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We introduce a method that permits faithful extraction of the decay time course of the synaptic conductance independent of dendritic geometry and the electrotonic location of the synapse. The method is based on the experimental procedure of Pearce (1993), consisting of a series of identical somatic voltage jumps repeated at various times relative to the onset of the synaptic conductance. The progression of synaptic charge recovered by successive jumps has a characteristic shape, which can be described by an analytical function consisting of sums of exponentials. The voltage jump method was tested with simulations using simple equivalent cylinder cable models as well as detailed compartmental models of pyramidal cells. The decay time course of the synaptic conductance could be estimated with high accuracy, even with high series resistances, low membrane resistances, and electrotonically remote, distributed synapses. The method also provides the time course of the voltage change at the synapse in response to a somatic voltage-clamp step and thus may be useful for constraining compartmental models and estimating the relative electrotonic distance of synapses. In conjunction with an estimate of the attenuation of synaptic charge, the method also permits recovery of the amplitude of the synaptic conductance. We use the method experimentally to determine the decay time course of excitatory synaptic conductances in neocortical pyramidal cells. The relatively rapid decay time constant we have estimated (tau approximately 1.7 msec at 35 degrees C) has important consequences for dendritic integration of synaptic input by these neurons.  相似文献   

Dendritic morphology and passive cable properties determine many aspects of synaptic integration in complex neurons, together with voltage-dependent membrane conductances. We investigated dendritic properties of CA1 pyramidal neurons intracellularly labeled during in vivo and in vitro physiologic recordings, by using similar intracellular staining and three-dimensional reconstruction techniques. Total dendritic length of the in vivo neurons was similar to that of the in vitro cells. After correction for shrinkage, cell extent in three-dimensional representation was not different between the two groups. Both in vivo and in vitro neurons demonstrated a variable degree of symmetry, with some neurons showing more cylindrical symmetry around the main apical axis, whereas other neurons were more elliptical, with the variation likely due to preparation and preservation conditions. Branch order analysis revealed no difference in the number of branch orders or dendritic complexity. Passive conduction of dendritic signals to the soma in these neurons shows considerable attenuation, particularly with higher frequency signals (such as synaptic potentials compared with steady-state signals), despite a relatively short electrotonic length. Essential aspects of morphometric appearance and complex dendritic integration critical to CA1 pyramidal cell functioning are preserved across neurons defined from the two different hippocampal preparations used in this study.  相似文献   

Intrinsic membrane properties and synaptic responses of neocortical neurons located lateral to photochemically induced ischemic lesions were investigated using neocortical slice preparation. In comparison to neurons from control slices, these neurons had a significantly less negative resting membrane potential without any significant change in input resistance. In addition, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) mediated synaptic inhibition was found to be less efficient; the conductances of both the early and late inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) were significantly smaller, and the reversal potential of the early IPSP was shifted to a more positive value. In some of the neurons, 'epileptiform' postsynaptic potentials could be elicited, which were abolished after wash-in of the N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA)-receptor antagonist D-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (AP-5). The results provide a possible explanation for the hyperexcitability found in the vicinity of cortical infarcts.  相似文献   

We studied the impact of transmitter release resistant to tetrodotoxin (TTX) in morphologically identified neocortical pyramidal neurons recorded intracellularly in barbiturate-anesthetized cats. It was observed that TTX-resistant release occurs in pyramidal neurons in vivo and at much higher frequencies than was previously reported in vitro. Further, in agreement with previous findings indicating that GABAergic and glutamatergic synapses are differentially distributed in the somata and dendrites of pyramidal cells, we found that most miniature synaptic potentials were sensitive to gamma-aminobutyric acid-A (GABA(A)) or alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) antagonists in presumed somatic and dendritic impalements, respectively. Pharmacological blockage of spontaneous synaptic events produced large increases in input resistance that were more important in dendritic (approximately 50%) than somatic (approximately 10%) impalements. These findings imply that in the intact brain, pyramidal neurons are submitted to an intense spike-independent synaptic bombardment that decreases the space constant of the cells. These results should be taken into account when extrapolating in vitro findings to intact brains.  相似文献   

The nature of information stemming from a single neuron and conveyed simultaneously to several hundred target neurons is not known. Triple and quadruple neuron recordings revealed that each synaptic connection established by neocortical pyramidal neurons is potentially unique. Specifically, synaptic connections onto the same morphological class differed in the numbers and dendritic locations of synaptic contacts, their absolute synaptic strengths, as well as their rates of synaptic depression and recovery from depression. The same axon of a pyramidal neuron innervating another pyramidal neuron and an interneuron mediated frequency-dependent depression and facilitation, respectively, during high frequency discharges of presynaptic action potentials, suggesting that the different natures of the target neurons underlie qualitative differences in synaptic properties. Facilitating-type synaptic connections established by three pyramidal neurons of the same class onto a single interneuron, were all qualitatively similar with a combination of facilitation and depression mechanisms. The time courses of facilitation and depression, however, differed for these convergent connections, suggesting that different pre-postsynaptic interactions underlie quantitative differences in synaptic properties. Mathematical analysis of the transfer functions of frequency-dependent synapses revealed supra-linear, linear, and sub-linear signaling regimes in which mixtures of presynaptic rates, integrals of rates, and derivatives of rates are transferred to targets depending on the precise values of the synaptic parameters and the history of presynaptic action potential activity. Heterogeneity of synaptic transfer functions therefore allows multiple synaptic representations of the same presynaptic action potential train and suggests that these synaptic representations are regulated in a complex manner. It is therefore proposed that differential signaling is a key mechanism in neocortical information processing, which can be regulated by selective synaptic modifications.  相似文献   

Learning and memory arise through activity-dependent modifications of neural circuits. Although the activity dependence of synaptic efficacy has been studied extensively, less is known about how activity shapes the intrinsic electrical properties of neurons. Lobster stomatogastric ganglion neurons fire in bursts when receiving synaptic and modulatory input but fire tonically when pharmacologically isolated. Long-term isolation in culture changed their intrinsic activity from tonic firing to burst firing. Rhythmic stimulation reversed this transition through a mechanism that was mediated by a rise in intracellular calcium concentration. These data suggest that neurons regulate their conductances to maintain stable activity patterns and that the intrinsic properties of a neuron depend on its recent history of activation.  相似文献   

The frequency of spontaneous synaptic events in vitro is probably lower than in vivo because of the reduced synaptic connectivity present in cortical slices and the lower temperature used during in vitro experiments. Because this reduction in background synaptic activity could modify the integrative properties of cortical neurons, we compared the impact of spontaneous synaptic events on the resting properties of intracellularly recorded pyramidal neurons in vivo and in vitro by blocking synaptic transmission with tetrodotoxin (TTX). The amount of synaptic activity was much lower in brain slices (at 34 degrees C), as the standard deviation of the intracellular signal was 10-17 times lower in vitro than in vivo. Input resistances (Rins) measured in vivo during relatively quiescent epochs ("control Rins") could be reduced by up to 70% during periods of intense spontaneous activity. Further, the control Rins were increased by approximately 30-70% after TTX application in vivo, approaching in vitro values. In contrast, TTX produced negligible Rin changes in vitro (approximately 4%). These results indicate that, compared with the in vitro situation, the background synaptic activity present in intact networks dramatically reduces the electrical compactness of cortical neurons and modifies their integrative properties. The impact of the spontaneous synaptic bombardment should be taken into account when extrapolating in vitro findings to the intact brain.  相似文献   

This study examined the contributions of passive and active membrane properties to the temporal selectivities of electrosensory neurons in vivo. The intracellular responses to time-varying (2-30 Hz) electrosensory stimulation and current injection of 27 neurons in the midbrain of the weakly electric fish Eigenmannia were recorded. Each neuron was filled with biocytin to reveal its anatomy. Neurons were divided into two biophysically distinct groups based on their frequency-dependent responses to sinusoidal current injection over the range 2-30 Hz. Fourteen neurons showed low-pass filtering, with a maximum decline in the amplitude of voltage responses of >2.6 dB (X = 4.30 dB, s = 1.10 dB) to sinusoidal current injection. These neurons also showed low-pass filtering of electrosensory information but with larger maximum declines in postsynaptic potential amplitude (X = 9.53 dB, s = 3.34 dB; n = 10). These neurons had broad dendritic arbors and relatively spiny dendrites. Five neurons showed all-pass filtering, having maximum decline in the amplitude of voltage responses of <2.0 dB (X = 1.16 dB, s = 0.61 dB). For electrosensory stimuli, however, these neurons showed low-, band-, or high-pass filtering. These neurons had small dendritic arbors and few or no spines. Voltage-dependent "active" conductances were revealed in eight neurons by using several levels of current clamp. In four of these neurons, the duration of the voltage-dependent conductances decreased in concert with the period of the electrosensory stimulus, whereas in the other four neurons the duration of the voltage-dependent conductances was relatively short (<30 msec) and nearly constant across sensory stimulation frequencies. These conductances enhanced the temporal filtering properties of neurons.  相似文献   

Although signaling between neurons is central to the functioning of the brain, we still do not understand how the code used in signaling depends on the properties of synaptic transmission. Theoretical analysis combined with patch clamp recordings from pairs of neocortical pyramidal neurons revealed that the rate of synaptic depression, which depends on the probability of neurotransmitter release, dictates the extent to which firing rate and temporal coherence of action potentials within a presynaptic population are signaled to the postsynaptic neuron. The postsynaptic response primarily reflects rates of firing when depression is slow and temporal coherence when depression is fast. A wide range of rates of synaptic depression between different pairs of pyramidal neurons was found, suggesting that the relative contribution of rate and temporal signals varies along a continuum. We conclude that by setting the rate of synaptic depression, release probability is an important factor in determining the neural code.  相似文献   

By intracellular and whole cell recording in rat brain slices, it was found that bath-applied serotonin (5-HT) produces an increase in the frequency and amplitude of spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic potentials/currents (EPSPs/EPSCs) in layer V pyramidal cells of neocortex and transitional cortex (e.g. medial prefrontal, cigulate and frontoparietal). The EPSCs were suppressed by LY293558, an antagonist selective for the AMPA subtype of excitatory amino acid receptor, and by two selective 5-HT2A receptor antagonists, MDL 100907 and SR 46349B. In addition, the EPSCs were suppressed by the fast sodium channel blocker tetrodotoxin (TTX) and were dependent upon external calcium. However, despite being TTX-sensitive and calcium dependent, there was no evidence that the EPSPs resulted from an increase in impulse flow in excitatory neuronal afferents to layer V pyramidal cells. The EPSCs could be induced rapidly by the microiontophoresis of 5-HT directly to "hot spots" within the apical (but not basilar) dendritic field of recorded neurons, indicating that excitatory amino acids may be released by a TTX-sensitive focal action of 5-HT on a subset of glutamatergic terminals in this region. Consistent with such a presynaptic action, the inhibitory metabotropic glutamate receptor agonist (1S,3S)-aminocyclopentane-1,3-dicarboxylate markedly reduced the induction of EPSPs by 5-HT. Postsynaptically, 5-HT enhanced a subthreshold TTX-sensitive sodium current, potentially contributing to an amplification of EPSC amplitudes. These data suggest 5-HT. via 5-HT2A receptors, enhances spontaneous EPSPs/EPSCs in neocortical layer V pyramidal cells through a TTX-sensitive focal action in the apical dendritic field which may involve both pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Glutamate receptor-mediated responses were investigated by using a whole-cell recording and an intracellular calcium ion ([Ca2+]i) imaging in gerbil postischemic hippocampal slices prepared at 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 24 hours after 5-minute ischemia. Bath application of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA), alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (AMPA), and kainate showed that NMDA-, AMPA- and kainate-induced currents were enhanced in postischemic CA1 pyramidal neurons at 1 to 12 hours after 5-minute ischemia. NMDA and non-NMDA receptor-mediated excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSC) were examined in postischemic CA1 pyramidal neurons at 3 hours after 5-minute ischemia to confirm whether synaptic responses are enhanced in the postischemic CA1 pyramidal neurons. The amplitudes of NMDA- and non-NMDA-receptor-mediated EPSC were enhanced in the postischemic CA1 pyramidal neurons. NMDA-, AMPA-, and kainate-induced [Ca2+]i elevations were also examined to determine whether the enhancement of currents is accompanied by the enhancement of [Ca2+]i elevation. The enhancements of NMDA-, AMPA-, and kainate-induced [Ca2+]i elevations were shown in the postischemic CA1. These results indicate that NMDA and non-NMDA receptor-mediated responses are persistently enhanced in the CA1 pyramidal neurons 1 to 12 hours after transient ischemia, and suggest that the enhancement of glutamate receptor-mediated responses may act as one of crucial factors in the pathologic mechanism responsible for leading postischemic CA1 pyramidal neurons to irreversible neuronal injury.  相似文献   

Gamma frequency field oscillations reflect synchronized synaptic potentials in neuronal populations within the approximately 10-40 ms range. The generation of gamma activity in the hippocampus was investigated by intracellular recording from principal cells and basket cells in urethane anaesthetized rats. The recorded neurones were verified by intracellular injection of biocytin. Gamma frequency field oscillations were nested within the slower theta waves. The phase and amplitude of intracellular gamma were voltage dependent with an almost complete phase reversal at Cl- equilibrium potential in pyramidal cells. Basket cells fired at gamma frequency and were phase-locked to the same phase of the gamma oscillation as pyramidal cells. Current-induced depolarization coupled with synaptically induced inhibition resulted in gamma frequency discharge (30-80 Hz) of pyramidal cells without accommodation. These observations suggest that at least part of the gamma frequency field oscillation reflects rhythmic hyperpolarization of principal cells, brought about by the rhythmically discharging basket neurones. Resonant properties of pyramidal cells might facilitate network synchrony in the gamma frequency range.  相似文献   

The voltage dependent ionic conductances and the passive properties of the neural membrane determine how external inputs are processed by the dendritic tree, and define the computational characteristics of neurons. However, what controls these characteristics and how they are implemented at the single neuron level, in such a way that an external input results in the coding of the appropriate output, is essentially unknown. We show here that a slow inactivation of the Na+ channel, involved in the attenuation and/or failure of APs in the dendrites, acts as an active and energy efficient filter of synaptic input, and results in an activity-dependent control of the properties of individual neurons. Thus, the activation or expression of this mechanisms could be an efficient way to selectively modulate the input/output processing properties of dendrites, and could be needed to limit or suppress the onset of a number of pathological brain disorders.  相似文献   

1. The functional properties of sodium currents in acutely dissociated adult human, neonatal rat [postnatal day (P) 3 and P10], and mature rat (P21-23) neocortical pyramidal neurons were studied using whole-cell patch-clamp techniques. 2. The voltage dependence of activation and steady-state inactivation of neonatal rat sodium currents was shifted in the positive direction when compared with mature rat sodium currents. In contrast, no difference was detected between the voltage dependence of activation and steady-state inactivation of mature rat and adult human sodium currents. 3. The fast inactivation of rat (neonatal and mature) and human neocortical sodium currents were best fit with three components; a fast decay component, a slow decay component, and a persistent component. The magnitude of the persistent current in neocortical neurons averaged 1-3% of the peak current. Inactivation was faster for sodium currents in neonatal rat neocortical neurons than in mature neurons. No difference was detected in the kinetics of inactivation between mature rat and adult human sodium currents. 4. Saxitoxin (STX) inhibited neuronal sodium currents at nanomolar concentrations in neonatal and mature rat and adult human neocortical neurons. STX-insensitive channels were not detected. 5. STX affinity was also assayed using 3H-STX. A single high-affinity binding site was found in neonatal rat, mature rat, and adult human neocortical tissue. A developmental increase in STX binding site density in the rat neocortex was tightly correlated with the increase in the sodium current density (normalized to cell capacitance). Human neocortical tissue and mature rat neocortical tissue did not differ in STX binding site density or sodium current density. 6. From these electrophysiological and autoradiographic studies we conclude that 1) the increase in the normalized sodium current density and STX binding density with age postnatally reflects an increase in binding sites of sodium channels functionally expressed on neuronal membranes, 2) the functional differences in channel behavior with maturation can explain the higher threshold for excitation in neonatal neocortical neurons and the increase in accommodation or adaptation in firing in the mature neuron, and 3) mature rat neocortical neurons represent a valid model for the study of adult human pyramidal neocortical neurons in terms of Na+ channel expression and function.  相似文献   

Much of what is known about Ca2+ electrogenesis in neocortical cells has been derived from in vitro studies. Since Ca2+ currents are controlled by various modulators, comparing these findings to in vivo data is essential. Here, we analysed tetrodotoxin (TTX)-resistant, presumably Ca2+-mediated potentials in intracellularly recorded neocortical neurons in vivo. TTX was applied locally to block Na+ channels. Its effectiveness was demonstrated by the elimination of fast spikes and orthodromic responses. In response to depolarizing current pulses bringing the membrane potential beyond approximately -33 mV, 71% of neurons generated high-threshold Ca2+ spikes averaging 17 mV. This is in contrast with in vitro findings, where high-threshold spikes could only be elicited following the blockade of K+ conductances. Consistent with this, neurons dialysed with K+ channel blockers in vivo generated high-threshold spikes that had a lower threshold (approximately -40 mV) and, with intracellular Cs+, a larger amplitude, indicating the presence of K+ currents opposing the activation of Ca2+ channels. Only 15% of cortical cells displayed low-threshold Ca2+ spikes. To compare high-threshold Ca2+ spikes evoked by synaptic stimuli or current injection, another group of cortical neurons was dialysed with QX-314 and Cs+, in the absence of extracellular TTX. Synaptic stimuli applied on a background of membrane depolarization elicited presumed Ca2+ spikes whose amplitude varied in a stepwise fashion. Thus, although there are numerous similarities between in vivo and in vitro data, some significant differences were found, which suggest that the high-voltage activated Ca2+ currents and/or the K+ conductances that oppose them are subjected to different modulatory influences in vivo than in vitro.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings have shown that neocortical pyramidal neurones have an intrinsic capacity for regenerative firing. The cellular mechanism of this firing was investigated by computer simulations of a model neurone endowed with standard action potential and persistent sodium (gNaP) conductances. The firing mode of the neurone was determined as a function of leakage and NaP maximal conductances (gl and gNaP). The neurone had two stable states of activity (bistable) over wide range of gl and gNaP, one at the resting potential and the other in a regenerative firing mode, that could be triggered by a transient input. This model points to a cellular mechanism that may contribute to the generation and maintenance of long-lasting sustained neuronal discharges in the cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Characterization of outward currents in neurons of the avian nucleus magnocellularis. J. Neurophysiol. 80: 2824-2835, 1998. Neurons of the nucleus magnocellularis (NM) preserve the timing of auditory signals through the convergence of a variety of voltage- and ligand-gated ion channels. To understand better how these channels interact, we have characterized the kinetics, voltage sensitivity, and pharmacology of outward currents of NM neurons in brain slices. The reversal potential (Erev) of outward currents varied with potassium concentration as expected for currents carried by potassium. However, Erev was consistently more positive than the Nernst potential for potassium (EK). Deviation of Erev from the calculated EK most likely arose from potassium accumulation in extracellular spaces by potassium conductances active at rest and during depolarizing steps. Three outward potassium currents were studied that varied in voltage and pharmacological sensitivity. A tetraethylammonium (TEA)-sensitive, high-threshold current was activated within 1-5 ms of the onset of depolarization, with a half-maximal activation voltage (V1/2) of -19 mV. It was blocked partially by 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) and was the dominant ionic conductance of NM neurons. A dendrotoxin-I (DTX) and 4-AP-sensitive, low-threshold current had a V1/2 of -58 mV, rapid activation kinetics, and only partial inactivation, with decay time constants between 20 and 100 ms. A rapidly inactivating current was observed that was resistant to TEA and DTX and was blocked by intracellular Cs+. The transient current was inactivated almost completely at the resting potential. The onset of inactivation was fastest at potentials negative to those that caused activation. When intracellular K+ was replaced by Cs+, large inward and outward currents were obtained that corresponded respectively to the above-mentioned DTX- and TEA-sensitive currents. Outward, TEA-sensitive current was carried by Cs+, with a PCs/PK of approximately 0.1. In current-clamped neurons, DTX induced repetitive firing and increased membrane time constant near rest but had little effect on action potential duration. These studies indicate that a low-threshold, DTX-sensitive current plays a key role in making NM neurons highly responsive to the onset and offset of synaptic stimuli.  相似文献   

We modeled the influx of calcium ions into dendrites following active backpropagation of spike trains in a dendritic tree, using compartmental models of anatomically reconstructed pyramidal cells in a GENESIS program. Basic facts of ion channel densities in pyramidal cells were taken into account. The time scale of the backpropagating spike train development was longer than in previous models. We also studied the relationship between intracellular calcium dynamics and membrane voltage. Comparisons were made between two pyramidal cell prototypes and in simplified model. Our results show that: (1) sodium and potassium channels are enough to explain regenerative backpropagating spike trains; (2) intracellular calcium concentration changes are consistent in the range of milliseconds to seconds; (3) the simulations support several experimental observations in both hippocampal and neocortical cells. No additional parameter search optimization was necessary. Compartmental models can be used for investigating the biology of neurons, and then simplified for constructing neural networks.  相似文献   

The effect of valproate (VPA) on Na+ currents (INa), was studied by means of voltage clamp recordings using whole-cell patch clamp configuration in 21 acutely dissociated neocortical neurons. Concentrations of VPA up to 200 microM failed to induce any detectable decrease in fast INa (I(Naf)), but the persistent fraction (I(NaP)) was significantly reduced by low VPA concentrations (10-30 microM), corresponding to the lower values of the 'therapeutic' range in epileptic patients. Since it is known that I(NaP) critically regulates the firing properties of pyramidal neurons, it is suggested that the anticonvulsant effectiveness of VPA is mainly due to its effect on I(NaP).  相似文献   

Recordings were made from neurons in intact pre- and paravertebral guinea-pig sympathetic ganglia using intracellular microelectrodes. Fast excitatory synaptic responses were evoked by stimulation of preganglionic and peripheral nerve trunks. Suramin (0.1-1 mM) did not affect passive or active membrane properties, nor the amplitude or decay time-course of either synaptic potentials or synaptic currents. Synaptic responses were reversibly reduced in amplitude by hexamethonium (98.7 +/- 0.8%, 50-1000 microM) and d-tubocurarine (95.3 +/- 2.6%, 10-280 microM). ATP (0.5-1 mM) and alpha,beta-methylene ATP (1-40 microM) applied in the bathing solution produced no significant changes in resting membrane potential or input resistance. Prolonged application (up to 25 min) of either compound was also without effect on synaptic responses. These substances also did not affect ganglion cells axotomized one to five days in vivo. These data suggest that activation of P2X-purinoceptors is not involved in the generation of fast excitatory synaptic responses in intact guinea-pig sympathetic ganglia. It appears that dissociation of these neurons must markedly increase their sensitivity to purine nucleotides.  相似文献   

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