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Using a Bridgman vertical vacuum furnace, Ti-45Al-8Nb-(W,B,Y) (at.%) bars, which were prepared from a plasma arc melting (PAM) ingot, were directionally solidified at growth rates of 10, 15, and 20 μm/s. Polysynthetic twinned (PST) crystal with an aligned lamellar microstructure was obtained at the growth rate of 15 μm/s because of high Nb addition. The principle of PST crystal growth and the effect of Nb element were discussed. The results of investigations on microstructure and micromechanical properties of the directionally solidified (DS) bars of Ti-45Al-8Nb-(W,B,Y) alloy are briefly summarized.  相似文献   

热处理对定向凝固Ti-45Al-8Nb-(W,B,Y)合金组织的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究两种热处理制度对Bridgeman法制备的典型定向凝固Ti-45Al-8Nb-(W,B,Y)(摩尔分数,%)合金组织的影响。两种典型的定向凝固显微组织分别为胞状生长形貌全片层组织和枝晶状生长形貌块状组织,对其热处理发现:热处理1250℃,24h+900℃,30min+AC能有效消除其定向凝固合金中的B2相,并将快速定向凝固时产生的块状组织转变为片层组织,在胞状间及枝晶臂上分别获得了宽度为150-200μm和50-100μm的柱状晶。热处理1400℃,2h+900℃,30min+AC能同时消除B2相、块状组织及凝固偏析,但造成了晶粒的严重长大。热处理能有效改进定向凝固合金的显微组织。  相似文献   

采用水冷铜坩埚感应熔炼制备了Ti-45Al-8.5Nb-0.5(W,B,Y)(at%)合金铸锭,研究了铸造合金组织特点及均匀化处理温度对显微组织的影响规律。结果表明,铸锭组织呈全层片,有大量β相网,富Al相等成分偏析;调整热处理温度使合金偏析区域处于α单相区,充分保温后缓慢冷却可消除偏析形成全层片组织;经过1420℃×12 h炉冷,β相与富Al相偏析均得以消除,获得平均尺寸约为320μm,层片间距约为0.8μm的均匀全层片组织。  相似文献   

研究了液态金属冷却定向凝固条件下Ti-45Al-7Nb(at%)合金的组织特征。结果表明:定向凝固过程中合金的凝固路径及稳态区片层取向均受到抽拉速率的影响。当抽拉速率为0.36mm/min时,合金的初生相为α相,与生长方向垂直的片层组织生长占优;抽拉速率介于1~10mm/min时,合金初生相变为β相,凝固过程中会经历β单相区,片层取向多为与生长方向成0°和45°;当抽拉速率增加至20mm/min时,合金初生相仍为β相,随后发生L+β→α包晶反应,与抽拉方向之间的夹角介于45°~75°之间的片层组织生长占优。  相似文献   

Intermetallic Ti-45Al-8.5Nb-(W, B, Y) alloys were directionally solidified at constant growth rates (V) ranging from 10 to 400 μm/s under the temperature gradient G = 3.8 × 103 K/m. Quenching was performed at the end of directional solidification (DS) experiments. Microstructure evolution was investigated by analyzing the microstructures formed at the quenching interfaces and in the DS regions. The primary dendritic arm spacing (λ) decreases with increasing growth rate according to the relationship λ ∝ V−0.36. Both the width of columnar grain (λw) and the interlamellar spacing (λs) decrease with increasing growth rate according to the relationships λwV−1.13 and λs ∝ V−0.32, respectively. Lamellar microstructure initially disappears from the dendrites at the growth rate of 100 μm/s and subsequently from the interdendritic regions when the growth rate is up to 200 μm/s. The B2 particles can precipitate in the interdendritic regions.  相似文献   

Ti-Al包晶合金定向凝固及组织选择   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
考察了包晶合金分别在定向凝固初始过渡及稳态生长阶段的凝固特性;分析了凝固过程中液-固界面前沿两相形核过冷与成分过冷的条件及温度梯度(G)和生长速度(v)对两相竞争生长的影响和带状结构形成与共生生长的条件,确定了出现带状结构所必需的成分和G/v条件.计算了TiAl合金在初始过渡阶段初生相及包晶相的竞争生长和向稳态发展的过渡机制,并应用界面响应函数建立了不同成分TiAl合金在稳态生长过程中相与组织随生长速度演化的竞争选择模型及相应的凝固组织图,预测了TiAl合金在不同凝固条件下可能形成的相与组织形态.在所选的合金成分范围内定向实验所得的凝固组织与计算预测的组织选择图有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

包套锻造Ti-45Al-5Nb-0.3Y合金由大量细小的动态再结晶等轴γ晶粒(晶粒尺寸可达1-2 μm),弯曲或破碎的层片和少量的残余平直层片组成,变形组织含有人量位错及少量变形孪晶.锻态试样抗拉强度(σb),延伸率(δ)分别达到708.1 MPa和0.95%.再通过不同的热处理分别得到晶粒细小的双态组织、近层片组织和全层片组织.经1320 ℃/30 min炉冷后得到双态组织,层片晶粒尺寸(d1)约为20 μm,层片体积分数(ψ1)约为60%,具有最高的δ,约为1-9%,σb约为658.9 MPa,为穿晶和沿晶混合断裂;经1340℃/30 min炉冷后得到近层片组织,dI约为60 gm,ψ1约为95%,O'b约为690.2 MPa,δ约为1.75%,上要为穿晶(层片)断裂;经1370℃/15 min炉冷后得到细小全层片组织(d1约为40 μm),具有最高的σb,约为715.1 MPa,5约为1.51%,为穿晶断裂.  相似文献   

采用液态金属冷却法在恒定温度梯度GL=334 K/cm,大生长速率范围内(2~300μm/s)对Ni-45.5Al-9Mo (摩尔分数,%)共晶合金进行定向凝固制备。研究生长速率(v)对纤维间距(λ)、纤维直径(d)和纤维体积分数的影响。在实验中发现平界面和胞界面两类共晶生长界面。在平界面和胞界面组织中,生长速率(v)与纤维间距(λ)和纤维直径(d)的关系经回归分析分别为:λv1/2=5.90μm·μm1/2·s1/2和 dv1/2=2.18μm·μm1/2·s1/2。Mo纤维的体积分数可在一定的范围内随生长速率进行调整,这是由生长过程中界面前沿过冷度的增加及共晶组织中各组成相的生长特性引起的。  相似文献   

The hot deformation behavior and microstructural evolution of as-forged Ti-44Al-8Nb-(W, B, Y) alloy with nearly lamellar structure were investigated by means of uniaxial hot compression. Its stress exponent and activation energy are 3.81 and 494 KJ/mol, respectively. The efficiencies of power dissipation and instability parameters are evaluated, and processing maps at strains of 0.12, 0.25, and 0.5 are developed. It is demonstrated that the microstructural evolution is dependent on the temperature and strain rate. Moreover, the recovery and recrystallization of γ phases as well as the spheroidization of α phases play important roles in refining the microstructure. Reasonable parameters for secondary hot working are above 1150 °C with a strain rate of less than 0.25 s−1 at a strain of 0.5. Additionally, the hot working window can be expanded to the region with lower temperature and higher strain rate at a strain of 0.12. Finally, crack-free TiAl sheets were successfully prepared by hot pack rolling. The as-rolled alloy is characterized by duplex microstructure with a mean grain size of 10 μm, exhibiting a failure strength of 1021 MPa with 0.78% ductility at room temperature. At 800 °C, the failure strength remains high: above 650 MPa.  相似文献   

用电子探针对Ti-45Al-7Nb-0.15B-0.7W的铸态和经过热处理之后的微观组织进行了观察,研究热处理工艺对该合金微观组织的影响。结果表明:该合金的铸态组织经过热等静压和均匀化处理后,其晶团尺寸减小,片层组织更为完整;Ti-45Al-7Nb-0.15B-0.7W合金的α相转变温度在1280—1295℃之间。该合金在超过1295℃的温度进行热处理时,其微观组织由近片层组织转变为全片层组织。  相似文献   

在3~70μm/s的生长速度范围内对Ti-46Al-8Nb(摩尔分数,%)合金进行定向凝固实验,研究其微观组织演变和微观偏析形式。在该生长速度范围内,固-液界面表现为规则的枝晶生长,一次枝晶间距随着生长速度的加快而逐渐减小。在定向凝固过程中观察到典型的L+β→α包晶反应,最终得到具有α2/γ层片和B2相的微观组织。在各个晶粒中,层片与β相枝晶初始生长方向呈0°或45°。包晶反应导致严重的成分偏析,在凝固过程中,铝富集在枝晶间,铌富集在枝晶心部。随着α相的形核和生长,铌的偏析程度逐渐增大,从而促进B2相的析出,而富集在枝晶间的铝在包晶反应发生后逐渐变得均匀、一致。  相似文献   

Microstructure degradation and stress-induced transformation of a high Nb-containing TiAl alloy with nearly lamellar microstructure during creep were investigated. Tensile creep experiments were performed at 800, 850 and 900 °C under 150 MPa in air. Microstructures before and after creep tests were examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM). Dislocations within the lamellar structure and βo(ω) region and twin intersection in massive γ grains were investigated. Dislocation sliding played a critical role in the deformation of ωo phase, which preferentially occurred on the (0002)ωo plane. Possible deformation mechanisms were revealed. A stress-induced γα2 phase transformation took place during the creep test at 850 and 900 °C. α2 lamella could directly decompose into the ωo phase at 850 °C. The instability of high-temperature microstructure can weaken the creep resistance and promote the plastic deformation of the lamellar matrix, thus could be detrimental to the creep properties. The correlations between creep properties and microstructure instability were discussed.  相似文献   

TiAl金属间化合物的定向凝固和晶向控制   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
在航空航天及能源领域有重要应用价值的TiAl基合金,由于其γ α2片层结构的特点,采用定向凝固技术控制片层方向可以更好地发挥其潜能。从相与组织选择及晶体择优生长特性角度,讨论了具有包晶反应的高温γ-TiAl合金的定向凝固与晶向控制,分析了晶向控制中引晶、合金化、调节成分与凝固参量及它们的综合作用所得到的结果与存在的问题,并提出了此领域今后应注意的方面。  相似文献   

对Ti-46Al-8Nb(摩尔分数,%)合金进行布里奇曼型定向凝固实验,考察生长速度和试样直径对合金显微组织、相变路径和硬度的影响。结果表明,随着生长速度的增加和试样直径的减小,凝固过程由完全β相凝固转变为具有包晶反应的凝固过程,其最终显微组织为α2/γ层片及有α2/γ层片和B2相组成的多相组织。以上结果是由扩散和对流的减弱造成的溶质富集而引起的。包晶反应的发生往往导致严重的溶质偏析,其中溶质Al和Nb的偏析使得层片组织较为粗大。因此,在较高生长速度下发生包晶反应时,合金硬度值急剧下降,硬度曲线随着生长速度的增加呈不连续变化。严重溶质偏析导致的粗大层片组织也使得该成分合金的硬度低于其他Ti Al基合金的硬度。  相似文献   

以低成本、易变形的Ti-42Al-5Mn合金(原子分数,下同)为研究对象,系统研究了0.5~1.0 at.%W含量对合金凝固组织和元素在相中分配行为的影响。结果表明,采用CaO坩埚一次真空感应熔炼方法制备的合金铸锭不同位置难熔金属W分布均匀且O含量控制在556~660 ppm。W添加后,合金凝固组织得到明显细化,随着W含量的增加,凝固组织中片层组织尺寸降低、含量减少。通过对不同相合金元素分布行为特征分析发现,Al在合金不同相中的富集顺序为:γ>α2>βo,Ti、Mn、W的为:βo>α2>γ,W添加不能改变Ti、Al元素在相关相中的分配行为,但会在一定程度上改变Mn元素的分配行为。随着W含量的增加,W在βo和α2相中的分配系数线性增加,分别满足kWα2/γ=1.4026CW(at.%)+0.4313,kWβo/γ = 1.3290CW(at.%) +1.8745,且W在βo相中的富集倾向约为Mn的5.6倍,在α2相中的富集倾向约为Mn的7.5倍。  相似文献   

热处理工艺对Ti-45Al-7Nb-0.15B-0.4W显微组织的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
用电子探针对Ti-45Al-7Nb-0.15B-0.4W的铸态和经过热处理之后的显微组织进行了观察和分析,并分析了热处理工艺对Ti-45Al-7Nb-0.15B-0.4W显微组织的影响.结果发现:Ti-45Al-7Nb-0.15B-0.4W的铸态组织经过热等静压和均匀化处理后,其晶团尺寸减小,层片组织更为完整;Ti-45Al-7Nb-0.15B-0.4W合金的α相转变温度为(1 290±5)℃;Ti-45Al-7Nb-0.15B-0.4W合金在超过1 295℃的温度进行热处理时,其显微组织由近层片组织转变为全层片组织.经过热等静压和均匀化处理后Ti-45Al-7Nb-0.15B-0.4W合金的基本形貌为初生γ相 层片状晶团,有β相析出,其形貌为针状、点状、颗粒状.  相似文献   

To further investigate the microstructure characteristic and solidification mechanism,so as to provide knowledge for the microstructure control of a NiTi-Al based high-temperature structural material,t...  相似文献   

A multi-step heat treatment is proposed to optimize the lamellar structure of as-cast high Nb containing TiAl alloys. The β-segregation is removed effectively after the first two step heat treatment, a short-time holding within β single phase field then annealing in α+β phase field. During the third step heat treatment, a subsequent low-temperature aging, new γ lamellae precipitate by the means of isolated nucleation or twin-related nucleation. After the proposed multi-step heat treatment, the alloy presents nano-scaled lamellar structure with the colony size about 140 μm.  相似文献   

Ti-45Al-9(V, Nb, Y) alloys with four different x=V/Nb (atomic ratio x = 1, 1.5, 2 and 3.5) have been prepared, and the microstructures, properties and hot deformation behaviors were investigated. SEM, XRD and TEM results showed that Ti-45Al-9(V, Nb, Y) alloys were mainly composed of γ, α 2 , and β phase, and the volume fraction of β phase increased with the increase of the atomic ratio of V/Nb. The alloys were featured with lamellar microstructure with β and γ phases locating at the colony boundaries, and some β precipitates appearing at γ/γ interfaces. It was found that the colony size decreased with the increase of x. The alloys exhibited moderate mechanical properties at room temperature, with a yield strength of over 600 MPa, and fractures showed mainly translamellar character. The alloy with x=3.5 exhibited the best deformability at elevated temperature and that with x=1 had superior oxidation resistance at 800 ℃.  相似文献   

通过电磁感应加热和液态金属冷却相结合的实验方法制备了Ti-45%Al(at%)包晶合金的定向凝固试样,并观察在不同生长速度下的微观组织和界面形态。结果发现,抽拉速度为10μm/s时,界面以胞晶形式生长,最终组织的α2 γ片层与生长方向垂直;抽拉速度为50μm/s时,观察到明显的枝晶生长界面,α2 γ片层与生长方向成45°夹角。低速下的胞状间距明显大于高速下的枝晶间距,说明快速凝固有利于减小枝晶间距。  相似文献   

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