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Objective: To assess the relative frequency of and barriers to exercise among women with breast cancer while controlling for cancer-relevant and demographic factors. Design: The present study employed concurrent samples, correlational research design. Main Outcome Measures: Exercise frequency and its association with negative affect and barriers to exercise, independent of cancer treatment, among women (N = 176) with Stage I or II breast cancer who were 3, 6, and 12 months postsurgery. Results: After accounting for cancer-relevant and control variables, degree of negative affect and frequency of perceived barriers were significantly inversely associated with exercise. Conclusion: These findings suggest that attention to both emotional factors and psychosocial barriers to exercise may be warranted to further understand exercise among women with early stage breast cancer. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This research tested the hypothesis that age differences in both self-efficacy perceptions and problem-solving performance would vary as a function of the ecological relevance of problems to young and older adults. The authors developed novel everyday problem-solving stimuli that were ecologically representative of problems commonly confronted by young adults (young-adult problems), older adults (older adult problems), or both (common problems). Performance on an abstract problem solving task lacking in ecological representativeness (the Tower of Hanoi problem) also was examined. Although young persons had higher self-efficacy beliefs and performance levels on the Tower of Hanoi task problem and the young-adult problems, this pattern reversed in the domain of older adult problems, where the self-efficacy beliefs and performance of older persons exceeded those of the young. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Perceived vulnerability to negative outcomes can motivate heavy drinkers to adopt health protective behavior, but little is known about determinants of perceived vulnerability to alcohol-related harm. University students (N ?=?286) were assessed to determine epidemiological risk status on a standardized problem drinking measure, typical reasons for drinking and cutting down, and perceived risk of experiencing alcohol-related harm. Results showed a positive relationship between problem drinking status and perceived risk of experiencing harm. However, at-risk drinkers believed that they were less likely to personally experience harm than comparable peers (p ?  相似文献   

Repeated and prolonged searches of memory can lead to an increase in how much is recalled, but they can also lead to memory errors. These 3 experiments addressed the costs and benefits of repeated and prolonged memory tests for both young and older adults. Participants saw and imagined pictures of objects, some of which were physically or conceptually similar, and then took a series of repeated or prolonged recall tests. Both young and older adults recalled more on later tests than on earlier ones, though the increase was less marked for older adults. In addition, despite recalling less than did young adults, older adults made more similarity-based source misattributions (i.e., claiming an imagined item was seen if it was physically or conceptually similar to a seen item). Similar patterns of fewer benefits and more costs for older adults were seen on both free and forced recall tests and on timed and self-paced tests. Findings are interpreted in terms of age-related differences in binding processes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Nursing informatics is a growing field with many opportunities for nursing involvement. Because nurses are involved increasingly in the design, installation, and use of nursing information systems (NIS) it is important that they are aware of the barriers to and benefits of nursing information systems. This article describes the evolution of nursing information systems and the design goals for current systems. The lack of a unified nursing language and individual and organizational factors such as characteristics of the nurse, the unit, the administrative philosophy, and workload issues are discussed as barriers to NIS development. Increased nurse involvement, education, research, and recognition of the benefits of computerization are suggested to overcome the barriers. A review of the literature provides the reader with evidence of improved efficiency, patient safety and satisfaction, and ability to measure quality as benefits of NIS. Areas for further research are identified: outcomes measurement using NIS, decision support and expert systems, point-of-care documentation, interagency and interdisciplinary communication, and further work on individual and organizational factors.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine whether—and why—people underestimate how much they enjoy exercise. Design: Across four studies, 279 adults predicted how much they would enjoy exercising, or reported their actual feelings after exercising. Main Outcome Measures: Main outcome measures were predicted and actual enjoyment ratings of exercise routines, as well as intention to exercise. Results: Participants significantly underestimated how much they would enjoy exercising; this affective forecasting bias emerged consistently for group and individual exercise, and moderate and challenging workouts spanning a wide range of forms, from yoga and Pilates to aerobic exercise and weight training (Studies 1 and 2). We argue that this bias stems largely from forecasting myopia, whereby people place disproportionate weight on the beginning of a workout, which is typically unpleasant. We demonstrate that forecasting myopia can be harnessed (Study 3) or overcome (Study 4), thereby increasing expected enjoyment of exercise. Finally, Study 4 provides evidence for a mediational model, in which improving people's expected enjoyment of exercise leads to increased intention to exercise. Conclusion: People underestimate how much they enjoy exercise because of a myopic focus on the unpleasant beginning of exercise, but this tendency can be harnessed or overcome, potentially increasing intention to exercise. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Older adults have the highest risk of death by suicide in the United States. Improving our understanding of the factors that lead to increased risk of suicide in older adults will greatly inform our ability to prevent suicide in this high-risk group. Two studies were conducted to test the effect of perceived burdensomeness, a component of the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide (Joiner, 2005), on suicide ideation in older adults. Further, gender was examined as a moderator of this association to determine if perceived burdensomeness exerted a greater influence on suicide ideation in males. The results of these studies suggest that perceived burdensomeness accounts for significant variance in suicide ideation, even after predictors such as depressive symptoms, hopelessness, and functional impairment are controlled. Gender did not moderate the association. The implications of these findings for treatment of older adults with suicide ideation and elevated suicide risk are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to know the prevalence of antibodies against measles, rubella and parotiditis in young adults. METHODS: The study was carried out in health care students during the academic year of 1992-1993. Demographic and geographic variables were obtained as were vaccination and history of diseases. Antibodies against measles, rubella, and parotiditis were determined by ELISA techniques with commercial reagents. RESULTS: Three hundred and six individuals of 21.3 +/- 2.2 years (range 17-36 years) with 27.5% being males were studied. Past history of measles, rubella and parotiditis was reported in 43.5, 30.7 and 37.3%, respectively, with vaccination being 23.2, 43.8 and 20.6%, respectively. The prevalence of antibodies was 93.1% (measles), 96.4% (rubella) and 92.1% (parotiditis). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of infection of measles, rubella and parotiditis in the young population studied is mainly due to infection by wild type virus. The foreseeable growth of susceptibility groups in this population which should be adequately evaluated by extensive seroepidemiologic questionnaires, favors the appearance of epidemic outbreaks. The use of the triple viral vaccine is suggested as an alternative to rubella vaccination in presumable susceptible young women.  相似文献   

This study examined barriers and biases in the medical education experience by surveying fourth-year medical students. There were 270 female and 288 male respondents; their racial background was: 21% Asian, 13% underrepresented minorities, and 66% white. Women reported that the careers they were encouraged to pursue were affected by their gender (44% versus 15%) and they were often mistaken for a nonphysician (92% versus 3%). More importantly, women reported that the lack of a mentor of either gender as a large barrier (27% versus 19%). Underrepresented minorities reported that their race caused them to feel that they had to be twice as good to be treated as an equal to other students (52% versus 6%). Underrepresented minorities identified the lack of a same-race mentor (23% versus 4%) and role model (40% versus 1%) as a large barrier. Underrepresented minorities also noted an overall lack of mentors as a large barrier (25% versus 19%). Women and underrepresented minorities from the class of 1996 reported having a medical school experience characterized by similar barriers to their professional development.  相似文献   

Symptom-limited, graded exercise treadmill testing was performed by 4,968 white and black adults, ages 18-30 yr, during the baseline examination for the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) study. Compared with nonsmokers, the mean exercise test duration of smokers was 29-64 s shorter depending on race/gender group (all P < 0.001), but mean duration to heart rate 130 (beats.min-1) ranged from 20-50 s longer (P < 0.05). In each race/gender group, test duration to heart rates up to 150 was 15-35 s longer (P < 0.05) in smokers than in nonsmokers after adjustment for age, sum of skinfolds, hemoglobin, and physical activity score. The mean maximum heart rate was lower in smokers than in nonsmokers (difference ranging from 6.7 beats.min-1 in white men to 11.2 beats.min-1 lower in black women, P < 0.001), although maximum rating of perceived exertion was nearly identical in smokers and nonsmokers. Chronic smoking appears to blunt the heart rate response to exercise, so that exercise duration to submaximal heart rates is increased even though maximal performance is impaired. This may result from downloading of beta-receptors caused by smoking. Smoking status should be considered in the evaluation of physical fitness data utilizing submaximal test protocols, or else the fitness of smokers relative to nonsmokers is likely to be overestimated.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine whether submaximal cardiovascular responses at a given rate of work are different in children and adults, and, if different, what mechanisms are involved and whether the differences are exercise-modality dependent. A total of 24 children, 7 to 9 yr old, and 24 adults, 18 to 26 yr old (12 males and 12 females in each group), participated in both submaximal and maximal exercise tests on both the treadmill and cycle ergometer. With the use of regression analysis, it was determined that cardiac output (Q) was significantly lower (P 相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIM: Appendicitis and its complications remain a common problem affecting patients of all age groups. Foreign bodies are a rare cause of appendicitis. We tried to define potentially dangerous foreign bodies that may cause appendicitis and summarize general guidelines for their clinical management. METHODS: A 100-year literature review including 256 cases of ingested foreign bodies within the appendix with emphasis on: (1) objects that are more prone to cause appendicitis or appendiceal perforation; (2) foreign bodies that are radiopaque and may be detected during follow-up with plain abdominal films, and (3) guidelines for clinical management. RESULTS: Complications usually occur with sharp, thin, stiff, pointed and long objects. The majority of these objects are radiopaque. An immediate attempt should be made to remove a risky object by gastroscopy. If this fails, clinical follow-up with serial abdominal radiographs should be obtained. If the anatomical position of the object appears not to change and, most commonly, remains in the right lower abdominal quadrant, an attempt at colonoscopic removal is indicated. If this is unsuccessful, laparoscopic exploration with fluoroscopic guidance should be carried out to localize and remove the objects either by ileotomy, colotomy, or by appendectomy. CONCLUSION: Foreign bodies causing appendicitis are rare. However, if stiff or pointed objects get into the appendiceal lumen they have a high risk for appendicitis or perforation. These foreign bodies are almost always radiopaque.  相似文献   

Despite the availability of specialty posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) care within Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities, many VA patients with PTSD do not seek needed PTSD treatment. This study examined institutional and stigma-related barriers to care among a large diverse group of Vietnam and Iraq/Afghanistan veterans who had been diagnosed with PTSD by a VA provider. A total of 490 patients who had not received VA treatment for PTSD in the previous 2 years (31% response rate) were asked about psychological symptoms and reasons for not using care. Stigma related barriers (concerns about social consequences and discomfort with help-seeking) were rated as more salient (rated in the “slightly” to “moderately” problematic range) than institutional factors (not “fitting into” VA care, staff skill and sensitivity, and logistic barriers; rated in the “not at all” to “slightly” problematic range). Regression analyses revealed that younger age and White females were associated with higher ratings on not fitting into VA health care, whereas non-White males were associated with higher ratings on logistic barriers. PTSD symptoms were positively associated with perceived barriers to care, with the most consistent results observed for PTSD avoidance symptoms. Magnitude of effects was generally small, suggesting the possibility that other factors not assessed in this study may also contribute to perceptions of barriers to care. Future research should attend to the effects of stigma, as well as institutional barriers to care, on VA mental health treatment seeking. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the role of perceived overprotection, a problematic aspect of social support, as a risk factor for distress among adults with chronic vision impairment. Study Design: Cross-sectional study using telephone interviews. Setting: Vision rehabilitation agency. Participants: One hundred fourteen adults with vision impairment (ages 24-64). Measures: 18-item Overprotection Scale for Adults, 20-item Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale, 21-item Beck Anxiety Inventory. Results: Hierarchical multiple regression analyses demonstrated that higher levels of perceived overprotection were associated with higher levels of depressive symptomatology as well as higher levels of anxiety. Conclusions: Vision rehabilitation programs should address issues around perceived overprotection. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Among 47 blood donors tested positive with HCV EIA 2.0 Abbott, 27 (57.4%) also reacted with four ?third-generation' EIAs. The presence of anti-HCV antibodies was confirmed with 3 different immunoblot assays in 16 of 27 sera (34.0%) while 10 samples (21.3%) had indeterminate profile with antibodies usually directed against structural core antigen. Anti-HCV core IgM response was found in 12 of 47 sera (25.5%) and HCV viremia detected by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) procedure was observed in 15 samples (31.9%). A comparative study of the different markers confirmed a good correlation between a strong antibody response in EIAs and immunoblot assays and the presence of HCV RNA in the serum; only 2 immunoblot indeterminate samples were PCR positive. An association was observed between IgM antibodies against "core' epitopes and HCV RNA carriage: all IgM-positive sera were found positive by PCR. However, the direct detection of viral genome remains the best method for identifying HCV carriers in the blood donor population.  相似文献   

As treatments have improved health and quality of life for people with HIV/AIDS, many have contemplated workforce reentry. Workforce reentry rarely occurs among people with illness-related disability. The authors mailed a survey that included workforce-entry-related concerns to 1,991 HIV/AIDS clients. Factor analysis extracted 6 areas of concern (benefits loss, work-related health, job skills, discrimination, personal health care, workplace accommodation). Levels of concern generally increased with HIV acuity level and time since last worked. Work-related health concerns predicted consideration of workforce entry, and work-related health concerns and benefits-loss concerns predicted estimated time to return to work. Findings provide quantitative validation of intuitive categories of workforce-entry concerns among people with HIV/AIDS and suggest that concerns may shift with progress toward workforce entry. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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