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Objective: Despite being a voluntary activity, many blood donors experience anxiety, and fainting (syncope) is not unusual. The muscle-tensing technique applied tension (AT) has been found to be effective in reducing vasovagal symptoms and syncope. A series of studies was developed to investigate the role of AT on anxiety and fainting. Methods: The mechanisms of AT were examined in the laboratory and the blood donor clinic. In Study 1, 70 participants were assigned randomly to either a control group or an experimental group who learned AT before watching a video depicting blood draws. In Study 2, 667 volunteer blood donors completed similar questionnaires. Results: In Study 1, a significant Condition × Sex × Needle Fear interaction, F(1, 59)=4.97, p=.03, indicated that AT reduced vasovagal symptoms in higher-fear women. Study 2 also found a significant Condition × Sex × Needle Fear effect on vasovagal symptoms, F(2, 653)=3.95, p=.02, indicating that AT reduced symptoms but primarily among women with more pronounced fear of needles. Conclusions: Analysis of the physiological data and self-reported anxiety supports the conclusion that the reduction in vasovagal symptoms was due more to decreased anxiety rather than exercise-related cardiovascular change. These results suggest that AT may provide a useful means of coping with invasive medical procedures in part by reducing anxiety. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Creativity is often considered to be a mental process that occurs within a person’s head. In this article, we analyze a group creative process: One that generates a creative product, but one in which no single participant’s contribution determines the result. We analyze a series of 5 theater performances that were improvisationally developed in rehearsal by a theater group; over the course of these 5 performances, a collaborative creation emerged from the improvised dialogues of the group. We argue that in cases of creativity such as this one, it is inaccurate to describe creativity as a purely mental process; rather, this case represents a nonindividualistic creative process that we refer to as distributed creativity. We chose this term by analogy with studies of distributed cognition, which are well established in cognitive science, but have not yet had a substantial impact on creativity research. Our study demonstrates a methodology that can be used to study distributed creative processes, provides a theoretical framework to explain these processes, and contributes to our understanding of how collaboration contributes to creativity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: This research examined the impact of completing a questionnaire about blood donation on subsequent donation behavior among a large sample of experienced blood donors. Design: Participants (N = 4672) were randomly assigned to an experimental condition that received a postal questionnaire measuring cognitions about donation or a control condition that did not receive a questionnaire. Main Outcome Measures: Number of registrations at blood drives and number of successful blood donations were assessed using objective records both 6 months and 12 months later. Results: Findings indicated that, compared to control participants, the mean frequency of number of registrations at blood drives among participants in the experimental group was 8.6% greater at 6 months (p  相似文献   

Explores the possibility that one of undoubtedly several interacting motives behind commitment to regular blood donation is the development of an affective "addiction" to the behavior, based on initial anxiety, through the mechanisms postulated by opponent-process theory. Pre- and post-donation responses to 1,846 blood donation experiences were subjected to correlational and regression analyses. Support was found for the relevance of opponent-process theory to the development of positive affective responses to donation. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on the original article by S. Siemer and R. Reisenzein (see record 2007-02169-001) regarding the process of emotion inference. When processing situational information, people can reach emotional conclusions without explicitly registering corresponding appraisals. Does this mean that appraisal cues must be guiding inference in less obvious ways? If one assumes that the emotional meaning of any situation depends on the protagonist's relation to what is happening, then emotion inference can never entirely bypass relational information. However, not all relational information is specifically appraisal-based. Further, actual emotion causation, like emotion inference, can involve explicit or implicit appraisals or even no appraisals at all. Indeed, humans do not first learn to associate emotions with situations by extracting appraisal information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Discusses the reality of the employment process in psychology, i.e., patronage practices which seek "to preserve the definition of psychology as a white, middle-class research effort whose place is within the university and whose purpose is to maintain the political, social, and scientific status quo." Temporary suggestions for helping new PhDs find positions, and permanent plans for updating the current job-marketing procedure via a computerized job placement system are included. A draft system on the university level (similar to that used in American football) is also suggested as a means for ending the problem of academic elitism in psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 4 studies, the authors tested the hypothesis that success prompts standard raising and that doing so helps maintain performance-related esteem by augmenting perceptions of competence. Study 1 showed that students raised examination standards following success in meeting them. In Study 2, professors who were recently promoted to tenure raised what they thought were the publication standards at their university, compared with the standards of their nonpromoted counterparts. Supporting the authors' esteem-maintenance account, participants in Study 3 reported that they would feel better meeting a high standard by a small margin than meeting a low standard by a large margin, and competence attributions mediated this relationship. Participants in Study 4 raised standards when their esteem was threatened but not when it was affirmed, also supporting an esteem-maintenance account. Alternative interpretations of standard raising, including goals for future improvement and initial standard lowering, were not supported in these studies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVE: Umbilical cord blood is an alternative source for allogeneic transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells from related and unrelated donors. It can easily be collected, cryopreserved and stored in cord blood banks for later use. In Switzerland, cord blood banks for related and unrelated stem cell transplantation are being established. The aim of the study was to evaluate previous knowledge of the possible medical use of cord blood and acceptance of cord blood banking in pregnant women. METHODS: We performed a prospective open study using a structured, anonymous questionnaire at the University of Basel Women's Hospital pregnancy outpatient clinic. After concise information on the use of cord blood for transplantation, questions were asked concerning previous knowledge of the use of placenta and cord blood in general, concerning the attitude to donation of cord blood for transplantation, and the respondent's willingness to donate cord blood of her own child. Women of different ethnic background were compared. RESULTS: From 300 questionnaires handed out to pregnant women of different ethnic background attending our outpatient clinic, 250 (83%) were returned, and 245 could be evaluated for final analysis. Only 40% indicated that they did know what usually happens to the placenta after birth. In contrast, the vast majority (95%) supported the idea of umbilical cord blood for banking and later use for stem cell transplantation. Similarly, 93% stated that they would agree to donate the cord blood from their own child for this purpose, while no statistically significant differences could be identified either between women with or without previous knowledge or of different ethnic background. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows the high acceptance of umbilical cord blood donation for banking and stem cell transplantation purposes in pregnant women, irrespective of previous knowledge. As there are no major differences between women of different ethnic background, a high degree of diversity of HLA-types of donated cord blood samples can be expected and may offset the underrepresentation of ethnic minorities in bone marrow donor registries.  相似文献   

The process underlying participation in episodic volunteer work is conceptualized as a form of attendance motivation. A decision-making theory of attendance motivation is expanded for the voluntarism context, then competitively tested against nested theories: the theory of planned behavior (I. Ajzen, 1991), the theory of reasoned action (M. Fishbein, 1980), and a benchmark theory emphasizing the subjective expected utility of anticipated rewards. Tests are conducted in a field study (n?=?53) predicting the motivation and attendance of male volunteers scheduled to work roughly 1 night per month at a homeless shelter. One panel (n?=?53) and 2 cross-sectional (n?=?51; n?=?53) replications of the field study are also described. Results are consistent across time and samples in their support of the expanded theory primarily because it includes a moral obligation component. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

HV McLachlan 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,24(4):252-4; discussion 255-6
In line with article 3.4 of EC directive 89/381, Keown has presented an ethical case in support of the policy of voluntary, unpaid donation of blood. Although no doubt is cast on the desirability of the policy, that part of Keown's argument which pertains to the suggested laudability of altruism and of its encouragment by social policy is examined and shown to be dubious.  相似文献   

Social identity theory argues that individuals rely on group memberships to form and protect their self-concepts. The authors tested this assumption in therapy groups by teaching members to rely on their group's membership during their day-to-day activities. Participants in the control condition received general information about therapy, whereas those in the experimental condition were guided through an examination of the value of their therapy group and carried a card with them that symbolized their group membership. After 1 week, group members who received the intervention had greater private collective self-esteem than those who did not receive the intervention. The authors' findings support both social identity theory and the utility of interventions designed to enhance the psychological impact of the therapeutic group. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Couples who conceive using donated embryos rear a child to whom they are genetically unrelated. It has been suggested that this may have negative consequences for parenting and child development. Findings are presented of the 2nd phase of an exploratory study of families with a child conceived through embryo donation. Seventeen embryo donation families with a 5- to 9-year-old child were compared with 24 adoptive families and 28 in vitro fertilization families. The quality of the mother's parenting and the child's social and emotional development were assessed using standardized interviews and questionnaires administered to mothers and teachers. Embryo donation children were not at increased risk of psychological problems during middle childhood, and the families were generally functioning well. However, higher emotional overinvolvement of embryo donation parents was found, along with more reluctance to disclose the method of family creation. These preliminary findings are discussed in terms of implications regarding the importance of genetic and gestational relationships between parents and children. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A method for enhancing the secretion of heterologous proteins in Escherichia coli by optimizing, as opposed to simply maximizing, the translational level of a given protein is described. Random alteration of the translational initiation region (TIR) of the Heat-Stable Enterotoxin II (STII) signal sequence resulted in a library of vectors with varied translational strengths. Subsequent screening of this library using E. coli alkaline phosphatase as a reporter led to the selection of several TIR variants covering a 10-fold range of translational strength. These TIR variants, in combination with several previously generated variants, are shown to dramatically improve the secretion of a number of heterologous proteins. In fact, the heterologous proteins tested required a narrow translational range for optimal high-level secretion into the periplasm. Interestingly, the secretion of two native E. coli proteins was unaffected by TIR strength when tested over an identical range. The dependence of secretion on a narrow translational level demonstrates its critical role in the secretion of heterologous proteins in E. coli.  相似文献   

Three experiments used the "list-before-the-last" free recall paradigm (Shiffrin, 1970) to investigate retrieval for context and the manner in which context changes. This paradigm manipulates target and intervening list lengths to measure the interference from each list, providing a measure of list isolation. Correct target list recall was only affected by the target list length when participants engaged in recall between the lists, whereas there were effects of both list lengths with other activities. This suggests that the act of recalling drives context change, thus isolating the target list from interference. Correspondingly, incorrect recall of intervening list items was affected only by the length of the intervening list when recall occurred between the lists, but was otherwise affected by both list lengths. Concurrent with these changes in context similarity, there were apparent changes in context retrieval, as indicated by the overall levels of target retrieval versus intervening recall. A multinomial model of sampling and recovery was implemented to assess the adequacy of this account and to quantify context similarity and context retrieval. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This introduction to the special issue on the history of power forwards the anthropological concept of "purification" as a means of drawing together disparate histories of psychology that invoke notions of power. Drawing on the work of Mary Douglas, Bruno Latour, Michel Foucault, and Donna Haraway, I argue for a history of psychology that links the carving up of people up into their properly natural and enculturated parts with keeping people in their place, the purification of interpretation by scientific representation, the maintenance of the body politic of the discipline, and the role of psychology in making up power in modern nation states. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Fifty consecutive cases of surgical instrumentation and fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis were prospectively studied to test the hypothesis that the use of predonated autologous blood combined with judicious perioperative blood salvage could decrease the amount of homologous blood needed. All cases had posterior instrumentation and fusion. Nineteen patients had their rib prominence resected with an average of 4.8 ribs per patient. Our protocol called for perioperative blood salvage with the cell saver and reinfusion of postoperative drained blood if more than 300 ml were drained in 4 hours. Two units of predonated autologous blood was made available. Hypotensive anesthesia and meticulous hemostasis kept the blood loss to a minimum. The average total blood loss was 1,055 ml. Blood loss per segment was 91 ml with an average of 11 segments fused per patient. Patients with rib resection had a blood loss of 1,105 ml, while those without had a blood loss of 955 ml. The cell saver blood returned per case was 391 ml with the hematocrit of the product averaging 46%. Twelve patients were reinfused an average of 300 ml of the postoperative drained blood. The predonated autologous blood was used as part of the intraoperative fluid management. In no patient was homologous blood needed. The average starting hematocrit was 35.6%, with the hematocrit at discharge (seventh day) being 32.4%. There were no complications or blood transfusion reactions. Our results suggest that judicious perioperative blood management may decrease the need for homologous blood transfusion in selected posterior idiopathic scoliosis surgery.  相似文献   

Participants searched for discrepant fear-relevant pictures (snakes or spiders) in grid-pattern arrays of fear-irrelevant pictures belonging to the same category (flowers or mushrooms) and vice versa. Fear-relevant pictures were found more quickly than fear-irrelevant ones. Fear-relevant, but not fear-irrelevant, search was unaffected by the location of the target in the display and by the number of distractors, which suggests parallel search for fear-relevant targets and serial search for fear-irrelevant targets. Participants specifically fearful of snakes but not spiders (or vice versa) showed facilitated search for the feared objects but did not differ from controls in search for nonfeared fear-relevant or fear-irrelevant, targets. Thus, evolutionary relevant threatening stimuli were effective in capturing attention, and this effect was further facilitated if the stimulus was emotionally provocative. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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