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The evolution of CORDIC, an iterative arithmetic computing algorithm capable of evaluating various elementary functions using a unified shift-and-add approach, and of CORDIC processors is reviewed. A method to utilize a CORDIC processor array to implement digital signal processing algorithms is presented. The approach is to reformulate existing DSP algorithms so that they are suitable for implementation with an array performing circular or hyperbolic rotation operations. Three categories of algorithm are surveyed: linear transformations, digital filters, and matrix-based DSP algorithms  相似文献   

Reconfigurable computing is a promising approach to overcome the traditional trade-off between flexibility and performance in the design of computer architectures. Computing systems that adapt their hardware to each application can achieve the high performance of dedicated hardware while retaining the flexibility of general-purpose processors. This paper introduces to the currently taken approaches in reconfigurable computing: fine-grained and coarse-grained reconfiguration. The enabling technology is discussed, reconfiguration models and application examples are presented. Finally, topical research problems are enumerated.  相似文献   

The real time implementation of an efficient signal compression technique, Vector Quantization (VQ), is of great importance to many digital signal coding applications. In this paper, we describe a new family of bit level systolic VLSI architectures which offer an attractive solution to this problem. These architectures are based on a bit serial, word parallel approach and high performance and efficiency can be achieved for VQ applications of a wide range of bandwidths. Compared with their bit parallel counterparts, these bit serial circuits provide better alternatives for VQ implementations in terms of performance and cost.  相似文献   

This paper presents novel very large scale integration (VLSI) architectures in support of an efficient implementation of Leighton's well-known Columnsort. The designs take advantage of reconfigurable bus architectures enhanced with simple shift switches. Our first main contribution is to show that Columnsort can be partitioned into two components: a hardware scheme involving the task of sorting arrays of small size and a hardware or software scheme that involves simple data movement tasks. Our second main contribution is to demonstrate that the dynamically reconfigurable mesh architecture can be exploited to obtain a small and efficient hardware sorter. The resulting architectures feature high regularity of circuitry, simplicity of control structure, and adaptability. Both theoretical analyses and simulation tests have shown that the proposed VLSI architectures for sorting are superior to existing designs in the context of sorting small and moderate size arrays  相似文献   

Very large scale integration (VLSI) design methodology and implementation complexities of high-speed, low-power soft-input soft-output (SISO) a posteriori probability (APP) decoders are considered. These decoders are used in iterative algorithms based on turbo codes and related concatenated codes and have shown significant advantage in error correction capability compared to conventional maximum likelihood decoders. This advantage, however, comes at the expense of increased computational complexity, decoding delay, and substantial memory overhead, all of which hinge primarily on the well-known recursion bottleneck of the SISO-APP algorithm. This paper provides a rigorous analysis of the requirements for computational hardware and memory at the architectural level based on a tile-graph approach that models the resource-time scheduling of the recursions of the algorithm. The problem of constructing the decoder architecture and optimizing it for high speed and low power is formulated in terms of the individual recursion patterns which together form a tile graph according to a tiling scheme. Using the tile-graph approach, optimized architectures are derived for the various forms of the sliding-window and parallel-window algorithms known in the literature. A proposed tiling scheme of the recursion patterns, called hybrid tiling, is shown to be particularly effective in reducing memory overhead of high-speed SISO-APP architectures. Simulations demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves savings in area and power in the range of 4.2%-53.1% over state of the art.  相似文献   

A great interest has been gained in recent years by a new error-correcting code technique, known as “turbo coding”, which has been proven to offer performance closer to the Shannon's limit than traditional concatenated codes. In this paper, several very large scale integration (VLSI) architectures suitable for turbo decoder implementation are proposed and compared in terms of complexity and performance; the impact on the VLSI complexity of system parameters like the state number, number of iterations, and code rate are evaluated for the different solutions. The results of this architectural study have then been exploited for the design of a specific decoder, implementing a serial concatenation scheme with 2/3 and 3/4 codes; the designed circuit occupies 35 mm2, supports a 2 Mb/s data rate, and for a bit error probability of 10-6, yields a coding gain larger than 7 dB, with ten iterations  相似文献   

本文通过将全搜索矢量量化算法(Full Search Vector Quantization)的计算转换成内积(inner product)运算,并利用Baugh-Wooley算法,阐述了FSVQ算法的一种新的有效的基于二进制补码的VLSI实现结构。由于该结构的规则性(regularity)和模块性(modularity),它可以被高效地应用在语音、图像、和视频编码的VLSI实现中。  相似文献   

This paper discusses some of the fundamental issues in the design of highly parallel, dense, low-power motion sensors in analog VLSI. Since photoreceptor circuits are an integral part of all visual motion sensors, we discuss how the sizing of photosensitive areas can affect the performance of such systems. We review the classic gradient and correlation algorithms and give a survey of analog motion-sensing architectures inspired by them. We calculate how the measurable speed range scales with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for a classic Reichardt sensor with a fixed time constant. We show how this speed range may be improved using a nonlinear filter with an adaptive time constant, constructed out of a diode and a capacitor, and present data from a velocity sensor based on such a filter. Finally, we describe how arrays of such velocity sensors call be employed to compute the heading direction of a moving subject and to estimate the time-to-contact between the sensor and a moving object  相似文献   

The Householder transformation is considered to be desirable among various unitary transformations due to its superior computational efficiency and robust numerical stability. Specifically, the Householder transformation outperforms the Givens rotation and the modified Gram-Schmidt methods in numerical stability under finite-precision implementations, as well as requiring fewer arithmetical operations. Consequently, the QR decomposition based on the Householder transformation is promising for VLSI implementation and real-time high throughput modern signal processing. In this paper, a recursive complex Householder transformation (CHT) with a fast initialization algorithm is proposed and its associated parallel/pipelined architecture is also considered. Then, a CHT based recursive least-squares algorithm with a fast initialization is presented. Its associated systolic array processing architecture is also considered.This work was supported in part of the National Science Council of the R.O.C. under grant NSC80-E-SP-009-01A.This work was supported in part by a UC Micro grant and NSF grant NCR-8814407.  相似文献   

VLSI architectures for video compression-a survey   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The paper presents an overview on architectures for VLSI implementations of video compression schemes as specified by standardization committees of the ITU and ISO. VLSI implementation strategies are discussed and split into function specific and programmable architectures. As examples for the function oriented approach, alternative architectures for DCT and block matching will be evaluated. Also dedicated decoder chips are included Programmable video signal processors are classified and specified as homogeneous and heterogenous processor architectures. Architectures are presented for reported design examples from the literature. Heterogenous processors outperform homogeneous processors because of adaptation to the requirements of special, subtasks by dedicated modules. The majority of heterogenous processors incorporate dedicated modules for high performance subtasks of high regularity as DCT and block matching. By normalization to a fictive 1.0 μm CMOS process typical linear relationships between silicon area and through-put rate have been determined for the different architectural styles. This relationship indicates a figure of merit for silicon efficiency  相似文献   

This paper presents several techniques for the very large-scale integration (VLSI) implementation of the maximum a posteriori (MAP) algorithm. In general, knowledge about the implementation of the Viterbi (1967) algorithm can be applied to the MAP algorithm. Bounds are derived for the dynamic range of the state metrics which enable the designer to optimize the word length. The computational kernel of the algorithm is the add-MAX* operation, which is the add-compare-select operation of the Viterbi algorithm with an added offset. We show that the critical path of the algorithm can be reduced if the add-MAX* operation is reordered into an offset-add-compare-select operation by adjusting the location of registers. A general scheduling for the MAP algorithm is presented which gives the tradeoffs between computational complexity, latency, and memory size. Some of these architectures eliminate the need for RAM blocks with unusual form factors or can replace the RAM with registers. These architectures are suited to VLSI implementation of turbo decoders.  相似文献   

Ray Liu  K.J. 《Electronics letters》1990,26(23):1962-1963
The Haar transform is very useful in many signal and image processing applications where real-time implementation is essential. Three VLSI computing architectures are proposed for fast implementation of the Haar transform. Comparisons on the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed architectures are also presented.<>  相似文献   

This paper presents the VLSI architectures for three-level correlator design based on 1-m CMOS technology. The architecture performs very high speed, real-time, three-level cross-correlation of signals. Two architectures, one for serial incoming samples of signals (serial data) and the other for stored signal samples (parallel data), are described in the paper.  相似文献   

A folded architecture and a digit-serial architecture are proposed for implementation of one- and two-dimensional discrete wavelet transforms. In the one-dimensional folded architecture, the computations of all wavelet levels are folded to the same low-pass and high-pass filters. The number of registers in the folded architecture is minimized by the use of a generalized life time analysis. The converter units are synthesized with a minimum number of registers using forward-backward allocation. The advantage of the folded architecture is low latency and its drawbacks are increased hardware area, less than 100% hardware utilization, and the complex routing and interconnection required by the converters used. These drawbacks are eliminated in the alternate digit-serial architecture at the expense of an increase in the system latency and some constraints on the wordlength. In latency-critical applications, the use of the folded architecture is suggested. If latency is not so critical, the digit-serial architecture should be used. The use of a combined folded and digit-serial architecture is proposed for implementation of two-dimensional discrete wavelet transforms  相似文献   

Approximate pattern matching is comparing an input pattern with a target pattern with a specified error tolerance. This ability to compensate for real-world sensor errors makes approximate pattern matching an ideal choice for a wide range of applications. This paper shows that two n-bit patterns may be matched with a single stage nanotechnology architecture using 2n+1 unit area resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) and one RTD of 1.5 times the unit area. This architecture is reconfigurable for any target pattern and any error tolerance. We analyze current and power characteristics of the architecture and develop configurations to minimize the same. The robustness of the architecture to variations in device characteristics is also investigated.  相似文献   

During the last years decoding algorithms that make not only use of soft quantized inputs but also deliver soft decision outputs have attracted considerable attention because additional coding gains are obtainable in concatenated systems. A prominent member of this class of algorithms is the Soft-Output Viterbi Algorithm. In this paper two architectures for high speed VLSI implementations of the Soft-Output Viterbi-Algorithm are proposed and area estimates are given for both architectures. The well known trade-off between computational complexity and storage requirements is played to obtain new VLSI architectures with increased implementation efficiency. Area savings of up to 40% in comparison to straightforward solutions are reported.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under contract Me 651/12-1.  相似文献   

High-speed VLSI architectures for the AES algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents novel high-speed architectures for the hardware implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. Unlike previous works which rely on look-up tables to implement the SubBytes and InvSubBytes transformations of the AES algorithm, the proposed design employs combinational logic only. As a direct consequence, the unbreakable delay incurred by look-up tables in the conventional approaches is eliminated, and the advantage of subpipelining can be further explored. Furthermore, composite field arithmetic is employed to reduce the area requirements, and different implementations for the inversion in subfield GF(2/sup 4/) are compared. In addition, an efficient key expansion architecture suitable for the subpipelined round units is also presented. Using the proposed architecture, a fully subpipelined encryptor with 7 substages in each round unit can achieve a throughput of 21.56 Gbps on a Xilinx XCV1000 e-8 bg560 device in non-feedback modes, which is faster and is 79% more efficient in terms of equivalent throughput/slice than the fastest previous FPGA implementation known to date.  相似文献   

Protein sequences with unknown functionality are often compared to a set of known sequences to detect functional similarities. Efficient dynamic-programming algorithms exist for solving this problem, however current solutions still require significant scan times. These scan time requirements are likely to become even more severe due to the rapid growth in the size of these databases. In this paper, we present a new approach to bio-sequence database scanning using re-configurable field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based hardware platforms to gain high performance at low cost. Efficient mappings of the Smith-Waterman algorithm using fine-grained parallel processing elements (PEs) that are tailored toward the parameters of a query have been designed. We use customization opportunities available at run time to dynamically reconfigure the PEs to make better use of available resources. Our FPGA implementation achieves a speedup of approximately 170 for linear gap penalties and 125 for affine gap penalties compared to a standard desktop computing platform. We show how run-time reconfiguration can be used to further improve performance.  相似文献   

Modular, area-efficient VLSI architectures for computing the arithmetic Fourier transform (AFT) are proposed. By suitable design of PEs and I/O sequencing, nonuniform data dependencies in the AFT computation which require nonequidistant inputs and assignment of Mobius function values are resolved. The proposed design employs 2N+1 PEs to compute 2N+1 Fourier coefficients. Each PE has an adder and a fixed amount of local storage, and one PE has a multiplier. I/O with the host is performed using a fixed number of channels. This results in simple PE organization, compared with those needed in known DFT/FFT architectures. The design achieves O(N) speedup. It uses significantly fewer PEs than designs in the literature and supports real-time applications by allowing continuous sequential input. It can be extended to achieve linear speedup in a fixed size array with 2p+1 PEs, 1⩽pN  相似文献   

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