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The roles of protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) in processes such as cell growth and adhesion are poorly understood. To explore the ability of specific PTPs to regulate cell signaling pathways initiated by stimulation of growth factor receptors, we expressed the receptor-like PTP, PTPalpha, in A431 epidermoid carcinoma cells. These cells express high levels of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor and proliferate in response to the autocrine production of transforming growth factor-alpha. Conversely, EGF stimulation of A431 cells in vitro leads to growth inhibition and triggers the rapid detachment of these cells from the substratum. Although PTPalpha expression did not alter the growth characteristics of either unstimulated or EGF-stimulated cells, this phosphatase was associated with increased cell-substratum adhesion. Furthermore, PTPalpha-expressing A431 cells were strikingly resistant to EGF-induced cell rounding. Overexpression of PTPalpha in A431 cells was associated with the dephosphorylation/activation of specific Src family kinases, suggesting a potential mechanism for the observed alteration in A431 cell-substratum adhesion. Src kinase activation was dependent on the D1 catalytic subunit of PTPalpha, and there was evidence of association between PTPalpha and Src kinase(s). PTPalpha expression also led to increased association of Src kinase with the integrin-associated focal adhesion kinase, pp125(FAK). In addition, paxillin, a Src and/or pp125(FAK) substrate, displayed increased levels of tyrosine phosphorylation in PTPalpha-expressing cells and was associated with elevated amounts of Csk. In view of these alterations in focal adhesion-associated molecules in PTPalpha-expressing A431 cells, as well as the changes in adhesion demonstrated by these cells, we propose that PTPalpha may have a role in regulating cell-substratum adhesion.  相似文献   

A specific method for pancreatic elastase II activity analysis was developed. True elastase II activity could be discriminated from that of elastase I and chymotrypsin. The postnatal development of four pancreatic proteases in the duodenal juice of children and in the pancreatic homogenates of calves and piglets was measured. The study was carried out on patients without (14 children) and with (5 children) pancreatic insufficiency. Calves and piglets were either milk-fed or weaned until slaughter at different ages. Profiles of enzyme development were globally similar in milk-fed piglets and calves, while in children without pancreatic insufficiency, no significant change was observed between 4 and 168 months. In children with pancreatic insufficiency, enzyme activity was low. In animals, elastase II and chymotrypsin activities were maximal at birth, decreased with age, and probably were associated with the digestion of milk protein. In contrast, elastase I and trypsin activities increased markedly after weaning in connection with the intake of solid food.  相似文献   

To further understand the interactions between Zap-70, Src family kinases, and other T-cell proteins, we have examined the regulation of Zap-70 in the antigen-specific T-cell line BI-141. By analyzing derivatives containing an activated version of either p56lck or p59fynT, it was observed that the two Src-related enzymes augmented T-cell receptor (TCR)-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of Zap-70, as well as its association with components of the antigen receptor complex. Importantly, the accumulation of TCR.Zap-70 complexes quantitatively and temporally correlated with the induction of tyrosine phosphorylation of the CD3 and zeta chains of TCR. Using a CD4-positive variant of BI-141, we also found that the ability of Zap-70 to undergo tyrosine phosphorylation and associate with TCR was enhanced by aggregation of TCR with the CD4 co-receptor. Further studies allowed the identification of two distinct pools of tyrosine-phosphorylated Zap-70 in activated T-cells. While one population was associated with TCR, the other was co-immunoprecipitated with a 120-kDa tyrosine-phosphorylated protein of unknown identity. In addition to supporting the notion that Src-related enzymes regulate the recruitment of Zap-70 in TCR signaling, these data added further complexity to previous models of regulation of Zap-70. Furthermore, they suggested that p120 may be an effector and/or a regulator of Zap-70 in activated T-lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The inhibition of tyrosine kinases involved in growth factor signal transduction pathways represents an attractive strategy for controlling aberrant cellular growth. Over the last 4-5 years, there have been numerous reports on the discovery of small molecule inhibitors for potential therapeutic applications to a number of proliferative diseases, principally cancer and restenosis, where the over-expression of certain tyrosine kinases has been demonstrated. These include, amongst others, the platelet-derived growth factor receptor, the fibroblast growth factor receptor, and the nonreceptor c-Src tyrosine kinase. This review compiles published reports and patent filings from 1995 to mid-1997 that include data directly related to inhibition of the platelet-derived growth factor receptor, fibroblast growth factor receptor, and Src family tyrosine kinases. Potential clinical applications for selected classes of tyrosine kinase inhibitors reviewed herein will likely depend on the demonstration of meaningful activity in a variety of therapeutic targets in animal models.  相似文献   

Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk) is essential for normal B lymphocyte development and function. The activity of Btk is partially regulated by transphosphorylation within its kinase domain by Src family kinases at residue Tyr-551 and subsequent autophosphorylation at Tyr-223. Activation correlates with Btk association with cellular membranes. Based on specific loss of function mutations, the Btk pleckstrin homology (PH) domain plays an essential role in this activation process. The Btk PH domain can bind in vitro to several lipid end products of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) family including phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate. Activation of Btk as monitored by elevation of phosphotyrosine content and a cellular transformation response was dramatically enhanced by coexpressing a weakly activated allele of Src (E378G) and the two subunits of PI 3-kinase-gamma. This activation correlates with new sites of phosphorylation on Btk identified by two-dimensional phosphopeptide mapping. Activation of Btk was dependent on the catalytic activity of all three enzymes and an intact Btk PH domain and Src transphosphorylation site. These combined data define Btk as a downstream target of PI 3-kinase-gamma and Src family kinases.  相似文献   

Cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesive interactions mediated by integrins play crucial roles in leukocyte migration to inflamed tissues, and also in cell migration during embryogenesis. Much remains to be learned about the molecular mechanisms of regulation of adhesion mediated by integrins. Recently we found that steel factor and c-kit induce adhesion to fibronectin by VLA-5 in mast cells. Activation of adhesiveness is transient, and occurs at concentrations of steel factor 100-fold lower than required for growth stimulation. This suggests that regulation of adhesion is an important biological function of steel factor and c-kit. Other receptor tyrosine kinases such as the PDGF receptor can substitute for c-kit. Signaling through receptor tyrosine kinases may offer a general mechanism for the regulation of integrin avidity.  相似文献   

Engagement of immunoreceptors in hemopoietic cells leads to activation of Src family tyrosine kinases as well as Syk or ZAP-70. Current models propose that Src family kinases are critical in immune response signal transduction through their role in phosphorylation of tyrosine residues within immunoreceptor tyrosine activation motifs (ITAMs; which recruit the SH2 domains of Syk or ZAP-70) and by direct phosphorylation of Syk and ZAP-70. Several lines of evidence suggest that Syk may not show the same dependence on activation by Src family kinases as ZAP-70. In this report, we used COS cells transiently transfected with components of the Fc epsilon RI complex (Lyn, Syk, and a chimeric CD8 receptor containing the cytoplasmic domain of the gamma subunit of Fc epsilon RI (CD8-gamma)) to examine the regulation of Syk activity. Syk was activated and phosphorylated in COS cells cotransfected with Lyn; however, in cells expressing CD8-gamma, activation of Syk and phosphorylation of CD8-gamma did not require coexpression of Lyn. Additional experiments indicate that gamma phosphorylation is dependent on Syk kinase activity and is independent of endogenous COS cell kinases. In parallel experiments, ZAP-70 was not activated by cotransfection with CD8-gamma, nor was CD8-gamma phosphorylated when coexpressed with ZAP-70 alone. Taken together, these studies indicate that Syk can be distinguished from ZAP-70 in its ability to be activated by coexpression with an ITAM-containing receptor without coexpression of a Src family kinase, and that Syk is capable of phosphorylating ITAM tyrosines under certain experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Rlk/Txk is a member of the BTK/Tec family of tyrosine kinases and is primarily expressed in T lymphocytes. Unlike other members of this kinase family, Rlk lacks a pleckstrin homology (PH) domain near the amino terminus and instead contains a distinctive cysteine string motif. We demonstrate here that Rlk protein consists of two isoforms that arise by alternative initiation of translation from the same cDNA. The shorter, internally initiated protein species lacks the cysteine string motif and is located in the nucleus when expressed in the absence of the larger form. In contrast, the larger form is cytoplasmic. We show that the larger form is palmitoylated and that mutation of its cysteine string motif both abolishes palmitoylation and allows the protein to migrate to the nucleus. The cysteine string, therefore, is a critical determinant of both fatty acid modification and protein localization for the larger isoform of Rlk, suggesting that Rlk regulation is distinct from the other Btk family kinases. We further show that Rlk is phosphorylated and changes localization in response to T-cell-receptor (TCR) activation and, like the other Btk family kinases, can be phosphorylated and activated by Src family kinases. However, unlike the other Btk family members, Rlk is activated independently of the activity of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, consistent with its lack of a PH domain. Thus, Rlk has two distinct isoforms, each of which may have unique properties in signaling downstream from the TCR.  相似文献   

We have identified the Src family members, Lck and Fgr in resting human and rodent platelets and compared their subcellular distributions and tyrosine phosphorylation status to those of the other Src family kinases to gain insights into the signal transduction pathways active in maintaining platelets in the circulation. Like Fyn, Lyn, and Yes, most of Fgr and Lck was detergent-insoluble in human and rat platelets. In comparison, Src showed higher detergent solubility than the Src-related kinases. Most all human platelet Src was detergent-soluble, while that of rodent platelets was present in all detergent fractions. We also compared the tyrosine-phosphorylation status of Lck and Fgr to other Src family members in resting platelets using immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting. All of these Src family members except Fgr exhibited substantial phosphotyrosine antibody labeling. The partitioning of these kinases, with the exception of Src, with the detergent-insoluble fraction, their tyrosine-phosphorylation status, and co-localization with endocytotic vesicles lead us to hypothesize that the Src family kinases are involved in signaling events that drive cytoskeletal reorganization and active endocytosis of plasma proteins by circulating platelets.  相似文献   

Sixteen phases in the microenvironments were defined for the structural development and innervation of the cochleo-vestibular ganglion and its targets. In each phase the cell adhesion molecules, neural cell adhesion molecule, neural cell adhesion molecule-polysialic acid, and L1-cell adhesion molecule, were expressed differentially by cochleo-vestibular ganglion cells, their precursors, and the target cells on which they synapse. Detected by immunocytochemistry in staged chicken embryos, in the otocyst, neural cell adhesion molecule, but not L1-cell adhesion molecule, was localized to the ganglion and hair cell precursors. Ganglionic precursors, migrating from the otocyst, only weakly expressed neural cell adhesion molecule. Epithelial hair cell precursors, remaining in the otocyst, expressed neural cell adhesion molecule, but not L1-cell adhesion molecule. Post-migratory ganglion cell processes expressed both molecules in all stages. The cell adhesion molecules were most heavily expressed by axons penetrating the otic epithelium and accumulated in large amounts in the basal lamina. In the basilar papilla (cochlea), cell adhesion molecule expression followed the innervation gradient. Neural cell adhesion molecule and L1 were heavily concentrated on axonal endings peripherally and centrally. In the rhombencephalon, primitive epithelial cells expressed neural cell adhesion molecule, but not L1-cell adhesion molecule, except in the floorplate. The neuroblasts and their axons expressed L1-cell adhesion molecule, but not neural cell adhesion molecule, when they began to migrate and form the dorsal commissure. There was a stage-dependent, differential distribution of the cell adhesion molecules in the floorplate. Commissural axons expressed both cell adhesion molecules, but their polysialic acid disappeared within the floorplate at later stages. In conclusion, the cell adhesion molecules are expressed by the same cells at different times and places during their development. They are positioned to play different roles in migration, target penetration, and synapse formation by sensory neurons. A multiphasic model provides a morphological basis for experimental analyses of the molecules critical for the changing roles of the microenvironment in neuronal specification.  相似文献   

In human serum, at least two molecular species of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) with molecular weights of 110,000-130,000 and 150,000-180,000, respectively, can be identified by Western blotting. Both are characterized by the absence of epitopes for monoclonal antibodies KD11 and MG5, which specifically recognize intracellular domains of the human NCAM transmembrane isoforms, NCAM-140 and NCAM-180. In contrast to the M(r) 110,000-130,000 molecule also detectable in serum samples from healthy blood donors, the M(r) 150,000-180,000 molecule appears to be tumor associated. The only difference between these two species is shown to be the presence of long chains of alpha-(2,8)-linked N-acetylneuraminic acids, which are characteristic for the so-called embryonic NCAM form. After treatment with endoneuraminidase N, the M(r) 150,000-180,000 molecule can no longer be discriminated from the M(r) 110,000-130,000 molecule in Western blotting as well as gel and anion exchange chromatography experiments. The experimental data clearly show that only the embryonic NCAM molecule carrying the poly-alpha-(2,8)-linked N-acetylneuraminic acid moiety can be regarded as a specific serum marker for small cell lung cancer.  相似文献   

TCR stimulation results in the tyrosine phosphorylation of a number of cellular substrates. We have recently identified a 70-kDa protein tyrosine kinase, ZAP-70, which associates with the human TCR zeta-chain after TCR stimulation. We report here the isolation and sequence of a cDNA clone that encodes murine ZAP-70. Murine and human ZAP-70 share 93% amino acid identity and are homologous to the 72-kDa protein tyrosine kinase Syk. Syk has been implicated in the signal transduction pathways of the B cell membrane Ig and high affinity IgE receptors, Fc epsilon RI. In addition, we examined the tissue distribution of ZAP-70 and Syk in human and murine thymocyte subsets, B cells, and peripheral T cell subsets. ZAP-70 protein is expressed in all major thymocyte populations, with the level of expression being comparable to that found in both CD4+ and CD8+ peripheral T cells. Although Syk protein is also present in all thymocyte subsets, expression of Syk protein is down-regulated threefold to fourfold in peripheral T cells. In contrast to ZAP-70, expression of Syk is 12- to 15-fold higher in peripheral B cells when compared with peripheral T cells. In addition, whereas T cell stimulation results in down-regulation of Lck, no significant change in ZAP-70 or Syk protein is detected. Finally, we provide evidence that both ZAP-70 and Syk can associate with the TCR after TCR stimulation. With the use of a heterologous expression system, we show that, like ZAP-70, Syk is dependent upon a Src-family protein tyrosine kinase for association with the phosphorylated zeta-chain. Thus, the differential expression of these kinases suggests the possibility of different roles for ZAP-70 and Syk in TCR signaling and thymic development.  相似文献   

The role of tyrosine phosphorylation in cell transformation has been well established. It has been proposed that protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases) may be capable of dephosphorylating critical substrates involved in the transformation process, suggesting that they represent a tumor suppressor family of enzymes. Indeed, recent work showed that overexpression of some PTPases in malignant cells counteracted the action of oncogenic tyrosine kinases although overexpression of other forms of these enzymes increased tumorigenicity. The work described herein has provided some insight into the action, both antagonistic and synergistic, of the kinases and phosphatases on cell growth and transformation.  相似文献   

Twelve analogues of the antibacterial phenolic peptide 5-S-glutathionyl-beta-alanyl-L-dopa (5-S-GA-L-D: 1) were synthesized via orthoquinones using tyrosinase. Several synthesized compounds inhibited the v-Src autophosphorylation tyrosine kinase reaction with an IC50 value comparable to that of herbimycin. The inhibition of c-Src substrate phosphorylation was much less active than v-Src autophosphorylation inhibition. The analogues showed no effects on substrate phosphorylation by epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), and this selectivity is the most characteristic feature of the analogues (1-12).  相似文献   

All Src family non-receptor tyrosine kinases are negatively regulated by phosphorylation at a carboxy-terminal tyrosine. To analyze the significance of this regulation during development, we have generated mice deficient in Csk, a kinase that phosphorylates this tyrosine, by gene targeting in embryonic stem cells. Homozygous mutant embryos exhibit a complex phenotype that includes defects in the neural tube and die between day 9 and day 10 of gestation. Cells derived from these embryos exhibit an order of magnitude increase in activity of Src and the related Fyn kinase. Phosphorylation at the carboxy-terminal tyrosine of Src was reduced but not eliminated and was accompanied by increased phosphorylation at another key tyrosine residue. These results demonstrate that Src family kinase activity is critically dependent on phosphorylation by Csk and suggest that the regulation of kinase activity may be essential during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

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