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多维连续型矩阵式条码的编码理论与系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有的多维条码技术大多以单个码字为信息记录体,无论其密度多少,都以承载固定容量信息为基本特点.这种结构不适宜承载大容量信息,尤其是容量不确定的多媒体信息,阻碍了这种方便、实用、成本低廉的自动识别技术的广泛应用.为此,提出一种新型的多维连续型矩阵式条码(C-Matrix),以连续分布、个数可变的图形矩阵码作为条码的基本结构,理论上具有存储无限容量的数据并支持快速实时译码的特点.为实现多维C-Matrix译码的实时性,还提出了基于动态扫描线的快速定位点检测算法、双交叉动态扫描识别算法、快速的RS译码算法和统一的条码识别框架.最后完成了原型系统设计,并通过实验证明了该系统的正确性和实用性.  相似文献   

传统扬声器系统在给人们生活带来便利的同时,也产生了很多噪声污染,比如广场舞音响,超市促销宣传喇叭。为了缓解噪声污染,构造独立的语音空间,提升大众生活质量,本文实现了基于FPGA的声频定向扬声器的设计。通过自主开发信号处理单元,设计功率放大电路,探究超声波换能器数目与指向性的影响,最终在FPGA上实现了信号的调制,不仅完成了可听声的定向传播,而且使系统具有更好的频率响应特性,从而构造出独立的语音空间,从根源上缓解噪声污染。除此之外,该系统在一定环境下进行了指向性测试,测试结果表明设计出的系统具有较强指向性,可以广泛用于国际会议、银行保密性通话、博物馆展厅等场合,无论军用还是民用,声频定向扬声器系统都具有极大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

扬声器的频率响应是描述扬声器电声特性的重要参量.脉冲法一次性可以测得较宽频带的频率响应,而且适用于非消声室环境,但脉冲信号质量会影响测量精度.为此,提出了利用Butterworth滤波器响应作为扬声器驱动信号在半消声室和普通房间测量了Hi-WiS6.5R扬声器的频响特性,并和单频测试结果进行了对比,二者吻合良好.  相似文献   

周静雷 《微计算机信息》2007,23(16):179-181
本文介绍了一种多通道扬声器功率试验系统的系统结构和基本原理,并从硬件和软件两个方面对系统作了说明。该系统将计算机、声卡、功率试验仪和软件四者结合起来,运用虚拟仪器技术进行多通道扬声器功率试验,以较低的成本实现了较强的功能,是对传统功率试验方法的一种升级。  相似文献   

网中网(Nets-within-Nets)理论提出传统Petri网中的标记(Token)可以用来描述对象,即标记也可以是一个Petri网,称为对象网(Object Nets).网中网支持用面向对象的技术描述现实世界的对象模型.参考网(Reference Nets)根据网中网的理论并且结合了着色Petri网的概念,动态地创建网实例(NetInstance)作为对象网,变迁之间通过同步通道通信.本文根据网中网理论结合建模开发工具Renew,构建了柔性制造系统的宏观模型.  相似文献   

基于LabVIEW和声卡的扬声器检测系统的设计和实现   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
本文介绍了扬声器检测系统的基本原理和计算方法,并从硬件和软件两方面对系统结构进行设计和实现。基于虚拟仪器技术和声卡,该系统在LabVIEW软件平台下构建而成。文中对使用声卡构建数据采集系统的一些经验和技巧也作了说明。  相似文献   

In engineering aspects, the goal of artificial life is to incarnate unique behaviors or phenomena of living creatures in nature into artifacts like computers. Artificial life can provide a useful methodology for multiple mobile agent learning which is full of autonomy and creativity. In this paper, a neural network is used for the behavior decision controller. The input of the neural network is decided by the existence of other agents and the distance to the other agents. The output determines the directions in which the agent moves. The connection weight values of this neural network are encoded as genes, and the fitness of individuals is determined using a genetic algorithm. Here, the fitness values imply how much group behaviors fit adequately to the goal. The validity of the system is verified through simulation. Moreover, in this paper, we could have observed the agents' emergent behaviors during simulation.  相似文献   

本文对照经典的矢量量化算法的不足,讨论了基于竞争机制的连续Hopfield神经网络矢量量化算法的设计与实现。详细描述了网络映射过程、网络能量函数的刻画和神经元状态转换方程。实验结果表明,与经典的LBG算法相比,本文所提算法具有更好的性能和强大的并行处理能力以及更优良的全局优化能力。  相似文献   

The problem of estimating unknown frequencies of a sinusoidal signal simultaneously is a classical problem in signal and system theory. Many approaches and algorithms are proposed in literature to develop estimators for a measurable sinusoidal signal having multiple sinusoids with unknown amplitudes, frequencies and phases. In this work, an asymptotically convergent frequency estimator is given for estimation of n-unknown frequencies of a measurable sinusoidal signal. The contraction theory approach is adopted to show the asymptotic convergence of the proposed estimator in quite a simplified manner. Approach given here exploits the results of contraction theory related to semi-contracting systems. The nonlinear estimator based on dynamic system approach, guarantees global boundedness and convergence of the state and frequency estimation for all initial conditions and frequency values. It further ensures simultaneous globally convergent estimation of states and frequencies of a sinusoid involving multiple frequencies. Numerical simulations are presented for different combinations of frequencies to justify the claim.  相似文献   

中国设计与国际接轨的这些年来,取得了突飞猛进的发展,这是每个中国设计人慢慢摸索,共同努力的结果,但是瞻前不够,还要顾后。中国设计走到如今阶段,该往哪个方向继续前进,如何在世界文化舞台上谱写更优美的旋律,早已引起很多学者的探讨。每一个负责任的中国设计者,应当有种任重道远的紧迫感。  相似文献   

基于LMI方法的不确定连续系统容错控制器设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文针对参数不确定系统,将执行器失效情况下闭环系统的二次稳定性容错器控制设计问题,转化为一个基于LMI约束的凸优化问题,通过判定此LMI问题的可行性从而可以得知该系统在执行器失效的情况下是否可以实现容错控制.若可以实现容错控制,则给出了控制器的一个可行解域.进而,还可以考虑系统的其他性能指标,实现多指标控制.  相似文献   

This paper describes a conceptual and theoretical framework for the resolution of seemingly contradictory evidence for decision-making. Basic to this approach is the use of granulation provided by the categories obtained by ascending concept hierarchies. This process will be driven by the use of a criterion that represents the utility of granular categories to the user's decision making. The definition of complete and partial evidence resolution and their properties are developed, which permits the formulation of the concept of preponderance of evidence for the decision maker. Finally, we show some preliminary results on the concepts of strength and consensus measures to provide metrics of the goodness of the evidence resolution.  相似文献   

为了集成概念设计和结构设计,必须解决概念设计到结构设计的映射这个ICAD的瓶颈问题,文章采用基于设计原型的设计方法实现从概念设计到结构设计的映射。首先建立概念设计原型和结构设计原型,将概念设计原型和结构设计原型的信息进行分类,利用概念设计原型与结构设计原型信息之间的分类匹配关系进行原型的匹配推理,实现原型的选择与提取,完成从概念设计到结构设计的映射;再利用结构设计原型的丰富信息,从抽象的简单的概念设计信息开始,逐层利用原型,步步细化,完成产品设计。  相似文献   

Concept Formation During Interactive Theory Revision   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Wrobel  Stefan 《Machine Learning》1994,14(2):169-191
This article examines the problem of concept formation in machine learning, and focuses in particular on the problem of aggregation, i .e., the decision of which objects are to be grouped together into a new concept. While existing concept formation approaches have mainly concentrated on aggregation constraints that rely on structural or correlational properties of the concepts themselves, we argue that in an integrated learning system, other learning activities can provide an additional context that focuses concept formation before structural criteria are applied. In particular, we present the concept formation method realized by the KRT and CLT components of the integrated learning system MOBAL. In MOBAL, a concept formation attempt is triggered whenever no existing concept can adequately capture the rule instance and exception sets as they arise from the theory revision activities of the system. We describe how the so-proposed aggregate is characterized by a set of (function-free) first-order Horn clauses and how these are evaluated according to structural criteria to decide about the introduction of the concept into the representation. We show how a structural criterion can be used to ensure that any new concept improves the structure of the knowledge base, and we empirically evaluate how the introduction of new concepts according to different criteria affects the classification accuracy of learned rules.  相似文献   

Discovering important concepts in formal concept analysis (FCA) is an important issue due to huge number of concepts arising out of complicated contexts. To address this issue, this paper proposes a method for concept compression in FCA, involving many-valued decision context, based on information entropy. The precedence order of attributes is obtained by using entropy theory developed by Shannon. The set of concepts is compressed using the precedence order thus determined. An algorithm namely Entropy based concept compression (ECC) is developed for this purpose. Further, similarity measures between the actual and compressed concepts are examined using the deviance analysis and percentage error calculation on the deviance of input weights of concepts. From the experiments, it is found that the compressed concepts inherit association rules to the maximum extent.  相似文献   

概念格的属性渐减原理与算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渐进式算法是概念格构造的一类重要算法,但大多关注于形式背景中对象或属性增加的情况.而当形式背景的属性减少时,已有的算法则需要重新构造概念格,较为费时.针对这一情况,研究了属性消减后从原概念格渐进式产生新概念格的理论和算法,并且算法时间复杂度较低.首先分析了原概念格和新概念格中节点间的映射关系以及从原概念格到新概念格中边(节点间的前驱-后继关系)的变化规律.在此基础上,提出了自顶向下和自底向上两种渐进式的概念格属性渐减算法.算法能够对原有概念格直接进行修改来得到新的概念格,避免了从形式背景重新构造概念格,时间复杂度降低为O(‖L‖·‖G‖·‖M‖).实验及分析表明,当属性减少时,能比传统算法节省大量的运行时间.  相似文献   

概念格理论与方法是形式概念分析研究中的基本内容,该研究已取得一系列的重要成果,主要集中在概念格模型推广、概念格构造、概念格约简、基于概念格的规则提取、概念知识空间、概念格的粒计算方法及概念格应用等研究方向.为了进一步促进形式概念分析的研究与发展,文中对现有的概念格理论与方法进行梳理、总结与展望.特别地,指出上述研究方向中存在的关键科学问题,进行一些理论分析,并提出初步的研究思路,为今后解决这些问题提供有益的参考.  相似文献   

概念设计是把创意可视化的途径,是新的思维方式和设计模式,在理解和掌握过程中需要体现创意性和文化性。商业动画的概念设计正是基于这一理念而进行展开,可以进一步的提升作品的创意性和文化属性。  相似文献   

葛方斌  杨林  王建新 《计算机科学》2008,35(10):173-177
提出了形式背景的子概念格及形式背景关于概念、子概念格(包括概念格)的属性约简概念;定义了概念、子概念格(包括概念格)的特征函数,并以此为基础提出了属性约简定理,得出了具体的属性约简方法,同时研究了不同约简下属性间的关系,进一步完善了概念格属性约简理论,也为概念格用于数据处理及知识发现提供了新的工具.  相似文献   

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