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提出了一种基于改进神经网络的整体优化的动态信道分配方案(GODCA),该算法尽量保证最大程度的紧致分配,网络优化采用Hopfield神经网络,克服了传统动态信道分配方案实现方式繁杂,且往往不能达到紧致分配方式的不足,同时针对神经网络算法随机性强的弱点,提出一种优化的收敛算法。分析和仿真表明,该算法不论在业务量较大,还是较小都有较小的呼阻率和较高的频谱利用率。 相似文献
Multiprocessor Task Assignment with Fuzzy Hopfield Neural Network Clustering Technique 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Most scheduling applications have been demonstrated as NP-complete problems. A variety of schemes are introduced in solving
those scheduling applications, such as linear programming, neural networks, and fuzzy logic. In this paper, a new approach
of first analogising a scheduling problem to a clustering problem and then using a fuzzy Hopfield neural network clustering
technique to solve the scheduling problem is proposed. This fuzzy Hopfield neural network algorithm integrates fuzzy c-means
clustering strategies into a Hopfield neural network. This investigation utilises this new approach to demonstrate the feasibility
of resolving a multiprocessor scheduling problem with no process migration and constrained times (execution time and deadline).
Each process is regarded as a data sample, and every processor is taken as a cluster. Simulation results illustrate that imposing
the fuzzy Hopfield neural network onto the proposed energy function provides an appropriate approach to solving this class
of scheduling problem. 相似文献
《International journal of human-computer interaction》2013,29(1):59-79
The design of a neural network based eye tracker is presented. A series of experiments with counterpropagation neural networks convert synthetic video images into eye coordinates by an enhanced feed-forward neural network with multiple winning hidden layer nodes. Difficulties encountered during the design process are discussed. The results show that accurate, fine-grained tracking of a human's eye position is possible by processing the video image collected from a goggle-mounted miniature charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. 相似文献
实时任务优先级动态分配策略 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
陈辉 《小型微型计算机系统》2010,31(7)
现有大多数方法都是根据任务的截止期、空闲时间或者价值(密度)来确定任务的优先级,很少综合分析以上各个因素对任务优先级的影响.论文研究任务价值密度和紧迫性的变化特征,提出优先级的动态分派策略DPA,该策略可通过参数p与q来调节任务价值密度与紧迫性对任务优先级影响的程度,从而满足不同应用需求.最后,仿真实验结果显示,应用DPA策略的基于优先级的调度可以提高系统累积价值收益,降低任务截止期错失率. 相似文献
A helicopter’s airspeed and sideslip angle is difficult to measure at speeds below 50 knots. This paper describes the application of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) techniques to the helicopter low air-speed problem. Three ANN methods were applied to the problem: a linear network, a Radial Basis Function (RBF) network, and a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP), trained using an implementation of the Levenberg–Marquardt (L–M) algorithm. Internally available measurements, such as control positions and body attitudes and rates, were generated using a realistic simulation model of a Lynx helicopter. These measurements formed the inputs to the ANN methods. The MLP was found to be the superior method. Further testing, including a Tagu-chi analysis, indicated the validity of the method. It is concluded that ANN techniques present a promising solution to the helicopter low airspeed problem. 相似文献
This article presents a heuristic technique used for solving linear complementarity problems(LCP). Determination of minimum forces needed to firmly grasp an object by a multifingered robot gripper for different external force and finger positions is our proposed application. The contact type is assumed to be frictionless. The interaction in the gripper–object system is formulated as an LCP. A numerical algorithm (Lemke) is used to solve the problem [3]. Lemke is a direct deterministic method that finds exact solutions under some constraints. Our proposed neural network technique finds almost exact solutions in solvable positions, and very good solutions for positions that Lemke fails to find solutions. A new adaptive technique is used for training the neural network and it is compared with the standard technique. Mathematical analysis for the convergence of the proposed technique is presented. 相似文献
传感器网络能源有效任务分配算法 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为了延长网络生命期,传感器网络在设计过程中,通常利用节点本身的处理能力,进行网内处理,以减少通信量,节省能量.在传感器网络内引入处理或计算后,应用可以描述为一个任务集及任务之间的数据依赖关系.不同的任务分配方案导致应用执行所需的通信量和计算量不同,从而影响应用执行的能量消耗.在使用任务图对传感器网络应用描述的基础上,提出了传感器网络任务分配模型.由于应用的任务可划分为感知任务集和处理任务集,因而传感器网络中的任务分配可分成感知任务分配和处理任务分配两个阶段.针对处理任务分配,将其建模为二次0-1规划问题,并提出了分布式逐层优化分配算法OALL.仿真实验验证了分布式算法OALL的有效性. 相似文献
本文首先介绍了神经网络的基本思想,提出了一种基于神经网络的网络验证码的识别方法,并利用开源的神经网络包JOONE用Java技术实现了验证码识别软件。最后通过训练样本对其进行了实验分析,取得了较高的识别率。 相似文献
如何决定人工神经网络的适当规模,以往都是通过试探法实现,不但费时,而且无规律可循。文中基于神经网络的基本学习算法,构筑动态网络结构,使之更符合抽取的新的输入、输出特性。讨论了构筑动态神经网络的一种途径。学习是从最简单的网络(无隐含单元)开始,新的单元一步一步补充,直到网络给出一个满意的模拟值。 相似文献
如何决定人工神经网络的适当规模,以往都是通过试探法来实现,不但费时,而且无规律可循。本文基于神经网络的基本学习算法,构筑动态网络结构,使之更符合抽取的新的输入、输出特性。 相似文献
In Nature, living beings improve their adaptation to surrounding environments by means of two main orthogonal processes: evolution and lifetime learning. Within the Artificial Intelligence arena, both mechanisms inspired the development of non-orthodox problem solving tools, namely: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms (GEAs) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). In the past, several gradient-based methods have been developed for ANN training, with considerable success. However, in some situations, these may lead to local minima in the error surface. Under
this scenario, the combination of evolution and learning techniques may induce better results, desirably reaching global optima. Comparative tests that were carried out with classification and regression tasks, attest this claim.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
针对现有容器云在线任务分配方法分配合理性和资源均衡度较差、任务处理效率较低的问题,提出一种基于长短期记忆神经网络的容器云队列在线任务动态分配方法。描述容器云队列在线任务模型;以节点互补度、资源利用率以及能耗组成任务分配多目标函数;在约束条件下利用长短期记忆神经网络求解任务分配最优方案,完成容器云队列在线任务动态分配。实验结果表明,本文分配方案的分配合理性达到0.925,资源均衡度达到10.255,最长队列长度为10,最大能耗值为5000 W,分配合理性、资源均衡度、任务处理效率均得到改善,分配方案更加合理。 相似文献
一种基于神经网络的垃圾邮件过滤方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
垃圾邮件问题日益严重,受到研究人员的广泛关注,基于各种技术的垃圾邮件过滤方法应运而生,其中神经网络技术应用广泛.现在主要采用的后向传播(BP)神经网络虽然在垃圾邮件过滤中取得很好的效果,但仍然存在局部极小点、不能适应新样本、学习效率较低等诸多问题.因此,本文将一种有导师、可在线学习的自组织神经网络--预测自适应谐振理论神经网络(ARTMAP),运用于垃圾邮件过滤,提出了一种新的基于ARTMAP的垃圾邮件过滤方法.实验表明,基于ARTMAP的邮件过滤能够对垃圾邮件进行有效的过滤,在保证正确率的同时,更能适应当前垃圾邮件特征不断变化的环境. 相似文献
用神经网络实现NURBS曲面重构 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
曲面重构问题是几何逆向工程中的首要问题,为了获得物体的几何模型(某些物体可能发生部分损坏)需要从大量的测量点构造曲面。该文采用了一个神经网络模型和相应的快速学习算法应用于曲面重建。该模型可以有效地逼近曲面并剔除输入数据点中的“坏”点。 相似文献
如何决定人工神经网络的适当规模,以往都是通过试探法实现,不但费时,而且无规律可循.文中基于神经网络的基本学习算法,构筑动态网络结构,使之更符合抽取的新的输入、输出特性.讨论了构筑动态神经网络的一种途径.学习是从最简单的网络(无隐含单元)开始,新的单元一步一步补充,直到网络给出一个满意的模拟值. 相似文献
如何将众包测试任务分派给合适的众测工人,以较低的成本获得更好的测试结果,是一个重要问题。文中将CWS众测任务分派问题建模为一个基于马尔可夫决策过程的问题,且使用Deep Q Network进行学习和实时在线测试任务分派。该基于强化学习的方法被命名为WTA-C。此外,文中根据众测工人执行任务的历史时间,通过统计条件概率计算测试工人在任务期限内完成任务的概率,将其作为工人信誉值来反映工人质量,并在每次分派完成后对工人信誉值进行更新。实验结果显示,WTA-C在控制测试任务的“质量-成本”权衡和保证工人可靠度方面优于其他基于启发式策略的实时分派方法,并在分派效果上高于各启发式策略18%以上,从而证明了其可以更好地适应CWS的结构和众测环境的特点。 相似文献