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本文研究了油炸马铃薯片加工过程中切片预干燥时间、油炸温度和不同浸泡处理对油炸马铃薯片品质的影响,通过薯片炸前炸后色泽变化、亮度、丙烯酰胺含量、水分含量、含油量及感官指标等理化指标进行评估。结果表明,油炸马铃薯片的色泽变化和丙烯酰胺含量随油炸温度升高增大,预干燥时间越长切片炸前水分含量越低,油炸时间越短,但随着预干燥时间的增加油炸薯片色泽变化也越大。油炸马铃薯片的最佳生产工艺为:鲜切马铃薯片先在85℃清水中热烫3.5 min,再用0.3%CaCl2溶液中室温浸泡30 min,浸泡后切片在60℃下热风干燥箱干燥15 min,130℃油炸即可得到色泽变化最小、丙烯酰胺含量低的油炸薯片。 相似文献
油炸时间和温度对模拟马铃薯片油脂吸收的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为了研究油炸时间与温度对油炸样品的油脂吸收的影响,以马铃薯淀粉和水为原料,配制出模拟马铃薯片,以此简单体系为研究对象,采用染色油的方法来测定不同分布的油脂含量,从而得出表面油脂、表面渗透油脂、结构油脂、总油脂的含量。结果表明,样品总油脂和结构油脂含量随着油炸时间的增加而增加,表面渗透油脂含量随着时间的增加先上升后下降,而油炸时间对表面油脂的含量影响不显著。随着油炸温度的上升,总油脂含量显著增加,结构油脂含量呈现上升趋势;在180℃和200℃下,表面油脂含量之间没有显著性差异;140℃和其他温度下的表面渗透油脂含量存在显著差异。 相似文献
油炸天然马铃薯片酥脆性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
<正> 随着人们生活水平的提高和旅游业的迅猛发展,可口美味、食用方便的油炸天然马铃薯片深受消费者的欢迎,需求量逐年提高。如何使油炸天然马铃薯片在众多品牌中占一席之地? 除产品风味之外,其酥脆性至关重要。 基本上,不同品种的马铃薯其酥脆度也不一样。在这个研究中,我们选择了新克2号马铃薯进行试验,采用多次浸浮(逐层膨化)法。其生产工艺步骤为:用切片机将马铃薯切成1.5毫米厚的薄片,经16℃的水漂洗后,放进油炸机中油炸2分钟,进口温度为170℃,出口温度为165℃。炸油选用海皇牌棕桐油,生产线的能力 相似文献
<正> 油炸马铃薯片(以下简称薯片)是一种营养丰富、味美适口、卫生方便的食品,在国外已有三十多年的生产历史,尤以北美、西欧及大洋洲等地极为盛行。油炸薯片成为欧美人餐桌上不可或缺的日常食品及休闲食品。近年来进入我国的洋快餐也有许多配有油炸薯片(如麦当劳等),深受我国消费者喜爱。 相似文献
采用真空油炸前预处理技术研究了护色工艺对真空油炸马铃薯片品质的影响.实验中选择柠檬酸、亚硫酸氢钠、VC 3种褐变抑制剂,通过配取不同浓度,得出真空油炸马铃薯片最佳护色工艺.结果表明:马铃薯片经过第4组护色液配方处理之后,即:柠檬酸1‰,亚硫酸氢钠1‰,VC1.5‰,产品具有最佳的感官品质和色泽值,同时对其水分含量、水分活度和脂肪含量均无显著性影响. 相似文献
为了延长煎炸油的使用寿命,有效降低成本,研究了荤素分类煎炸对油脂品质的影响。采用食材荤素分类及不分类煎炸并循环使用煎炸油,分析了两种煎炸方式下煎炸油的色泽、酸值、过氧化值、p-茴香胺值、极性组分含量的变化情况,并对比分析两种煎炸方式用油量。结果表明:采用荤素分类煎炸可以更好地抑制油脂色泽、酸值、p-茴香胺值及极性组分含量的增长速度;不分类煎炸油脂的色泽在煎炸2 d后无法用比色仪检测,分类煎炸7 d后油脂的色泽才接近不分类煎炸2 d的色泽;不分类煎炸的油脂酸值(KOH)在煎炸前3 d内急剧上升,由初始的0.09 mg/g增至1.30 mg/g,分类煎炸的油脂酸值(KOH)浮动较小,由初始的0.09 mg/g最高增加至0.62 mg/g;在煎炸7 d时,不分类煎炸的油脂p-茴香胺值由初始的4.0增加到38.0,分类煎炸的油脂p-茴香胺值由初始的4.0增加到15.0,不分类煎炸油脂的p-茴香胺值的增长速度是分类煎炸的近3倍;不分类煎炸,油脂极性组分含量在第1天内急剧上升,在第4天达到最高,为12.5%,后逐渐趋于平稳,分类煎炸,油脂极性组分含量在前3 d内均保持在8%左右,之后才有上升的趋势... 相似文献
以感官品质、质构特性、理化特性、风味特性以及丙烯酰胺含量为指标,研究茶多酚在连续油炸过程中对马铃薯片品质的影响,并进一步探究茶多酚对马铃薯片贮藏稳定性的影响。结果表明,茶多酚对连续油炸过程中马铃薯片感官品质及硬度值的下降具有抑制作用;茶多酚对连续油炸过程中马铃薯片水分含量和含油率的增加具有明显的抑制作用,并且降低了薯片的含油率,茶多酚组T24批次的马铃薯片含油率为41.96%±2.00%,显著低于空白组的46.29%±1.06%(P<0.05)。同时,与空白对照组相比,茶多酚抑制了马铃薯片劣变风味的产生,明显抑制了马铃薯片中有害物丙烯酰胺的生成。此外,茶多酚能够增加油炸马铃薯片的贮藏稳定性,平均货架期能够延长8 d。初步分析,茶多酚在油炸过程中对油脂品质的保护作用是其能够提高马铃薯片品质的重要原因。 相似文献
薯片在油炸过程中品质变化及其货架期预测 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了探究薯片在油炸过程中品质变化,以不同油炸时间马铃薯片为研究对象,测定马铃薯片的品质变化,观察其微观结构并对马铃薯片货架期进行预测。结果表明:随油炸时间的延长,马铃薯片的水分含量降低,含油率升高,脆度变化较大;马铃薯片表面淀粉颗粒糊化逐渐形成凸起和空隙,由于外皮壳的保护作用,空隙先在横断面中出现,薯片内部空隙多于其表面;通过比较脱脂前后薯片,表明薯片与煎炸油之间以物理作用为主;随着薯片贮藏时间的延长,薯片中油脂的酸值、过氧化值和羰基值逐渐增大,根据Arrhenius方程预测薯片在20℃的货架期约为102d。 相似文献
本研究以马铃薯片为原料,将马铃薯片分别浸渍于不同浓度的海藻酸钠(SA)、羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)、瓜尔豆胶(GU)涂膜液中,以马铃薯脆片水分含量、脂肪含量、硬度、色泽、感官品质为评价指标,并进一步通过扫描电镜研究涂膜处理对真空油炸马铃薯脆片品质的影响。结果表明:SA、CMC、GU均能显著提高马铃薯脆片水分含量(p<0.05),显著降低马铃薯脆片的脂肪含量(p<0.05),SA-1%、CMC-0.75%、GU-1%处理组脂肪含量分别降低了17.22%、40.04%、27.39%;与对照组相比,三种处理组降低了马铃薯脆片的硬度值,对L*、b*值大部分影响差异不显著(p>0.05),亲水胶体处理组样品感官评价得分均较高,CMC-0.75%组得分最高(6.86分);扫描电镜结果表明,CMC能较好地保护马铃薯脆片的细胞结构遭受破坏,防止油脂进入脆片内部。CMC-0.75%处理组能降低马铃薯脆片脂肪含量,感官品质较好。 相似文献
ABSTRACT: The effect of cooking method (baking compared with frying) on acrylamide level of potato chips was investigated in this study. Baking and frying experiments were conducted at 170, 180, and 190 °C using potato slices with a thickness of 1.4 mm. Raw potatoes were analyzed for reducing sugars and asparagine. Surface and internal temperatures of potato slices were monitored during the experiments to better explain the results. Fried and baked chips were analyzed for acrylamide content using an LC-MS method. The results showed that acrylamide level of potato chips prepared by frying increased with frying temperature (19.6 ng/g at 170 °C, 39 ng/g at 180 °C, and 95 ng/g at 190 °C). In baking, however, the highest acrylamide level was observed in potato chips prepared at 170 °C (47.8 ng/g at 170 °C, 19.3 ng/g at 180 °C, and 29.7 ng/g at 190 °C). The results showed that baking at 170 °C more than doubled the acrylamide amount that formed upon frying at the same temperature, whereas at 180 and 190 °C, the acrylamide levels of chips prepared by baking were lower than their fried counterparts. 相似文献
The effect of type of frying oil and temperature on the oxidative stability of potato chips during storage was studied. Cottonseed oil, soybean oil, olive kernel oil and palmolein were used as frying media. The chips were packaged in metallized cellophane bags and incubated at 63 °C. At definite time intervals the absorbed oil was extracted and analyzed for peroxide value, Totox number and conjugated diene content. Olive kernel oil and palmolein absorbed into the chips showed better stability, whereas soybean oil presented the higher oxidation rate. Frying temperature (170, 180 or 190 °C) did not affect the oxidation rate during storage, with the exception of conjugated diene formation which was greater for chips fried at 190 °C. Ground oregano or oregano extract, obtained by petroleum ether extraction, were added to the chips as antioxidants. Both retarded significantly the oxidation rate of the oil absorbed into the chips, with results comparable to tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) during storage at 63 °C for 7 days; however TBHQ proved significantly more effective after that time. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献
Four protocols involving the application of low pressures, either toward the end of frying or after frying, were investigated with the aim of lowering the oil content of potato chips. Protocol 1 involving frying at atmospheric pressure followed by a 3 min draining time constituted the control. Protocol 2 involved lowering of pressure to 13.33 kPa, 40 s before the end of frying, followed by draining for 3 min at the same pressure. Protocol 3 was the same as protocol 2, except that the pressure was lowered 3 s before the end of frying. Protocol 4 involved lowering the pressure to 13.33 kPa after the product was lifted from the oil and holding it at this value over the draining time of 3 min. Protocol 4 gave a product having the lowest oil content (37.12 g oil/100 g defatted dry matter), while protocol 2 gave the product with highest oil content (71.10 g oil/100 g defatted dry matter), followed by those obtained using protocols 1 and 3 (68.48 g oil/100 g defatted dry matter and 52.50 g oil/100 g defatted dry matter, respectively). Protocol 4 was further evaluated to study the effects of draining times and vacuum applied, and compared with the control. It was noted that over the modest range of pressures investigated, there was no significant effect of the vacuum applied on the oil content of the product. This study demonstrates that the oil content of potato chips can be lowered significantly by combining atmospheric frying with draining under vacuum. 相似文献
High oleic soybean (HOSBO) and low linolenic acid soybean (LLSBO) oils were evaluated individually and in a 1:1 blend along with cottonseed oil (CSO) to determine frying oil stabilities and the flavor quality and stability of potato chips. Potato chips were fried in the oils for a total of 25 h. Potato chips and oils were sampled periodically for sensory data, gas chromatographic volatile compounds, free fatty acids, and total polar compounds. Total polar compounds levels decreased with increasing amounts of oleic acid. The LLSBO had the highest overall increase (17.3%) in total polar compounds from 0 to 25 h of frying. Flavor evaluations of fresh and aged (0, 1, 3, 5, and 7 wk at 25 °C) potato chips showed differences between potato chips fried in different oil types. Potato chips fried in either LLSBO or in the 1:1 blend had significantly higher intensities of deep fried flavor than the chips fried in HOSBO. Potato chips fried in HOSBO, which had 2% linolenic acid and 1.3% linoleic acid, had significantly higher fishy flavor intensity than chips fried in the other oils. The presence of linoleic acid at a level lower than the amount of linolenic acid probably allowed for the fishy flavors from the degradation of linolenic acid in HOSBO to become more apparent than if the linoleic acid level was higher than linolenic acid. Hexanal was significantly higher in potato chips fried in LLSBO than in the chips fried in the other oils, indicating low oxidative stability during storage. Blending HOSBO with LLSBO in a 1:1 ratio not only improved flavor quality of chips compared with those fried in HOSBO, but also improved oil fry life and oxidative stability of chips compared with LLSBO. 相似文献