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交通承载力作为科学确定城市密度分区的重要影响因素,目前尚未引起足够重视。深圳在新一轮城市密度分区调整优化研究中,将交通系统作为评估密度分区和地块客积率测算的定量分析指标,分别从宏观层面、中观层面和微观层面,系统建立了交通承载力和城市开发强度之间的互动评估模型,并在方案编制前、中、后不同阶段采用静态交通评估和动态交通评估相结合的技术手段,通过反复迭代和评估测试,最终确定基于未来交通规划方案基础上的深圳市新一轮密度分区方案以及不同用地类型的地块基准容积率。密度分区视角下的交通定量评估理论和技术方法,有利于促进城市用地和交通系统的协调发展,为大城市密度分区决策提供科学依据,同时也可以为国内外城市提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

邓潇潇 《城市住宅》2021,28(6):170-172
在全球化和快速城镇化背景下,我国城市面临"千城一面"的风貌危机,为提升城市风貌特色,城市风貌规划逐步受到重视.以沛县风貌规划为例,构建宏观-中观-微观的渐进式纵深型风貌规划框架,探索城市风貌规划的编制方法和内容.宏观层面控制城市风貌总体结构;中观层面提炼建筑风貌通则;微观层面落实到节点街道、建筑、空间的风貌改造建议,针对风貌难点、痛点提出具体解决办法.  相似文献   

密度分区是依据不同的开发强度对城市空间进行分区的规划管理制度。深圳密度分区经过20年的实践形成了从宏观、中观、微观对城市开发强度进行多层次管理的控制方法体系。本文阐述了城市密度和密度分区的基本概念,总结和解析了过去20年深圳四版密度分区的主要特征,并进行了比较分析,指出:密度分区作为一个系统的规划控制体系,需要以很强的技术手段和管理能力为保障;密度分区具有强烈的价值取向和公共政策属性,其管理标准具有相对性和在地性特征,管理目标应与城市发展阶段相适应,管理方式应与政治体制和治理体系相适应。  相似文献   

城市规划是对建成环境的公共干预,包括规划编制和开发控制两个主要环节,密度(开发强度)管控是开发控制的核心指标之一。本文简述了城市密度分区管控的基本特征,可以归纳为普适性和特定性,层次性和调适性。城市密度分区管控的普适性是指城市中几乎所有地区都适用的共同规则,特定性是指城市中部分地区涉及的特定规则,需要进行密度分区管控的局部修正。国内外城市的实践表明,城市密度分区管控的基础是依据用地类型和区位条件确定开发强度控制的普适性规定,在此基础上通过局部修正体现局域特定性。城市密度分区管控的层次性一般包括宏观层面的城市开发总量、中观层面的开发强度分区和微观层面的开发强度分配,调适性则意味着在空间和时间两个维度上的调适可能。在我国当前的新型城镇化背景下,城市密度分区管控在实现城市高质量发展、落实国家政策导向、塑造城市特色风貌等方面将发挥日益重要的作用。  相似文献   

基于总体城市设计的密度分区:方法体系与控制框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
快速城镇化进程使中国城市的面貌发生了巨大变化,也造成了城市密度格局的混乱.“量超质低”的现实使城市密度管控迫在眉睫.尝试从总体城市设计的视角出发,将其控制性成果的实施与城市密度分区管控相结合,使总量分配和形态分配融合为一张蓝图.认为中国城市应当倡导集约紧凑可持续的发展理念,审慎对待高层建筑开发,将“控量提质”作为下一阶段的城市发展目标.一方面构建高效而紧凑的高密度城市中心地区,另一方面严格控制城市背景地区,平衡形式与功能、供给与需求这两组关系,从而形成有效、有序的城市密度结构.在方法层面,提出了由现状要素综合分析、基础模型构建和多重技术校正三个环节组成的密度分区方法体系.同时,应将总体城市设计成果进行刚性和弹性的区分,并将刚性控制成果进一步划分为五大类型,参与到密度分区中.在制度实施层面,密度分区的宏观成果应当纳入总体规划体系,形成对总规的补充,并以法定形式确定权威性.密度分区还应以指标的形式,在中观层面对接控规体系,成为控规的编制依据之一.  相似文献   

随着贵州小城镇建设的发展壮大,在城镇中彰显出独有的民族文化、产业、建筑、生态自然、空间布局特色成为建设的重点。文章以毕节市大方县兴隆苗族乡规划设计为例,从分析城镇特色塑造的优势与难点出发,从宏观、中观、微观三个层面上提出城镇特色塑造方法。宏观上挖掘地域民俗文化,明确城镇发展定位;中观层面确定功能和产业分区形成合理的空间结构,并对城镇天际线、建筑布局控制;微观层面建筑和景观设计吸取本地民族的元素来体现出当地的特色风格。  相似文献   

本文基于系统论思想,以长沙骑龙大街环境景观设计为例,从"宏观层面的城市区域规划、文脉传承、周边环境---中观层面的内部分区结构、交通组织---微观层面的局部设计"三个层面来分析其设计要点,以探索城市综合体环境景观系统的设计策略。  相似文献   

杨彦龙  步茵  万婧 《城市建筑》2023,(16):43-46
现阶段我国多层级城市设计之间的衔接存在问题,导致核心的战略意图和控制要素传达不下去,大大削弱了城市设计的控制和指导意义。文章以西安市东西轴带城市设计为例,以历史文化保护与发展为基础,研究如何建构上下层级紧密衔接的纵向传导体系。宏观层面搭建整体框架,确定核心管控思想和要素;中观层面将要素进行分区段细化,形成分区段控制导则;微观层面深入详细节点设计,形成能够指导具体城市建设的规划文件。  相似文献   

以陕西省宝鸡市某河流为研究对象,基于小流域水土保持综合治理技术研究了的海绵城市建设技术及建设方法,从宏观、中观和微观3个层面展开了海绵城市建设的LID措施研究。结果表明:基于小流域水土保持综合治理的海绵城市建设可以从宏观-空间耦合、中观-系统耦合和微观-功能耦合3个层面展开;结合实际工程案例,在宏观层面将海绵城市规划划分为3个区域,分别源头消减区域、中途传输区域和末端调蓄区域;在中观层面的城市尺度-系统耦合系统优化中,在河道沿线设置人工湿地、滨河绿地、公园水体、生态公园和防护绿地等;在微观层面的河段尺度-功能耦合要素管控方面,将河段划分为13个地块,对每个地块采取道路透水铺装、设置下沉绿地、建立雨水花园和湿地的措施进行海绵城市建设。  相似文献   

公共艺术及其规划目前尚没有统一、明确的定义。公共艺术规划是运用城市规划的方法对狭义层面的公共艺术形式所进行的综合部署及空间布局。杭州提出对遗址公园编制公共艺术专项规划,在我国尚属首例。杭州南宋皇城大遗址公园公共艺术专项规划以目标为导向,借鉴了宏观城市设计的方法,从宏观、中观和微观三个层面展开编制。在宏观层面,确定主题定位、规划结构和路线组织;在中观层面,进行片区划分,编制引导图则;在微观层面,主要控制公共艺术实施,将公共艺术落实到街区和地块。  相似文献   

Population increase and industrialization, particularly in developing countries, has led to the rapid growth of urban areas. To adequately direct urban growth, provide access to urban facilities and preserve the environment, accurate planning is required. As part of urban planning, computer-based simulation models can be used to predict the natural growth of urban areas. The objective of this research is to develop an agent-based simulation model, with different temporal resolutions and reinforced by game theory, to predict the growth of Zanjan city between 2011 and 2016. In the model, three types of land developer, classified according to their income level, are considered as agents, with different attributes and behaviors. Agents search the cellular environment, collect data and select proper sites for development in accordance with their criteria and preferences. When several agents select a single cell for development, their competition is modeled by game theory. The agent-based model is implemented and tested in two scenarios: with game theory and without it. In addition, based on the fact that urban growth is a spatio-temporal phenomenon, different temporal resolutions of 6, 12, 30 and 60 months are considered in the implementation. Kappa statistics, Percent Correct Match, and figure of merit are used to compare the results of modeling scenarios with the urban map of 2016. The best result of 81.1%, 97.32% and 6.38% for Kappa statistics, Percent Correct Match and figure of merit are obtained, when game theory and 6-months resolution is used. The results showed that the usage of game theory and higher temporal resolution have both positive effects on the accuracy of the model. With higher temporal resolutions, the gradual developments of neighboring cells can well be considered by agents. Using game theory can help in modeling the competition-based interactions and behavior of agents.  相似文献   

城市增长和城市最佳规模理论是城市发展的经济学理论基础,该理论对城市发展规划具有重要的指导意义.文章通过对有关城市增长的理论的阐述,分析了城市最佳规模理论对城市发展规划的影响,并通过中国西安城市发展状况实例的分析,得出了规划部门可以根据城市增长规模理论,统筹规划城市不同功能分区的建设规模和位置、确定城市基础设施和公共设施的建设规模、对公共与民间资本的投向进行合理的规划的结论,并根据城市增长理论与现实的矛盾,提出了在城市发展规划中应用该理论的建议.  相似文献   

黄山风景名胜区分区规划研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
庄优波  杨锐 《中国园林》2006,22(12):32-36
分区规划作为协调保护和利用关系的重要手段,是风景名胜区总体规划中的核心内容。以黄山风景名胜区为例,介绍了现状多种分区并存的局面和分区之间的结构,分析了现状分区规划及其实施中存在的问题,再从分区类型、管理政策等方面提出规划改进意见,包括将分区细分为四大类十小类,以及针对具体的人类活动、人工设施和土地利用类型分别制定管理政策,最后提出分区监测的概念,并对监测指标和标准的选择进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

城市总体规划与主体功能区规划管制空间研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩青  顾朝林  袁晓辉 《城市规划》2011,35(10):44-50
从空间界限、功能定位、指标控制等角度揭示主体功能区规划(优化开发区、重点开发区、禁止开发区、限制开发区)与城市总体规划空间管制分区(禁建区、限建区、适建区、已建区)功能空间的相似性和差异性,并对两者进行解构与重组,尝试探索城市总体规划和主体功能区规划管制空间的耦合关系。  相似文献   

Dynamic spatial models are being increasingly used to explore urban changes and evaluate the social and environmental consequences of urban growth. However, inadequate representation of spatial complexity, regional differentiation, and growth management policies can result in urban models with a high overall prediction accuracy but low pixel-matching precision. Correspondingly, improving urban growth prediction accuracy and reliability has become an important area of research in geographic information science and applied urban studies. This work focuses on exploring the potential impacts of zoning on urban growth simulations. Although the coding of land-use types into distinct zones is an important growth management strategy, it has not been adequately addressed in urban modeling practices. In this study, we developed a number of zoning schemes and examined their impacts on urban growth predictions using a cellular automaton-based dynamic spatial model. Using the city of Jinan, a fast-growing large metropolis in China, as the study site, five zoning scenarios were designed: no zoning (S0), zoning based on land-use type (S1), zoning based on urbanized suitability (S2), zoning based on administrative division (S3), and zoning based on development planning subdivision (S4). Under these scenarios, growth was simulated and the respective prediction accuracies and projected patterns were evaluated against observed urban patterns derived from remote sensing. It was found that zoning can affect prediction accuracy and projected urbanized patterns, with the zoning scenarios taking spatial differentiation of planning policies into account (i.e., S2–4) generating better predictions of newly urbanized pixels, better representing urban clustered development, and boosting the level of spatial matching relative to zoning by land-use type (S1). The novelty of this work lies in its design of specific zoning scenarios based on spatial differentiation and growth management policies and in its insight into the impacts of various zoning scenarios on urban growth simulation. These findings indicate opportunities for the more accurate projection of urban pattern growth through the use of dynamic models with appropriately designed zoning scenarios.  相似文献   

Based on the generalized landscape perspective, regional connotation of urban river landscape is expanded. The area connotation of urban river landscape is expanded based on the generalized landscape perspective. In addition to natural and functional attributes, river landscape should be regarded as a regional space element based on heterogeneous space scale. First, as for research method system, the space research models(including ecological footprint, space planning, and landscape pattern index, etc.) coupled with different angle scales and interdisciplinary theory, are utilized to study different correlations and results formed by urban river landscape elements and other regional space elements from the perspective of the regional ecological space, and the overall development goal of the urban river landscape pattern based on the goals of the regional ecological space planning is obtained. Second, the oriented urban river landscape planning and the "M" type close-tonature design strategy are evaluated through the city function zoning orientation and micro-scale urban river landscape pattern index. The research realizes the compatibility of overall goals in terms of the regional ecology, the development of urban functional areas, and the river landscape planning, without losing micro difference and maneuverability based on the urban river landscape planning and design oriented strategy, which innovates the new approach of urban river landscape planning and design with sustainable and balanced development of regional resources, multi-scale, and multiple objectives.  相似文献   

城市空间易行性是建设老年人友好城市必须考虑的环境指标。易行空间促进步行和体能活动,对老年人的身心健康有益。本文选取居住区密度、道路联通性和用地混合性三个指标测度香港城市空间的易行性,发现城市中心区(港岛和九龙)的空间易行性明显高于新界。相关性分析指出易行性与人口密度和第三产业就业率存在正相关,与家庭收入和地块面积存在负相关。通过专家访谈,本文分析了不同空间易行性背后的规划思路。早期城市规划推崇的小地块发展模式使中心区地块面积细碎、街道狭小,促进了居住密度和用地混合度,这是造成易行性高的主要原因。然而,这同时造成了环境污染和公共卫生隐患,对老年人身心健康不利。文章指出,未来城市规划要在地块划分的面积与多样性之间求得平衡。定量测度需结合其他研究方法探讨完善步行空间、提高宜居性与老年人幸福感的对策。  相似文献   

北京市限建区规划:制订城市扩展的边界   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:24  
龙瀛  何永  刘欣  杜立群 《城市规划》2006,30(12):20-26
综合分析了国外国内有关限建区的研究进展,介绍了北京市限建区规划的技术路线,并对主要研究内容——规划支持系统、限建要素分析、限建单元分析、限制分区、规划图则和建设条件分析等进行了详细的介绍。最后给出本规划的基本结果和相应的深入分析与探讨。本研究将在城市规划层面上控制城市建设用地的无序蔓延,对北京城市的科学化空间布局具有较为深入的指导意义。  相似文献   

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