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武汉市某酒店节能型空调冷热源方案的选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吴宜珍 《节能》2007,26(2):51-53
根据现有能源结构,结合武汉某宾馆空调冷热源方案的选择,对螺杆式冷水机组加燃气锅炉、螺杆式冷水机组加蓄热式电热锅炉、水源热泵机组3种类型的冷热源方案进行了技术、经济性比较和分析。结果显示:螺杆式冷水机组加燃气锅炉方案初投资最低、运行费用较少,是该酒店最合适的节能型冷热源。  相似文献   

本文研究了大型超市建筑夏季空调冷负荷的主要影响因素,并以上海市某一大型超市建筑为例,分析其夏季空调负荷的分布规律,并针对不同的冷热源选择方案,结合超市建筑的空调负荷特点,提出了多种空调冷热源方案的适用性,可为大型超市空调冷热源的设计提供参考.  相似文献   

分析了北京市的空调能耗现状,以北京大兴区某星级酒店为例,提出了3种颇具代表性的冷热源方案,对各方案的全年能耗、初投资、年运行费用等技术经济指标进行了计算比较,并且进行了一次能源利用率分析、经济性评价。根据以上因素,进行综合对比分析,选取出最优方案。  相似文献   

空调冷热源的选型与节能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对目前常用的空调冷,热源设备特点的比较,以本公司裙楼四-五层的空调冷,热设备为例,进行选型,能耗经济性能分析和动态投资回收期计算,从而获得了较优的冷,热源设备方案,最后指出在空调冷,热源方案比较时,不仅要在技术上可行,而且应在能耗和一次性投资上进行经济分析。  相似文献   

杨雪梅  张亚君  刘宛萱 《节能》2012,31(8):56-58
结合当地能源情况,比较两种冷热源方案,根据制冷机热力循环过程与消耗能源不同,从工程总投资、运行管理、环境污染角度出发,提出在克拉玛依油田这类气源充足的寒冷地区公共建筑空调冷源应选择溴化锂直燃型冷热水机组。  相似文献   

通过对办公楼集中空调系统冷热源,就电、蒸气、燃煤、轻油中源,分别在初投资、运行费用以及维护管理和环境等方面进行详细的分析和比较,提出在热电厂供热范围内,采用溴化锂栅组+换热器作为建筑集中空调的冷热源,具有较大的优越性。  相似文献   

郭志民 《节能》2014,(6):56-59
在某宾馆冷热源系统节能改造中,采用了热回收技术、蓄热技术。用空气源热泵及热回收机组取代了制取热水的燃油锅炉,空气源热泵热回收机组在夏季制取冷冻水时,可通过回收余能的方式免费获取洗浴热水;冬季利用夜间电网低谷电(价格低)制取洗浴热水并储存在蓄热保温水箱中,随时可供客人使用。该技术不但能进行用电调峰,而且可以有效降低能耗、减少能源费用。  相似文献   

某宾馆空调冷源方案的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁媛 《能源工程》2001,(6):57-59
介绍了浙江省绍兴市某宾馆改造过程中,对三种空调冷源方案从初始投资和运行费用两方面进行了比较:一是风冷热泵冷水机组(单冷);二是螺杆式冷水机组;三是溴化锂冷水机组。结果第一种方案最符合要求。  相似文献   

水蓄热电锅炉作为中小型空调系统热源的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
马达  韩波 《北京节能》2000,(5):10-12
简要叙述了水蓄热电锅炉热源方式的系统原理及其应用特点,阐述了在小型空型系统中应用电锅炉加水蓄热方式作为系统热源的设计方法,主要设备的选择计算及在工程应用中的若干实际问题,并通过对某宾馆空调系统热源改造的介绍加以引证。  相似文献   

许宗金  蒋辉华 《节能》2019,(9):8-12
医院建筑是进行疾病诊断及治疗活动的场所,人员集中性较大且包含一些特殊功能区域。因此,医院建筑对空调系统的要求比一般办公性建筑高,其必须对整个医院提供稳定可靠的能源供应,保证医院正常医疗活动。目前,我国医院建筑的空调能耗能占整个建筑能耗的50%以上,空调节能势在必行。面对新一轮大规模医院建设,需要在设计之初就考虑空调系统节能策略,尤其在空调冷热源的选择时不仅要满足实际需求,同时还需要符合国家节能减排低碳的生态文明原则。以江苏地区某一新建医院为例,针对2种冷热源选型方案,从投资、运行能耗及费用进行了经济性比较分析,得到了适合该医院的最佳方案,对以后此类项目的设计施工提供一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

鲁德宏  林承方 《节能》2002,(3):36-37
在以天然气为燃料的前提条件下,提出了热冷联供的3种冷热源方案,从技术经济方面论述了各方案的特点,提出了选择建议。  相似文献   

王方  张燕玲  丁雪 《节能》2008,27(3):44-45,51
对郑州某酒店冷冻站的室内空调系统进行了设计。结合建筑本身特点及空调区功能的要求,对中餐厅、西餐厅采用全空气一次回风系统,对KTV包间、客房采用风机盘管系统,气流组织采用侧送下回方式。对建筑冷、热负荷进行了精确计算,结果表明夏季总冷负荷为378·71kW,冬季热负荷为90·7kW。经过近2年的运行,效果良好,达到设计要求。  相似文献   

污水源热泵供热的工程应用及分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
齐鲁石化水厂原来利用热电厂蒸汽换热后制备低温热水对车间和办公楼进行供热,运行费用高.根据该厂有丰富的工业污水的特点,现设计采用污水源热泵机组为车间及办公楼提供热.分析表明,一个采暖季即可节省运行费用约68万元,而且使用效果良好.  相似文献   

The use of solar energy in buildings is an important contribution for the reduction of fossil fuel consumption and harmful emissions to the environment. Solar thermal cooling systems are still in their infancy regarding practical applications, although the technology is sufficiently developed for a number of years. In many cases, their application has been conditioned by the lack of integration between cooling and heating systems. This study aims to evaluate the potential of integrated solar absorption cooling and heating systems for building applications. The TRNSYS software tool was used as a basis for assessment. Different building types were considered: residential, office and hotel. The TRNSYS models are able to run for a whole year (365 days), according to control rules (self-deciding whether to operate in heating or cooling modes), and with the possibility of combining cooling, heating and DHW applications. Three different locations and climates were considered: Berlin (Germany), Lisbon (Portugal), and Rome (Italy). Both energy and economic results are presented for all cases. The different local costs for energy (gas, electricity and water) were taken into account. Savings in CO2 emissions were also assessed. An optimization of solar collector size and other system parameters was also analysed.  相似文献   

介绍了卷烟厂制冷系统技术改造面临的情况,新的制冷系统中采用了高效环保能源。通过制冷系统的技术改造,既保证了车间的温、湿度,同时实现节能,环保的要求。  相似文献   

地源热泵是一种利用土壤所储藏的太阳能资源作为冷热源进行能量转换的供暖制冷空调系统,通过输入少量的高品位能源(如电力、机械功、燃气和液体燃料),实现热量从低温热源向高温热源的转移.以上海某小型别墅为对象,设计了一套家用地源热泵空调系统.首先计算了夏季冷负荷和冬季热负荷,然后根据冷、热负荷选择一套水源热泵机组(MWH080CR型机组)和相应的风机盘管,进行了室内水管环路系统、土壤热交换器和地板采暖的设计选型,最后对系统的能效比进行了计算.结果表明,该空调系统具有节能环保、稳定可靠、舒适耐用等优点.  相似文献   

The performance of a hybrid cooling system that combines a screw water chiller with a ground source heat pump (GSHP) was measured and analyzed at various cooling loads. In addition, the hybrid cooling system in a building was modelled sophisticatedly using EnergyPlus and then validated with the measured data. The coefficient of performance of the GSHP was lower than that of a conventional chiller in the monitored building, but the hybrid cooling system helped to stably provide the required cooling capacity at high-load conditions. The mean bias error and the normalized root-mean squared error of the predicted cooling load of the building were −8% and 12.4%, respectively. The hybrid cooling system was simulated by varying four operating parameters: the operating schedule, chilled water temperature (TCW), dry-bulb temperature (TDB), and entering water temperature (TEW). The TCW is ascertained as being the most effective control parameter in the hybrid cooling system.  相似文献   

A simplified steady‐state model has been developed to describe thermodynamically the operation of a centralized cooling system. This model resolves the mass and energy equations simultaneously and uses inputs that are readily available to the design engineer. The model utilizes an empirical relationship for the compressor power as a function of cooling load and key temperatures. The outputs include the chiller coefficient of performance (COP) and the compressor actual power. The model simulation results are validated with a manufacturer performance data and compared with the experimental data collected at Hewlett‐Packard Laboratories site for two chillers: a variable speed and a constant speed chiller. The results of the model are found to closely match the current experimental data with less than 5% average deviation for chiller load over 10% and with a maximum deviation of 18% at 95% chiller load. For the constant speed chiller, the chiller efficiency increases with increasing load and peaks at full load. For the variable speed chiller, the chiller efficiency peaks at part loading between 40 and 80% of the chiller full load depending on the condenser water temperature. This indicates that for variable speed chillers, the chiller design has been optimized for loading less than 100% depending on the ambient conditions, customer specifications and size of the chiller. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes experiments and analyses on an improved underground heat exchanger by using a no-dig method for the purpose of the cost reduction of a space heating and cooling system using underground thermal energy. First, the improved underground heat exchanger was installed on the campus of Hokkaido University, and it was shown that a ground source heat pump system utilizing the heat exchanger was sufficient for space heating and cooling. Second, evaluation program of the heat exchanger was developed, and the program was verified to give good predictions by comparing with experimental results. As a result of system simulations, an energy reduction for a system installation relative to a conventional vertical earth heat exchanger reached 78%. The primary energy reduction rate including the system installation and operation relative to a typical air source heat pump was 29%.  相似文献   

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