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The authors attempt to portray the nature of semiconductor research at Bellcore and the ways in which this research serves Bellcore and its seven owners. The semiconductor research at Bellcore supports the Regional Companies' long-range vision of broadband, intelligent, and friendly networks. Through the ideas and information emerging from this research, Bellcore and the owners get some of the clearest early indicators of the shape and performance of networks and services to come. Besides specialized information provided to other Bellcore organizations and the owners, experimental models of new devices are incorporated into Bellcore's system experiments. Examples of research results are described in the areas of VLSI design, photonic and high-speed electronic devices, and integrated optoelectronics and novel optical devices. The values of the consortium mode to both the owners and the research activity itself are briefly reviewed  相似文献   

The evolution of the public network, from gigabit transmission to gigabit networking, is examined from the perspective of a telephone operating company. The relationship between technology push and service pull and the impact that both have on network architectures are considered. The network transition is discussed to identify ways of cost effectively deploying key enabling technologies (such as asynchronous fibre systems and SONET) in advance of end-user requirements  相似文献   

The recent developments in CMOS technology are about opening a new exciting door to affordable 60-GHz radio applications. One promising application area for 60-GHz radio is home networks in which there is an increasing demand for multi-gigabit wireless networking. The research efforts so far have generally focused on utilizing the 60-GHz band for point-to-point communication by addressing its physical aspects like propagation characteristics and channel models. The issues of 60-GHz networking at the system level have not been adequately considered. In this paper, the challenges and the research issues of 60-GHz networking are reviewed from the system-level perspective. We present them in the context of wireless local area networks for future home networks with discussions on some possible solutions for the introduced challenges.  相似文献   

NASA's broadband satellite networking research   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ATM is currently considered the primary WAN technology with Internet protocols providing the routing and transport requirements. Another WAN technology being considered is packet over SONET. Using the Advanced Communication Technology Satellite, NASA has demonstrated and is experimenting with these technologies. This article summarizes some of the major completed and ongoing experiments and demonstrations performed using commercial standard protocols such as ATM and TCP/IP over broadband satellite networks  相似文献   

Overlay networking: applications and research challenges   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Overlay networking is one of the perspective solutions to today‘s Internet challenges. At basic service level, overlay networks can serve as a supplement and enhancement of existing services, such as routing and addressing. At high application level, overlay networks can be used for applications, which are difficult to deploy in existing IP architecture with some specific reasons, e.g., they need high-level information, which is hard to obtain by underlying layers. To address the heterogeneity of today‘s Internet, overlay networks provide ways to service availability and desirable performance while retaining scalability. In contrast to changing the existing network layer, overlay networks allow bootstrapping, which is most important in the development of Internet infrastructure. Various applications of overlay networking are clarified in this paper. Research challenges including routing and searching in overlay networking are also identified.  相似文献   

Warren Webb 《电子设计技术》2004,11(5):74-74,76,78,80
随着数字数据的普及,设讨师们必须设计出能够自动交互以简化操作和共享内容的家用电子没备.  相似文献   

本文围绕运维降本增效原则,介绍了不同频段的5G网络能力,引入基于业务感知基线需求的分析预测方法,制定了立体组网建设标准,并对用户需求预估测算.通过DBSCAN和K-means等聚类算法,自动化输出规划寻优方案,建立了一套完整的5G立体组网和智简部署规划体系,对5G建设具有一定的指导意义,提高了5G的效率,促进5G在多领...  相似文献   

随着网络用户对网络的有效性要求越来越高,如何评估和量化分析网络有效性已经成为一个重要的研究课题.文章分析了自动交换光网络(ASON)一般的保护机制,并为每种保护机制提供了有效性分析的代数公式.用数例验证了该模型的正确性,分析了保护机制的有效性与相关网络参数之间的关系,并对各种保护机制的有效性进行了比较.  相似文献   

Gigabit DSL     
This paper applies multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission methods to multiwire communication systems. Using channel matrices generated from a binder MIMO channel model, a performance assessment of digital subscriber line (DSL) technology based on MIMO transmission methods finds that symmetric data rates of more than 1 Gbps are achievable over four twisted pairs (category 3) for a 300 m range. Similar results are also obtained for a ldquoquadrdquo cable. To achieve this data rate, this paper proposes that the source and load be excited using common mode.  相似文献   

本文基于网络逻辑隔离概念,利用业务随行、VxLAN和SDN等网络新技术进行网络架构规划,在减少基础建设投资的前提下,通过精准逻辑隔离的方式对科研单位的办公网、科研网和数据中心网络进行整体架构设计.该方式在不能单独组网(传统物理隔离)的条件下实现了网络终端、服务器、试验装置的访问可控和权限可控,可保障科研单位的整体网络运...  相似文献   

We describe a QPSK (quaternary phase shift keyed) modulator operating at gigabit data transmission rates at a carrier frequency of 13 GHz. The modulator circuit can also be operated as a QPSK demodulator. A modulator-de-modulator pair operating in tandem showed clean eye diagrams of the recovered data trains on each port up to l.5 Gbit/s with corresponding error rates of less than 10?11. The circuit can be readily scaled to higher frequencies with a proportional increase in the information rate.  相似文献   

熊虎 《世界电信》2002,15(2):48-49,58
随着技术的创新和应用的复杂化,越来越多的企业用户选择千兆以太网来构筑他们的高性能网络。特别是Internet应用、多媒体应用以及企业运作中的高级应用推动了市场对千兆以太网的需求。在评估和选购千兆以太网解决方案的时候,企业用户应选择价格合理、简单易用、可靠、先进的标准化产品,确保与现有网络设备之间的兼容。  相似文献   

为解决嵌入式领域中数据量大、速度高、实时性强等传输问题,提出FPGA和PHY芯片相结合的设计方案,用于实现UDP/IP协议。通过深入研究TCP/IP协议栈体系结构和工作原理,按照以太网的帧格式封包和解包,在FPGA中实现UDP/IP数据的正确发送和接收。在自主研发的硬件平台上验证了该方案的正确性和可靠性。由于使用FPGA实现UDP/IP协议,系统具有移植性高和易于集成等优点。  相似文献   

Home networking technologies and capabilities are receiving increased attention from consumers, software developers, hardware manufacturers, and service providers. Rapid innovation in home networking technology-advances in silicon, digital signal processing, and protocols-are improving the performance and lowering the cost of home network solutions. Cable system operators will depend on home networks for deployment of advanced services. The goal of the CableHome architecture is to establish a hone network environment within which the delivery of quality cable-based services can be ensured  相似文献   

With the advent of delay-sensitive applications and ultra-low latency scenarios,research on low-latency networking is attracting attention from academia,industry,and standards organizations.Understanding the causes of latency and designing corresponding techniques to reduce latency enable the development of emerging applications.The sources of latency according to the layered architecture of the network was analyzed,and summarizes the techniques for reducing the latency.After that,three typical low-latency key scenarios and delay optimization techniques for data center network,5G and edge computing was analyzed.Finally,the opportunities and challenges that may be encountered in the development of low latency networks were presented from the perspectives of network architecture innovation,data-driven latency optimization algorithm and the design of new protocols.  相似文献   

针对城市道路交叉口的常发性交通拥堵现象,依据RFID检测系统的特点,提出了一种基于物联网前端信息采集技术的交通流检测方法。并且对城市道路交叉口采集到的交通流量相对增量、车辆的时间占有率相对增量以及地点平均车速等信息进行了对比性分析和统计推导,从理论上论证了交通拥挤产生时的交通流特点,然后以此为基础给出了交通拥挤事件出现时的判别准则,构造出相应的拥挤检测指标及判别算法。最后利用Matlab编程再结合实际交通测量数据验证了算法的正确性。  相似文献   

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