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Innovative pedagogical practices using ICT in schools in England   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract This paper presents information about the case studies carried out in three primary and three secondary schools in England, during the school year 2000–2001. Data were collected as part of the qualitative phase of a major international research project: the Second Information Technology in Education Study (SITES). The research focused on innovative pedagogical practices involving ICT. Interviews with Headteachers and other administrators, teachers, students and parents; observations of lessons; analysis of school documents and surveys of Headteachers and ICT coordinators provided rich sources. Themes common to the case studies in England are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper presents some of the results of the study of seven cases of innovative pedagogical practices using ICT. The study was performed in the framework of the application of SITES M2 in Chile. The results are divided in two sections. First is a summary of each case, highlighting its innovative characteristics that serve as models of 'good practice' for Chilean teachers. Second, the results of the analysis of what teachers did are outlined; the impact on students and the type of teaching and learning activities in use. Results show that these projects did not provide evidence of having impact on students' learning as defined in the national curriculum. However, they show that students participating in these projects could learn other things, had the opportunity to develop abilities defined as cross-curricular and practised ICT related skills. The analysis of the teaching and learning activities highlights some deficiencies in the way that teachers implement new teaching strategies.  相似文献   

Qualitative case studies of innovative pedagogical practices using ICT   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract The Second Instructional Technology in Education Study: Module 2 (SITES M2) is a series of qualitative studies that identify and describe innovative pedagogical practices in 28 participating countries that use technology. The project resulted in 174 case study reports of innovative practice that are currently being analysed. This paper describes the goals, research questions, and methodology for this study and provides a context for the other papers that are published in this issue. Given the large number of case studies, a combined qualitative and quantitative approach to the research is described.  相似文献   

Abstract  In these six case study sites, the commitment to teachers' individual learning about technology as a support to instruction was very strong and was complemented by technology leadership, support staff and professional development programming dedicated towards this end. This paper describes some conclusions about how the presence of this need to learn and the supportive conditions to do so was reciprocal, or mutually supportive, of the development of professional community around technology use. The professional community deepened and refined the shared vision related to the purposes of instructional technology, and the technology support. The supposition is that effective use of technology and professional community are mutually supportive in that increases in one create conditions for increases in the other.  相似文献   

The role of local authorities in the integration of ICT in learning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract How does ICT integration in learning processes depend on the support or lack of support from local authorities? Data from the SITES M2 case studies sheds light on how Danish schools attempted to meet the ‘Act on the Folkeskole’ regarding the integration of ICT in all subjects. This paper draws on the school's perspective based on interviews with the Principals, teachers and ICT coordinators, and the schools' ICT plans and strategies. The schools' perspective is then seen in relationship to the respective municipalities, ICT strategies and national ICT policy in a discussion of the implications of ICT integration on the decentralised Danish folkeskole system.  相似文献   

Abstract Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are now widespread in Australian schools but with variation in how, where, when and how much they are used. Computers may be located in a computer laboratory, distributed throughout the school, or students may use their own laptop computers. IT may be a subject in its own right or ICT may be used across all areas of the curriculum. It is how ICT is used in the school setting that is important in providing students with the skills to be participate in a 'knowledge society'. This paper examines the ways in which information and communication technologies influence teaching and learning in five Australian schools. Data were gathered through observation, interviews and document analysis in schools operating at the elementary and secondary grades in relatively technology rich environments. Each of the schools participated in the Australian component of the Second Information Technology in Education Study – Module 2 (SITES-M2) of innovative pedagogical practices. Several of the studies were of specific projects where ICT was the key enabler of the learning programme. Others focused on an entire school's approach to ICT as an agent for changed approaches to learning.  相似文献   

Factors contributing to teachers' successful implementation of IT   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract It has become increasingly important for educators to examine successful ICT implementations with the aim of understanding precisely what makes them successful in teaching and learning. In this study, an analysis of data from qualitative case studies of four Canadian schools illuminates factors that facilitate successful ICT implementation. Findings suggest that informal ICT education, such as 'just-in-time' learning, is most influential. Furthermore, supportive and collaborative relationships among teachers, a commitment to pedagogically sound implementation of new technologies, and Principals who encourage teachers to engage in their own learning are viewed as highly useful factors.  相似文献   

Three Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland and Norway, participated in the IEA SITES 2006 study. All the three countries have launched huge policy and investment programmes to promote digital literacy and readiness for the information age. In relation to the remarkable Finnish Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results, it is interesting to see if the Finnish school system may be better suited to ground and contextualize pedagogical practice with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) than the Danish and Norwegian counterparts. One main difference is that the Finnish system seems to anchor decisions about and interpretations on how ICT should be utilized stronger at the local level than the two other systems. One of the general goals in the policy programmes is to get teachers to innovate with ICT in the classrooms. The Second Information Technology in Education Study (SITES) 2006 indicators for two innovative pedagogical orientations, lifelong learning orientation and connectedness are utilized to compare teachers from the three nations. The main findings is that Finnish teachers are either not differing or they are scoring significantly lower on the two indicators than teachers from Denmark or Norway. The exception is Finnish science teachers who are more inclined towards using ICT in lifelong learning practices than their Danish and Norwegian counterparts. Generally, the Finnish teachers seem to be more autonomous in their pedagogical choices but may also be more conservative than the Danish and Norwegian teachers in making use of ICT.  相似文献   

To illustrate the conditions under which successful innovation adoption takes place, this paper focuses on the implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT) through emerging communities in schools. Two types of such communities are described in terms of the degree of participation in the implementation: school-wide communities and enclaves. The article describes implementation practices in four primary schools with reported high ICT use, selected as case-studies. Four criteria, reflecting the domain, personnel relationships, policy and implementation goals and strategies, as well as staff consistency, are employed to outline the existence and types of communities of implementation within these schools. Findings indicate that, although both school-wide communities and enclaves are present in successful schools, enclaves – compared to school-wide communities – are related to lower levels of implementation. Based on these findings the authors discuss policy directions towards the development of school-wide communities as a purposeful implementation strategy to help transition ICT institutionalization from the initiation to the habitualization stage.  相似文献   

Abstract The key research question for this study was to ask whether or not innovative teaching practices would lead to the development of learning outcomes essential for preparing the younger generation for the challenges of life in the knowledge society of the 21st century, and if so, how are the pedagogical features related to the different learning outcomes. Preliminary analyses of the case study data collected from the SITES M2 Study in Hong Kong reveal that where the development of more significant learning gains were observed, the cases possess characteristics additional to the criteria defined in the Study for selection of innovation. More importantly, it was found that the impact of the pedagogical practices was not determined simply by the aggregation of characteristics of the practices per se , nor on the technologies used, but on whether 'empowerment' permeates the curriculum goal and process. Further, this paper claims that these affective and socio-cognitive learning outcomes are more important as preparation for lifelong learning in the 21st century than 'knowledge management competencies'.  相似文献   

Abstract There is evidence from a number of publications that use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) varies amongst serving and student-teachers in different subject specialities. Teacher-mentors are an obvious source of support during school experience; the relationship between student-teachers' use of ICT and that of their serving teacher-mentors is not clear. This study was part of a series of projects investigating ICT use during initial teacher training across different subject areas. Questionnaires, returned by 216 teacher-mentors in secondary schools were analysed. The questionnaires investigated use of ICT in teaching, availability of equipment and support, views on using ICT and preparations made for student-teachers to use ICT. In general, teacher-mentors were competent and frequent ICT users and were often active in preparing student-teachers' use. However, using case studies with 13 pairs of student-teachers and their teacher-mentors, it seems that similar preparations made by teacher-mentors did not always result in individual student-teachers using ICT to the same extent as peers. The possible reasons for differences were difficulties with access to computers, lack of active support and role models amongst serving teachers (including teacher-mentors) and competing demands on student-teachers' time. It is suggested that in order to increase the use of ICT in their teaching, student-teachers are likely to need better access to equipment, more active support from serving teachers and encouragement to include time for ICT in their school experience.  相似文献   

Abstract Discussion about information and communication technologies in education are often conducted at a general level. To increase understanding about new technologies and learning it is necessary to be more specific about what kinds of tools are being used and how they are related to knowledge construction by students within specific subject domains. Three Norwegian cases studies are reported so that different school cultures on how the learning environments are implemented are exposed. One important conclusion from the cross‐case analysis is the diversity among cases. What is the added value or changes that these technologies represent? Within a Norwegian context the paper shows how technology contributes to the design of new learning environments and how it might stimulate knowledge construction among students.  相似文献   

Abstract The Second Information Technology in Education Study — Module 2 (SITES-M2) in Germany investigated 12 cases of innovative pedagogical practice using technology (IPPUT) in primary, lower and upper secondary schools. One theme that emerged from the analysis of these cases was students' cooperation. It seems that the co-occurrence of ICT-use and students' cooperation and collaboration is not accidental. The focus of this paper is an analysis and classification of the students' cooperation identified in the IPPUTs.  相似文献   

Arthur Sale 《Software》1981,11(9):929-942
This paper examines the probable implementations of the case statement in Pascal, and analyses their consequences. A particular implementation for the Burroughs B6700/7700 series illustrates the necessary investigations. The techniques, although not new, are brought together to serve as a stimulus to improving the implementation of case-statements in other compilers for Pascal, and to provide ideas for implementors. The architectural limitations of even high-level computers in implementing the case statement are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A recent model analyzing the role of information and communications technology (ICT) in development shows promise. The model coheres with theory on contingency, the problem of reductionism, and distinctions between deeply and shallowly inscribed organizational change arising from ICT. Conditions of e-readiness at the University of Botswana provide an opportune case study for the model. On the whole the original model holds up well, although the case study reveals relevant factors missed by the model: underlying support infrastructure and postimplementation growth in demand. Accordingly, we define an explicit role for time in the model and add a major new dimension of financial sustainability. These additions equip the model to better account for realities affecting ICT's role in development. Further research needs include case and cross-case studies of the revised model. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract This study investigated the potential impacts of integrating the Internet into an English as a second language class in a vocational senior high school in Taiwan. Twenty-nine students and a young male English teacher were involved. It was found that the students overall had a positive perception toward using Internet tools. This study indicated that the integration of information communication technology on the Internet with English facilitated the creation of a virtual environment that transformed learning from a traditional passive experience to one of discovery, exploration, and excitement in a less stressful setting. The study revealed that a computer-mediated communication environment could lower students' psychological barriers to enable them to express their opinions freely and to communicate actively on the Internet and that it could also enhance their critical thinking, problem-solving and communication skills through online activities or class homepage construction. An individual case study further revealed that a task-oriented English tutoring strategy in association with email communication could motivate the student's writing competence but the student's language proficiency and grammatical accuracy did not improve. Finally, based on the findings, recommendations for future studies are made.  相似文献   

Available research has explored a wide variety of factors influencing information and communication technologies (ICT) adoption and integration in classroom teaching; however, existing research seldom centre on the combined impact of these variables. In addition, the little research available is set up in the Chinese context. The latter is important given that the different cultural context in which the interplay between teacher beliefs and educational practices has only been documented quiet little. The present study centres on the complex interplay of a number of internal teacher variables to explain ICT classroom integration. These variables comprise ‘teachers’ constructivist teaching beliefs’, ‘teacher attitudes towards computers in education’, ‘teachers’ computer motivation’, ‘teacher perception of ICT‐related policy’. A survey was set up, involving 820 Chinese primary school teachers. Path modeling was used to explore the direct and indirect effects of the teacher‐related variables on their level of ICT classroom integration. Firstly, two distinctive types of ICT use can be distinguished in the Chinese context: (a) teacher supportive use of ICT that refers to the use of ICT for e.g. student administration, preparing worksheets, developing evaluation activities; and (b) classroom use of ICT to support and enhance the actual teaching and learning process. The results show that classroom use of ICT directly depends on teachers' computer motivation and the supportive use of ICT. Teachers' constructivist beliefs, their attitudes towards computers in education and perceptions about the ICT‐related school policy influence ICT integration in an indirect way. The results demonstrate how the complex interplay between teacher‐related variables and ICT integration in the classroom is partly in line with findings in non‐Asian contexts. A number of differences can be explained by the particular Chinese context. In particular an indirect relationship was found between teachers' constructivist beliefs and their level of ICT integration.  相似文献   

From the technology acceptance model (TAM), this study aims to identify the drivers of successful implementation of information and communication technology (ICT) in micro-firms and their impact on organizational performance. To this end, a quantitative study was undertaken, where the data-collecting instrument was an online questionnaire administered to a sample of micro-firms belonging to the Portuguese estate agent sector. Based on the results obtained from 102 valid responses, among the drivers identified, internal factors, more precisely, organizational aspects were found to allow successful implementation of ICT in the firms studied here and to be the ones with the greatest influence on their organizational performance. However, external factors, such as external information technology consultants and networking, did not show a statistically significant influence on organizational performance in estate agent micro-firms. The study also presents some implications for theory and practice in this field of research.  相似文献   

While technology use is becoming ever more ubiquitous in society, there are times when even the most useful of technologies faces non-adoption for a variety of contextual reasons. Educational institutions are increasingly relying on online academic support services such as e-tutoring to balance rising demands for public accountability over standardized testing with decreasing budgets. This study explores the context of an e-tutoring service that has experienced a relatively low adoption rate in a school district in Eastern Ontario, Canada. The study proposes a model, based on the results of a mixed-methods diffusion study, for the effective implementation of the service; results indicate that this model is significantly correlated with the adoption of e-tutoring. Implications for the integration of educational technologies in secondary education, especially in relation to e-tutoring, are discussed.  相似文献   

There is no doubt of the contributions made by mobile phones and mobile network operators in increasing access to communications in rural areas of developing countries. Yet how affordable is this ubiquitous access in such an ICT ecosystem? Using data from two stratified random surveys conducted in a South African rural community, this paper provides a unique in-depth picture of the expenditure and communication patterns of its dwellers. Results show a high access ratio of people using mobile phone services weekly and a high proportion of disposable income dedicated to a very constrained set of mobile phone services. Factors such as mobile phone charging and the extra charges added by airtime resellers contribute to increase the communication costs. This data and its analysis can be used by the following: regulators and government agencies to better design their policy implementations to provide universal service and access; competing industry players to understand the dynamics within rural communities to better target their products; civil society organizations to use it as a case in their efforts to make affordable communications a constitutional right.  相似文献   

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