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一种多用户MIMO系统的公平调度算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多用户多输入多输出(MIMO)系统中需要对用户进行合理调度,一般基于信道增益的调度算法忽略了用户之间的公平性。基于此,提出了一种公平的多用户调度算法,其思想是先根据信道条件数初选出用户,然后统计每个用户被选择的次数,如果次数之差的绝对值大于设定门限,则选择次数少的用户。这样既能获得多用户分集增益又兼顾了公平性。仿真结果表明,提出的调度算法在系统性能无明显损失的情况下保证了用户公平性。  相似文献   

文中针对正交空时编码的多用户MIMO系统,分析并比较了两种多用户调度方案的性能.第一种方案是基站在一个时隙内选择信噪比最大的用户进行通信,第二种方案是基站在一个时隙同时选择多个信噪比大的用户进行通信.文中对两种方案的容量都作了理论推导和仿真比较.仿真结果显示,前一种方案性能好于第二种方案,但是第二种方案可以同时服务多个用户.  相似文献   

本文提出了下行多用户多天线系统中一种新的基于Tomlinson-Harashima预编码(THP)的低复杂度调度排序算法.该算法根据THP与误符号率的特点,将调度和排序结合在一起,有效降低了复杂度.仿真结果表明,本文提出的算法在平均误符号率性能上逼近贪婪调度best-first排序,而复杂度更低,在实际系统中有很好的应用价值.  相似文献   

Owing to the potential for intercell co-channel interference mitigation and significant spectral efficiency improvement, coordinating transmission techniques by multiple radio access points have recently attracted a lot of attention. In this paper, the system structure and mathematical signal model based on clustered structure are presented for multi-point coordinating downlink transmission, the clustered supercell configurations with static/dynamic approaches are discussed, and then optimal precoding design is provided for an accepted level of scheduling complexity and reduced signaling overhead. Some simulation results are given to evaluate the performance of different cell-clustering approaches, and to show that a clustered supercell size of 7 is a reasonable choice for clustered coordination with the given transmit power and the reduced feedback.  相似文献   

By pre-equalizing inter-stream interference at the transmitter, Tomlinson–Harashima precoding (THP) algorithm provides a solution for the downlink of multiple antenna multi-user systems, in which the decentralized structure of the receivers makes the receiver-processing impossible. However, for the zero-forcing (ZF) THP algorithm available in the literature there are significant performance differences between specific mobile stations. In this paper, a novel version of the THP algorithm is proposed. It greatly improves the worst mobile's performance and ensures balanced performance of all the mobiles. For the new THP algorithm, better performance can be obtained by suitably ordering the rows of the channel matrix. We show that the “best-first” ordering method achieves optimal order for BER performance in systems with two mobile stations and achieves near optimal order in systems with more than two mobile stations. Simulation is used to show the advantages of the new THP algorithm and the “best-first” ordering method. Jia Liu received the B.E. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China, in 1998 and 2001, respectively. Between 2001 and 2002, she worked as a system engineer in Siemens Ltd. (China), ICM N R&D, TD-SCDMA. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, and at TRLabs in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Her current research interests include broadband wireless communications, multiple input multiple output (MIMO) antenna systems, precoding for multi-user MIMO, signal detection, and multi-user interference cancellation. Witold A. Krzymień received his M.Sc. (Eng.) and Ph.D. degrees (both in Electrical Engineering) in 1970 and 1978, respectively, from the Poznań University of Technology in Poznań, Poland. He received a Polish national award of excellence for his PhD thesis. Since April 1986 he has been with the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, where he currently holds the endowed Rohit Sharma Professorship in Communications & Signal Processing. In 1986, he was one of the key research program architects of the newly launched TRLabs, Canada's largest industry-university-government pre-competitive research consortium in the Information & Communication Technology area, headquartered in Edmonton. His research activity has been closely tied to the consortium ever since. Over the years Dr. Krzymień has also done collaborative research work with Nortel Networks, Ericsson Wireless Communications, German Aerospace Centre (DLR -Oberpfaffenhofen), Telus Mobility and the University of Padova (Italy). He has held visiting research appointments at Twente University of Technology (Enschede, The Netherlands; 1980-1982), Bell-Northern Research (Montréal, Canada; 1993-1994), Ericsson Wireless Communications (San Diego, USA; 2000), Nortel Networks Harlow Laboratories (Harlow, UK; 2001), and the Department of Information Engineering at the University of Padova (2005). His research is currently focused on broadband high throughput packet data access for mobile and nomadic users, employing multi-carrier signalling, multiple antenna techniques and link adaptation, as well as on the related MAC and network layer issues of hybrid ARQ, packet scheduling and relaying. Dr. Krzymień is a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada, and a licensed Professional Engineer in the Provinces of Alberta and Ontario, Canada. From 1999 to 2005 he was the Chairman of Commission C (Radio Communication Systems and Signal Processing) of the Canadian National Committee of URSI (Union Radio Scientifique Internationale). He received the 1991/1992 A.H. Reeves Premium Award from the Institution of Electrical Engineers (U.K.) for a paper published in the IEE Proceedings, Part I.  相似文献   

In many wireless applications, such as video streaming, data transfer or mobile Internet, user satisfaction is directly related to the transmission rates of the wireless channels in the physical layer. If the transmission rate of one user undercuts a certain level, the quality of the application becomes unacceptable. Furthermore network operators are interested in maximizing overall system throughput. However, this aim can usually not be achieved without violating these minimum rate constraints. In this article we therefore consider a practical resource allocation scheme for MIMO OFDM systems that achieves both aims without requiring computationally expensive optimization algorithms. The main part consists of a user classification. Users in one group will only be served with their minimum required rates. The remaining users can exploit the additional system resources more effectively for strong throughput increases and are therefore put in the other group. An iterative application of the proposed scheme enables additional throughput increases and the consideration of maximum transmission rates.
Josef A. NossekEmail:

Physical layer channel-aware scheduling may significantly improve coverage and throughput of IP based services in wireless cellular networks, and the feasibility of such schedulers is actively studied within 3G and 4G systems. A channel-aware scheduler requires access to instantaneous channel state information in order to direct transmission to users with favorable channel conditions. In frequency division duplex (FDD) systems, this requires a fast feedback channel between mobile and base stations, and the overhead of the feedback control channel should be kept as low as possible.In this paper, we study the effect of control channel overhead to on-off scheduling (OOS) when fast transmit power control is applied in data and control channels. On-off scheduling is a simple channel-aware scheduling algorithm, where transmission to a user is suspended if the transmit power exceeds a given threshold. On-off scheduling is applied on the data channel while control channel is always on so that the scheduler is able to obtain channel state information from active users. The gain of OOS strongly depends on the power ratio between control and data channels, and increased interference due to control signaling and decreased interference due to channel-aware scheduling should be jointly considered in system design. Gains in the required transmit power are translated into gains in coverage and capacity assuming WCDMA parameters, and the results can be applied, e.g., when designing scheduling algorithms and corresponding signaling formats for WCDMA uplink.  相似文献   

刘宇  郑宝玉 《信号处理》2012,28(12):1670-1677
在基站协作通信中,协作用户的调度是关键的问题之一。传统的用户调度方法为了片面追求小区的边缘传输速率与平均传输速率,造成了资源分配的不合理。本文着眼于最大限度地提升小区用户容量,提出了一种基于用户服务质量的调度策略,依据用户的需求速率和允许时延等条件确定优先级合理地调度分配资源,同时兼顾考虑小区吞吐率的提升。仿真结果表明,与原有的用户调度策略相比,该策略能够以较小的吞吐率损失为代价,大大提高了小区的用户容量。   相似文献   

刘平  张成  车进 《通信技术》2012,45(3):10-12
对于蜂窝正交频分复用(OFMA)系统,分组调度技术是影响系统性能提升的重要因素。分组调度算法是为分组业务提供资源分配及复用的方法。这里介绍了分组调度技术原理及几种经典的调度算法,并通过Matlab仿真,对几种调度算法的公平性和吞吐量进行了比较。通过仿真可知,比例公平算法(PF,Proportional Fair)平衡考虑了系统吞吐量与公平性,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

吴斌  李国民  党丽莉 《通信技术》2007,40(11):196-198
介绍了现有分组调度算法的发展概况,主要探讨并分析了常见的几种无线分组调度算法的适用性及其存在的问题,并且对分组调度算法进行了仿真和分析.最后指出了分组调度算法的发展方向.  相似文献   

In a multi-user MIMO system using a successive precoding method such as dirty paper coding, it is combinatorially complex to determine the optimal set of users to schedule and the proper order to encode their signals in order to optimize a utility function in a scheduling algorithm. Genetic algorithms represent a fast suboptimal approach to reducing the complexity of the search. In this paper, we build upon prior work that implements scheduling via genetic algorithms. We examine the impact of parameter values within the adaptive mutation rate of the algorithm on its convergence time. We demonstrate that although there is a range of values for the parameters that yields similar near-minimum convergence times, it is nonetheless important to ensure that the parameters are tuned to be within that range. In one case, tuning the parameter values reduces the time of convergence to less than 30% compared to that achievable with the initial parameter values. We also demonstrate that the proper parameter values are dependent on both the number of transmit antennas and the number of users in the pool of users to be scheduled. A simple equation is proposed that is linear in the adaptive mutation parameters to tune the values for different numbers of transmit antennas and users.  相似文献   

1Introduction Futurewirelessandmobilecommunicationsystems areexpectedtoofferhigherdatarates,tosupporta largenumberofsubscribersandtoensurethefulfillment ofQualityofService(QoS)requirements,giventhe limitedavailabilityoffrequencyspectrumandtimevary ingchan…  相似文献   

Analytical and modeling work performed since the late eighties have led to nonlinear equations that relate important parameters used for performance evaluation of wireless networks. These nonlinear equations have no closed-form solution and iterative algorithms are used to find numerical solutions. However, iterative algorithms that are not designed to detect and overcome nonconvergence situations may fail to converge. We present an iterative algorithm that numerically solves six dependent nonlinear equations. The algorithm always converges and obtains values of blocking probability, pb, and forced termination probability, pft, at any desired level of accuracy. We then used this algorithm to numerically show that for a given pair of values of pb and pft, there is an optimal number of guard channels that supports a maximal new-call arrival rate.  相似文献   

Several distributed balance (DB) power control algorithms that can achieve SIRbalance have already been proposed for cellular mobile systems [1–3].In the present paper, two simple strategies, namely linear prediction andadaptive on-off strategies, are further applied to forward link distributedbalance (DB) power control in DS/CDMA cellular mobile systems. The linearprediction is used to track the variance of the short-term fading andcompensate it in advance, and the adaptive on-off strategy is applied to solvethe problem that the received SIR of all the communication links less than theminimum required SIR. Simulation results indicate that DB power control withthese two strategies can achieve much better performance than the original DBpower control.  相似文献   

本文利用下行MIMO-CDMA系统中到达同一个用户端的所有用户经历的信道相同的特点,提出了一种部分正交的训练序列结构,给出了对信道响应和发射信号幅度分别进行估计的等效信道估计方法.仿真结果表明,采用本文提出的训练序列和等效信道估计方法在几乎不损失系统性能的前提下,能够有效地缩短MIMO-CDMA下行系统的训练序列长度.  相似文献   

李蕾  宋建新 《电视技术》2012,36(5):53-56
针对OFDM系统,提出了一种基于视频内容的跨层调度方案。该方案采用了基于生存期的包排序策略,根据视频包的生存期大小进行排序,保证视频包能在生存期内发送到接收端,减少丢包数目。同时,采用跨层设计的思想,综合考虑了信道状况和视频包特性,如视频包生存期、重要性、解码器采用的错误掩藏方法,提出改进的比例公平调度算法,不仅有效地利用了多用户分集来进一步提高数据吞吐量,也充分考虑了视频的重要性和时延约束。实验结果表明,采用内容感知的跨层调度算法,解码端的视频质量得到有效提高,从而可以提高主观感知质量。  相似文献   

刘杰  陈鑫林 《电子学报》1997,25(10):15-19
随机多址方式是解决目前信道资源日益紧张问题的一项关键技术,本文基于一个分组无线网中具有捕获效应的信道模型,分析了网址方式 中拓种树形算法的吞吐率,得出结论:在捕获效应下,这三种算法的吞吐率都能得到一定程度的提高,进一步地,在捕获效应的启发下,给出了一种优化树表算法的方法。  相似文献   

Spatial correlation is a result of insufficient antenna spacing among multiple antenna elements, while temporal correlation is caused by Doppler spread. This paper compares the effect of spatial and temporal correlation in order to investigate the performance of multiuser scheduling algorithms in multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) broadcast channels. This comparison includes the effect on the ergodic capacity, on fairness among users, and on the sum‐rate capacity of a multiuser scheduling algorithm utilizing statistical channel state information in spatio‐temporally correlated MIMO broadcast channels. Numerical results demonstrate that temporal correlation is more meaningful than spatial correlation in view of the multiuser scheduling algorithm in MIMO broadcast channels. Indeed, the multiuser scheduling algorithm can reduce the effect of the Doppler spread if it exploits the information of temporal correlation appropriately. However, the effect of spatial correlation can be minimized if the antenna spacing is sufficient in rich scattering MIMO channels regardless of the multiuser scheduling algorithm used.  相似文献   

Modern computer and communication network technology has made it convenient to construct networked control systems. Feedback control systems wherein the control loops are closed through a real-time network are called networked control systems (NCSs)[1]. NCSs exhibit the characteristics of high reliability, simple installation, low maintenance, good diagnostic capability, and low cost. Recently, theWhen control and feedback signals transmit through the network, the network delay emerges unavo…  相似文献   

In this paper, the performance of coding and diversity in narrowband wireless cellular systems affected by fading, shadowing and co-channel interference is analyzed. We consider low-order diversity, that can be practically realized for both coherent and differential phase shift keying. We assume that the shadowing random processes affecting all transmitted signals do not vary appreciably over the transmission duration. Fading, on the contrary, is assumed to vary more rapidly. Our main focus here is on outage probability. After choosing a performance indicator, its expectation is taken with respect to fading and co-channel interference, conditionally on shadowing. Hence, the resulting average performance indicator is a random variable. The probability that this random variable exceeds a specified threshold defines the outage probability. We consider as performance indicators (i) the channel cut-off rate R0 and (ii) the bit error rate Pb of an actual coded scheme. As we are interested in interference-limited, rather than power-limited systems, we evaluate both R0 and Pb for very high signal-to-noise ratios. Results are parameterized by the frequency reuse factor and the diversity order.  相似文献   

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