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The simulation of gross primary production (GPP) at various spatial and temporal scales remains a major challenge for quantifying the global carbon cycle. We developed a light use efficiency model, called EC-LUE, driven by only four variables: normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), air temperature, and the Bowen ratio of sensible to latent heat flux. The EC-LUE model may have the most potential to adequately address the spatial and temporal dynamics of GPP because its parameters (i.e., the potential light use efficiency and optimal plant growth temperature) are invariant across the various land cover types. However, the application of the previous EC-LUE model was hampered by poor prediction of Bowen ratio at the large spatial scale. In this study, we substituted the Bowen ratio with the ratio of evapotranspiration (ET) to net radiation, and revised the RS-PM (Remote Sensing-Penman Monteith) model for quantifying ET. Fifty-four eddy covariance towers, including various ecosystem types, were selected to calibrate and validate the revised RS-PM and EC-LUE models. The revised RS-PM model explained 82% and 68% of the observed variations of ET for all the calibration and validation sites, respectively. Using estimated ET as input, the EC-LUE model performed well in calibration and validation sites, explaining 75% and 61% of the observed GPP variation for calibration and validation sites respectively.Global patterns of ET and GPP at a spatial resolution of 0.5° latitude by 0.6° longitude during the years 2000-2003 were determined using the global MERRA dataset (Modern Era Retrospective-Analysis for Research and Applications) and MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer). The global estimates of ET and GPP agreed well with the other global models from the literature, with the highest ET and GPP over tropical forests and the lowest values in dry and high latitude areas. However, comparisons with observed GPP at eddy flux towers showed significant underestimation of ET and GPP due to lower net radiation of MERRA dataset. Applying a procedure to correct the systematic errors of global meteorological data would improve global estimates of GPP and ET. The revised RS-PM and EC-LUE models will provide the alternative approaches making it possible to map ET and GPP over large areas because (1) the model parameters are invariant across various land cover types and (2) all driving forces of the models may be derived from remote sensing data or existing climate observation networks.  相似文献   

The approach of using primarily satellite observations to estimate ecosystem gross primary production (GPP) without resorting to interpolation of many surface observations has recently shown promising results. Previous work has shown that the remote sensing based greenness and radiation (GR) model can give accurate GPP estimates in crops. However, the feasibility of its application and the model calibration to other ecosystems remain unknown. With the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) images and the surface based estimates of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), we provide an analysis of the GR model for estimating monthly GPP using flux measurements at fifteen sites, representing a wide range of ecosystems with various canopy structures and climate characteristics. Results demonstrate that the GR model can provide better estimates of GPP than that of the temperature and greenness (TG) model for the overall data classified as non-forest (NF), deciduous forest (DF) and evergreen forest (EF) sites. Calibration of the GR model is also conducted and has shown reasonable results for all sites with a root mean square error of 47.18 g C/m2/month. Different coefficients acquired for the three plant functional types indicate that there are shifts of importance among various factors that determine the monthly vegetation GPP. The analysis firstly shows the potential use of the GR model in estimating GPP across biomes while it also points to the needs of further considerations in future operational applications.  相似文献   

The quantification of carbon fluxes between the terrestrial biosphere and the atmosphere is of scientific importance and also relevant to climate-policy making. Eddy covariance flux towers provide continuous measurements of ecosystem-level exchange of carbon dioxide spanning diurnal, synoptic, seasonal, and interannual time scales. However, these measurements only represent the fluxes at the scale of the tower footprint. Here we used remotely sensed data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to upscale gross primary productivity (GPP) data from eddy covariance flux towers to the continental scale. We first combined GPP and MODIS data for 42 AmeriFlux towers encompassing a wide range of ecosystem and climate types to develop a predictive GPP model using a regression tree approach. The predictive model was trained using observed GPP over the period 2000-2004, and was validated using observed GPP over the period 2005-2006 and leave-one-out cross-validation. Our model predicted GPP fairly well at the site level. We then used the model to estimate GPP for each 1 km × 1 km cell across the U.S. for each 8-day interval over the period from February 2000 to December 2006 using MODIS data. Our GPP estimates provide a spatially and temporally continuous measure of gross primary production for the U.S. that is a highly constrained by eddy covariance flux data. Our study demonstrated that our empirical approach is effective for upscaling eddy flux GPP data to the continental scale and producing continuous GPP estimates across multiple biomes. With these estimates, we then examined the patterns, magnitude, and interannual variability of GPP. We estimated a gross carbon uptake between 6.91 and 7.33 Pg C yr− 1 for the conterminous U.S. Drought, fires, and hurricanes reduced annual GPP at regional scales and could have a significant impact on the U.S. net ecosystem carbon exchange. The sources of the interannual variability of U.S. GPP were dominated by these extreme climate events and disturbances.  相似文献   

One of the most frequently applied methods for integrating controls on primary production through satellite data is the light use efficiency (LUE) approach, which links vegetation gross or net primary productivity (GPP or NPP) to remotely sensed estimates of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR). Eddy covariance towers provide continuous measurements of carbon flux, presenting an opportunity for evaluation of satellite estimates of GPP. Here we investigate relationships between eddy covariance estimated GPP, environmental variables derived from flux towers, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) enhanced vegetation index (EVI) and GPP across African savanna ecosystems. MODIS GPP was found to underestimate GPP at the majority of sites, particularly at sites in the Sahel. EVI was found to correlate well with estimated GPP on a site-by-site basis. Combining EVI with tower-measured PAR and evaporative fraction (EF, a measure of water sufficiency) improved the direct relationship between GPP and EVI at the majority of the sites. The slope of this relationship was strongly related to site peak leaf area index (LAI). These results are promising for the extension of GPP through the use of remote sensing data to a regional or even continental scale.  相似文献   

The eddy covariance technique provides measurements of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2 between the atmosphere and terrestrial ecosystems, which is widely used to estimate ecosystem respiration and gross primary production (GPP) at a number of CO2 eddy flux tower sites. In this paper, canopy-level maximum light use efficiency, a key parameter in the satellite-based Vegetation Photosynthesis Model (VPM), was estimated by using the observed CO2 flux data and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) data from eddy flux tower sites in an alpine swamp ecosystem, an alpine shrub ecosystem and an alpine meadow ecosystem in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. The VPM model uses two improved vegetation indices (Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Land Surface Water Index (LSWI)) derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectral radiometer (MODIS) data and climate data at the flux tower sites, and estimated the seasonal dynamics of GPP of the three alpine grassland ecosystems in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. The seasonal dynamics of GPP predicted by the VPM model agreed well with estimated GPP from eddy flux towers. These results demonstrated the potential of the satellite-driven VPM model for scaling-up GPP of alpine grassland ecosystems, a key component for the study of the carbon cycle at regional and global scales.  相似文献   

Two spatially-explicit estimates of gross primary production (GPP) are available for the Northern Great Plains. An empirical piecewise regression (PWR) GPP model was developed from flux tower measurements to map carbon flux across the region. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) GPP model is a process-based model that uses flux tower data to calibrate its parameters. Verification and comparison of the regional PWR GPP and the global MODIS GPP are important for the modeling of grassland carbon flux. This study compared GPP estimates from PWR and MODIS models with five towers in the grasslands. Among them, PWR GPP and MODIS GPP showed a good agreement with tower-based GPP at three towers. The global MODIS GPP, however, did not agree well with tower-based GPP at two other towers, probably because of the insensitivity of MODIS model to regional ecosystem and climate change and extreme soil moisture conditions. Cross-validation indicated that the PWR model is relatively robust for predicting regional grassland GPP. However, the PWR model should include a wide variety of flux tower data as the training data sets to obtain more accurate results.In addition, GPP maps based on the PWR and MODIS models were compared for the entire region. In the northwest and south, PWR GPP was much higher than MODIS GPP. These areas were characterized by the higher water holding capacity with a lower proportion of C4 grasses in the northwest and a higher proportion of C4 grasses in the south. In the central and southeastern regions, PWR GPP was much lower than MODIS GPP under complicated conditions with generally mixed C3/C4 grasses. The analysis indicated that the global MODIS GPP model has some limitations on detecting moisture stress, which may have been caused by the facts that C3 and C4 grasses are not distinguished, water stress is driven by vapor pressure deficit (VPD) from coarse meteorological data, and MODIS land cover data are unable to differentiate the sub-pixel cropland components.  相似文献   

This study presents a novel ‘model-data’ approach to detect groundwater-dependent vegetation (GDV), through differences in modelled and observed land surface temperatures (LST) in space and time. Vegetation groundwater use is inferred where modelled LST exceeds observed LST by more than a threshold determined from consideration of systematic and random errors in model and observations. Modelled LST was derived from a surface energy balance model and LST observations were obtained from Terra-MODIS thermal imagery. The model-data approach, applied in the Condamine River Catchment, Queensland, Australia, identified GDV coincident to existing mapping. GDV were found to use groundwater up to 48% of the time and for as many as 56 consecutive days. Under driest of conditions, groundwater was estimated to contribute up to 0.2 mm h−1 to total ET for GDV. The ability to both detect the location and water-use dynamics of GDV is a significant advancement on previous remote-sensing GDV methods.  相似文献   

Since 2000, NASA's Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer (MODIS) has provided 1 × 1 km estimates of 8-day gross primary production (GPP). The MODIS algorithm computes GPP as a simple function of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation and a regionally assigned light-use conversion efficiency (LUE) that is reduced if temperature or atmospheric vapor pressure deficits are suboptimal. We compared MODIS-derived GPP estimates for forested areas across the United States of America (U.S.A.) with those generated by the 3-PGS (Physiological Principles Predicting Growth using Satellite data) model, the latter of which considers spatial variation in available soil water storage capacity (ASWC) and nitrogen content. We expected seasonal and annual MODIS GPP values to be in close agreement with those derived from the 3-PGS model in regions with adequate precipitation, soil water storage, and moderately fertile soils. 3-PGS was initially run with STATSGO-derived soils information provided by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The analysis was expanded to include sensitivity analyses with ASWC set at 50, 100, 300, and 400 mm to identify areas within nine major ecoregions where drought might prove to be a major limitation on GPP. The majority of forests across the U.S.A. were relatively insensitive to large variations in ASW storage. In areas where ASWC was assumed < 200 mm and average annual rainfall was < 100 mm yr− 1, GPP was predicted to be reduced by > 60%. There was generally good agreement (within 20%) between MODIS and 3-PGS estimates of forest GPP across the U.S.A. GPP predicted by the MODIS model was generally higher in ecoregions with substantial drought and with relatively low soil fertility. The latter, which influences LUE, was more than twice as important as soil drought.  相似文献   

This study compared surface emissivity and radiometric temperature retrievals derived from data collected with the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) sensors, onboard the NASA's Earth Observation System (EOS)-TERRA satellite. Two study sites were selected: a semi-arid area located in northern Chihuahuan desert, USA, and a Savannah landscape located in central Africa. Atmospheric corrections were performed using the MODTRAN 4 atmospheric radiative transfer code along with atmospheric profiles generated by the National Center for Environmental Predictions (NCEP). Atmospheric radiative properties were derived from MODTRAN 4 calculations according to the sensor swaths, which yielded different strategies from one sensor to the other. The MODIS estimates were then computed using a designed Temperature-Independent Spectral Indices of Emissivity (TISIE) method. The ASTER estimates were derived using the Temperature Emissivity Separation (TES) algorithm. The MODIS and ASTER radiometric temperature retrievals were in good agreement when the atmospheric corrections were similar, with differences lower than 0.9 K. The emissivity estimates were compared for MODIS/ASTER matching bands at 8.5 and 11 μm. It was shown that the retrievals agreed well, with RMSD ranging from 0.005 to 0.015, and biases ranging from −0.01 to 0.005. At 8.5 μm, the ranges of emissivities from both sensors were very similar. At 11 μm, however, the ranges of MODIS values were broader than those of the ASTER estimates. The larger MODIS values were ascribed to the gray body problem of the TES algorithm, whereas the lower MODIS values were not consistent with field references. Finally, we assessed the combined effects of spatial variability and sensor resolution. It was shown that for the study areas we considered, these effects were not critical.  相似文献   

Land surface temperature (LST) is a key parameter in numerous environmental studies. Surface heterogeneity induces uncertainty in estimating subpixel temperature. To take an advantage of simultaneous, multi-resolution observations at coincident nadirs by the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and the MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), LST products from the two sensors were examined for a portion of suburb area in Beijing, China. We selected Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), Normalized Multi-band Drought Index (NMDI), Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI) and Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) as representative remote sensing indices for four land cover types (vegetation, bare soil, impervious and water area), respectively. By using support vector machines, the overall classification accuracy of the four land cover types with inputs of the four remote sensing indices, extracted from ASTER visible near infrared (VNIR) bands and shortwave infrared (SWIR) bands, reached 97.66%, and Kappa coefficient was 0.9632. In order to lower the subpixel temperature estimation error caused by re-sampling of remote sensing data, a disaggregation method for subpixel temperature using the remote sensing endmember index based technique (DisEMI) was established in this study. Firstly, the area ratios and statistical information of endmember remote sensing indices were calculated from ASTER VNIR/SWIR data at 990 m and 90 m resolutions, respectively. Secondly, the relationship between the 990 m resolution MODIS LST and the corresponding input parameters (area ratios and endmember indices at the 990 m resolution) was trained by a genetic algorithm and self-organizing feature map artificial neural network (GA-SOFM-ANN). Finally, the trained models were employed to estimate the 90 m resolution subpixel temperature with inputs of area ratios and endmember indices at the 90 m resolution. ASTER LST product was used for verifying the estimated subpixel temperature, and the verified results indicate that the estimated temperature distribution was basically consistent with that of ASTER LST product. A better agreement was found between temperatures derived by our proposed method (DisEMI) and the ASTER 90 m data (R2 = 0.709 and RMSE = 2.702 K).  相似文献   

The accurate quantification of gross primary production (GPP) in crops is important for regional and global studies of carbon budgets. Because of the observed close relationship between GPP and total canopy chlorophyll content in crops, vegetation indices related to chlorophyll can be used as a proxy of GPP. In this study, we justified the approach, tested the performance of several widely used chlorophyll-related vegetation indices in estimating total chlorophyll content and GPP in maize based on spectral data collected at a close range, 6 meters above the top of the canopy, over a period of eight years (2001 to 2008). The results show that GPP can be accurately estimated with chlorophyll-related indices that use near infra-red and either green or the red edge range of the spectrum. These indices provide the best approximation of the widely variable GPP in maize under both irrigated and rainfed conditions.  相似文献   

Sustainable management of groundwater-dependent vegetation (GDV) requires the accurate identification of GDVs, characterisation of their water use dynamics and an understanding of associated errors. This paper presents sensitivity and uncertainty analyses of one GDV mapping method which uses temperature differences between time-series of modelled and observed land surface temperature (LST) to detect groundwater use by vegetation in a subtropical woodland. Uncertainty in modelled LST was quantified using the Jacobian method with error variances obtained from literature. Groundwater use was inferred where modelled and observed LST were significantly different using a Student's t-test. Modelled LST was most sensitive to low-range wind speeds (<1.5 m s−1), low-range vegetation height (<=0.5 m), and low-range leaf area index (<=0.5 m2 m−2), limiting the detectability of groundwater use by vegetation under such conditions. The model-data approach was well-suited to detection of GDV because model-data errors were lowest for climatic conditions conducive to groundwater use.  相似文献   

An experimental site was set up in a large, flat and homogeneous area of rice crops for the validation of satellite derived land surface temperature (LST). Experimental campaigns were held in the summers of 2002-2004, when rice crops show full vegetation cover. LSTs were measured radiometrically along transects covering an area of 1 km2. A total number of four thermal radiometers were used, which were calibrated and inter-compared through the campaigns. Radiometric temperatures were corrected for emissivity effects using field emissivity and downwelling sky radiance measurements. A database of ground-based LSTs corresponding to morning, cloud-free overpasses of Envisat/Advanced Along-Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) and Terra/Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is presented. Ground LSTs ranged from 25 to 32 °C, with uncertainties between ± 0.5 and ± 0.9 °C. The largest part of these uncertainties was due to the spatial variability of surface temperature. The database was used for the validation of LSTs derived from the operational AATSR and MODIS split-window algorithms, which are currently used to generate the LST product in the L2 level data. A quadratic, emissivity dependent split-window equation applicable to both AATSR and MODIS data was checked as well. Although the number of cases analyzed is limited (five concurrences for AATSR and eleven for MODIS), it can be concluded that the split-window algorithms work well, provided that the characteristics of the area are adequately prescribed, either through the classification of the land cover type and the vegetation cover, or with the surface emissivity. In this case, the AATSR LSTs yielded an average error or bias of − 0.9 °C (ground minus algorithm), with a standard deviation of 0.9 °C. The MODIS LST product agreed well with the ground LSTs, with differences comparable or smaller than the uncertainties of the ground measurements for most of the days (bias of + 0.1 °C and standard deviation of 0.6 °C, for cloud-free cases and viewing angles smaller than 60°). The quadratic split-window algorithm resulted in small average errors (+ 0.3 °C for AATSR and 0.0 °C for MODIS), with differences not exceeding ± 1.0 °C for most of the days (standard deviation of 0.9 °C for AATSR and 0.5 °C for MODIS).  相似文献   

Accurate estimates of vegetation biophysical variables are valuable as input to models describing the exchange of carbon dioxide and energy between the land surface and the atmosphere and important for a wide range of applications related to vegetation monitoring, weather prediction, and climate change. The present study explores the benefits of combining vegetation index and physically based approaches for the spatial and temporal mapping of green leaf area index (LAI), total chlorophyll content (TCab), and total vegetation water content (VWC). A numerical optimization method was employed for the inversion of a canopy reflectance model using Terra and Aqua MODIS multi-spectral, multi-temporal, and multi-angle reflectance observations to aid the determination of vegetation-specific physiological and structural canopy parameters. Land cover and site-specific inversion modeling was applied to a restricted number of pixels to build multiple species- and environmentally dependent formulations relating the three biophysical properties of interest to a number of selected simpler spectral vegetation indices (VI). While inversions generally are computationally slow, the coupling with the simple and computationally efficient VI approach makes the combined retrieval scheme for LAI, TCab, and VWC suitable for large-scale mapping operations. In order to facilitate application of the canopy reflectance model to heterogeneous forested areas, a simple correction scheme was elaborated, which was found to improve forest LAI predictions significantly and also provided more realistic values of leaf chlorophyll contents.The inversion scheme was designed to enable biophysical parameter retrievals for land cover classes characterized by contrasting canopy architectures, leaf inclination angles, and leaf biochemical constituents without utilizing calibration measurements. Preliminary LAI validation results for the Island of Zealand, Denmark (57°N, 12°E) provided confidence in the approach with root mean square (RMS) deviations between estimates and in-situ measurements of 0.62, 0.46, and 0.63 for barley, wheat, and deciduous forest sites, respectively. Despite the independence on site-specific in-situ measurements, the RMS deviations of the automated approach are in the same range as those established in other studies employing field-based empirical calibration.Being completely automated and image-based and independent on extensive and impractical surface measurements, the retrieval scheme has potential for operational use and can quite easily be implemented for other regions. More validation studies are needed to evaluate the usefulness and limitations of the approach for other environments and species compositions.  相似文献   

This work presents the design and the thermal behavior characterization of an innovative self-test portable surface acoustic wave platform for chemical detection under high temperature. Before the forthcoming deposition of the sensitive coating, the thermal behavior of the bare LGS acoustic platform has been focused on. The system includes a (0°, 140°, 25°) crystallographic cut langasite (LGS) piezoelectric substrate, a ceramic heater, and a platform with RF connections for remote measurements. The packaging consists in a hermetic stainless steel cell, which enables safe gas detection. Its thermal behavior was successfully investigated in the temperature range 25-500 °C thanks to the integrated heater, without using an external furnace. Finite element modeling aided the development of this platform structure by predicting the thermal behavior of each of its parts and their cross-influences. The structure of the platform was specifically designed so that 500 °C could be reached on the LGS acoustic device while the temperature on the PCB connections should not exceed 50 °C. Then, the temperature-dependence on the waves generated by the acoustic transducers has been investigated through numerical modeling by resolving the wave propagation equations with several sets of LGS constants. Corresponding simulations showed good agreement with experiments, Thermal cycling up to 350 °C highlighted satisfactory hardiness and response-reproducibility of the system towards thermal stress, after a first burn effect.  相似文献   

A strong linear relationship is found between Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) microwave (19 and 37 GHz) surface emissivities at horizontal and vertical polarizations over snow- and ice-free land surfaces. This allows retrieving the land surface emissivity and temperature from satellite microwave brightness temperatures after atmospheric corrections. Over the Canadian sub-arctic continental area, we show that the main factor modifying the emissivity is the fraction of water surface (FWS) within a pixel. Accordingly, a map of the fraction of water surface across the Canadian landmass is derived, given a correspondence within 6% as compared to the 1 km2 Canadian National Topographic Database of water-covered areas. The microwave-derived surface temperatures are compared to synchronous in situ air and ground surface temperatures and also with independent satellite IR measurements over areas without snow or ice. Root mean square differences range between 2° and 3.5°, with mean bias error of the order of 1-3°. Better results are always obtained with the 37 GHz channel rather than with the 19 GHz channel. Over dense vegetation, the microwave-derived surface temperature is closer to the air temperature (at surface level) than to the ground temperature. The proposed simple retrieval algorithm, not sensitive to cloud cover, appears very useful for monitoring summer interannual or seasonal trends of the fraction of surface water, as well as the daily land surface temperature variation, which are very important parameters in environmental change analysis.  相似文献   

Land surface temperature (LST) is a key parameter in numerous environmental studies. Surface heterogeneity induces uncertainty in pixel-wise LST. Spatial scaling may account for the uncertainty, however, different approaches lead to differences in scaled values. Satellite-retrieved LST may be representative of the pixel-wise LST and useful for scaling analysis, but the limited accuracy of retrieved values adds uncertainty into the scaled values. Based on the Stefan-Boltzmann (S-B) law, this study proposed scaling approaches for LST over flat and relief areas to explore the combined uncertainties in scaling using satellite-retrieved data. To take advantage of simultaneous, multi-resolution observations at coincident nadirs by the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and the MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), LST products from these two sensors were examined for part of the Loess Plateau in China. 90-m ASTER LST data were scaled up to 1 km using the proposed approaches, and variation in the LST was generally reduced after scaling. Amongst the sources of uncertainties, surface heterogeneity (emissivity) and different scaling approaches resulted in very minor differences, with a maximum difference of 0.2 K for the upscaled LST. Terrain features, taken as an areal weighting factor, had negligible effects on the upscaled value. Limited accuracy of the retrieved LST was the major uncertainty. The overall LST increased 0.6 K on average with correction for terrain-induced angular effect and 0.4 K for both angular and adjacency effects over the study area. Accounting for terrain correction in scaling is necessary for rugged areas. With terrain correction, the upscaled ASTER LST achieved an agreement of − 0.1 ± 1.87 K and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.87 K overall with the 1-km MODIS LST rectified by Wan et al.'s approach [Wan, Z., Zhang, Y., Zhang Q., Li, Z.-L. (2002b), Validation of the land-surface temperature products retrieved from Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 83, 163-180]. Refining the rectification approach resulted in a better agreement of − 0.2 ± 1.57 K and a RMSE of 1.58 K.  相似文献   

A C++ language-based software tool for retrieving land surface temperature (LST) from the data of Landsat TM/ETM+ band6 is developed. It has two main functional modules: (1) Three methods to compute the ground emissivity based on land use/cover classification image, NDVI image and the ratio values of vegetation and bare ground and (2) Converting digital numbers (DNs) from TM/ETM+ band6 to LST. In the software tool, Qin et al.'s mono-window algorithm and Jiménez-Muňoz and Sobrino's single channel algorithm are programmed to retrieve LST. It will be a useful software tool to study the thermal environment of ground surface or the energy balance between the ground and the bottom atmosphere by using the thermal band of Landsat TM/ETM+.  相似文献   

Estimation of photosynthetic light use efficiency (ε) from satellite observations is an important component of climate change research. The photochemical reflectance index, a narrow waveband index based on the reflectance at 531 and 570 nm, allows sampling of the photosynthetic activity of leaves; upscaling of these measurements to landscape and global scales, however, remains challenging. Only a few studies have used spaceborne observations of PRI so far, and research has largely focused on the MODIS sensor. Its daily global coverage and the capacity to detect a narrow reflectance band at 531 nm make it the best available choice for sensing ε from space. Previous results however, have identified a number of key issues with MODIS-based observations of PRI. First, the differences between the footprint of eddy covariance (EC) measurements and the MODIS footprint, which is determined by the sensor's observation geometry make a direct comparison between both data sources challenging and second, the PRI reflectance bands are affected by atmospheric scattering effects confounding the existing physiological signal. In this study we introduce a new approach for upscaling EC based ε measurements to MODIS. First, EC-measured ε values were “translated” into a tower-level optical PRI signal using AMSPEC, an automated multi-angular, tower-based spectroradiometer instrument. AMSPEC enabled us to adjust tower-measured PRI values to the individual viewing geometry of each MODIS overpass. Second, MODIS data were atmospherically corrected using a Multi-Angle Implementation of Atmospheric Correction (MAIAC) algorithm, which uses a time series approach and an image-based rather than pixel-based processing for simultaneous retrievals of atmospheric aerosol and surface bidirectional reflectance (BRDF). Using this approach, we found a strong relationship between tower-based and spaceborne reflectance measurements (r2 = 0.74, p < 0.01) throughout the vegetation period of 2006. Swath (non-gridded) observations yielded stronger correlations than gridded data (r2 = 0.58, p < 0.01) both of which included forward and backscatter observations. Spaceborne PRI values were strongly related to canopy shadow fractions and varied with different levels of ε. We conclude that MAIAC-corrected MODIS observations were able to track the site-level physiological changes from space throughout the observation period.  相似文献   

Investigating the temporal and spatial pattern of landscape disturbances is an important requirement for modeling ecosystem characteristics, including understanding changes in the terrestrial carbon cycle or mapping the quality and abundance of wildlife habitats. Data from the Landsat series of satellites have been successfully applied to map a range of biophysical vegetation parameters at a 30 m spatial resolution; the Landsat 16 day revisit cycle, however, which is often extended due to cloud cover, can be a major obstacle for monitoring short term disturbances and changes in vegetation characteristics through time.The development of data fusion techniques has helped to improve the temporal resolution of fine spatial resolution data by blending observations from sensors with differing spatial and temporal characteristics. This study introduces a new data fusion model for producing synthetic imagery and the detection of changes termed Spatial Temporal Adaptive Algorithm for mapping Reflectance Change (STAARCH). The algorithm is designed to detect changes in reflectance, denoting disturbance, using Tasseled Cap transformations of both Landsat TM/ETM and MODIS reflectance data. The algorithm has been tested over a 185 × 185 km study area in west-central Alberta, Canada. Results show that STAARCH was able to identify spatial and temporal changes in the landscape with a high level of detail. The spatial accuracy of the disturbed area was 93% when compared to the validation data set, while temporal changes in the landscape were correctly estimated for 87% to 89% of instances for the total disturbed area. The change sequence derived from STAARCH was also used to produce synthetic Landsat images for the study period for each available date of MODIS imagery. Comparison to existing Landsat observations showed that the change sequence derived from STAARCH helped to improve the prediction results when compared to previously published data fusion techniques.  相似文献   

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