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SD Roman CJ Ormandy DL Manning RW Blamey RI Nicholson RL Sutherland CL Clarke 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1993,53(24):5940-5945
Retinoic acid inhibits proliferation and steroid receptor gene expression in human breast cancer cell lines. Retinoic acid receptors (RAR)alpha, -beta, and -gamma are expressed in these cells and the expression of RAR alpha is significantly greater in estrogen receptor (ER)-positive cells. This study was undertaken to determine whether the same relationship between RAR alpha and ER gene expression was present in human breast cancers and to explore the possibility that the higher level of RAR alpha in ER-positive cells was due to estrogen regulation of RAR alpha gene expression. RAR alpha and ER mRNA expression were determined by Northern blot analysis in 116 primary breast tumors; 94 (81%) tumors were ER-positive and of these 87 (93%) were also RAR alpha-positive. The coexpression of ER and RAR alpha was statistically significant (P = 0.0052 by chi 2 contingency analysis). There was also a positive correlation (by linear regression analysis) between the levels of expression of ER and RAR alpha mRNA (r2 = 0.251, P = 0.0001), which confirmed the relationship previously documented in breast cancer cell lines and suggested that RAR alpha expression may be modulated in breast cancer in vivo by estrogens acting via the ER. The ability of estradiol to regulate RAR alpha gene expression was examined in vitro using T-47D cells which had been rendered sensitive to estrogen by repeated passage in steroid-depleted medium. Estradiol increased RAR alpha gene expression, but not that of RAR beta or RAR gamma, in a concentration-dependent manner, with the effect being maximal at 10(-10) M and less marked at higher concentrations. The effect was rapid, being detectable 1 h after and maximal 6 h after treatment with 10(-10) M estradiol. Co-treatment of cells with estradiol and antiestrogens (tamoxifen or ICI 164384, 4 x 10(-7) M for 6 h) inhibited the estradiol induction of RAR alpha gene expression, demonstrating that the effect was ER mediated. The estradiol sensitivity of the effect was underscored by the demonstration that addition of untreated serum to cells growing under steroid-depleted conditions was sufficient to induce maximal RAR alpha gene expression. This effect was totally abolished by addition of ICI 164384. In summary, the demonstration that estradiol increased RAR alpha mRNA levels in breast cancer cells supports the hypothesis that the correlation between RAR alpha and ER gene expression in breast tumors and breast cancer cell lines is due to estradiol augmentation of RAR alpha gene expression. 相似文献
The effects of all trans retinoic acid (ATRA) on human myeloma cells growth were studied in vitro and in vivo using immunodeficient mice engrafted with malignant plasma cells. ATRA inhibited the in vitro proliferation of plasma cells originating from two patients with multiple myeloma whereas it had no effect on the in vivo growth of plasma cell grafts as assessed by the serial study of human Ig levels in mouse serum. Thus, the efficacy of ATRA for the treatment of human multiple myeloma remains to be ascertained. 相似文献
E Elstner C Müller K Koshizuka EA Williamson D Park H Asou P Shintaku JW Said D Heber HP Koeffler 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,95(15):8806-8811
Induction of differentiation and apoptosis in cancer cells through ligands of nuclear hormone receptors (NHRs) is a novel and promising approach to cancer therapy. All-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA), an RA receptor-specific NHR ligand, is now used for selective cancers. The NHR, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) is expressed in breast cancer cells. Activation of PPARgamma through a synthetic ligand, troglitazone (TGZ), and other PPARgamma-activators cause inhibition of proliferation and lipid accumulation in cultured breast cancer cells. TGZ (10(-5) M, 4 days) reversibly inhibits clonal growth of MCF7 breast cancer cells and the combination of TGZ (10(-5) M) and ATRA (10(-6) M, 4 days) synergistically and irreversibly inhibits growth and induces apoptosis of MCF7 cells, associated with a dramatic decrease of their bcl-2 protein levels. Similar effects are noted with in vitro cultured breast cancer tissues from patients, but not with normal breast epithelial cells. The observed apoptosis mediated by TGZ and ATRA may be related to the striking down-regulation of bcl-2, because forced over-expression of bcl-2 in MCF7 cells cultured with TGZ and ATRA blocks their cell death. TGZ significantly inhibits MCF7 tumor growth in triple immunodeficient mice. Combined administration of TGZ and ATRA causes prominent apoptosis and fibrosis of these tumors without toxic effects on the mice. Taken together, this combination may provide a novel, nontoxic and selective therapy for human breast cancers. 相似文献
The cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a major protein constituent of the anterior pituitary gland released into the bloodstream during endotoxaemia. For many years, MIF had been thought to be a T cell product associated with delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions. The identification of MIF as a pituitary 'stress' hormone provides an important link in the regulation of systemic inflammatory responses by the central nervous system. 相似文献
The treatment of breast cancer by retinoic acid (RA) may be mediated by lipid peroxidation. Expression of metallothionein (MT) in cancer cells, however, can protect against lipid peroxidation by scavenging hydroxyl radicals. In this study, a two-by-six factorial design was used to investigate the interactive effects of all-trans-RA and zinc (Zn)-induced MT on the growth of two human breast cancer cell lines differing in basal expression of MT and estrogen receptors; MCF7 cells express estrogen receptor, BT-20 cells do not. Cells were treated with Zn to induce MT and then treated with six RA concentrations. Cell proliferation, lipid peroxidation, MT protein, MT mRNA and glutathione concentrations were measured. BT-20 cells expressed higher constitutive MT concentrations than MCF7 cells. MT was significantly increased by Zn treatment in BT-20 cells but not in MCF7 cells. Low RA concentrations stimulated growth proliferation but higher concentrations inhibited cell proliferation. Elevated RA concentrations increased lipid peroxidation as measured by thiobarbituric acid reactive substances. There was a significant negative correlation between lipid peroxidation and cell proliferation. Growth inhibition and lipid peroxidation were reduced by Zn pretreatment in BT-20 cells but not in MCF7 cells. RA increased MT levels in both cell lines, which suggests that RA may generate free radicals which will induce MT mRNA expression. Glutathione did not appear to be a significant factor. Therefore, induction of MT by Zn may modulate the growth inhibitory effects of RA in human breast cancer cells. One mechanism of growth inhibition may be through increased lipid peroxidation. Induction of MT by RA may be one explanation for acquired RA resistance in cancer. 相似文献
Retinoic acid (RA) treatment of SMS-KCNR neuroblastoma (NB) cells leads to G1 growth arrest and neuronal differentiation. To investigate the molecular mechanisms by which RA alters cell growth, we analysed the expression and activity of components of the cell cycle machinery after culture in RA. Within 2 days of RA treatment and prior to the arrest of NB cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle, there is a complete downregulation of G1 cyclin/Cdk activities. Protein levels for the G1 cyclin/Cdks were essentially unchanged during this time although there was a decrease in the steady-state levels of p67N-Myc and hyperphosphorylated Rb proteins. The Cdk inhibitors, p21Cip1 and p27Kip1 were constitutively expressed in KCNR while p15INK4B and p16INK4A were not detected. RA induced an increase in the expression of p27Kip1 but not p21Cip1. Furthermore, coincident with the decrease in kinase activity there was an increase in G1 cyclin/Cdk bound p27Kip1. These results indicate that changes in the level of p27Kip1 and its binding to G1 cyclin/Cdks may play a key role in RA induced growth arrest of NB cells. 相似文献
HINT list equivalency was examined using 24 listeners between 60 and 70 years old who had sensorineural hearing impairment. A Greco-Latin square design was used to ensure that each list was presented an equal number of times per condition. Four conditions were tested: (1) speech in quiet, (2) speech in 65 dBA noise with noise at 0 degrees azimuth, (3) speech in 65 dBA noise with noise at 90 degrees azimuth, and (4) speech in 65 dBA noise with noise at 270 degrees azimuth. Speech materials were always presented at 0 degrees azimuth. Overall mean scores ranged from 29.9 dBA for the quiet condition to 63.4 dBA for the noise at 0 degrees azimuth condition. A significant difference was found between Lists 13 and 16 only. This was attributed to audibility differences among the listeners. Therefore, the 25 HINT lists should be considered equivalent for older populations with similar hearing impairment. The HINT lists can be used for relative measures, such as comparison of aided versus unaided sentence SRTs or comparison of 2 different hearing aids. 相似文献
CR Wagner G Ballato AO Akanni EJ McIntee RS Larson S Chang YJ Abul-Hajj 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,57(12):2341-2345
Originally designed as an antitumor agent, zidovudine (AZT) has exhibited only marginal tumor growth inhibitory activity. Recently, three abstracts have described positive clinical outcomes for a small number of patients with advanced breast cancer treated with weekly infusions of either methotrexate or cisplatin and AZT. Consequently, we conducted a preclinical study of the anti-breast cancer and anti-mammary tumor activity of AZT. Here we have demonstrated that AZT, alone, has a preferential in vitro and in vivo effect on breast and mammary cancer cells. It is 1000 times as potent as an inhibitor of the in vitro growth of the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7 (IC50 = 10 +/- 5 nM) than of the growth of the T-cell leukemia cell line CEM (IC50 = 14 +/- 2 microM). A novel mechanism for this preferential effect on growth is indicated by the 3-4-fold increase in production of phosphorylated AZT (mono-, di-, and triphosphate) in MCF-7 relative to CEM. We extended these in vitro observations to in vivo studies in rats and found that AZT is a potent in vivo inhibitor of the growth of methylnitrosourea-induced rat mammary tumors without any apparent toxic effects on internal organs. These preclinical results demonstrate, for the first time, that AZT has significant anti-breast cancer activity and strongly suggest that the clinical usefulness of this drug is worthy of investigation. 相似文献
P Matarrese V Giandomenico G Fiorucci R Rivabene E Straface G Romeo E Affabris W Malorni 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,76(4):531-540
Several lines of evidence have demonstrated that IFNs could be relevant in the treatment of certain neoplastic diseases such as carcinomas. In particular, IFN-alpha, in addition to the anti-proliferative and cytostatic effects, was demonstrated to be capable of inducing cell death by apoptosis both in vivo and in vitro. Numerous protocols have also been proposed which consider the association of IFN-alpha with other drugs. Among these are retinoids, a class of compounds capable of inducing inhibition of cell growth and differentiation. We address the question here by analyzing the role of cell adhesion in susceptibility to IFN-alpha, RA and their combination of a human cell line derived from a squamous carcinoma of the cervix, the Bcl-2-negative SiHa cell line. In this context, cytoskeleton components and several surface molecules playing a role in cell substrate and cell-to-cell relationships have been evaluated. We found that RA treatment is capable of improving stress fiber formation, decreasing cell detachment and increasing cell-adhesion capability. However, no variations in the ability to adhere to specific extracellular-matrix molecules were found in RA-treated cells. No quantitative changes were detected in integrins involved as receptors for extracellular matrix molecules (VLAI-VLA5) or in other cell-adhesion-associated molecules (e.g., CD44). By contrast, 2 important molecules involved in cell-adhesion processes appeared to be up-regulated by RA exposure: focal adhesion kinase and E-cadherin, involved in adhesion plaque formation and cell-to-cell contacts, respectively. Keeping in mind the importance of adhesion properties in the cell-growth pathway, our findings could be of interest in the study of carcinoma-cell proliferation and metastatic potential. 相似文献
A finite volume method in a boundary-fitted coordinate system together with a zonal grid method is employed to compute the flow fields and shear stresses in a two-dimensional aortic bifurcation. Eddy is found distal to plaques during pulsatile flow, whereas permanent eddies are observed only during steady flow. The computed flow fields are consistent with those visualized experimentally by other authors. It is also found that although the time averaged shear rates in a pulsatile flow are similar to those of a steady flow with mean Reynolds number in most regions, they are different in recirculation zones. This result implies that care should be taken if a steady flow shear rate were to be used in modeling shear-dependent physiological processes. The non-Newtonian viscosity has only a minor effect on the flows. 相似文献
Retinoic acid (RA) exerts diverse biological effects in the control of cell growth in embryogenesis and oncogenesis. These effects of RA are thought to be mediated by the nuclear retinoid receptors. Mannose-6-phosphate (M6P)/insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) receptor is a multifunctional membrane glycoprotein that is known to bind both M6P and IGF-II and function primarily in the binding and trafficking of lysosomal enzymes, the activation of transforming growth factor-beta, and the degradation of IGF-II. M6P/IGF-II receptor has recently been implicated in fetal development and carcinogenesis. Despite the functional similarities between RA and the M6P/IGF-II receptor, no direct biochemical link has been established. Here, we show that the M6P/IGF-II receptor also binds RA with high affinity at a site that is distinct from those for M6P and IGF-II, as identified by a photoaffinity labeling technique. We also show that the binding of RA to the M6P/IGF-II receptor enhances the primary functions of this receptor. The biological consequence of the interaction appears to be the suppression of cell proliferation and/or induction of apoptosis. These findings suggest that the M6P/IGF-II receptor mediates a RA response pathway that is important in cell growth regulation. This discovery of the interaction of RA with the M6P/IGF-II receptor may have important implications for our understanding of the roles of RA and the M6P/IGF-II receptor in development, carcinogenesis, and lysosomal enzyme-related diseases. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cytokines and retinoic acid in human thyroid cancer cell growth. Cellular proliferation studies of the CGTH W-1 and SW 579 cell lines were performed with various cytokines and all-trans retinoic acid (RA). Cell number was determined by cell counting and incorporation of [3H]thymidine into DNA. Inhibitory effects of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) were found in both cell lines. SW 579 was more sensitive to TNF-alpha. The SW 579 cell line revealed gradually decreased cell proliferation in [3H]thymidine incorporation studies as TNF-alpha concentration increased. In contrast, the CGTH W-1 cell line revealed prominent suppressive effects when the TNF-alpha concentrations increased over 1 ng/ml. An inhibitory effect of interleukin 1 beta (IL-1 beta) on CGTH W-1 cells was noted at the concentration of 1 ng/ml, however, IL-1 beta failed to demonstrate an inhibitory effect in SW 579 cells. 相似文献
ML Steinhauser CM Hogaboam SL Kunkel NW Lukacs RM Strieter TJ Standiford 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1999,162(1):392-399
To explore the mechanism of immunosuppression associated with sepsis, we developed a murine model of sepsis-induced Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia. CD-1 mice underwent either cecal ligation and 26-gauge needle puncture (CLP) or sham surgery, followed by the intratracheal (i.t.) administration of P. aeruginosa or saline. Survival in mice undergoing CLP followed 24 h later by the i.t. administration of saline or P. aeruginosa was 58% and 10%, respectively, whereas 95% of animals undergoing sham surgery followed by P. aeruginosa administration survived. Increased mortality in the CLP/P. aeruginosa group was attributable to markedly impaired lung bacterial clearance and the early development of P. aeruginosa bacteremia. The i.t. administration of bacteria to CLP-, but not sham-, operated mice resulted in an impressive intrapulmonary accumulation of neutrophils. Furthermore, P. aeruginosa challenge in septic mice resulted in a relative shift toward enhanced lung IL-10 production concomitant with a trend toward decreased IL-12. The i.p., but not i.t., administration of IL-10 Abs given just before P. aeruginosa challenge in septic mice significantly improved both survival and clearance of bacteria from the lungs of septic animals administered P. aeruginosa. Finally, alveolar macrophages isolated from animals undergoing CLP displayed a marked impairment in the ability to ingest and kill P. aeruginosa ex vivo, and this defect was partially reversed by the in vivo neutralization of IL-10. Collectively, these observations indicate that the septic response substantially impairs lung innate immunity to P. aeruginosa, and this effect is mediated primarily by endogenously produced IL-10. 相似文献
Breast cancer patients can experience emotional distress as a result of diagnosis and treatment. Higher levels of optimism and social support are associated with less emotional distress in cancer patients. This 12-month prospective study followed 69 women who had completed treatment for Stages 0-11 breast cancer. At 3-month intervals, participants completed measures of mood disturbance, optimism, and social support. As hypothesized, affective social support mediated the relationship between optimism and distress in early-stage breast cancer survivors at baseline and 6 months but not at 1 year. In contrast, confidant social support did not mediate the optimism-distress relationship at any time point. Clinical and research implications of these findings are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
GT Budd PC Adamson M Gupta P Homayoun SK Sandstrom RF Murphy D McLain L Tuason D Peereboom RM Bukowski R Ganapathi 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,4(3):635-642
Because tamoxifen and all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) have additive antitumor effects in preclinical systems, we performed a Phase I/II clinical trial of this combination in patients with advanced breast cancer. Patients with potentially hormone-responsive advanced breast cancer were enrolled. All received 20 mg of tamoxifen by mouth daily. Consecutive cohorts of 3-6 patients were treated on odd-numbered weeks with ATRA at doses of 70, 110, 150, 190, or 230 mg/m2/day. Twenty-six patients were entered in this trial; 25 were evaluable. A dose of 230 mg/m2 ATRA produced unacceptable headache and dermatological toxicity, but doses < or = 190 mg/m2 were tolerable. Two of 7 patients with measurable disease responded. Seven of 18 patients with evaluable, nonmeasurable disease achieved disease stability for more than 6 months. Plasma AUCs on day 1 of successive weeks of treatment were stable over time. A nonsignificant decrease in serum insulin-like growth factor I levels was noted during treatment, but this trend was similar to that observed in three "control" patients treated with tamoxifen alone. When given with daily tamoxifen, the maximum tolerated dose of ATRA that could be given on alternate weeks was 190 mg/m2/day. This schedule of ATRA resulted in repeated periods of exposure to potentially therapeutic concentrations of ATRA. Declines in the serum insulin-like growth factor I concentrations observed in patients treated with tamoxifen and ATRA were similar to those observed in patients treated with tamoxifen alone. Objective responses were observed, some in patients who had previously progressed while receiving tamoxifen, suggesting that further studies would be of interest. 相似文献
Interleukin-6 (IL-6) production and proliferative responses by draining lymph node cells were studied in mice exposed topically to a series of chemicals. Chemicals with the capacity to induce sensitisation, but not non-sensitisers, promoted both IL-6 production and lymph node cell proliferation ex vivo. The responses exhibited similar kinetics, were dependent upon the dose of topically applied allergen, and correlated significantly. We demonstrate that the main source of IL-6 within draining lymph nodes is not proliferating T lymphocytes. The induction of a strong IL-6 response, and the relationship of this to cellular proliferation indicate that production of this cytokine within the lymph node is closely associated with the induction of contact sensitivity in mice. 相似文献