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Mercury and many of its compounds behave exceptionally in the environment because of their volatility, capability for methylation, and subsequent biomagnification in contrast with most of the other heavy metals. Long-range atmospheric transport of elemental mercury, its transformation to more toxic methylmercury compounds, the ability of some to undergo photochemical reactions, and their bioaccumulation in the aquatic food chain have made it a subject of global research activities, even in polar regions. The first continuous high-time-resolution measurements of total gaseous mercury in the Antarctic covering a 12-month period were carried out at the German Antarctic research station Neumayer (70 degrees 39' S, 8 degrees 15' W) between January 2000 and February 2001. We recently reported that mercury depletion events (MDEs) occur in the Antarctic after polar sunrise, as was previously shown for Arctic sites. These events (MDEs) end suddenly during Antarctic summer. A possible explanation of this phenomenon is presented in this paper, showing that air masses originating from the sea-ice surface were a necessary prerequisite for the observations of depletion of atmospheric mercury at polar spring. Our extensive measurements at Neumayer of atmospheric mercury species during December 2000-February 2001 show that fast oxidation of gaseous elemental mercury leads to variable Hg0 concentrations during Antarctic summer, accompanied by elevated concentrations, up to more than 300 pg/m3, of reactive gaseous mercury. For the first time in the Southern Hemisphere, atmospheric mercury species measurements were also performed onboard of a research vessel, indicating the existence of homogeneous background concentrations over the south Atlantic Ocean. These new findings contain evidence for an enhanced oxidizing potential of the Antarctic atmosphere over the continent that needs to be considered for the interpretation of dynamic transformations of mercury during summertime.  相似文献   

Gaseous elemental mercury (Hg0) is a globally distributed air toxin with a long atmospheric residence time. Any process that reduces its atmospheric lifetime increases its potential accumulation in the biosphere. Our data from Barrow, AK, at 71 degrees N show that rapid, photochemically driven oxidation of boundary-layer Hg0 after polar sunrise, probably by reactive halogens, creates a rapidly depositing species of oxidized gaseous mercury in the remote Arctic troposphere at concentrations in excess of 900 pg m(-3). This mercury accumulates in the snowpack during polar spring at an accelerated rate in a form that is bioavailable to bacteria and is released with snowmelt during the summer emergence of the Arctic ecosystem. Evidence suggests that this is a recent phenomenon that may be occurring throughout the earth's polar regions.  相似文献   

Mercury emitted by anthropogenic and natural sources occurs in the atmosphere mostly in the gaseous elemental form, which has a long lifetime in tropical and temperate regions. Once deposited in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems the metal is partly re-emitted into the air, thus assuming the characteristics of global pollutants such as persistent volatile chemicals. In polar regions, during and after the sunrise, the photochemically driven oxidation of gaseous Hg by reactive halogens may result in areas of greatly enhanced Hg deposition. Mercury concentrations in soils, lichens, and mosses collected in a stretch between 74 degrees 30' S and 76 degrees 00' S, in ice-free coastal areas of Victoria Land facing the Terra Nova Bay coastal polynya, were higher than typical Antarctic baselines. The finding of enhanced Hg bioaccumulation in Antarctic terrestrial ecosystems facing a coastal polynya strongly supports recent speculations on the role of ice crystals ("frost flowers") growing in polynyas as a dominant source of sea salt aerosols and bromine compounds, which are involved in springtime mercury depletion events (MDEs). These results raise concern aboutthe possible environmental effects of changes in regional climate and sea ice coverage, and on the possible role of Antarctica as a sink in the mercury cycle.  相似文献   

The springtime phenomenon, termed as the mercury depletion event (MDE), during which elemental gaseous mercury (Hg0) may be converted to a reactive form that accumulates in polar ecosystems, first noted in the Arctic, has now been observed at both poles and results in an important removal pathway for atmospheric mercury. An intensive international springtime mercury experiment was performed at Ny-Alesund, Spitsbergen, from 19 April to 13 May 2003 to study the atmospheric mercury chemistry in the Arctic environment and, in particular, the MDEs which occurred in the arctic boundary layer after polar sunrise. Automated ambient measurements of Hg0, divalent reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) and fine particulate mercury (<2.5 microm) (Hg(p)) were made at the Zeppelin Mountain Station (ZMS). During the experiment mercury concentrations in the lower atmosphere varied in synchrony with ozone levels throughout the Spring. Hg0 concentrations ranged from background levels (approximately 1.6 ng m(-3)) to undetectable values (<0.1 ng m(-3)) during the first and major MDE, while RGM data showed an opposite trend during the sampling period with concentrations increasing dramatically to a peak of 230 pg m(-3), synchronous with the depletion of Hg0. The results of a meteorological transport analysis indicate the MDEs observed at ZMS were primarily due to air masses being transported in from open water areas in the Arctic Ocean that were already depleted of Hg0 when they arrived and not due to in-situ oxidation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Atmospheric mercury speciation measurements were performed during a 10 week Arctic summer expedition in the North Atlantic Ocean onboard the German research vessel RV Polarstern between June 15 and August 29, 2004. This expedition covered large areas of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans between latitudes 54 degrees N and 85 degrees N and longitudes 16 degrees W and 16 degrees E. Gaseous elemental mercury (GEM), reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) and mercury associated with particles (Hg-P) were measured during this study. In addition, total mercury in surface snow and meltwater ponds located on sea ice floes was measured. GEM showed a homogeneous distribution over the open North Atlantic Ocean (median 1.53 +/- 0.12 ng/m3), which is in contrast to the higher concentrations of GEM observed over sea ice (median 1.82 +/- 0.24 ng/m3). It is hypothesized that this results from either (re-) emission of mercury contained in snow and ice surfaces that was previously deposited during atmospheric mercury depletion events (AMDE) in the spring or evasion from the ocean due to increased reduction potential at high latitudes during Arctic summer. Measured concentrations of total mercury in surface snow and meltwater ponds were low (all samples <10 ng/L), indicating that marginal accumulation of mercury occurs in these environmental compartments. Results also reveal low concentrations of RGM and Hg-P without a significant diurnal variability. These results indicate that the production and deposition of these reactive mercury species do not significantly contribute to the atmospheric mercury cycle in the North Atlantic Ocean during the Arctic summer.  相似文献   

Mercury is a globally dispersed and toxic pollutant that can be transported far from its emission sources. In polar and subpolar regions, recent research activities have demonstrated its ability to be converted and deposited rapidly onto snow surfaces during the so-known Mercury Depletion Events (MDEs). The fate of mercury once deposited onto snow surfaces is still unclear: a part could be re-emitted to the atmosphere, the other part could contaminate water systems at the snowmelt. Its capacity to transform to more toxic form and to bioaccumulate in the food chain has consequently made mercury a threat for Arctic ecosystems. The snowpack is a medium that greatly interacts with a variety of atmospheric gases. Its role in the understanding of the fate of deposited mercury is crucial though it is poorly understood. In April 2002, we studied an environmental component of mercury, which is interstitial gaseous mercury (IGM) present in the air of the snowpack at Kuujjuarapik/Whapmagoostui (55 degrees N, 77 degrees W), Canada on the east shore of the Hudson Bay. We report here for the first time continuous IGM measurements at various depths inside a seasonal snowpack. IGM concentrations exhibit a well-marked diurnal cycle with uninterrupted events of Hg0 depletion and production within the snowpack. A possible explanation of Hg0 depletion within the snowpack may be Hg0 oxidation processes. Additionally, we assume that the notable production of Hg0 during the daytime may be the results of photoreduction and photoinitiated reduction of Hg(II) complexes. These new observations show that the snowpack plays undoubtedly a role in the global mercury cycle.  相似文献   

At polar sunrise, gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) undergoes an exceptional dynamic exchange in the air and at the snow surface during which GEM can be rapidly removed from the atmosphere (the so-called atmospheric mercury depletion events (AMDEs)) as well as re-emitted from the snow within a few hours to days in the Polar Regions. Although high concentrations of total mercury in snow following AMDEs is well documented, there is very little data available on the redox transformation processes of mercury in the snow and the fluxes of mercury at the air/snow interface. Therefore, the net gain of mercury in the Polar Regions as a result of AMDEs is still an open question. We developed a new version of the global mercury model, GRAHM, which includes for the first time bidirectional surface exchange of GEM in Polar Regions in spring and summer by developing schemes for mercury halogen oxidation, deposition, and re-emission. Also for the first time, GOME satellite data-derived boundary layer concentrations of BrO have been used in a global mercury model for representation of halogen mercury chemistry. Comparison of model simulated and measured atmospheric concentrations of GEM at Alert, Canada, for 3 years (2002-2004) shows the model's capability in simulating the rapid cycling of mercury during and after AMDEs. Brooks et al. (1) measured mercury deposition, reemission, and net surface gain fluxes of mercury at Barrow, AK, during an intensive measurement campaign for a 2 week period in spring (March 25 to April 7, 2003). They reported 1.7, 1.0 +/- 0.2, and 0.7 +/- 0.2 microg m(-2) deposition, re-emission, and net surface gain, respectively. Using the optimal configuration of the model, we estimated 1.8 microg m(-2) deposition, 1.0 microg m(-2) re-emission, and 0.8 microg m(-2) net surface gain of mercury for the same time period at Barrow. The estimated net annual accumulation of mercury within the Arctic Circle north of 66.5 degrees is approximately 174 t with +/-7 t of interannual variability for 2002-2004 using the optimal configuration. We estimated the uncertainty of the model results to the Hg/Br reaction rate coefficient to be approximately 6%. Springtime is clearly demonstrated as the most active period of mercury exchanges and net surface gain (approximately 46% of annual accumulation) in the Arctic.  相似文献   

Atmospheric mercury depletion episodes (AMDEs) were studied at Station Nord, Northeast Greenland, 81 degrees 36' N, 16 degrees 40' W, during the Arctic Spring. Gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) and ozone were measured starting from 1998 and 1999, respectively, until August 2002. GEM was measured with a TEKRAN 2735A automatic mercury analyzer based on preconcentration of mercury on a gold trap followed by detection using fluorescence spectroscopy. Ozone was measured by UV absorption. A scatter plot of GEM and ozone concentrations confirmed that also at Station Nord GEM and ozone are linearly correlated during AMDEs. The relationship between ozone and GEM is further investigated in this paper using basic reaction kinetics (i.e., Cl, ClO, Br, and BrO have been suggested as reactants for GEM). The analyses in this paper show that GEM in the Arctic troposphere most probably reacts with Br. On the basis of the experimental results of this paper and results from the literature, a simple parametrization for AMDE was included into the Danish Eulerian Hemispheric Model (DEHM). In the model, GEM is converted linearly to reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) over sea ice with temperature below -4 degrees C with a lifetime of 3 or 10 h. The new AMDE parametrization was used together with the general parametrization of mercury chemistry [Petersen, G.; Munthe, J.; Pleijel, K.; Bloxam, R.; Vinod Kumar, A. Atmos. Environ. 1998, 32, 829-843]. The obtained model results were compared with measurements of GEM at Station Nord. There was good agreement between the start and general features periods with AMDEs, although the model could not reproduce the fast concentration changes, and the correlation between modeled and measured values decreased from 2000 to 2001 and further in 2002. The modeled RGM concentrations over the Arctic in 2000 were found to agree well with the temporal and geographical variability of the boundary column of monthly average BrO observed by the GOME satellite. Scenario calculations were performed with and without AMDEs. For the area north of the Polar Circle, the mercury deposition increases from 89 tons/year for calculations without an AMDE to 208 tons/year with the AMDE. The 208 tons/year represent an upper limit for the mercury load to the Artic.  相似文献   

The occurrence of mercury depletion events (MDE) in the Polar Regions during the spring periods has raised global concern due to the biomagnifications of the deposited mercury into the aquatic food chain. However, it now appears that MDE is not limited to the Polar Regions and can also occur at mid-latitudes. Diurnal cycles of mercury, ozone, and BrO behavior based on short-time resolution measurements are presented for the Dead Sea, Israel, for Summer 2006. The results show that mercury depletion events occur almost daily, accompanied always by the presence of BrO and concurrent ozone destruction. The intensity of the MDE corresponded to increasing BrO levels. Mercury depletions of more than 40% were observed when BrO levels rose above 60-70 ppt. Based on the present measurements and supported bytheoretical considerations, it appears that BrOx (BrO + Br) is the primary species responsible for the mercury depletion at the Dead Sea. The present study also suggests, especially at low ozone levels, that the Br atom may play a major role in conversion of the gaseous elemental mercury to the reactive species, HgBr2. The implications of the present study are that even at low BrO levels (<10 ppt), mercury depletion may well occur at other mid-latitude sites and thus needs to be taken into consideration in the global mercury cycle.  相似文献   

A theoretical study of the oxidation of Hg0 to HgBr2 in the troposphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The oxidation of elemental mercury (Hg0) to the divalent gaseous mercury dibromide (HgBr2) has been proposed to account for the removal of Hg0 during depletion events in the springtime Arctic. The mechanism of this process is explored in this paper by theoretical calculations of the relevant rate coefficients. Rice-Ramsberger-Kassel-Marcus (RRKM) theory, together with ab initio quantum calculations where required, are used to estimate the following: recombination rate coefficients of Hg with Br, I, and O; the thermal dissociation rate coefficient of HgBr; and the recombination rate coefficients of HgBr with Br, I, OH, and O2. A mechanism based on the initial recombination of Hg with Br, followed by the addition of a second radical (Br, I, or OH) in competition with thermal dissociation of HgBr, is able to account for the observed rate of Hg0 removal, both in Arctic depletion events and at lower latitudes.  相似文献   

We sampled seawater and snowpacks in the Canadian high Arctic for methylated species of mercury (Hg). We discovered that, although seawater sampled under the sea ice had very low concentrations of total Hg (THg, all forms of Hg in a sample; on average 0.14-0.24 ng L(-1)), 30-45% of the THg was in the monomethyl Hg (MMHg) form (on average 0.057-0.095 ng L(-1)), making seawater itself a direct source of MMHg for biomagnification through marine food webs. Seawater under the ice also contained high concentrations of gaseous elemental Hg (GEM; 129 +/- 36 pg L(-1)), suggesting that open water regions such as polynyas and ice leads were a net source of approximately 130 +/- 30 ng Hg m(-2) day(-1) to the atmosphere. We also found 11.1 +/- 4.1 pg L(-1) of dimethyl Hg (DMHg) in seawater and calculated that there could be a significant flux of DMHg to the atmosphere from open water regions. This flux could then resultin MMHg deposition into nearby snowpacks via oxidation of DMHg to MMHg in the atmosphere. In fact, we found high concentrations of MMHg in a few snowpacks near regions of open water. Interestingly, we discovered a significant log-log relationship between Cl- concentrations in snowpacks and concentrations of THg. We hypothesize that as Cl- concentrations in snowpacks increase, inorganic Hg(II) occurs principally as less reducible chloro complexes and, hence, remains in an oxidized state. As a result, snowpacks that receive both marine aerosol deposition of Cl- and deposition of Hg(II) via springtime atmospheric Hg depletion events, for example, may contain significant loads of Hg(II). Overall, though, the median wet/dry loads of Hg in the snowpacks we sampled in the high Arctic (5.2 mg THg ha(-1) and 0.03 mg MMHg ha(-1)) were far below wet-only annual THg loadings throughout southern Canada and most of the U.S. (22-200 mg ha(-1)). Therefore, most Arctic snowpacks contribute  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) in some Arctic marine mammals has increased to levels that may be toxic to Northern peoples consuming them as traditional food. It has been suggested that sunlight-induced atmospheric reactions called springtime atmospheric Hg depletion events (AMDEs) result in the loading of -150-300 tons of Hg to the Canadian Arctic archipelago each spring and that AMDEs are the ultimate source of Hg to Arctic foodwebs. AMDEs result from the oxidation of gaseous elemental Hg0 (GEM) in Arctic atmospheres to reactive gaseous Hg (RGM) and particulate Hg (pHg), both of which fall out of the atmosphere to snowpacks. We studied the springtime cycling of Hg between air and snowpacks near Churchill, Manitoba, for 2 years to determine the net input of Hg to Hudson Bay from AMDEs. In 2004, we monitored atmospheric concentrations of GEM, pHg, and RGM while simultaneously measuring concentrations of total Hg (THg) in surface snow collected over the sea ice on Hudson Bay. During numerous springtime AMDEs, concentrations of THg in surface snow increased, often to over 60 ng/L, demonstrating that AMDEs resulted in deposition of oxidized Hg (Hg(II)) to snowpacks. However, immediatelyfollowing AMDEs, average concentrations of THg in snow declined drastically from between 67.8+/-7.7 ng/L during AMDEs to only 4.25+/-1.85 ng/L four or more days following them. In 2003, we measured THg in surface snow collected daily over the sea ice and total gaseous Hg (TGM) concentrations in the interstitial airspaces of snowpacks. When concentrations of THg in the surface snow decreased, concentrations of TGM in interstitial airspaces of the snowpack increased sharply from between approximately 1.4-3.4 ng/m(3) to between approximately 20-150 ng/m(3), suggesting thatthere was a reduction of deposited Hg(II) to GEM, which then diffused out of snowpacks. At snowmelt in both 2003 and 2004, average concentrations of THg in meltwater collected over Hudson Bay were only 4.04+/-2.01 ng/L. Using concentrations of THg in meltwater and snow water equivalent, we estimated a net springtime loading of only 2.1+/-1.7 mg/ha of Hg to Hudson Bay from AMDEs, indicating that only a small portion of the Hg(II) deposited during AMDEs enters Hudosn Bay each spring.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical studies indicate that reactive organic iodocarbons such as CH2I2 would be extremely effective agents for tropospheric Arctic ozone depletion and that iodine compounds added to a Br2/BrCl mixture have a significantly greater ozone (and mercury) depletion effect than additional Br2 and BrCl molecules. Here we report the first observations of CH2I2, CH2IBr, and CH2ICl in Arctic air, as well as other reactive halocarbons including CHBr3, during spring at Kuujjuarapik, Hudson Bay. The organoiodine compounds were present atthe highest levels yet reported in air. The occurrence of the halocarbons was associated with northwesterly winds from the frozen bay, and, in the case of CHBr3, was anticorrelated with ozone and total gaseous mercury (TGM), suggesting a link between inorganic and organic halogens. The absence of local leads coupled with the extremely short atmospheric lifetime of CH2I2 indicates that production occurred in the surface of the sea-ice/overlying snowpack over the bay. We propose an abiotic mechanism for the production of polyhalogenated iodo- and bromocarbons, via reaction of HOI and/or HOBr with organic material on the quasi-liquid layer above sea-ice/snowpack, and report laboratory data to support this mechanism. CH2I2, CH2IBr, and other organic iodine compounds may therefore be a ubiquitous component of air above sea ice where they will increase the efficiency of bromine-initiated ozone and mercury depletion.  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were measured in the surface seawater and lower atmosphere during the North Atlantic Bloom Experiment in the spring 2008 from samples collected on the R/V Knorr. The gaseous concentration profiles resulted from both long-range transport (LRT) from the Arctic by polar easterlies and local biogeochemical processes. Relatively constant α/γ-hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) ratios and enantiomer fractions of α-HCH indicated that a single water mass was sampled throughout the cruise. Changes in dissolved phase concentrations were dominated by bloom processes (air-water exchange, partitioning to organic particles, and subsequent sinking) rather than LRT. α-HCH and dissolved phase trans-chlordanes showed depletion of (+) enantiomer, whereas depletion of the (-) enantiomer was observed for heptachlor exo-epoxide (HEPX) and cis-chlordanes. Fugacity ratio calculations suggest that hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and γ-HCH were depositing from air to water whereas heavier OCPs (chlordanes, HEPX) were evaporating. Dissolved phase concentrations did not decrease with time during the three-week bloom period; neither were lipophilic OCPs drawn down from air to water as previous studies hypothesized. Comparison with Arctic measurements suggested that the Arctic returned higher concentrations of α-HCH and HCB through both the atmospheric (polar easterlies) as well as oceanic transport (East Greenland Current) to the lower latitudes.  相似文献   

This research was initiated to characterize atmospheric deposition of reactive gaseous mercury (RGM), particulate mercury (HgP; <2.5 microm), and gaseous elemental mercury (Hg0) in the arid lands of south central New Mexico. Two methods were field-tested to estimate dry deposition of three mercury species. A manual speciation sampling train consisting of a KCl-coated denuder, 2.5 microm quartz fiber filters, and gold-coated quartz traps and an ion-exchange membrane (as a passive surrogate surface) were deployed concurrently over 24-h intervals for an entire year. The mean 24-h atmospheric concentration for RGM was 6.8 pg m(-3) with an estimated deposition of 0.10 ng m(-2) h(-1). The estimated deposition of mercury to the passive surrogate surface was much greater (4.0 ng m(-2) h(-1)) but demonstrated a diurnal pattern with elevated deposition from late afternoon to late evening (1400-2200; 8.0 ng m(-2) h(-1)) and lowest deposition during the night just prior to sunrise (2200-0600; 1.7 ng m(-2) h(-1)). The mean 24-h atmospheric concentrations for HgP and Hg0 were 1.52 pg m(-3) and 1.59 ng m(-3), respectively. Diurnal patterns were observed for RGM with atmospheric levels lowest during the night prior to sunrise (3.8 pg m(-3)) and greater during the afternoon and early evening (8.9 pg m(-3)). Discernible diurnal patterns were not observed for either HgP or Hg0. The total dry deposition of Hg was 5.9 microg m-2 year-' with the contribution from the three species as follows: RGM (0.88 microg m(-2) year(-1)), HgP (0.025 microg m(-2) year(-1)), and Hg0 (5.0 microg m(-2) year(-1)). The annual wet deposition for total mercury throughout the same collection duration was 4.2 microg m(-2) year (-1), resulting in an estimated total deposition of 10.1 microg m(-2) year(-1) for Hg. On one sampling date, enhanced HgP (12 pg m(-3)) was observed due to emissions from a wildfire approximately 250 km to the east.  相似文献   

Mercury is a key toxic environmental pollutant, and its speciation affects its bioavailability. BrO radicals have been identified as key oxidants during mercury depletion events observed in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. We report the first experimental product study of BrO-initiated oxidation of elemental mercury at atmospheric pressure of ca. 0.987 bar and T= 296+/-2 K. We used chemical ionization and electron impact mass spectrometry, gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer, a MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer, a cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometer, and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy coupled to energy dispersive spectrometry. BrO radicals were formed using visible and UV photolysis of Br2 and CH2Br2 in the presence of ozone. We have analyzed the products in the gas phase, on suspended aerosols and on wall deposits, and identified HgBr, HgBrO/HgOBr, and HgO as reaction products. Mercury aerosols with a characteristic width of ca. 0.2 microm were observed as products. We herein discuss the implications of our results to the chemistry of atmospheric mercury and its potential implications in the biogeochemical cycling of mercury.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the first comprehensive long-term record of preanthropogenic rates of atmospheric mercury accumulation in dated peat deposits for the High Arctic of Canada. Geochemical studies of two peat hummocks from Bathurst Island, Nunavut reveal substantial inputs from soil dust (titanium), marine aerosols (bromine), and mineral-water interactions (uranium). Mercury, however, was supplied to these peat mounds exclusively by atmospheric deposition. Mercury concentration measurements and age dating of the peat profiles indicate rather constant natural "background" mercury flux of ca. 1 microgram per square meter per year from 5900 to 800 calibrated years BP. These values are well within the range of the mercury fluxes reported from other Arctic locations, but also by peat cores from southern Canada that provide a record of atmospheric Hg accumulation extending back 8000 years. Thus, preanthropogenic Hg fluxes in the Arctic were not significantly different from atmospheric Hg fluxes in the temperate zone. In preindustrial times, therefore, the High Arctic was no more important as a sink for global atmospheric mercury than was the temperate zone.  相似文献   

Atmospheric models and limited measurements indicate that dry deposition of atmospheric mercury is an important process by which mercury is input to ecosystems. To begin to fill the measurement data gap, multiple methods were used simultaneously during seasonal campaigns conducted in 2005 and 2006 to estimate dry deposition of atmospheric mercury at two Mercury Deposition Network (MDN) sites in rural Nevada and in Reno, Nevada. Gaseous elemental mercury (Hg0), reactive gaseous mercury (RGM), and particulate-bound mercury (Hgp) concentrations were measured using Tekran 2537A/1130/ 1135 systems. These speciated measurements were combined with on-site meteorological measurements to estimate depositional fluxes of RGM and Hgp using dry deposition models. Modeled fluxes were compared with more direct measurements obtained using polysulfone cation-exchange membranes and foliar surfaces. Dynamic flux chambers were used to measure soil mercury exchange. RGM concentrations were higher during warmer months at all sites, leading to seasonal variation in the modeled importance of RGM as a component of total depositional load. The ratio of dry to wet deposition was between 10 and 90%, and varied with season and with the methods used for dry deposition approximations. This work illustrates the variability of mercury dry deposition with location and time and highlights the need for direct dry deposition measurements.  相似文献   

Trace metals have received considerable attention in the recent decades due to their potential toxic nature. Glacial snow and ice have been used extensively to elucidate historical changes in the atmospheric composition of trace metals and other compounds. Mercury concentrations in Antarctic ice have described changes in atmospheric mercury deposition during the transition from the Last Glacial Maximum to the Holocene, however the record of modern mercury deposition in Antarctica is limited. Here we present a record of net mercury deposition to Antarctic snow over the past two decades. Over decadal periods, mercury is conserved in the snowpack and is dependent on a regional oceanic source. Annual to subannual mercury concentrations in snow are to some extent preserved and show covariance with marine aerosols as evidenced by calcium concentrations. Aeolian inputs from exposed rock and soil also play a critical role in depositing mercury to Antarctic snow. Such identifications along with previous data illustrate that mercury transport directly from the glaciers may account for 25-65% of the total mercury concentration in proglacial streams and the surface waters of perennially ice-covered lakes.  相似文献   

Mercury is deposited to the Polar Regions during springtime atmospheric mercury depletion events (AMDEs) but the relationship between snow and ice crystal formation and mercury deposition is not well understood. The objective of this investigation was to determine if mercury concentrations were related to the type and formation of snow and ice crystals. On the basis of almost three hundred analyses of samples collected in the Alaskan Arctic, we suggestthat kinetic crystals growing from the vapor phase, including surface hoar, frost flowers, and diamond dust, yield mercury concentrations that are typically 2-10 times higher than that reported for snow deposited during AMDEs (approximately 80 ng/L). Our results show that the crystal type and formation affect the mercury concentration in any given snow sample far more than the AMDE activity prior to snow collection. We present a conceptual model of how snow grain processes including deposition, condensation, reemission, sublimation, and turbulent diffusive uptake influence mercury concentrations in snow and ice. These processes are time dependent and operate collectively to affect the retention and fate of mercury in the cryosphere. The model highlights the importance of the formation and postdeposition crystallographic history of snow or ice crystals in determining the fate and concentration of mercury in the cryosphere.  相似文献   

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