC). Two blends, one containing 20% CAC and 80% slag and the other 20% CAC and 80% diatomite, were prepared and activated with sodium sulphate or a sodium hydroxide solution. The hardened materials were characterised with X-ray diffraction (XRD) as well as 27Al and 29Si nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and tested for their 2-day mechanical strength. The main reaction product was a cementitious gel that precipitated with crystalline phases such as ettringite, U phase and katoite. While the slag blend reacted to generate a C–(A)–S–H-like gel under moderately alkaline conditions, diatomite reactivity proved to be very low under such conditions. The greater reactivity of both slag and diatomite at high pH (high alkalinity) favoured their interaction with CAC.  相似文献   

本文研究了矿渣对黄沙配制水泥生料易烧性的改善情况。结果表明,由于矿渣可降低液相出现温度和熟料形成活化能,因此能显著改善生料易烧性。  相似文献   

在低氧化铁终渣溅渣护炉条件下,溅渣层物相和熔化特性的研究结果表明:从溅渣层外表面向内延伸,铁酸二钙逐渐减少;在溅渣层与镁炭砖结合部位的渣中主要物相是硅酸三钙和铁方镁石,铁酸二钙已基本消失,渣中大部分Fe2O3 被还原为FeO,并固溶于MgO 中。随溅渣层中T(Fe)含量减少,其熔化温度升高,因而可减少溅渣层在吹炼终点高温下的熔损。  相似文献   

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