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The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is the most widely used vegetation index for retrieval of vegetation canopy biophysical properties. Several studies have investigated the spatial scale dependencies of NDVI and the relationship between NDVI and fractional vegetation cover, but without any consensus on the two issues. The objectives of this paper are to analyze the spatial scale dependencies of NDVI and to analyze the relationship between NDVI and fractional vegetation cover at different resolutions based on linear spectral mixing models. Our results show strong spatial scale dependencies of NDVI over heterogeneous surfaces, indicating that NDVI values at different resolutions may not be comparable. The nonlinearity of NDVI over partially vegetated surfaces becomes prominent with darker soil backgrounds and with presence of shadow. Thus, the NDVI may not be suitable to infer vegetation fraction because of its nonlinearity and scale effects. We found that the scaled difference vegetation index (SDVI), a scale-invariant index based on linear spectral mixing of red and near-infrared reflectances, is a more suitable and robust approach for retrieval of vegetation fraction with remote sensing data, particularly over heterogeneous surfaces. The proposed method was validated with experimental field data, but further validation at the satellite level would be needed.  相似文献   

Long term observations of global vegetation from multiple satellites require much effort to ensure continuity and compatibility due to differences in sensor characteristics and product generation algorithms. In this study, we focused on the bandpass filter differences and empirically investigated cross-sensor relationships of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and reflectance. The specific objectives were: 1) to understand the systematic trends in cross-sensor relationships of the NDVI and reflectance as a function of spectral bandpasses, 2) to examine/identify the relative importance of the spectral features (i.e., the green peak, red edge, and leaf liquid water absorption regions) in and the mechanism(s) of causing the observed systematic trends, and 3) to evaluate the performance of several empirical cross-calibration methods in modeling the observed systematic trends. A Level 1A Hyperion hyperspectral image acquired over a tropical forest—savanna transitional region in Brazil was processed to simulate atmospherically corrected reflectances and NDVI for various bandpasses, including Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), NOAA-14 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), and Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+). Data were extracted from various land cover types typically found in tropical forest and savanna biomes and used for analyses. Both NDVI and reflectance relationships among the sensors were neither linear nor unique and were found to exhibit complex patterns and bandpass dependencies. The reflectance relationships showed strong land cover dependencies. The NDVI relationships, in contrast, did not show land cover dependencies, but resulted in nonlinear forms. From sensitivity analyses, the green peak (∼550 nm) and red-NIR transitional (680-780 nm) features were identified as the key factors in producing the observed land cover dependencies and nonlinearity in cross-sensor relationships. In particular, differences in the extents to which the red and/or NIR bandpasses included these features significantly influenced the forms and degrees of nonlinearity in the relationships. Translation of MODIS NDVI to “AVHRR-like” NDVI using a weighted average of MODIS green and red bands performed very poorly, resulting in no reduction of overall discrepancy between MODIS and AVHRR NDVI. Cross-calibration of NDVI and reflectance using NDVI-based quadratic functions performed well, reducing their differences to ± .025 units for the NDVI and ± .01 units for the reflectances; however, many of the translation results suffered from bias errors. The present results suggest that distinct translation equations and coefficients need to be developed for every sensor pairs and that land cover-dependency need to be explicitly accounted for to reduce bias errors.  相似文献   

Consistent NDVI time series are paramount in monitoring ecological resources that are being altered by climate and human impacts. An increasing number of natural resource managers use web-based geospatial decision support tools that integrate time series of both historical and current NDVI data derived from multiple sensors to make better informed planning and management decisions. Representative canopy reflectance and NDVI data were simulated for historical, current and future AVHRR, MODIS and VIIRS land surface monitoring satellites to quantify the differences due to sensor-specific characteristics. Cross-sensor NDVI translation equations were developed for surface conditions. The effect of a range of atmospheric conditions (Rayleigh scattering, ozone, aerosol optical thickness, and water vapor content) on the sensor-specific reflectance and NDVI values were evaluated to quantify the uncertainty in the apparent NDVI for each sensor. MODIS and VIIRS NDVI data are minimally affected by the atmospheric water vapor, while AVHRR NDVI data are substantially reduced by water vapor.Although multi-sensor NDVI continuity can be obtained by using the developed cross-sensor translation equations, the interactions between the spectral characteristics of surface vegetation and soil components, sensor-specific spectral band characteristics and atmospheric scattering and absorption windows will introduce uncertainty due to insufficient knowledge about the atmospheric conditions that affect the signal of the Earth's pixels at the time of data acquisitions. Processing strategies and algorithm preferences among data streams are also hindering cross-sensor NDVI continuity.  相似文献   

Long-term vegetation dynamics associated with climatic changes can be assessed using Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) red and near-infrared reflectance data provided that the data have been processed to remove the effects of non-target signal variability, such as atmospheric and sensor calibration effects. Here we present a new method that performs a relative calibration of reflectance data to produce consistent long-term vegetation information. It is based on a simple biological framework that assumes that the position of the vegetation cover triangle is invariant in reflectance space. This assumption is in fact an intrinsic assumption behind the commonly used Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and is violated when the NDVI is calculated from inadequately corrected reflectance data. In this new method, any temporal variability in the position of the cover triangle is removed by geometrically transforming the observed reflectance data such that two features of the triangle—the soil line and the dark point—are stationary in reflectance space. The fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation absorbed by vegetation (fPAR; 0.0-0.95) is then calculated, via the NDVI, from calibrated reflectances. This method was tested using two distinct, monthly AVHRR products for Australia: (i) the coarse-resolution, fully calibrated, partially atmospherically corrected PAL data (1981-1994); and (ii) the fine-resolution, fully calibrated, non-atmospherically corrected HRPT data (1992-2004). Results show that, in the 20-month period when the two datasets overlap (1992-1994), the Australia-wide, root mean square difference between the two datasets improved from 0.098 to 0.027 fPAR units. The calibrations have produced two approximately equivalent datasets that can be combined as a single input into time-series analyses. The application of this method is limited to areas that have a wide-enough variety of land-cover types so that the soil line and dark point are evident in the cover triangle in every image of the time-series. Another limitation is that the methodology performs only bulk, relative calibrations and does not remove the absolute effects of observation uncertainties. The simplicity of the method means that the calibration procedure can be easily incorporated into near-real-time operational remote-sensing environments. Vegetation information produced using this invariant-cover-triangle method is expected to be well suited to the analysis of long-term vegetation dynamics and change.  相似文献   

We investigated normalized difference vegetation index data from the NOAA series of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometers and found regions in North America that experienced marked increases in annual photosynthetic capacity at various times from 1982 to 2005. Inspection of these anomalous areas with multi-resolution data from Landsat, Ikonos, aerial photography, and ancillary data revealed a range of causes for the NDVI increases: climatic influences; severe drought and subsequent recovery; irrigated agriculture expansion; insect outbreaks followed by logging and subsequent regeneration; and forest fires with subsequent regeneration. Vegetation in areas in the high Northern Latitudes appear to be solely impacted by climatic influences. In other areas examined, the impact of anthropogenic effects is more direct. The pattern of NDVI anomalies over longer time periods appear to be driven by long-term climate change but most appear to be associated with climate variability on decadal and shorter time scales along with direct anthropogenic land cover conversions. The local variability of drivers of change demonstrates the difficulty in interpreting changes in NDVI and indicates the complex nature of changes in the carbon cycle within North America. Coarse scale analysis of changes could well fail to identify the important local scale drivers controlling the carbon cycle and to identify the relative roles of disturbance and climate change. Our results document regional land cover land use change and climatic influences that have altered continental scale vegetation dynamics in North America.  相似文献   

基于2001~2010年逐月MODIS NDVI产品,采用Mann-Kendall检验和Hurst指数,研究中国东部及5个子区(东北区、黄淮海区、长江中下游区、江南区和华南区)植被覆盖的时空动态特征。结果表明:10 a期间中国东部植被覆盖以不显著改善和不显著退化特征为主,前者稍占优势,4个季节中秋季改善状况最显著;未来态势主要表现为不显著改善且未来将持续改善和不显著退化且未来将持续退化两种特征。植被覆盖为不显著退化且将持续退化的区域主要分布在大型城市或城市群周围;5个子区中,除江南区年内主要表现为不显著退化且将持续退化特征外,其余4区均主要表现为不显著改善且未来将持续改善特征。  相似文献   

Information related to land surface phenology is important for a variety of applications. For example, phenology is widely used as a diagnostic of ecosystem response to global change. In addition, phenology influences seasonal scale fluxes of water, energy, and carbon between the land surface and atmosphere. Increasingly, the importance of phenology for studies of habitat and biodiversity is also being recognized. While many data sets related to plant phenology have been collected at specific sites or in networks focused on individual plants or plant species, remote sensing provides the only way to observe and monitor phenology over large scales and at regular intervals. The MODIS Global Land Cover Dynamics Product was developed to support investigations that require regional to global scale information related to spatio-temporal dynamics in land surface phenology. Here we describe the Collection 5 version of this product, which represents a substantial refinement relative to the Collection 4 product. This new version provides information related to land surface phenology at higher spatial resolution than Collection 4 (500-m vs. 1-km), and is based on 8-day instead of 16-day input data. The paper presents a brief overview of the algorithm, followed by an assessment of the product. To this end, we present (1) a comparison of results from Collection 5 versus Collection 4 for selected MODIS tiles that span a range of climate and ecological conditions, (2) a characterization of interannual variation in Collections 4 and 5 data for North America from 2001 to 2006, and (3) a comparison of Collection 5 results against ground observations for two forest sites in the northeastern United States. Results show that the Collection 5 product is qualitatively similar to Collection 4. However, Collection 5 has fewer missing values outside of regions with persistent cloud cover and atmospheric aerosols. Interannual variability in Collection 5 is consistent with expected ranges of variance suggesting that the algorithm is reliable and robust, except in the tropics where some systematic differences are observed. Finally, comparisons with ground data suggest that the algorithm is performing well, but that end of season metrics associated with vegetation senescence and dormancy have higher uncertainties than start of season metrics.  相似文献   

NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) has been widely used to monitor vegetation changes since the early eighties. On the other hand, little use has been made of land surface temperatures (LST), due to their sensitivity to the orbital drift which affects the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) platforms flying AVHRR sensor. This study presents a new method for monitoring vegetation by using NDVI and LST data, based on an orbital drift corrected dataset derived from data provided by the GIMMS (Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies) group. This method, named Yearly Land Cover Dynamics (YLCD), characterizes NDVI and LST behavior on a yearly basis, through the retrieval of 3 parameters obtained by linear regression between NDVI and normalized LST data. These 3 parameters are the angle between regression line and abscissa axis, the extent of the data projected on the regression line, and the regression coefficient. Such parameters characterize respectively the vegetation type, the annual vegetation cycle length and the difference between real vegetation and ideal cases. Worldwide repartition of these three parameters is shown, and a map integrating these 3 parameters is presented. This map differentiates vegetation in function of climatic constraints, and shows that the presented method has good potential for vegetation monitoring, under the condition of a good filtering of the outliers in the data.  相似文献   

AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) GIMMS (Global Inventory Modelling and Mapping Studies) NDVI (Normalized Difference vegetation Index) data is available from 1981 to present time. The global coverage 8 km resolution 15-day composite data set has been used for numerous local to global scale vegetation time series studies during recent years. Several aspects however potentially introduce noise in the NDVI data set due to the AVHRR sensor design and data processing. More recent NDVI data sets from both Terra MODIS and SPOT VGT data are considered an improvement over AVHRR and these products in theory provide a possibility to evaluate the accuracy of GIMMS NDVI time series trend analysis for the overlapping period of available data. In this study the accuracy of the GIMMS NDVI time series trend analysis is evaluated by comparison with the 1 km resolution Terra MODIS (MOD13A2) 16-day composite NDVI data, the SPOT Vegetation (VGT) 10-day composite (S10) NDVI data and in situ measurements of a test site in Dahra, Senegal. Linear least squares regression trend analysis on eight years of GIMMS annual average NDVI (2000-2007) has been compared to Terra MODIS (1 km and 8 km resampled) and SPOT VGT NDVI data 1 km (2000-2007). The three data products do not exhibit identical patterns of NDVI trends. SPOT VGT NDVI data are characterised by higher positive regression slopes over the 8-year period as compared to Terra MODIS and AVHRR GIMMS NDVI data, possibly caused by a change in channels 1 and 2 spectral response functions from SPOT VGT1 to SPOT VGT2 in 2003. Trend analysis of AVHRR GIMMS NDVI exhibits a regression slope range in better agreement with Terra MODIS NDVI for semi-arid areas. However, GIMMS NDVI shows a tendency towards higher positive regression slope values than Terra MODIS in more humid areas. Validation of the different NDVI data products against continuous in situ NDVI measurements for the period 2002-2007 in the semi-arid Senegal revealed a good agreement between in situ measurements and all satellite based NDVI products. Using Terra MODIS NDVI as a reference, it is concluded that AVHRR GIMMS coarse resolution NDVI data set is well-suited for long term vegetation studies of the Sahel-Sudanian areas receiving < 1000 mm rainfall, whereas interpretation of GIMMS NDVI trends in more humid areas of the Sudanian-Guinean zones should be done with certain reservations.  相似文献   

土壤背景对冠层NDVI的影响分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
归一化差值植被指数NDVI是植被遥感中应用最为广泛的指数之一, 但它受土壤背景等因素的干扰比较强烈。结合实测的土壤数据以及公式推导、PROSAIL 模型模拟等方法分析了这种影响。首先, 假定与土壤线性混合且叶片呈水平分布的植被冠层, 根据土壤与植被分别在红光、近红外波段处的反射率值、植被覆盖度等参数, 利用公式推导了土壤背景对不同覆盖度下冠层NDVI的影响。其次, 利用PROSAIL冠层光谱模拟模型, 模拟分析了土壤背景对不同LAI下冠层NDVI的影响。分析的结果表明:LAI 越小, 土壤背景的影响越大; 暗土壤背景下的冠层NDVI值大于亮土壤背景下冠层的NDVI值; 并且,暗土壤条件下,NDVI值对土壤亮度的变化更敏感,而亮土壤下,NDVI值则对LAI或覆盖度的变化更敏感。最后利用实测的不同土壤背景下的冬小麦冠层光谱数据, 验证了公式推导和模型模拟的结果。  相似文献   

On the relationship of NDVI with leaf area index in a deciduous forest site   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Numerous studies have reported on the relationship between the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and leaf area index (LAI), but the seasonal and annual variability of this relationship has been less explored. This paper reports a study of the NDVI-LAI relationship through the years from 1996 to 2001 at a deciduous forest site. Six years of LAI patterns from the forest were estimated using a radiative transfer model with input of above and below canopy measurements of global radiation, while NDVI data sets were retrieved from composite NDVI time series of various remote sensing sources, namely NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR; 1996, 1997, 1998 and 2000), SPOT VEGETATION (1998-2001), and Terra MODIS (2001). Composite NDVI was first used to remove the residual noise based on an adjusted Fourier transform and to obtain the NDVI time-series for each day during each year.The results suggest that the NDVI-LAI relationship can vary both seasonally and inter-annually in tune with the variations in phenological development of the trees and in response to temporal variations of environmental conditions. Strong linear relationships are obtained during the leaf production and leaf senescence periods for all years, but the relationship is poor during periods of maximum LAI, apparently due to the saturation of NDVI at high values of LAI. The NDVI-LAI relationship was found to be poor (R2 varied from 0.39 to 0.46 for different sources of NDVI) when all the data were pooled across the years, apparently due to different leaf area development patterns in the different years. The relationship is also affected by background NDVI, but this could be minimized by applying relative NDVI.Comparisons between AVHRR and VEGETATION NDVI revealed that these two had good linear relationships (R2=0.74 for 1998 and 0.63 for 2000). However, VEGETATION NDVI data series had some unreasonably high values during beginning and end of each year period, which must be discarded before adjusted Fourier transform processing. MODIS NDVI had values greater than 0.62 through the entire year in 2001, however, MODIS NDVI still showed an “M-shaped” pattern as observed for VEGETATION NDVI in 2001. MODIS enhanced vegetation index (EVI) was the only index that exhibited a poor linear relationship with LAI during the leaf senescence period in year 2001. The results suggest that a relationship established between the LAI and NDVI in a particular year may not be applicable in other years, so attention must be paid to the temporal scale when applying NDVI-LAI relationships.  相似文献   

It is quite confusing to effectively monitor and precisely evaluate growing conditions of wheat by using normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI)which is based on pixel scale as they are significantly different when acquired by the same growth status wheat with different background of soil types.This paper selects 9 typical soil types in our country as background with the wheat canopy spectrum is fixed which means the NDVIc is a constant value to study the influence of different soil background types on NDVI of wheat and analyze the sensitivity of NDVI of wheat to the vegetation coverage simulated by diverse liner mixed ratio of wheat canopy and soil background.The results show that:(1)wheat NDVI of farmland increases along with the increase of vegetation coverage under the same of soil background type,and vice versa;(2)wheat NDVI of farmland vary greatly with different soil background types,and the difference decrease while the vegetation coverage exceed 25%;(3)NDVI sensitivity also shows a quite difference to vegetation coverage under the diverse soil background types.With the increase of vegetation coverage,NDVI sensitivity decreases with the lower\|reflectance soil background while it increases monotonously with the higher reflectance soil background.It provides the foundation for the times of calculating the remote sensing’s NDVI information of all wheat growing periods under different types of soil background.  相似文献   

The response of photosynthetic activity to interannual rainfall variations in Africa South of the Sahara is examined using 20 years (1981-2000) of Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) AVHRR data. Linear correlations and regressions were computed between annual NDVI and annual rainfall at a 0.5° latitude/longitude resolution, based on two gridded precipitation datasets (Climate Prediction Center Merged Analysis of Precipitation [CMAP] and Climatic Research Unit [CRU]). The spatial patterns were then examined to detect how they relate to the mean annual rainfall amounts, land-cover types as from the Global Land Cover 2000 data set, soil properties and soil types. Yearly means were computed starting from the beginning of the vegetative year (first month after the minimum of the NDVI mean regime), with a one-month lead for rainfall.One third of tropical Africa displays significant (95% c.l.) correlations between interannual NDVI variations and those of rainfall. At continental scale, soil types and soil properties are only minor factors in the overall distribution of the correlations. Mean annual rainfall amounts and land-cover types are much more discriminating. The largest correlations, mostly over 0.60, are distinctly found in semi-arid (200-600 mm annual rainfall) open grassland and cropland areas. The presence of one of these two determinants (semi-aridity, and favourable land-cover type, i.e. open grassland and cropland) in the absence of the other does not systematically result in a significant correlation between rainfall and NDVI. By contrast, NDVI variations are independent from those of rainfall in markedly arid environments and in most forest and woodland areas. This results from a low signal-to-noise ratio in the former, and the fact that precipitation is generally not a limiting factor in the latter.The marginal response of NDVI to a given increase/decrease in rainfall, as described by the slope of the regression, displays a similar pattern to that of the correlation, with maximum slopes in semi-arid regions, except that a weaker response is noted in more densely populated areas, suggesting an incidence of particular land-use and agricultural practises.One-year lag relationships between annual rainfall and NDVI in the next year were also considered. Ten percent of the grid-points show significant correlations, but the spatial patterns remain difficult to interpret.  相似文献   

利用2000~ 2005 年MOD IS 地表双向反照率(MOD43B3) , 植被指数(MOD13A 2) 和地表覆盖类型(MOD12Q 1) 资料, 分析了北京及周边地区地表反照率的时空分布, 计算了2000~ 2005 年平均地表反照率的时间变化。结果表明, 北京城区年平均地表反照率为0. 12, 山区森林(0. 11) 明显小于平原地区(0. 15) , 而永定河流域反照率较大(0. 18) , 这主要是因为永定河流域植被覆盖度较低(植被指数低) , 山区地表反照率季节性变化不明显。2000~ 2005 年6 年的统计回归显示北京平原地区反照率呈略有下降。  相似文献   

A new index was proposed to estimate soil and vegetation moisture based on NIR (858 nm) and SWIR (1240 and 1640 nm) MODIS bands. The Shortwave Angle Slope Index (SASI) parameterizes the general shape of the NIR-SWIR part of the spectrum. We expand on the novel approach used to develop SASI by proposing another index, the Angle at NIR (ANIR). We use laboratory and simulation datasets to validate the ability of SASI to estimate soil and vegetation moisture, and evaluate the advantage for using both SASI and ANIR as land-cover discrimination tools. Our results demonstrate that SASI is a good indicator of soil and vegetation moisture. ANIR shows promise in discriminating dry plant matter from soil and quantifying the amount of dry matter irrespective of changes in soil moisture or green vegetation. When SASI is combined with ANIR, discrimination between soil, dry plant matter, and low to high amounts of green vegetation is significantly improved. Angle indexes are an exciting new way to engineer indexes that contain valuable environmental information not accessible from other indexes.  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing has the potential to contribute to plant phenology monitoring at spatial and temporal scales relevant for regional and global scale studies. Historically, temporal composites of satellite data, ranging from 8 days to 16 days, have been used as a starting point for satellite-derived phenology data sets. In this study we assess how the temporal resolution of such composites affects the estimation of the start of season (SOS) by: 1) calibrating a relationship between satellite derived SOS with in situ leaf unfolding (LU) of trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) across Canada and 2) quantifying the sensitivity of calibrated satellite SOS estimates and trends, over Canadian broadleaf forests, to the temporal resolution of NDVI data. SOS estimates and trends derived from daily NDVI data were compared to SOS estimates and trends derived from multiday NDVI composites that retain the exact date of the maximum NDVI value or that assume the midpoint of the multiday interval as the observation date. In situ observations of LU dates were acquired from the PlantWatch Canada network. A new Canadian database of cloud and snow screened daily 1-km resolution National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration advanced very high resolution radiometer surface reflectance images was used as input satellite data. The mean absolute errors of SOS dates with respect to in situ LU dates ranged between 13 and 40 days. SOS estimates from NDVI composites that retain the exact date of the maximum NDVI value had smaller errors (~ 13 to 20 days). The sensitivity analysis reinforced these findings: SOS estimates from NDVI composites that use the exact date had smaller absolute deviations from the LU date (0 to − 5 days) than the SOS estimates from NDVI composites that use the midpoint (− 2 to − 27 days). The SOS trends between 1985 and 2007 were not sensitive to the temporal resolution or compositing methods. However, SOS trends at individual ecozones showed significant differences with the SOS trends from daily NDVI data (Taiga plains and the Pacific maritime zones). Overall, our results suggest that satellite based estimates of vegetation green-up dates should preferably use sub-sampled NDVI composites that include the exact observation date of the maximum NDVI to minimize errors in both, SOS estimates and SOS trend analyses. For trend analyses alone, any of the compositing methods could be used, preferably with composite intervals of less than 28 days. This is an important finding, as it suggests that existing long-term 10-day or 15-day NDVI composites could be used for SOS trend analyses over broadleaf forests in Canada or similar areas. Future studies will take advantage of the growing in situ phenology networks to improve the validation of satellite derived green-up dates.  相似文献   

Metrics that estimate the beginning of the growing season in semi-arid monsoonal ecosystems have become a central part of both crop models that are used to monitor crop production using satellite remote sensing and early warning indicators of possible future reductions in yield due to growing season length. This paper presents a new phenological model which is tuned to the semi-arid, monsoonal ecosystem of the West African Sahel and that uses humidity instead of calendar dates to identify the beginning of the season. We implement this model on vegetation index data from AVHRR, SPOT-Vegetation and MODIS data, and evaluate the results along with a rainfall-based start of season estimate for the region. Contributions of the paper include evaluating existing methods using ground observations of sowing date, comparing the same metric across multiple sensors and to rainfall-based SOS, and the development of a metric based on NDVI and relative humidity.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to develop a global remote sensing evapotranspiration (ET) algorithm based on Cleugh et al.'s [Cleugh, H.A., R. Leuning, Q. Mu, S.W. Running (2007) Regional evaporation estimates from flux tower and MODIS satellite data. Remote Sensing of Environment 106, page 285-304- 2007 (doi: 10.1016/j.rse.2006.07.007).] Penman-Monteith based ET (RS-PM). Our algorithm considers both the surface energy partitioning process and environmental constraints on ET. We use ground-based meteorological observations and remote sensing data from the MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to estimate global ET by (1) adding vapor pressure deficit and minimum air temperature constraints on stomatal conductance; (2) using leaf area index as a scalar for estimating canopy conductance; (3) replacing the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index with the Enhanced Vegetation Index thereby also changing the equation for calculation of the vegetation cover fraction (FC); and (4) adding a calculation of soil evaporation to the previously proposed RS-PM method.We evaluate our algorithm using ET observations at 19 AmeriFlux eddy covariance flux towers. We calculated ET with both our Revised RS-PM algorithm and the RS-PM algorithm using Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO v. 4.0.0) meteorological data and compared the resulting ET estimates with observations. Results indicate that our Revised RS-PM algorithm substantially reduces the root mean square error (RMSE) of the 8-day latent heat flux (LE) averaged over the 19 towers from 64.6 W/m2 (RS-PM algorithm) to 27.3 W/m2 (Revised RS-PM) with tower meteorological data, and from 71.9 W/m2 to 29.5 W/m2 with GMAO meteorological data. The average LE bias of the tower-driven LE estimates to the LE observations changed from 39.9 W/m2 to − 5.8 W/m2 and from 48.2 W/m2 to − 1.3 W/m2 driven by GMAO data. The correlation coefficients increased slightly from 0.70 to 0.76 with the use of tower meteorological data. We then apply our Revised RS-PM algorithm to the globe using 0.05° MODIS remote sensing data and reanalysis meteorological data to obtain the annual global ET (MODIS ET) for 2001. As expected, the spatial pattern of the MODIS ET agrees well with that of the MODIS global terrestrial gross and net primary production (MOD17 GPP/NPP), with the highest ET over tropical forests and the lowest ET values in dry areas with short growing seasons. This MODIS ET product provides critical information on the regional and global water cycle and resulting environment changes.  相似文献   

This paper describes a study aimed at quantifying uncertainty in field measurements of vegetation canopy hemispherical conical reflectance factors (HCRF). The use of field spectroradiometers is common for this purpose, but the reliability of such measurements is still in question. In this paper we demonstrate the impact of various measurement uncertainties on vegetation canopy HCRF, using a combined laboratory and field experiment employing three spectroradiometers of the same broad specification (GER 1500). The results show that all three instruments performed similarly in the laboratory when a stable radiance source was measured (NEΔL < 1 mW m−2 sr−1 nm−1 in the range of 400-1000 nm). In contrast, field-derived standard uncertainties (u = SD of 10 consecutive measurements of the same surface measured in ideal atmospheric conditions) significantly differed from the lab-based uncertainty characterisation for two targets: a control (75% Spectralon panel) and a cropped grassland surface. Results indicated that field measurements made by a single instrument of the vegetation surface were reproducible to within ± 0.015 HCRF and of the control surface to within ± 0.006 HCRF (400-1000 nm (± 1σ)). Field measurements made by all instruments of the vegetation surface were reproducible to within ± 0.019 HCRF and of the control surface to within ± 0.008 HCRF (400-1000 nm (± 1σ)). Statistical analysis revealed that even though the field conditions were carefully controlled and the absolute values of u were small, different instruments yielded significantly different reflectance values for the same target. The results also show that laboratory-derived uncertainty quantities do not present a useful means of quantifying all uncertainties in the field. The paper demonstrates a simple method for u characterisation, using internationally accepted terms, in field scenarios. This provides an experiment-specific measure of u that helps to put measurements in context and forms the basis for comparison with other studies.  相似文献   

Accurate estimates of vegetation biophysical variables are valuable as input to models describing the exchange of carbon dioxide and energy between the land surface and the atmosphere and important for a wide range of applications related to vegetation monitoring, weather prediction, and climate change. The present study explores the benefits of combining vegetation index and physically based approaches for the spatial and temporal mapping of green leaf area index (LAI), total chlorophyll content (TCab), and total vegetation water content (VWC). A numerical optimization method was employed for the inversion of a canopy reflectance model using Terra and Aqua MODIS multi-spectral, multi-temporal, and multi-angle reflectance observations to aid the determination of vegetation-specific physiological and structural canopy parameters. Land cover and site-specific inversion modeling was applied to a restricted number of pixels to build multiple species- and environmentally dependent formulations relating the three biophysical properties of interest to a number of selected simpler spectral vegetation indices (VI). While inversions generally are computationally slow, the coupling with the simple and computationally efficient VI approach makes the combined retrieval scheme for LAI, TCab, and VWC suitable for large-scale mapping operations. In order to facilitate application of the canopy reflectance model to heterogeneous forested areas, a simple correction scheme was elaborated, which was found to improve forest LAI predictions significantly and also provided more realistic values of leaf chlorophyll contents.The inversion scheme was designed to enable biophysical parameter retrievals for land cover classes characterized by contrasting canopy architectures, leaf inclination angles, and leaf biochemical constituents without utilizing calibration measurements. Preliminary LAI validation results for the Island of Zealand, Denmark (57°N, 12°E) provided confidence in the approach with root mean square (RMS) deviations between estimates and in-situ measurements of 0.62, 0.46, and 0.63 for barley, wheat, and deciduous forest sites, respectively. Despite the independence on site-specific in-situ measurements, the RMS deviations of the automated approach are in the same range as those established in other studies employing field-based empirical calibration.Being completely automated and image-based and independent on extensive and impractical surface measurements, the retrieval scheme has potential for operational use and can quite easily be implemented for other regions. More validation studies are needed to evaluate the usefulness and limitations of the approach for other environments and species compositions.  相似文献   

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