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S100P is a 95 amino acid residue protein which belongs to the S100 family of proteins containing two putative EF-hand Ca2+-binding motifs. In order to characterize conformational properties of S100P in the presence and absence of divalent cations (Ca2+, Mg2+ and Zn2+) in solution, we have analyzed hydrodynamic and spectroscopic characteristics of wild-type and several variants (Y18F, Y88F and C85S) of S100P using equilibrium centrifugation, gel-filtration chromatography, circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopies. Analysis of the experimental data shows the following. (1) In agreement with the predictions there are two Ca2+-binding sites in the S100P molecule with different affinity; the high affinity binding site has an apparent binding constant of approximately 10(7) M-1 and the low affinity binding site has an apparent binding constant of approximately 10(4) M-1. (2) The high and low affinity Ca2+-binding sites are located in the C and N-terminal parts of the S100P molecule, respectively. (3) These C and N-terminal sites can also bind other divalent ions. The C-terminal site binds Zn2+ (with relatively low affinity approximately 10(3) M-1), but not Mg2+. The N-terminal site binds Mg2+ with the apparent binding constant approximately 10(2) M-1. (4) Binding of Ca2+ to the C-terminal site and binding of Mg2+ to the N-terminal site occur in the physiological concentration range of these ions (micromolar for Ca2+ and millimolar for Mg2+). (5) Oligomerization state of the S100P molecule appears to change upon addition of Ca2+. On the basis of these observations a plausible model for S100P as a Ca2+/Mg2+ switch has been proposed.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by metal-catalyzed 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) aerobic oxidation have been shown to damage the inner membrane of isolated rat liver mitochondria by a Ca(2+)-dependent mechanism. The present work describes experiments indicating that this damage can be prevented, but not completely reversed by the additions of catalase, ADP, cyclosporin A and dithiothreitol, as judged by the extent of delta psi regeneration by the injured mitochondria. In contrast, the addition of EGTA, which removes free Ca2+ and, possibly, Fe2+ present both in the intra- and extramitochondrial compartments, causes a prompt and complete regeneration of delta psi, even after long periods of mitochondrial incubations in the presence of ALA. This reversibility suggests that protein alterations such as protein thiol cross-linkings, evidenced by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, are the main cause of increased membrane permeability promoted by ALA oxidation. The inhibition of protein aggregation and fast regeneration of delta psi promoted by EGTA suggest that the binding of Ca2+ to some membrane proteins plays a crucial role in the mechanism of both protein polymerization (pore assembly) and pore opening. The implication of these results with the molecular pathology of acute intermittent porphyria is also discussed.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels play an important role in Ca2+ signaling in many cells. CNG channels from various tissues differ profoundly in their Ca2+ permeation properties. Using the voltage-dependent Ca2+ blockage of monovalent current in wild-type channels, chimeric constructs and point mutants, we have identified structural elements that determine the distinctively different interaction of Ca2+ with CNG channels from rod and cone photoreceptors and olfactory neurons. Segments S5 and S6 and the extracellular linkers flanking the pore region are the only structural elements that account for the differences between channels. Ca2+ blockage is strongly modulated by external pH. The different pH dependence of blockage suggests that the pKa of intrapore glutamates and their protonation pattern differ among channels. The results support the hypothesis that the S5-pore-S6 module, by providing a characteristic electrostatic environment, determines the protonation state of pore glutamates and thereby controls Ca2+ affinity and permeation in each channel type.  相似文献   

采用溶胶-凝胶法合成Ca3Al2O6:Eu3+红色荧光粉,通过XRD、SEM、荧光光谱分别对样品的结构、形貌以及发光性能进行表征,讨论煅烧温度、Eu3+掺杂浓度以及电荷补偿剂对样品发光性能的影响.结果表明:实验所得样品的结构与Ca3Al2O6相同,Eu3+掺杂并没有改变其晶体结构.合成的荧光粉在394 nm近紫外光激发下发出615 nm明亮的红光.样品的红光强度随着煅烧温度的升高先增加后减弱,最佳烧结温度为1200℃.同样红光强度也随着Eu3+掺杂浓度的增加先增加后减弱,最佳Eu3+掺杂浓度为4%(摩尔分数).加入电荷补偿剂后样品的发光强度均增强,其中加入K+后发光增强的效果最显著.该铝酸盐红色荧光粉性质稳定,在白光LED近紫外芯片激发中具有潜在的应用.  相似文献   

In Mexico, 39% of 158 patients operated on for thyroid cancer require reoperative thyroid surgery. We retrospectively reviewed the indications and histopathological findings of 60 patients reoperated on because of: a) suspected persistent or recurrent disease; b) high risk patients treated by lobectomy; c) different histology; d) complete lack of information, e) and distant metastasis. In 53 cases (88%), the initial surgery was nodulectomy or lobectomy, and in seven (11%) was subtotal or near-total thyroidectomy. Among the 60 reoperations, 50 were completion total thyroidectomy and 10 were near-total thyroidectomy. In 27 cases (45%) a neck dissection was additionally done. Histologic examination revealed thyroid carcinoma in 32 cases (53%) and neck node metastasis in 28 cases (47%). Complications included six cases (9%) of permanent palsy of the recurrent laryngeal nerve after the initial surgery outside of our hospital and two cases (1.75%) of reoperated cases. In four reoperated patients (6.6%), permanent hypoparathyroidism was developed. It is mandatory to complete thyroidectomy and neck dissection in a high proportion of patients initially treated in general hospitals due to an inadequate criteria in the selection of the extension of thyroidectomy and treatment of neck node metastases. Histologic findings of these patients support our indications to complete the surgical treatment.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of silicate oxyapatite Ca2Y8Si6O26 was indexed as hexagonal, space group P63/m, α=0.93515 nm, c=0.67872 nm, α=β=90°, γ=120°, V=0.5138692 nm3. Three strong peaks located at 32.079°, 32.595°, and 50.104° with d=2.7903, 2.74649, 1.8194 was in accordance with (211), (112), and (213) planes. The optimum concentration of Tb3+ in Ca2Y8Si6O26 to yield highest photoluminescence intensity was 10 mol.% of Y3+. The corresponding excitation spectrum consisted of an intense broad band from 220 to 260 nm. The photoluminescence measurements showed that the green emission originated from 5D4?7F5 was predominant in the measured range with strong doublet lines at 543 and 549 nm.  相似文献   

In the present work, TiO2:Eu3+ (1 mol%–11 mol%) nano powders (NPs) were prepared via a facile one-pot hydrothermal method by using Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) as bio-surfactant. The optimized TiO2:Eu3+ (5 mol%) NPs can be used as fluorescent labeling agent for visualizing of latent fingerprints (LFPs) on various porous and non-porous surfaces. The obtained results exhibit well defined ridge details with high sensitivity, selectivity, and low background hindrance which show greater advantages as compared to conventional powders. We demonstrated the viability of high-performance security labels thorough excellent luminescence for practical anti-mimetic applications. Morphology of the prepared samples is highly dependent on pH, concentration of the bio-surfactant, temperature and time durations. Photoluminescence (PL) emission spectra exhibit intense red emission at ~ 615 nm due to electric dipole transition (5D07F2). Photometric (CIE and CCT) results clearly show the intense warm red emission of the optimized samples. Therefore, this work offers a superior and universal luminescent label, which can be applied to visualize miniature LFPs particulars for individualization and consequently display great prospective in forensic investigation.  相似文献   

The physical properties of aerosols are reviewed. The physiological basis of inhalation therapy is then briefly reviewed together with the aerosol devices currently available and the therapeutic uses of inhaled drugs, focusing on the treatment of parenchymal lung diseases and extra respiratory disorders. Finally, new perspectives for inhalation therapy are examined.  相似文献   

During translation of bacteriophage T4 gene 60 mRNA, ribosomes bypass 50 nucleotides with high efficiency. One of the mRNA signals for bypass is a stem-loop in the first part of the coding gap. When the length of this stem-loop is extended by 36 nucleotides, bypass is reduced to 0.35% of the wild-type level. Bypass is partially restored by a mutation in the C-terminal domain of Escherichia coli large ribosomal subunit protein L9. Previous work has shown that L9 is an elongated protein with an alpha-helix that connects and orients the N and C-terminal domains that both contain a predicted RNA binding site. We have determined two binding sites of L9 on 23 S rRNA. A 778 nucleotide RNA fragment encompassing domain V (nucleotides 1999 to 2776) of the 23 S rRNA is retained on filters by L9 and contains both sites. The N and C-terminal domains of L9 were shown to interact with nucleotides just 5' to nucleotide 2231 and 2179 of the 23 S rRNA, respectively, using the toeprint assay. These L9 binding sites on 23 S rRNA suggest that L9 functions as a brace across helix 76 to position helices 77 and 78 relative to the peptidyl transferase center. In this study, bypass on a mutant gene 60 mRNA has been used as an assay to probe the importance of particular L9 amino acids for function. Amino acid substitutions in the C-terminal domain are shown to partially restore bypass. These mutant L9 proteins have reduced binding to a 23 S rRNA fragment (nucleotides 1999 to 2274) containing domain V, to which L9 binds. They partially retain both the N and C-terminal domain interactions. On the other hand, substitutions of amino acids in the N-terminal domain, which greatly reduce RNA binding, do not restore bypass. The latter mutants have completely lost the N-terminal domain interaction. Addition of an amino acid to the alpha-helix also restores gene 60 bypass. RNA binding by this mutant is similar to that observed for the C-terminal domain mutants that partially restore bypass.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional homo- and heteronuclear nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to determine pKa values for all of the acidic residues in the B1 and B2 immunoglobulin G- (IgG-) binding domains of protein G. Due to the stability of protein G over a wide pH range, estimates of ionization constants were also obtained for some basic residues. These experimentally determined ionization constants were compared with values calculated from both X-ray and NMR-derived structures of B1 and B2 using the UHBD algorithm [Antosiewicz, J., et al. (1994) J. Mol. Biol. 238, 415-436]. This algorithm has been found to be predictive for pKa measurements in proteins and, in combination with experimental measurements, allowed some evaluation of the NMR and X-ray structures. Three regions where significant differences exist between the X-ray and NMR structures are (1) the position of the E56 side chain relative to the backbone amides of K10 and D40, (2) residues 33-37 in the helix, and (3) the Y45 side-chain conformation. For all three cases, the experimental pH titration curves are notably more consistent with the X-ray structures than the NMR structures. In contrast, a number of solvent-accessible side chains have experimental pKas more in agreement with mean pKas calculated from families of NMR structures. The conformations of these side chains may be susceptible to crystal packing effects. From titration experiments under basic conditions, it is noteworthy that the chemical shift of the Y45 C epsilonH resonance is invariant up to pDcorr 12. The Y45 side-chain hydroxyl group appears to maintain a nativelike hydrogen bond with D47 at pDcorr 12, even though the protein is approximately 90% unfolded. These results suggest that this short-range (i, i + 2) interaction, located in the beta3-beta4 hairpin, is present in the high-pH denatured state and may therefore form early in the folding of protein G.  相似文献   

Mutations in a number of genes affect eye colour in Drosophila melanogaster; some of these "eye-colour" genes have been shown to be involved in various aspects of cellular transport processes. In addition, combinations of viable mutant alleles of some of these genes, such as carnation (car) combined with either light (lt) or deep-orange (dor) mutants, show lethal interactions. Recently, dor was shown to be homologous to the yeast gene PEP3 (VPS18), which is known to be involved in intracellular trafficking. We have undertaken to extend our earlier work on the lt gene, in order to examine in more detail its expression pattern and to characterize its gene product via sequencing of a cloned cDNA. The gene appears to be expressed at relatively high levels in all stages and tissues examined, and shows strong homology to VPS41, a gene involved in cellular-protein trafficking in yeast and higher eukaryotes. Further genetic experiments also point to a role for lt in transport processes: we describe lethal interactions between viable alleles of lt and dor, as well as phenotypic interactions (reductions in eye pigment) between allels of lt and another eye-colour gene, garnet (g), whose gene product has close homology to a subunit of the human adaptor complex, AP-3.  相似文献   

Multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy has been used to determine almost complete backbone and side-chain 1H, 15N, and 13C resonance assignments of calcium loaded Myxococcus xanthus protein S (173 residues). Of the range of constant-time triple resonance experiments recorded, HNCACB and CBCA(CO)NH, which correlate C alpha and C beta with backbone amide resonances of the same and the succeeding residue respectively, proved particularly useful in resolving assignment ambiguities created by the 4-fold internal homology of the protein S amino acid sequence. Extensive side-chain 1H and 13C assignments have been obtained by analysis of HCCH-TOCSY and 15N-edited TOCSY-HMQC spectra. A combination of NOE, backbone amide proton exchange, 3JNH alpha coupling constant, and chemical shift data has been used to show that each of the protein S repeat units consists of four beta-strands in a Greek key arrangement. Two of the Greek keys contain a regular alpha-helix between the third and fourth strands, resulting in an unusual and possibly unique variation on this common folding motif. Despite similarity between two nine-residue stretches in the first and third domains of protein S and one of the Ca(2+)-binding sequences in bovine brain calmodulin [Inouye, S., Franceschini, T., & Inouye, M. (1983) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 80, 6829-6833], the protein S topology in these regions is incompatible with an EF-hand calmodulin-type Ca(2+)-binding site.  相似文献   

Folic acid (PteGlu)-enhanced intense synergy has been observed between nonpolyglutamylatable dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) inhibitors and polyglutamylatable inhibitors of other folate-requiring enzymes, such as glycinamide ribonucleotide formyltransferase (GARFT) and thymidylate synthase. Since this phenomenon is potentially therapeutically useful, we explored its universality by examining the combined action of a DHFR inhibitor, trimetrexate (TMQ), with a GARFT inhibitor, 4-[2-(2-amino-4-oxo-4,6,7,8-tetrahydro-3H-pyrimidino[5,4,6][1,4]++ +thiazin-6-yl)-(S)-ethyl]-2,5-thienoylamino-L-glutamic acid (AG2034), in eight human cultured cell lines. Using a 96-well plate cell growth inhibition assay, four ileocecal adenocarcinoma cell lines [HCT-8, HCT-8/DW2 (Tomudex-resistant), HCT-8/DF2 (Tomudex-/FdUrd-resistant), and HCT-8/50 (adapted to 50 nM PteGlu)], three head and neck carcinoma cell lines [A253, FaDu, and Hep-2/500 (FdUrd-resistant)], and a non-small cell lung carcinoma cell line [H460] were treated for 96 hr with TMQ + AG2034 in the presence of 23 or 40 microM PteGlu. Cell growth was measured with the sulforhodamine B assay at the end of this period. Drug interactions were assessed by fitting a 7-parameter model including a synergism parameter, alpha, to data with weighted nonlinear regression. Isobologram analysis was also applied. At 23 microM PteGlu, cells exhibited similar intensities of Loewe synergy for the combination of TMQ + AG2034. Loewe synergy was abolished in HCT-8/50 cells cultured and studied in 50 nM PteGlu. At 40 microM PteGlu, the intensity of the combined action in all cell lines was increased However, the most intense Loewe synergy was seen with HCT-8, HCT-8/DF2, H460, FaDu, A253, and Hep-2/500 cells, whereas the HCT-8/50 subculture showed less of the phenomenon, and PteGlu enhancement was the least with HCT-8/DW2, a subline deficient in folylpolyglutamate synthetase (FPGS). The universality of the PteGlu-enhanced intense synergy phenomenon is suggested. Impaired FPGS activity and low-folate adaptation prior to treatment significantly lessen the degree of PteGlu enhancement.  相似文献   

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