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铝阳极氧化膜冷封闭工艺的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了铝阳极氧化膜冷封闭剂Hy-1的化学组成、工艺、参数的确定及工艺条件,对封孔性能进行对比试验,并对封闭机理进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Aluminium oxide films may be electrolytically treated in order to modify or enhance their physical characteristics, with electrocolouring being the common application. This research has shown that the incorporation of a metallic deposit into the porous oxide film can also improve the tribological properties of the film using methodology similar to electrocolouring. Performance of this coating system has been evaluated for two common aluminium alloys using standard mechanical tests, LIMA surface analysis and electron microscopy. Such films treated with In, Sn or In-Sn have shown improved abrasion resistance and reduced coefficient of friction compared to a ‘standard’ film making them especially suited to applications requiring low friction properties and good sliding wear resistance.  相似文献   

铝导线混合酸阳极氧化绝缘膜工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验研究了铝扁导线混合酸阳极氧化工艺方法,得到了绝缘性能优良的氧化铝膜。膜层击穿电压达到250V。同传统的硫酸阳极氧化工艺相比,该膜层脆性低、韧性好、槽温范围宽;同草酸阳极氧化工艺相比,该工艺所需时间短、耗能少、生产效率高。可以满足除铁器电磁线圈绕组导线的生产和使用要求。  相似文献   

Bright ductile deposits of tin have been obtained from acid stannous sulphate to which wood tar dispersed in aqueous solution by a suitable agent has been added. The dispersing agent used was octyl sulphuric acid but some alternatives are possible. Whole distillates from either hardwood or softwood have been found to contain the active agent but fractions of tar prepared and marketed for special uses may not contain it. The agent is a neutral component of the tar, distilling in the range of 150–200° and may be destroyed by prolonged heating.

Operation of a 90 l. plating bath containing 8 g/1. tar has consistently given bright deposits at current densities of 8–30 A/sq ft with cathode agitation and has given good promise of solution stability. Barrel-plating at 12–18 A/sq ft has given good results.

Brittle deposits may be produced by the use of unsuitable dispersing agents for the tar, excessive tar additions or too high a current density, but the limits imposed are not impractical.

Promising results have also been obtained with the addition of the tar preparation to chloride/fluoride tin plating baths.  相似文献   

The paper describes the results of examination of specimens after 10 years’ exposure to a very severe industrial atmosphere. The work is a continuation of tests previously reported by Whittaker and Kape. All anodized films show signs of pitting and the specimens have lost reflectivity to a marked extent. Resistance improves with increasing film thicknesses and higher purity of the aluminium. Periodic washing with distilled water does not decrease pitting or delay its onset.  相似文献   

铝及铝合金的电解着色技术及机理研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
周和荣  杜楠  李真楷  王纯刚  黄恒 《表面技术》2004,33(5):17-18,26
介绍铝及铝合金电解着色方法和机理方面的发展.简要介绍了铝及铝合金电解着色技术和特点,重点阐述了电解着色的微观电极反应机制以及着色膜层沉积物的研究方法和进展,另外总结了着色膜层的显色机理为光的干涉作用.  相似文献   

通过试验,研究了合金成分、常温封孔、阳极氧化工艺条件对氧化膜耐蚀性,耐磨性的影响;讨论了这些因素对氧化膜耐蚀性、耐磨性的影响机理,指出了为保证氧化膜的耐蚀性、耐磨性而采取的工艺措施。  相似文献   

This report presents a survey of various surface treatments to improve the wear resistance of aluminium. Over 25 different treatments have been produced and evaluated in laboratory and in application tests. Three plastically formable alloys and one pressure die casting alloy were included.

The different coating systems have been characterised with respect to structure and morphology by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The laboratory wear tests were performed by using Taber abraser and pin on disc as standard methods. As a comparison, a non-standard reciprocating adhesive wear test set-up was used. In addition, a corrosion test by accelerated outdoor exposure (SCAB) was performed. The application tests were a rotating PTFE sealed sleeve, a station chain in a food packing machine and a yarn feeder.

The results from the abrasive and adhesive laboratory wear tests have been correlated to the results in the application tests. For some of the evaluated coating systems the correlation between the laboratory and the application tests is reasonably good. However, substantial difference in performance was found for other systems.  相似文献   

铝带坯铸轧机铸轧辊套材料及热处理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叙述了铝带坯铸机用铸轧辊套要求的机械性能和物理性能;讨论了化学成分,热处理工艺对铸轧辊套性能的影响;即对辊套使用寿命的影响;说明了材料组织为细小的回火索氏体是最佳组织。  相似文献   

The present study was carried out on 2017A aluminium alloy, in order to determine the influence of heat treatments on the fracture toughness determined by three point bending tests and empirical formula correlations used Charpy impact energy. The three point bending test has shown that the minimum values of fracture toughness and maximum load were found in the annealed state. Moreover, the hardening heat treatment increases them considerably, especially in the artificially aged condition of the alloy where it provided the maximum values. Schindler’s empirical formula gave the best estimation of fracture toughness in all metallurgical states of 2017A aluminium alloy.  相似文献   

6005A铝合金大型特种型材的研制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了6005A-T6铝合金大型材的技术要求,化学成分和挤压工艺、热处理工艺优化等问题。制定出了合理的生产工艺,并成功地研制出供车辆使用的6005A-T6大型特种型材。  相似文献   

带双侧异形凹槽铝合金壳体成形工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对带双侧异形凹槽铝合金壳体的材质选择、成形工艺以及热处理工艺规范进行了研究。结果表明,以6061铝合金为材质,采取4道次错距强旋成形工艺以及旋压前进行不完全固溶处理[(460±10)℃ 30 min、水淬]、胀形前进行完全固溶处理[(515±10)℃15 min、水淬],可确保旋压及胀形过程顺利进行,壳体的凹槽形状、尺寸精度、力学性能以及表面质量均可得到有效的保证。  相似文献   

介绍了用二次阳极氧化法制备氧化铝模板的步骤,并对氧化铝模板及随后制备的纳米线进行了观察。结果表明,所制的氧化铝模板有序性较好,可以用来制备纳米线。  相似文献   

铝合金阳极氧化的常见缺陷   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文简述铝合金阳极氧化常见缺陷特征,成因和对策。缺陷类型包括点(斑)缺陷和大面积的不均一外观。未涉及条纹,模具痕或焊合线等条带型缺陷。最后用表格说明这些缺陷的发生(起因)或发现(出现)的工序。  相似文献   

An investigation has been carried out in order to study the fretting fatigue behavior of a 2014-T6 aluminum alloy, which has been coated with a commercial hard anodizing of approximately 20-25 μm in thickness. The hardness (HV) was significantly improved up to about 380 after hard anodizing coating while the hardness value of original 2014-T6 was 175. Fretting reduced drastically the fatigue life of samples in both conditions, substrate and coated conditions. The application of such a coating to the substrate may increase the fretting fatigue life in comparison with the uncoated samples in low-stress region for rotating bending fatigue loading while at higher stresses the effect of anodizing is reversed. This may be result from early initiation of cracking of hard anodizing film due to high-stress concentration resulting from bulk stresses. On the other hand, the increase in fretting fatigue life in low-stress region may be probably attributed to low coefficient of friction that prevents metal-to-metal contact, which may result in higher fretting fatigue life because of retardation of crack initiation resulting from lower stress concentration compared to the substrate.  相似文献   

铝箔毛料质量对铝箔轧制生产的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
分析和讨论了铝箔毛料质量对铝箔轧制过程和铝箔的针孔、断带和表面质量的影响,提出了对铝箔毛料质量的要求以及加工过程中要注意的事项。  相似文献   

介绍了我国电解铝厂、铝加工厂的生产、进出口及能耗情况,在现阶段我国能源紧张的形势下,走进口原铝锭出口铝材的发展道路更有利于我国铝加工业的发展壮大。  相似文献   

The optical interference effect observed in radio frequency glow discharge optical emission spectroscopy (rf-GDOES) depth profiles of anodic oxide films formed on several aluminum-tantalum alloys is investigated and then used to determine refractive index, thickness, and composition of the anodized Ta-Al alloy layer. Refractive indices at the tantalum wavelength (1.4-2.4) were found to increase approximately linearly with the Ta2O5/Al2O3 ratio in the inner layer of the anodic oxide film. The optical interference effect was used to determine the composition of the inner film layer from the intensity/time rf-GDOES depth profile with excellent agreement with RBS-derived values. Good accuracy is obtained for constant sputtering rates and hence good interfacial depth resolution and for intensity signals oscillating uniformly across the film. A procedure is also proposed for calculating the thickness of the transparent layer of the anodic oxide film using the refractive index value derived from calibration plots of refractive index versus Ta2O5/Al2O3 ratio. The quantified depth profile of anodized Ta-24at.%Al alloy is presented. There is excellent accuracy of the quantified composition. The accuracy of the film depth, however, has a strong correlation with calculated density.  相似文献   

A calcium stearate-based hydrophobic coating was formed on an anodized magnesium alloy by the electrodeposition method.The influences of the working voltages on the characteristics of the coatings were researched. The results indicate that the working voltages have significant effects on the morphology, thickness, roughness, and wettability of the hydrophobic coatings,but little influence on the phase composition. Higher working voltages promote the nucleation of the coatings during the deposition process. The thickness, roughness, and water contact angle of the coatings increase with the increase in working voltage. In addition, the influences of the working voltages on the corrosion properties and corrosion mechanisms of the coated magnesium alloys are discussed in detail. When the working voltage is 50 V, the best corrosion resistance is obtained, but when the working voltages are 20 V and 100 V, respectively, a low corrosion resistance is obtained because of the presence of the thinner and cracked coating on the substrate surfaces.  相似文献   

铝及铝合金仿木纹着色技术   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
徐金来  罗韦因  刘钧泉 《表面技术》2006,35(1):47-49,89
综述了铝及铝合金的性能、应用领域、表面处理的方法及将来的发展趋势.着重阐述铝及铝合金仿木纹着色的发展潜力、仿木纹着色不同方法及其特点和木纹形成原理,尤其对电化学法形成木纹的不同工艺及原理作详细的论述,其中包括电化学法木纹处理工艺的体系及组分作用、去膜工艺、阳极氧化、着色和封闭等工序,提出了铝及铝合金仿木纹着色的应用前景及未来发展方向.  相似文献   

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