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Although an acetabular component with an elevated rim is thought to improve the postoperative stability of a total hip prosthesis, the actual clinical value has not yet been demonstrated. To address this question, we reviewed the results of 5167 total hip arthroplasties that had been performed at our institution from April 1, 1985, through December 31, 1991. The prostheses included 2469 acetabular components with an elevated-rim liner (10 degrees of elevation) and 2698 with a standard liner. The cumulative probability of dislocation was estimated as a function of time since the operation with use of the Kaplan-Meier survivorship method. Forty-eight of the 2469 hips that had the elevated-rim acetabular liner dislocated within two years, compared with 101 of the 2698 hips that had the standard acetabular liner. The two-year probability of dislocation was 2.19 per cent for the hips with the elevated-rim liner and 3.85 per cent for those with the standard liner (p = 0.001). A similar trend was seen at five years; however, because of a smaller sample the difference was not significant. Increased stability at two years was also demonstrated for the hips with the elevated-rim liner when the hips were analyzed according to the operative approach, the mode of fixation, the sex of the patient, and the type of total hip arthroplasty (primary or revision). Although these data demonstrate improved stability after total hip arthroplasty when an elevated liner is used, particularly in hips that are at greater risk for dislocation of the prosthesis, the long-term effect of this elevated liner on wear and loosening remains unknown but is of considerable concern. The elevated liner deserves additional study to clarify its effect on wear and loosening.  相似文献   

The use of phosphodiesterase-III-inhibitors (PDI) as inotropic substances in the treatment of cardiac failure can be associated with hyperglycaemia. This phenomenon could be caused by hepatic events induced by PDI. The purpose of our study was to investigate the effects of the PDI enoximone on hepatic carbohydrate metabolism and bile flow. In the rat liver perfusion model, hepatic glucose and lactate production, portal flow and bile flow were determined. Administration of enoximone (1, 10, 100 microM) increased hepatic glucose output and bile acid-independent bile flow in a dose-dependent manner. The PDI enhanced the glycogenolytic effects of glucagon (from 15.7 to 38.6 mumol glucose/g/20 min), of epinephrine (from 7.1 to 38.7 mumol glucose/g/20 min), of norepinephrine (from 9.8 to 32 mumol/g/20 min) and of phenylephrine (from 25.5 to 40.8 mumol glucose/g/20 min). Furthermore, lactate production was significantly reduced by enoximone. The effect of epinephrine and phenylephrine on portal flow was blocked or diminished by enoximone administration. In summary, it was shown that the PDI enoximone is able to enhance hepatic glucose production. Bile acid-independent bile flow was increased by the inhibition of phosphodiesterase-III. The effects of enoximone and glycogenolytic hormones on glucose release were synergistic. The vasoconstrictive action of catecholamines was reduced or completely prevented by enoximone. In conclusion, enoximone has glycogenolytic, vasodilatory and choleretic properties in the liver.  相似文献   

Cholestasis is a cardinal complication of liver disease, but most treatments are merely supportive. Here we report that the sulfonylurea glybenclamide potently stimulates bile flow and bicarbonate excretion in the isolated perfused rat liver. Video-microscopic studies of isolated hepatocyte couplets and isolated bile duct segments show that this stimulatory effect occurs at the level of the bile duct epithelium, rather than through hepatocytes. Measurements of cAMP, cytosolic pH, and Ca2+ in isolated bile duct cells suggest that glybenclamide directly activates Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransport, rather than other transporters or conventional second-messenger systems that link to secretory pathways in these cells. Finally, studies in livers from rats with endotoxin- or estrogen-induced cholestasis show that glybenclamide retains its stimulatory effects on bile flow and bicarbonate excretion even under these conditions. These findings suggest that bile duct epithelia may represent an important new therapeutic target for treatment of cholestatic disorders.  相似文献   

The effects of ethynylestradiol on endogenous bile acids, their capacity to conjugate and excrete intravenously infused cholic acid, the concentrations of biliary cholesterol and lecithin, and the individual molecular species of phosphatidylcholine have been determined in male and female Sprague-Dawley rats. Endogenous biliary bile acids were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Eleven bile acids were identified and several minor bile acids, primarily muricholates, could not be completely characterized. After 5 days of treatment with ethynylestradiol (1 mg/kg per day), the percentage of cholic acid decreased and the percentage of 6beta-hydroxylated bile acids, including several monounsaturated species, increased. Ethynylestradiol caused a decrease in bile acid-independent bile flow. Intravenous infusion of cholic acid at a high concentration caused cholestasis in control animals but, after ethynylestradiol treatment, cholestasis developed during the infusion of a much lower concentration of cholate, indicating a lowered threshhold for bile acid-induced cholestasis. In the treated rats, there was a slight increase in excretion of unconjugated endogenous bile acids, and a striking impairment of conjugation of intravenously administered cholic acid. One of the few sex-related differences observed was an increased concentration of biliary phospholipids in untreated male rats. Both phospholipid and cholesterol concentrations in the bile were higher in the treated animals. The molar percentage of cholesterol was always 1-2%, but it was slightly higher in treated animals, especially males. Ethynylestradiol treatment also affected biliary phospholipid by causing a marked increase of phosphatidylcholine species containing palmitic and oleic acid residues and a decrease of species containing stearic and linoleic acid residues. There was no increase in biliary excretion of long chain polyunsaturated species, which might have indicated damage to membranes, in response to ethynylestradiol either alone or with cholic acid infusion. Some of these ethynylestradiol-induced changes in biliary bile acid and lipid excretion are probably peculiar to the rat, but others, such as the increase in molar percentage of cholesterol and cholestasis, may be relevant to disorders in man, especially cholesterol gallstones and idiopathic cholestasis of pregnancy.  相似文献   

We measured uptake of a representative free fatty acid, oleate, by the single-pass perfused rat liver at oleate:albumin molar ratios of 0.01 to 2:1. For each ratio, uptake was studied at albumin concentrations from 50 to 600 microM. When uptake velocity was plotted as a function of the albumin concentration, the data at each ratio exhibited a pseudosaturation pattern as previously observed in isolated cells (J Clin Invest 84: 1325). At a physiologic albumin concentration of 600 microM, a plot of uptake vs. unbound oleate concentrations was best fitted by the Michaelis-Menten equation (Vmax = 235 +/- 8.8 nmol.min-1.g.liver-1; Km = 130 +/- 12 nM). As the albumin concentration was increased from 50 to 250 microM, the unbound oleate clearance, calculated by either the undistributed sinusoidal or venous equilibrium models, increased progressively, in violation of conventional pharmacokinetic theory, indicating an enhancing effect of albumin on ligand uptake at low albumin concentrations. In contrast, there was no significant difference between measures of unbound clearance at albumin concentrations of 350 and 600 microM. To explain this phenomenon, the clearance data were examined for evidence of facilitation (accelerated dissociation of ligand:albumin complexes) by the clearance ratio test ("square root rule"). All deviations from the predictions of conventional theory were entirely attributable to pseudofacilitation. No data required explanation by a true facilitation model.  相似文献   

Four types of high-flux hemodialyzers, Primus 2000 (high-flux polysulfone 2.0 m2), Altra-Flux 170 G (cellulose diacetate 1.7 m2), FLX-15 GW (polyester-polymer alloy 1.5 m2) and PAN-85 DX (polyacrylonitrile 1.7 m2) were evaluated in vivo. A total of 12 stable chronic hemodialysis patients participated in the study and each type of dialyzer was tested once in 9 of them. Blood samples for the measurement of BUN, creatinine, phosphate, uric acid, albumin and beta2-microglobulin (beta2M) were drawn before and 5 min after the end of the study dialysis. During dialysis, which was performed in all patients with a blood flow rate of 250 ml/min for 240 min, the dialysate (550-600 ml/min) was collected every hour and samples were drawn for the measurements of all the above substances. The mean total amount of low-molecular substances removed per session by each dialyzer was very close to 19.5 g for urea, 2.0 g for creatinine, 0.9 g for phosphate and 1 g for uric acid. The one-third (30-33%) of the above amounts were removed during the first hour of dialysis. Dialyzers' clearances for creatinine and uric acid were significantly higher in Primus dialyzer comparing to FLX-15 GW (p < 0.05) while the clearance for urea showed a borderline significance (p = 0.055). No difference was found either among Altra-Flux 170 G, FLX-15 GW and PAN-85 DX or between Primus and PAN-85 DX dialyzers. Phosphate clearance did not show any difference among the four dialyzers. The lowest amount of albumin removed per session was 0.75 g by PAN-85 DX and the highest 1.8 g by FLX-15 GW, while the equivalents for beta2M were 80 mg by Altra-Flux 170 G and 142 mg by PAN-85 DX. A significant adsorption of beta2M on these dialysis membranes was indicated by the combination of a satisfactory serum beta2M reduction ratio (post-/predialysis values = 0.52, 0.77, 0.60, 0.55) with a reduced beta2M clearance (23.9, 13.6, 20.2, 25.1 ml/min). During the first hour of dialysis, in comparison to the following time, the highest amounts of albumin and beta2M (expressed as percentage of total) were removed by the Primus 2000 dialyzer. Our results indicate that under conventional conditions small differences in the surface area of the high-flux dialyzers are unimportant regarding the removal of low molecules. However, the composition of the membrane seems to play an important role in the removal of high-molecular substances.  相似文献   

A substance which increases the entry of extracellular calcium into arterial smooth muscle may decrease cirrhosis-induced vasodilation. The aim of the present study was to measure the effects of the L-type Ca2+ channel activator, Bay K 8644, on the haemodynamics of rats with cirrhosis. Vascular reactivity to this substance was also investigated. Splanchnic and systemic haemodynamic responses to Bay K 8644 (50 microg/kg) were measured in cirrhotic and normal rats. Contraction induced by 0.1 micromol/L Bay K 8644 was measured in arterial rings (aorta and superior mesenteric artery) from cirrhotic and normal rats. In cirrhotic rats, Bay K 8644 significantly decreased portal pressure (15%) and portal tributary blood flow (24%), significantly increased portal territory vascular resistance (54%) and did not significantly change hepatocollateral vascular resistance. Bay K 8644 significantly increased arterial pressure (7%) and systemic vascular resistance (24%) and did not change the cardiac index. In normal rats, Bay K 8644 significantly increased vascular resistance (150%) in portal, hepatocollateral and systemic territories and significantly decreased the cardiac index (44%). Changes in portal territory, hepatocollateral and systemic vascular resistances were significantly less marked in cirrhotic than in normal rats. In rings from the aorta and superior mesenteric artery, Bay K 8644-induced contraction was significantly lower in cirrhotic than in normal rats. In conclusion, in rats with cirrhosis, Bay K 8644 administration reduced vasodilation in splanchnic and systemic arteries and did not affect hepatocollateral vascular resistance. The Bay K 8644-induced reduction in splanchnic vasodilation caused a decrease in portal hypertension. This study also shows that Bay K 8644-induced vascular contraction was less marked in cirrhotic than in normal rats, in systemic and splanchnic vascular beds.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) and leukotrienes are potent vasoactive agents that are involved in the control of portal blood flow. The present study investigated the role of leukotriene D4 and NO in a non-recirculating constant pressure rat liver perfusion model to analyse their interchanges on portal flow and bile secretion. The addition of leukotriene D4 (20 nM) to the perfusate for 5 minutes resulted in a decrease in portal blood flow (-55.3%), in bile flow (-24.4%) as well as bile acid release (-35.2%). In parallel, leukotriene D4 increased glucose output. The administration of a lower dose of leukotriene D4 (5 nM) reduced the respective parameters to a lesser degree, indicating dose-dependence. The addition of NO via the infusion of sodium nitroprusside (0.05 mM, 1 mM) reduced the effect of leukotriene D4 on portal flow, bile flow and bile acid secretion whereas the leukotriene D4 effects on hepatic glucose output remained unaffected. Correlation coefficient between decrease in portal flow and reduction of bile flow by infusing leukotriene D4 was R = 0.91, while in the presence of sodium nitroprusside R = 0.85. These results suggest that the leukotriene D4-induced cholestasis is dependent on portal flow. In contrast, hepatic vasoconstriction does not contribute to glycogenolysis stimulated by leukotriene D4 in the perfused liver.  相似文献   

Two different kinds of calcium phosphate cement were developed for implant fixation: cement A comprised of alpha-tricalcium phosphate (alpha-TCP) 95% and dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD) 5%, and cement B comprised of alpha-tricalcium phosphate 90% and dicalcium phosphate dihydrate 10%. The compression strength and pullout force of the new materials were tested both in vitro and in vivo. Microscopic observations were performed on the interface between bone and cement. Cement A showed a greater mechanical strength than cement B. The results suggest the clinical possibility of this calcium phosphate cement, which could be used as a material for enhancing implant fixation.  相似文献   

The plasma levels of phenol, p-cresol, and indican are markedly increased in uremic patients, and cannot be efficiently reduced by hemodialysis. Such uremic toxins, which are produced in the intestine as bacterial putrefactive metabolites, accumulate to a great degree in the feces of hemodialysis patients. Oral administration of Lebenin, a preparation consisting of antibiotic-resistant lactic acid bacteria, reduced the levels of fecal putrefactive metabolites to levels comparable with those of healthy subjects. Moreover, the plasma level of indican also significantly decreased in these Lebenin-treated patients. An analysis of the fecal microflora revealed that a disturbed composition of the microflora characterized by an overgrowth of aerobic bacteria is restored to normal by oral administration of Lebenin in hemodialysis patients. These results thus demonstrate that oral administration of lactic acid bacteria in uremic patients is effective in reducing the levels of uremic toxins, especially that of indican, in the blood by inhibiting bacterial production by means of correcting the intestinal microflora.  相似文献   

The expression of calcium-binding protein regucalcin mRNA in the kidney cortex of rats ingested with saline was investigated. The alteration in regucalcin mRNA levels was analyzed by Northern blotting using liver regucalcin complementary DNA (0.9 kb of open reading frame). Rats were freely given saline as drinking water for 7 days. Regucalcin mRNA levels in the kidney cortex were suppressed by saline ingestion. When calcium chloride (10 mg Ca/100 g body weight) was intraperitoneally administered to rats ingested with saline for 7 days, the effect of calcium administration to increase regucalcin mRNA levels was weakened by saline ingestion. Such effect was also seen by the administration of 2.5 and 5 mg Ca/100 g. Regucalcin mRNA levels in the kidney cortex of spontaneous hypertensive rats (SHR) were not appreciably increased by the administration of calcium (10 mg/100 g). Meanwhile, calcium content in the kidney cortex was significantly elevated by the administration of calcium (10 mg/100 g) to normal rats. This increase was weakened in saline-ingested rats. Moreover, Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase activity in the cytosol of kidney cortex was significantly decreased by saline ingestion. These results suggest the possibility that saline ingestion-induced suppression of regucalcin mRNA expression in the kidney cortex is partly involved in the attenuation of Ca2+ signalling.  相似文献   

An intensified synthesis of glucose is observed in gluconeogenesis from endogenous precursor only for the first 30 min of perfusion. Pyruvate introduction into the medium raises phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and fructose-1,6-diphosphatase activities in the liver and determines maintenance of the glucose formation high rate for 90 min of perfusion. 1,3-butanediol is found to have a stimulating effect on gluconeogenesis from pyruvate. Introduction of 1,3 bytanediol into perfusate decreases the redox state of free NAD-pairs, increases the content of phosphoenolpyruvate, malate. ATP and the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and fructose-1.6-diphosphatase activity in the perfused liver.  相似文献   

We present an extended genetic analysis of the previously identified cycH locus in Bradyrhizobium japonicum. Three new open reading frames found in an operon-like structure immediately adjacent to the 3' end of cycH were termed cycJ, cycK and cycL. A deletion mutant (delta cycHJKL) and biochemical analysis of its phenotype showed that the genes of the cluster are essential for the biogenesis of cellular c-type cytochromes. Mutations in discrete regions of each of the genes were also constructed and shown to affect anaerobic respiration with nitrate and the ability to elicit an effective symbiosis with soybean, both phenotypes being a consequence of defects in cytochrome c formation. The CycK and CycL proteins share up to 53% identity in amino acid sequence with the Rhodobacter capsulatus Cc11 and Cc12 proteins, respectively, which have been shown previously to be essential for cytochrome c biogenesis, whereas cycJ codes for a novel protein of 169 amino acids with an M(r) of 17857. Localisation studies revealed that CycJ is located in the periplasmic space; it is probably anchored to the cytoplasmic membrane via an N-terminal hydrophobic domain. Based on several considerations discussed here, we suggest that the proteins encoded by the cycHJKL-cluster may be part of a cytochrome c-haem lyase complex whose active site faces the periplasm.  相似文献   

Changes in mitochondrial function were studied in perfused liver from rats aged 24-365 days. Oxygen consumption together with the rates of gluconeogenesis, urea synthesis and ketogenesis were determined. Basal mitochondrial respiration as well as the ability of the liver to synthesize glucose, urea and ketone bodies declined from 24- to 365-day-old rats. On the other hand, on transition from 24 to 60 days the liver oxidation rate of hexanoate, sorbitol and glycerol is enhanced, but not of ketone bodies or palmitate. Our results show that the transition from weaning to middle age is accompanied by defined changes in hepatic substrate oxidation. From the observed time course of the decrease in basal and substrate-stimulated oxygen consumption, it is concluded that in rat liver cells a decline in respiratory chain function, long-chain fatty acid and ketone body metabolism, gluconeogenesis and ureogenesis occurs at a relatively early life stage.  相似文献   

Glutamine release by the liver constitutes a process of nitrogen salvage through the recycling of a part of the nitrogen, which prevents irreversible nitrogen losses as urea. The aim of this work was to study the nitrogen cycling in the splanchnic bed under different nutritional conditions: fed state, postabsorptive state (16 h food deprivation) or prolonged starvation (24 or 40 h). Rats were adapted to a 15% casein diet for 15 d and then sampled. The digestive, hepatic and splanchnic balances of glucose, lactate, ketone bodies, urea and amino acids were determined. There was a net release of lactate and alanine by the digestive tract, due to the high rate of glycolysis and glutaminolysis. During prolonged starvation, ketone bodies became major energy fuel for the intestine. In fed rats, there was a net uptake of most amino acids by the liver, except for glutamine and glutamate. Urea, glutamine and glutamate released represented 33, 24 and 6% of total nitrogen taken up by the liver, respectively. In postabsorptive rats, compared with fed rats, there was a significant reduction of ureagenesis, and glutamine became the major form of nitrogen released by the liver. In fact, nitrogen cycling in the form of glutamine or glutamate in the liver may be interpreted as a nitrogen salvage process, rather than as an acid-base control process. In the splanchnic area, in parallel with a highly active cycling of glucose as lactate, there exists a nitrogen cycling involving opposite fluxes of glutamine and alanine.  相似文献   

The effects of thapsigargin (Tg) and cyclopiazonic acid (CPA), two selective blockers of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase were studied in rabbit isolated perfused hearts. Tg and CPA were infused into the hearts for 60 min followed by 60 min of wash-out. Left-ventricular developed pressure (LVDP), left-ventricular end diastolic pressure (LVEDP) and the relaxation time constant,tau, were assessed with a fluid-filled LV intraventricular balloon. Both Tg and CPA induced a concentration-dependent reduction in LVDP and dose-dependently altered diastolic function parameters LVEDP and tau. After 60 min of perfusion, both Tg (0.01, 0.1 and 1.0 microM) and CPA (0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 microM) decreased LVDP from 98+/-1 mmHg in control to 83+/-4; 81+/-5 and 55+/-7 mmHg and to 91+/-3, 80+/-5 and 65+/-4 mmHg, respectively. LVEDP increased from 5+/-1 mmHg in controls to 6+/-0.2, 10+/-1 and 29+/-4 mmHg and to 7+/-0.2, 9+/-1 and 11+/- mmHg; while tau elevated from 28+/-1 ms to 32+/-1, 38+/-4 and 99+/-18 ms and to 34+/-1, 38+/-2 and 48+/-4 ms in Tg (0.01, 0.1 and 1.0 microM) and CPA (0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 microM), respectively. The effects of Tg were more pronounced than those of CPA and were modulated by extracellular Ca2+. With 1 mm Ca2+, both agents Tg (0.03 microM) and CPA (0.1 microM) produced a vasodilatation (81.7+/-2. 6 and 89.1+/-3.1% of pre-drug values, respectively). Pretreatment of the hearts with L-NMMA, a specific inhibitor of nitric oxide production, completely abolished the relaxing effect of Tg and CPA as well as the production of cGMP. These data show that the two SR-Ca2+ ATPase inhibitors, Tg and CPA, are negatively inotropic and lusitropic agents and that both Tg and CPA induce a vasodilatation mediated by a NO-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Hepatic sinusoidal uptake of bile acids is mediated by defined carrier proteins against unfavourable concentration and electrical gradients. Putative carrier proteins have been identified using bile acid photoaffinity labels and more recently using immunological probes, such as monoclonal antibodies. At the sinusoidal domain, proteins with molecular weights of 49 and 54 kDa have been shown to be carriers for bile acid transport. The 49 kDa protein has been associated with the Na(+)-dependent uptake of conjugated bile acids, while the 54 kDa carrier has been involved in the Na(+)-independent bile acid uptake process. Within the hepatocyte, cytosolic proteins, such as the glutathione S-transferase (also designated the Y protein), the Y binders and the fatty acid binding proteins, are able to bind bile acids and possibly facilitate their movement to the canalicular domain. At the canalicular domain a 100 kDa carrier protein has been isolated and it has been shown by several laboratories that this particular protein is concerned with canalicular bile acid transport. The system is ATP-dependent and follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Interference with bile acid transport has been demonstrated by several chemicals. The mechanisms by which these chemicals inhibit bile acid transport may explain the apparent cholestatic properties observed in patients and experimental animals treated with these agents. Several studies have shown that Na+/K(+)-ATPase activity is markedly decreased in cholestasis induced by ethinyloestradiol, taurolithocholate and chlorpromazine. However, other types of interference have been described and the cholestatic effects may be the result of several mechanisms. Cholestasis is associated with several adaptive changes that may be responsible for the accumulation of bile acids and other cholephilic compounds in the blood of these patients. It may be speculated that the nature of these changes is to protect liver parenchymal cells from an accumulation of bile acids to toxic levels. However, more detailed quantitative experiments are necessary to answer questions with regard to the significance of these changes and the effect of various hepatobiliary disorders in modifying these mechanisms. It is expected that the mechanisms by which bile acid transport is regulated and efforts to understand the molecular basis for these processes will be among the areas of future research.  相似文献   

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