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Time series forecasting has been widely used to determine future prices of stocks, and the analysis and modeling of finance time series is an important task for guiding investors’ decisions and trades. Nonetheless, the prediction of prices by means of a time series is not trivial and it requires a thorough analysis of indexes, variables and other data. In addition, in a dynamic environment such as the stock market, the non-linearity of the time series is a pronounced characteristic, and this immediately affects the efficacy of stock price forecasts. Thus, this paper aims at proposing a methodology that forecasts the maximum and minimum day stock prices of three Brazilian power distribution companies, which are traded in the São Paulo Stock Exchange BM&FBovespa. When compared to the other papers already published in the literature, one of the main contributions and novelty of this paper is the forecast of the range of closing prices of Brazilian power distribution companies’ stocks. As a result of its application, investors may be able to define threshold values for their stock trades. Moreover, such a methodology may be of great interest to home brokers who do not possess ample knowledge to invest in such companies. The proposed methodology is based on the calculation of distinct features to be analysed by means of attribute selection, defining the most relevant attributes to predict the maximum and minimum day stock prices of each company. Then, the actual prediction was carried out by Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), which had their performances evaluated by means of Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) calculations. The proposed methodology for addressing the problem of prediction of maximum and minimum day stock prices for Brazilian distribution companies is effective. In addition, these results were only possible to be achieved due to the combined use of attribute selection by correlation analysis and ANNs.  相似文献   

In 2003, the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) made two key enhancements to the volatility index (VIX) methodology based on S&P options. The new VIX methodology seems to be based on a complicated formula to calculate expected volatility. In this paper, with the use of Thailand's SET50 Index Options data, we modify the VIX formula to a very simple relationship, which has a higher negative correlation between the VIX for Thailand (TVIX) and SET50 index options. We show that TVIX provides more accurate forecasts of option prices than the simple expected volatility (SEV) index, but the SEV index outperforms TVIX in forecasting expected volatility. Therefore, the SEV index would seem to be a superior tool as a hedging diversification tool because of the high negative correlation with the volatility index.  相似文献   

This study presents a new hybrid model that combines the grey forecasting model with the GARCH to improve the variance forecasting ability in variance as compared to the traditional GARCH. A range-based measure of ex post volatility is employed as a proxy for the unobservable volatility process in evaluating the forecasting ability due to true underlying volatility process not being observed. Overall, the results show that the new hybrid model can enhance the volatility forecasting ability of the traditional GARCH.  相似文献   

Globalization has increased the volatility of international financial transactions, particularly those related to international stock markets. An increase in the volatility of one country's stock market spreads throughout the globe, affecting other countries' stock markets. In particular, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plays an extremely important role in the international stock market. This paper uses the generally weighted moving average method and data from the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations, Japan's Nikkei 225, the Korea Composite Stock Price Index, and the Hong Kong Hang Seng Index to predict the performance of the Taiwan Capitalization Weighted Stock Index. This paper attempts to find the smallest prediction error using the optimal combination of generally weighted moving average model parameters and combinations of various international stock market data and compares the results to that found using the exponentially weighted moving average model to explore differences between the two types of forecasting models.  相似文献   

邢立宁  陈英武  刘荷君 《计算机工程》2006,32(12):199-201,204
在总结现有神经网络方法缺陷的基础上,提出了模型的思路:预测网络小型化;实时学习;多次预测取均值;加入规则辅助神经网络预测。相对于传统的神经网络模型来讲,该模型突出了动态学习、动态预测的特色,增加了辅助预测的3大规则(异常处理规则、再学习规则和取均值规则)。给出了该模型的工作流程,并以一个实际问题说明了该模型训练、预测的全过程。数据实例表明,该模型是正确的、可行的。同时和其他5种模型预测结果的对比表明,该模型的预测结果是最优的,这充分体现了模型的有效性、先进性。  相似文献   

Creating an intelligent system that can accurately predict stock price in a robust way has always been a subject of great interest for many investors and financial analysts. Predicting future trends of financial markets is more remarkable these days especially after the recent global financial crisis. So traders who access to a powerful engine for extracting helpful information throw raw data can meet the success. In this paper we propose a new intelligent model in a multi-agent framework called bat-neural network multi-agent system (BNNMAS) to predict stock price. The model performs in a four layer multi-agent framework to predict eight years of DAX stock price in quarterly periods. The capability of BNNMAS is evaluated by applying both on fundamental and technical DAX stock price data and comparing the outcomes with the results of other methods such as genetic algorithm neural network (GANN) and some standard models like generalized regression neural network (GRNN), etc. The model tested for predicting DAX stock price a period of time that global financial crisis was faced to economics. The results show that BNNMAS significantly performs accurate and reliable, so it can be considered as a suitable tool for predicting stock price specially in a long term periods.  相似文献   

The study of financial markets has been addressed in many works during the last years. Different methods have been used in order to capture the non-linear behavior which is characteristic of these complex systems. The development of profitable strategies has been associated with the predictive character of the market movement, and special attention has been devoted to forecast the trends of financial markets. This work performs a predictive study of the principal index of the Brazilian stock market through artificial neural networks and the adaptive exponential smoothing method, respectively. The objective is to compare the forecasting performance of both methods on this market index, and in particular, to evaluate the accuracy of both methods to predict the sign of the market returns. Also the influence on the results of some parameters associated to both methods is studied. Our results show that both methods produce similar results regarding the prediction of the index returns. On the contrary, the neural networks outperform the adaptive exponential smoothing method in the forecasting of the market movement, with relative hit rates similar to the ones found in other developed markets.  相似文献   

Evolutionary algorithms are generally used to find or generate the best individuals in a population. Whenever these algorithms are applied to agent systems, they will lead to optimal solutions. Genetic Network Programming (GNP), which contains graph networks, is one of the developed evolutionary algorithms. When the aim is to forecast the share price or return, ascending and descending trends, volatilities, recent returns, fundamental and technical factors have remarkable impacts on the prediction. This is why technical indicators are used to constitute a set of trading rules. In this paper, we apply an integrated framework consisting of GNP model along with a reinforcement learning and Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) neural network to classify data and also time series models to forecast the stock return. Moreover, we utilize rules of accumulation based on the GNP model’s results to forecast the return. The aim of using these models alongside one another is to estimate one-day return. The results derived from 9 stocks with regard to the Tehran Stock Exchange Market. GNP extracts a prodigious number of rules on the basis of 5 technical indicators with 3 times period. Next, MLP network classifies data and finds the similarity between future data and past data concerning a stock (5 sub-period) through classification. Subsequently, a number of conditions are established, in order to choose the best estimation between GNP-RL and ARMA. Distinct comparison with the ARMA–GARCH model, which is operated for return estimation and risk measurement in many researches, demonstrates an extended forecasting power of the proposed model, by the name of GNP–ARMA, reducing error by a mean of 16%.  相似文献   

基于结构修剪神经网络的股票指数预测模型*   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
股票市场是非线性系统,具有内部结构复杂性和外部因素多变性,在股市指数价格和成交量基础上,引入宏观经济指标共同构建模型预测指标体系,并分析各指标之间的长期均衡关系和因果关系。在贝叶斯分析的基础上,将代表网络复杂性的惩罚项引入模型误差函数中,并通过动态调整惩罚因子删减网络中对股票市场不敏感的隐层神经元,在保证模型泛化能力的同时实现网络结构精简。以上证指数为例,构建基于BP算法的结构修剪神经网络预测模型,在不同的预测指标体系下对股票市场运行规律进行学习,并对上证指数进行仿真预测。最后,通过与其他神经网络预测模型  相似文献   

Forecasting volatility is an essential step in many financial decision makings. GARCH family of models has been extensively used in finance and economics, particularly for estimating volatility. The motivation of this study is to enhance the ability of GARCH models in forecasting the return volatility. We propose two hybrid models based on EGARCH and Artificial Neural Networks to forecast the volatility of S&P 500 index. The estimates of volatility obtained by an EGARCH model are fed forward to a Neural Network. The input to the first hybrid model is complemented by historical values of other explanatory variables. The second hybrid model takes as inputs both series of the simulated data and explanatory variables. The forecasts obtained by each of those hybrid models have been compared with those of EGARCH model in terms of closeness to the realized volatility. The computational results demonstrate that the second hybrid model provides better volatility forecasts.  相似文献   

Conventional GARCH modeling formulates an additive-error mean equation for daily return and an autoregressive moving-average specification for its conditional variance, without much consideration on the effects of intra-daily data. Using Engle’s multiplicative-error model (MEM) formulation, range-based volatility is proposed as an intraday proxy for several GARCH frameworks. The performances of these different approaches for two 8-year market data sets: the S&P 500 and the NASDAQ composite index, are studied and compared. The impact of significant changes in intraday data has been found to reflect in the MEM-GARCH volatility. For some frameworks it is also possible to use lagged values of range-based volatility to delay the intraday effects in the conditional variance estimation.  相似文献   

The nonlinear complexity of volatility duration and volatility difference component based on voter financial dynamics is investigated in this paper. The statistic – volatility difference component is first introduced in this work, in an attempt to study the volatility behaviors comprehensively. The maximum change rate series and the average change rate series (both derived from the volatility difference components) are employed to characterize the volatility duration properties of financial markets. Further, for the proposed series model and the proposed financial statistic series (which are transformed to symbolic sequences), the permutation Lempel–Ziv complexity, a novel complexity measure, is introduced to study the corresponding randomness and complexity behaviors. Besides, Zipf analysis is also applied to investigate the corresponding Zipf distributions of the proposed series. The empirical study shows the similar complexity behaviors of volatility between the proposed price model and the real stock markets, which exhibits that the proposed model is feasible to some extent.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the statistical properties of the fluctuations of the Chinese Stock Index, and we study the statistical properties of HSI, DJI, IXIC and SP500 by comparison. According to the theory of artificial neural networks, a stochastic time effective function is introduced in the forecasting model of the indices in the present paper, which gives an improved neural network – the stochastic time effective neural network model. In this model, a promising data mining technique in machine learning has been proposed to uncover the predictive relationships of numerous financial and economic variables. We suppose that the investors decide their investment positions by analyzing the historical data on the stock market, and the historical data are given weights depending on their time, in detail, the nearer the time of the historical data is to the present, the stronger impact the data have on the predictive model, and we also introduce the Brownian motion in order to make the model have the effect of random movement while maintaining the original trend. In the last part of the paper, we test the forecasting performance of the model by using different volatility parameters and we show some results of the analysis for the fluctuations of the global stock indices using the model.  相似文献   

王玲 《计算机仿真》2012,29(1):356-359
研究证券市场预测中的股票价格预测精度问题,股票价格受到政治、经济、投资者心理等多种因素影响,股票价格波动较大,系统具有非线性复杂变化规律,单一预测模型只能反映股票价格变化时段信息,预测精度比较低。为了提高股票价格预测精度,提出一种组合模型的股票价格预测方法。首先分别采用ARIMA、GM、RBF神经网络对股票价格进行预测,然后通过权重值获得最优组合预测模型进行股票价格预测。结果表明,组合预测模型提高了股票价格预测精度,降低了预测误差,克服了单一预测模型在股票价格预测中的缺陷,为股票价格等非线性系统准确性预测提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

The currency market is one of the most efficient markets, making it very difficult to predict future prices. Several studies have sought to develop more accurate models to predict the future exchange rate by analyzing econometric models, developing artificial intelligence models and combining both through the creation of hybrid models. This paper proposes a hybrid model for forecasting the variations of five exchange rates related to the US Dollar: Euro, British Pound, Japanese Yen, Swiss Franc and Canadian Dollar. The proposed model uses Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to deconstruct the series into independent components as well as neural networks (NN) to predict each component. This method differentiates this study from previous works where ICA has been used to extract the noise of time series or used to obtain explanatory variables that are then used in forecasting. The proposed model is then compared to random walk, autoregressive and conditional variance models, neural networks, recurrent neural networks and long–short term memory neural networks. The hypothesis of this study supposes that first deconstructing the exchange rate series and then predicting it separately would produce better forecasts than traditional models. By using the mean squared error and mean absolute percentage error as a measures of performance and Model Confidence Sets to statistically test the superiority of the proposed model, our results showed that this model outperformed the other models examined and significantly improved the accuracy of forecasts. These findings support this model’s use in future research and in decision-making related to investments.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new approach for time series forecasting is presented. The forecasting activity results from the interaction of a population of experts, each integrating genetic and neural technologies. An expert of this kind embodies a genetic classifier designed to control the activation of a feedforward artificial neural network for performing a locally scoped forecasting activity. Genetic and neural components are supplied with different information: The former deal with inputs encoding information retrieved from technical analysis, whereas the latter process other relevant inputs, in particular past stock prices. To investigate the performance of the proposed approach in response to real data, a stock market forecasting system has been implemented and tested on two stock market indexes, allowing for account realistic trading commissions. The results pointed to the good forecasting capability of the approach, which repeatedly outperformed the “Buy and Hold” strategy.  相似文献   

为在实时电价情况下预测未来24小时电价, 提出一种基于小波变换和差分自回归移动平均(ARIMA)的短期电价混合预测模型。该模型分别根据是否受到需求量影响使用ARIMA模型对多尺度小波变换分解后的时间序列进行预测。同时提出一种电价突变点发现和处理算法。使用澳大利亚新南威尔士州2012年真实数据验证表明, 相对ARIMA预测, 改进后的混合模型在不考虑需求量影响时预测精度更高; 电价突变点发现和处理算法能够准确处理电价异常点, 提高预测精度。  相似文献   

This study develops a hybrid model that combines unscented Kalman filters (UKFs) and support vector machines (SVMs) to implement an online option price predictor. In the hybrid model, the UKF is used to infer latent variables and make a prediction based on the Black–Scholes formula, while the SVM is employed to model the nonlinear residuals between the actual option prices and the UKF predictions. Taking option data traded in Taiwan Futures Exchange, this study examined the forecasting accuracy of the proposed model, and found that the new hybrid model is superior to pure SVM models or hybrid neural network models in terms of three types of options. This model can help investors for reducing their risk in online trading.  相似文献   

研究出口集装箱运价指数的准确估计问题.出口集装箱适箱货运价受国际贸易需求和运力供给影响很大,而运价指数本身可以看作综合反映了全部影响因素的时间序列.在供需变化较大的情况下,传统的运价指数估计模型如ARIMA模型等很难对大幅度的突发供需变化做出准确反映,导致模型失真,估计结果误差较大.为了避免上述缺陷,运用了基于Elman神经网络的出口集装箱运价指数估计模型.利用逐步拓阶方法对集装箱运价指数的时间滞后阶数进行计算,然后以Elman神经网络方法建立出口集装箱运价指数估计模型.实验结果表明,利用Elman神经网络模型能够进行更为准确的出口集装箱运价指数估计.  相似文献   

With the economic successes of several Asian economies and their increasingly important roles in the global financial market, the prediction of Asian stock markets has becoming a hot research area. As Asian stock markets are highly dynamic and exhibit wide variation, it may more realistic and practical that assumed the stock indexes of Asian stock markets are nonlinear mixture data. In this research, a time series prediction model by combining nonlinear independent component analysis (NLICA) and neural network is proposed to forecast Asian stock markets. NLICA is a novel feature extraction technique to find independent sources from observed nonlinear mixture data where no relevant data mixing mechanisms are available. In the proposed method, we first use NLICA to transform the input space composed of original time series data into the feature space consisting of independent components representing underlying information of the original data. Then, the ICs are served as the input variables of the neural network to build prediction model. Among the Asian stock markets, Japanese and China’s stock markets are the biggest two in Asia and they respectively represent the two types of stock markets. Therefore, in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed approach, the Nikkei 225 closing index and Shanghai B-share closing index are used as illustrative examples. Experimental results show that the proposed forecasting model not only improves the prediction accuracy of the neural network approach but also outperforms the three comparison methods. The proposed stock index prediction model can be therefore a good alternative for Asian stock market indexes.  相似文献   

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