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介绍彩色沥青瓦屋面的防水构造,并从屋面坡度设计、沥青瓦垫层、屋面基层、沥青瓦质量、沥青瓦施工及防水节点等几方面分析彩色沥青瓦屋面渗漏水原因及预防措施。  相似文献   

霍元甲纪念馆半圆攒尖螺旋瓦屋面造型复杂,施工控制难度大.针对工程特点和工艺要求,采用计算机放样技术对空间造型进行深化设计.将屋面分为4部分,采取屋面曲线控制技术和节点施工方法,确保了瓦屋面的施工质量和艺术效果.  相似文献   

琉璃瓦屋面由于其沉稳大方、规格多样而在现代建筑中得到广泛应用,而高寒地带的瓦屋面渗漏较为严重。本文以哈尔滨某医院屋面施工为例,总结高寒地带大坡度瓦屋面的防水施工技术,保证屋面系统达到较好的防水效果及使用功能。  相似文献   

欧洲坡瓦屋面保温隔热一体化解决方案主要有两种,即Isovenience保温挂瓦板系统和我国国内建筑亦可采用的PIR-Energy模块化屋面系统;欧洲坡瓦屋面的安全体系涉及屋面抗风、防雪以及施工安全等,宜结合国内实情有选择地借鉴。  相似文献   

荣珍 《江苏建筑》2003,(4):23-24
文章在介绍了平瓦屋面的设计、施工要求的同时,通过对某工程屋面施工详图的具体分析,简述了平瓦屋面施工工艺及质量控制要点。  相似文献   

结合苏州地区坡屋面采用瓦屋面的特点,设计和使用方形的陶土瓦。采用陶土瓦替代建筑师原来设计的钛锌板,且施工完成后的建筑屋面外观与采用原先的钛锌板屋面相似,耐久性、防水效果好,既满足了建筑设计师对屋面外观的设计要求,也满足建筑物屋面的使用功能。针对实际项目中屋面陶土瓦铺设施工的施工技术管理,尤其是对铺设质量存在的问题和不足做出分析研究,并提出解决办法,提高了陶土瓦屋面铺设的施工质量和应用前景。  相似文献   

瓦屋面渗漏原因及其预防办法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瓦屋面有美观及耐久性和排水性好等优点,近年发展较快,应用广泛,特别是住宅区,往往成片都是瓦屋面,显得非常整齐美观。但在瓦屋面建设过程中,由于认识不足、重视不够,防水质量经常出现问题,往往用不了一二年就出现不同程度的渗漏。常见渗漏部位主要有瓦面、天沟、阴沟、老虎窗等。瓦屋面为非上人屋面,一旦出现渗漏,维修十分困难。为防止渗漏发生,最根本的办法就是建造时予以重视,做到一劳永逸,不留后患。1渗漏原因分析瓦屋面的渗漏,不同部位有不同的原因,但根本的原因是重视不够、施工不精细造成的。例如有人认为瓦本身就是…  相似文献   

传统建筑屋面暗含匠人智慧,同样的部位有多种做法。文章以浙江传统建筑冷摊瓦屋面为研究对象,调研发现浙江冷摊瓦屋面做法类型多样,按构造类型进行整理分类有椽子加瓦、纵望板加瓦、椽子杉木皮编加瓦、椽子竹编加瓦以及椽子加双层瓦。研究希望加强人们对冷摊瓦传统做法的了解,为冷摊瓦屋面的修缮提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>根据《中国古代建筑史》所载"西周已出现板瓦、筒瓦……",可见瓦屋面作为中国传统屋面结构形式已有3000年历史,随着现代建筑业的发展及复古风的流行,瓦屋面被设计师赋予新的生命,越来越多小高层、高层建筑选择瓦屋面结构。众所周知,瓦屋面具有良好的防水效果,但出坡屋面烟囱根部与屋面瓦接触处却成为整个屋面的防水薄弱点,传统做法是在  相似文献   

目前,常规屋面混凝土浇筑的施工方法与瓦屋面术基层施工方法己成不能满足陡坡度混凝土屋面的施工质量要求。本文结合某工程实际案例分析了450屋面混凝土及瓦屋面术基层施工中采用新工艺新技术,较好地解决了混凝土屋面露筋、孔洞、麻面裂缝、表面平整度及瓦屋面整体滑移等质量通病,质量更有保证、施工便捷,创造良好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

The effect of roofing material on the quality of harvested rainwater   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Due to decreases in the availability and quality of traditional water resources, harvested rainwater is increasingly used for potable and non-potable purposes. In this study, we examined the effect of conventional roofing materials (i.e., asphalt fiberglass shingle, Galvalume® metal, and concrete tile) and alternative roofing materials (i.e., cool and green) on the quality of harvested rainwater. Results from pilot-scale and full-scale roofs demonstrated that rainwater harvested from any of these roofing materials would require treatment if the consumer wanted to meet United States Environmental Protection Agency primary and secondary drinking water standards or non-potable water reuse guidelines; at a minimum, first-flush diversion, filtration, and disinfection are recommended. Metal roofs are commonly recommended for rainwater harvesting applications, and this study showed that rainwater harvested from metal roofs tends to have lower concentrations of fecal indicator bacteria as compared to other roofing materials. However, concrete tile and cool roofs produced harvested rainwater quality similar to that from the metal roofs, indicating that these roofing materials also are suitable for rainwater harvesting applications. Although the shingle and green roofs produced water quality comparable in many respects to that from the other roofing materials, their dissolved organic carbon concentrations were very high (approximately one order of magnitude higher than what is typical for a finished drinking water in the United States), which might lead to high concentrations of disinfection byproducts after chlorination. Furthermore the concentrations of some metals (e.g., arsenic) in rainwater harvested from the green roof suggest that the quality of commercial growing media should be carefully examined if the harvested rainwater is being considered for domestic use. Hence, roofing material is an important consideration when designing a rainwater catchment.  相似文献   

Solar radiation received and absorbed by four domed roofs was estimated and compared with that of a flat roof. The domed roofs all had the same base areas, and equal to that of the flat roof. One of the roofs considered was the dome of the St. Peter's Church in Rome. Compared with the other roofs considered, this dome had a higher aspect ratio. It was found that all domed roofs received more solar radiation than the flat roof. Considering glazed tiles to cover a selected dome in Iran and the dome of the St. Peter's Church, it was found that the solar radiation absorbed by these roofs is reduced appreciably. In the case of the dome of St. Peter's Church, the amount of radiation absorbed was roughly equal to that absorbed by the comparable flat roof in the warm months. In the case of the glazed reference dome located in Yazd, Iran (a city with very high solar radiation), the radiation absorbed was less than that of flat roof at all times. In addition to aesthetics, this may be a reason for employing glazed tiles to cover the domes of all mosques, shrines, and other large buildings in Iran.  相似文献   

不同下垫面暴雨径流氮赋存形态分布特性及控制技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以重庆地区5种用地类型为例,探讨了城市暴雨径流中氮赋存形态的分布特性.研究结果表明,总氮的场次降雨平均浓度(Event Mean Concentrations,EMCs)以交通干道最高(10.6 mg/L),校园汇水区最低(2.4 mg/L);交通干道和商业区暴雨径流氨氮的EMCs(3.4~4.6 mg/L明显大于水泥屋面和瓦屋面(1.2~1.6 mg/L).尽管初期暴雨径流总氮的平均浓度(Partial Event Mean Concentrations,PEMC10)大于EMCs,但氮赋存形态构成并未发现明显区别;氮以溶解性总氮为主(占总氮的73%~82%),而溶解性总氮中又以无机氮为主(占总氮的63%~82%);商业区、水泥屋面、校园综合汇水区、瓦屋面暴雨径流中氮赋存形态所占比例最高的均为硝酸根,分别占各自总氮浓度的39%、39%、44%和52%,而城市交通干道的总氮浓度中比重最大的组分为氨氮,占总氮的43%.改良暴雨管理措施可有效提高暴雨径流中总氮的去除率,其关键为人工创造反硝化所需要的条件,延长暴雨径流在控制系统内的水力停留时间,并选择低氮含量的填料作为控制系统的使用材料.  相似文献   

侯建斌 《工程质量》2021,39(3):94-98
瓦屋面檐口常出现泛碱现象,极大地影响了建筑的整体美感,也影响建筑的耐久性,为解决该问题,分析研究其产生的原因尤为重要.本研究对这一现象产生的原因进行初步探讨,并提出针对性解决措施,通过施工、设计、管理等手段,减少檐口泛碱产生的概率,可为其他工程提供参考.  相似文献   

2003年6月,河南省安阳市内黄县三杨庄北发现了一处完整的乡村聚落遗址及4处庭院建筑遗址,编号为一~四号庭院建筑遗址,发掘出了房屋瓦顶、墙基、水井、厕所、池塘、田垄、树木、道路等遗迹与生产、生活遗物。形象而直观地展现了汉代乡村聚落与农耕布局。本文依据考古资料、相关的文献记载及建筑明器、画像砖石、壁画等图像资料,对一、三、四号庭院建筑遗址的平面布局、空间构成、建筑做法与技术及建筑形象进行了研究与初步的复原探讨。  相似文献   

“火山石”民居以火山石为主要建造材料,是海口当地一种典型代表性的乡土民居,是宝贵的民居历史遗存,具有较高的研究价值。为了解海口市当地乡村民居夏季热环境差异,分析当地火山石民居的气候适应性策略、营建方法和生态经验,研究选取海口市典型火山石村落中的传统火山石传统民居,从空间布局、平面形制、墙体、门窗、屋顶等方面通过空间和构造解析,并采用热成像的方法进行定性分析,从室内外空气温度、相对湿度和围护结构内外壁面温度等热环境参数,与现代住宅作对比研究,进行实地热环境测试进行定量分析。通过所测参数定性与定量分析,发现传统火山石民居的夏季室内热环境优于现代民居,其轴线式建筑布局、厚重的外围护结构、通透轻质材料的门窗、双层瓦屋面等设计策略均对当地热湿气候环境有良好的气候适应性。现代乡村住宅在进行更新设计时,应当传承传统民居的气候适应性设计策略,能够起到优化室内热环境的作用。  相似文献   

通过风洞试验对村镇地区常见的带有硬山搁檩的双坡屋面风压规律进行研究,讨论了房屋在完全封闭、门窗洞口打开以及屋面开洞三种情况下的屋面外部、内部平均风压系数在不同方向角下的分布特性。试验结果表明:硬山搁檩双坡屋面在风向角为50°,60°时,外屋面角部易破坏;屋檐下部的风压系数随屋面坡度的改变而改变;门窗开洞时内屋面风压会加大屋面荷载;屋面开洞对降低屋面风荷载起到有利作用。  相似文献   

何朋立 《建筑技术》2009,40(4):345-347
为解决我国大量非节能建筑屋面能耗较大的问题,分析既有建筑屋面能耗状况,提出用聚氨酯硬泡对非节能建筑屋面进行节能改造。与传统的屋面相比,这种屋面自重轻,强度高,整体性好,保温、防水能力强,施工迅速,操作简便,适用于多种形状屋面。  相似文献   

区别于标准等高柱面双跨屋盖的风荷载特性,不等高屋盖之间形成较强的干扰作用,形成特有的分布形态和数值。针对高低跨柱面屋盖结构,采用风洞试验方法进行测压试验,获得全风向角下的测压数据,并对典型风向角下的平均风压、脉动风压和全风向极值风压的分布特性进行分析。结果表明,尽管屋盖表面平均风压以负压为主,但是受到屋盖高跨部分与低跨部分相互之间的干扰效应,生成区别于等高柱面双跨屋盖的气流分离与再附效应,特别对于檐口、屋脊及屋檐角部位置,会出现负压极值乃至局部负压梯度极值。  相似文献   

Green roofs represent a growing technology that is spreading increasingly and rapidly throughout the building sector. The latest national and international regulations are promoting their application for refurbishments and new buildings to increase the energy efficiency of the building stock. In recent years, vegetative coverings have been studied to demonstrate their multiple benefits, such as the reduction of the urban heat island phenomenon and the increase in the albedo of cities. On the contrary, this study aims to verify the actual benefit of applying a green roof on a sloped cover compared with installing a highly insulated tiled roof. The EnergyPlus tool has been used to perform dynamic analyses, which has allowed to understand the behavior of two different stratigraphies in accordance with weather conditions, rain, and irrigation profiles. Results have shown that the installation of a green roof cannot always be considered the best solution for reducing building energy consumption, especially if compared with a classic highly insulated clay tile roof. In terms of summer air conditioning, the maximum saving is 0.72 kWh/m2. The presence of water in the soil has also been proven a crucial factor.  相似文献   

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