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Smart wearable devices have become one of the most popular interactive items in the “smart” era that prioritizes “mobility.” There is significant scholarly interest in not only promoting the successful diffusion of this technology but also providing improved user experience to users of these devices. In line with this trend, this study explores users’ perceptions of smart wearable devices and introduces a comprehensive research model that employs factors that are primarily extracted using the expectation-confirmation, technology acceptance, and flow models. The results derived using both confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling methods (N = 1,380) indicate that users’ intentions to use smart wearable devices are determined by five influential factors: satisfaction, enjoyment, usefulness, flow state, and cost. Both users’ confirmation and service and system quality play notable determinative roles in the research model. Implications and suggestions are presented considering the results.  相似文献   

本文对1990年-2014年全球智能手表专利进行统计,得到了智能手表专利申请的年度趋势、地区分布以及技术重点分布情况,并对该领域主要专利权人的竞争实力进行分析,揭示了智能手表的创新现状,得到了中国创新主体在可穿戴设备领域获取竞争优势的启示。本文网络版地址:http://www.eepw.com.cn/article/276349.htm  相似文献   

Wearable computers and PDA's are physically close to, or are in contact with, the user during most of the day. This proximity would seemingly limit the amount of heat such a device may generate, conflicting with user demands for increasing processor speeds and wireless capabilities. However, this paper explores significantly increasing the heat dissipation capability per unit surface area of a mobile computer by thermally coupling it to the user. In particular, a heat dissipation model of a forearmmounted wearable computer is developed, and the model is verified experimentally. In the process, this paper also provides tools and novel suggestions for heat dissipation that may influence the design of a wearable computer.  相似文献   

通过研究物联网应用于工业4.0的实践案例,文章总结出电子制造企业智能制造的途径主要在于工业机器人的应用,未来应改将重点放到大数据管理枢纽、信息物理系统等方面,并结合最新的人工智能技术,打造全智能电子制造工厂。  相似文献   

基于TMS320F28335设计了一种人体运动识别与测评装置。利用运动传感器MPU6050获取人体运动姿态数据,并与标准数据相比较,能够实时提醒使用者动作的规范程度。独特的可编程教练模式,能够现场采集和处理标准数据,适用于体育训练和患者康复。该装置使用串口LCD作为显示模块,能够显示所测人体运动的加速度、角度和人体运动轨迹的测评与分析结果。给出了系统液晶显示电路的硬件设计和软件流程图。实验结果表明,所设计的显示电路模块接口简单,使用方便,体积适中,能够满足可穿戴人体运动轨迹测评的显示要求。  相似文献   

Wearab1e devices,such as smart watches or smart brace1ets,have been growing rapid1y wor1dwide.These devices with various sensors have the abi1ity to perceive the circumstance and user's biometric features,which can be used to continuous1y authenticate a user's identity.However,these features have not been studied to identify a specific user in mobi1e sate11ite communication system yet,due to its 1ow data transfer rate and unacceptab1e de1ay.To so1ve this prob1em,continuous authentication combing smart termina1 with wearab1e devices(CASTWED)was studied in mobi1e sate11ite communication system,the security of CASTWED was a1so theoretica11y ana1yzed.Simu1ation experiments show that the CASTWED scheme can provide simu1taneous on1ine authentication service for 100 000 users via 60 Mbit/s Ku wave band.  相似文献   

Smart wearable devices offer much potential to assist citizens in disasters. To the general public, however, using these devices for disaster applications is still a novel concept. In disasters, most people are reluctant to rely on unfamiliar technologies. Thus, for these devices to become truly useful in disasters, it is important to understand factors that affect their acceptance by the public. Previous studies show that perceived usefulness is a clear antecedent of people’s acceptance of smart wearable devices. However, the underlying factors that affect perceived usefulness itself are not clearly known. Thus, the aim of this study is to fill this gap, and by doing so, to derive some practical implications for solution developers and governments.This study used structural equation modelling to analyse survey data collected from 647 respondents in Japan. We found that the respondents’ perceived usefulness of the current applications of smart wearable devices was a strong predictor of their perceived usefulness of using these devices for disaster applications. Although indirect factors such as the ownership of ICT gadgets and the usage of social media also had some influences, most of their effects were mediated through increasing the respondents’ perceived usefulness of the current applications. In other words, through appreciating the functions of the current applications of smart wearable devices, people can visualise the usefulness of these devices in disaster situations. That being said, we found that in parallel, people also had concerns on the privacy issues of these devices. These findings shed light on the promotion and development of this fast growing technology for disaster applications.  相似文献   

可穿戴运动心率监测设备对电源的要求较高,当前电源设计过程中,存在电源电路设计复杂、电压输出不稳定、能耗高的弊端,不能满足可穿戴运动心率监测设备对电源的要求。为此,设计了一种新的可穿戴运动心率监测设备低能耗电源,给出所设计低能耗电源芯片内部结构。介绍了欠压锁存模块的设计过程,通过欠压锁存模块保证数据采集的稳定性。为了保护电源芯片的安全性,设计了VCC过压保护电路。通过低压差线性稳压器给可穿戴运动心率监测设备的电源提供电力和部分偏置电压。为了符合可穿戴运动心率监测设备电源的低能耗要求,设计了能量回馈装置。依据硬件需要实现的功能,对软件程序进行编写,通过PID算法对可穿戴运动心率检测设备的电源进行低能耗控制。实验结果表明,所设计电源能耗低。  相似文献   

陈宇 《电子测试》2016,(13):139-140
一种可用于可穿戴设备屏幕表面的透明非晶硅薄膜太阳能电池,采用激光刻蚀高密度微纳光通道阵列、TCO薄膜作为透明导电背电极,并减薄I层厚度来提升光线透过率。实验表明随着光刻密度增加或I层厚度的减少,光电转换效率会降低,光线透过率会增加,当I层厚度300nm,光刻孔隙直径30m,阵列间隔55m以内时,可获得50%以上的透过率(最高59%)和2.5%以上的光电转化效率(最高3%)。  相似文献   

Understanding security failures of cryptographic protocols is the key to both patching existing protocols and designing future schemes. In this paper, we analyze two recent proposals in the area of password‐based remote user authentication using smart cards. First, we point out that the scheme of Chen et al. cannot achieve all the claimed security goals and report its following flaws: (i) it is vulnerable to offline password guessing attack under their nontamper resistance assumption of the smart cards; and (ii) it fails to provide forward secrecy. Then, we analyze an efficient dynamic ID‐based scheme without public‐key operations introduced by Wen and Li in 2012. This proposal attempts to overcome many of the well‐known security and efficiency shortcomings of previous schemes and supports more functionalities than its counterparts. Nevertheless, Wen–Li's protocol is vulnerable to offline password guessing attack and denial of service attack, and fails to provide forward secrecy and to preserve user anonymity. Furthermore, with the security analysis of these two schemes and our previous protocol design experience, we put forward three general principles that are vital for designing secure smart‐card‐based password authentication schemes: (i) public‐key techniques are indispensable to resist against offline password guessing attack and to preserve user anonymity under the nontamper resistance assumption of the smart card; (ii) there is an unavoidable trade‐off when fulfilling the goals of local password update and resistance to smart card loss attack; and (iii) at least two exponentiation (respectively elliptic curve point multiplication) operations conducted on the server side are necessary for achieving forward secrecy. The cryptanalysis results discourage any practical use of the two investigated schemes and are important for security engineers to make their choices correctly, whereas the proposed three principles are valuable to protocol designers for advancing more robust schemes. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随着智能电网的建设,电力信息网络越来越复杂,为了解决电力信息网络环境下各信息孤岛之间、电力企业与电力用户之间数据交换和共享的安全,提出智能电网环境下用户行为可信数据安全交换:在客户端,记录数据的基本属性及用户操作;通过统一的安全交换协议进行信息传输;在服务端,依据数据属性和用户操作通过配置策略过滤数据,使用关联分析分析用户异常行为,并采用用户行为可信技术对用户行为进行可信检查。通过分析,用户行为可信数据交换能够在异构环境下从数据传输、数据安全和用户行为可信三方面确保数据的安全交换。  相似文献   

Based on some stylised fact, and using a proprietary database of more than 750 agreements spanning from collaborations to merger and acquisition agreements between 1997 and 2003, we try in this paper to characterise and understand the movement of industry concentration. We ask whether the smart card industry will know a monitoring oligopolistic concentration on the fundamental assets and markets, despite increased levels of competition? Or will know radical technological progress, dealing with demand evolution, lead to a change in the current market structure and thus towards a ‘multipolarisation’ of global competition? We find that the smart card industry is struck by a strongly concentrated oligopoly despite fierce competition.  相似文献   

Tang  Haina  Zhao  Xiangpeng  Ren  Yongmao 《Wireless Networks》2022,28(3):1197-1202
Wireless Networks - Geolocation is important for many emerging applications such as disaster management and recommendation system. In this paper, we propose a multilayer recognition model (MRM) to...  相似文献   

Commwarrior worm is capable of spreading through both Bluetooth and multimedia messaging service (MMS) in smart phone networks. According to the propagation characteristics of Bluetooth and MMS, we built the susceptibleexposed-infected-recovered-dormancy (SEIRD) model for the Bluetooth and MMS hybrid spread mode and performed the stability analysis. The simulation results show good correlation with our theoretical analysis and demonstrate the effectiveness of this dynamic propagation model. On the basis of the SEIRD model, we further discuss at length the influence of the propagation parameters such as user gather density in groups, moving velocity of smart phone, the time for worm to replicate itself, and other interrelated parameters on the propagation of the virus. On the basis of these analytical and simulation results, some feasible control strategies will be proposed to restrain the spread of mobile worm such as commwarrior on smart phone network.  相似文献   

Theoretical results for modeling source-based smart pixel arrays are presented. Attention is focused on modeling the nonlinearities in sources, as well as electrical and optical couplings and interactions within a single pixel. A matrix formalism is used to generalize the theory to include the behavior of an entire smart pixel array consisting of interacting pixels with arbitrary optical and electrical interconnections. A vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL)-based smart pixel array is used for experimental demonstration of the application of the theory in the design and implementation of an optoelectronic flip-flop, where the nonlinear characteristics of the VCSELs are utilized in a positive feedback scheme to achieve bistability.  相似文献   

Recently, zero‐forcing beamforming has been widely used for multiple‐input and multiple‐output broadcast channels, because it could provide suboptimal capacity with low complexity. To increase the sum data rate, a good user selection algorithm is attractive. In this paper, a new user selection algorithm named maximum product of effective channel gains is presented. The proposed algorithm is described mathematically, and the lower bound of the sum capacity is demonstrated to be proportional to the product of effective channel gains. Our simulation results show that maximum product of effective channel gains can achieve higher sum rate compared with the classical algorithm, semi‐orthogonal user selection, with the same complexity order, especially when the signal‐to‐noise ratio is high; in addition, the complexity of the proposed algorithm is superior to minimum of the Frobenius norm of the pseudo‐inverse algorithm. Meanwhile, the number of users that can be served simultaneously is equal to the number of transmission antennas, which is the maximum performance that can be achieved.Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of location-based networks, point-of-interest(POI) recommendation has become an important means to help people discover interesting and attractive locations, especially when users travel out of town. However, because users only check-in interaction is highly sparse, which creates a big challenge for POI recommendation. To tackle this challenge, we propose a joint probabilistic generative model called geographical temporal social content popularity(GTSCP) to imitate user check-in activities in a process of decision making, which effectively integrates the geographical influence, temporal effect, social correlation, content information and popularity impact factors to overcome the data sparsity, especially for out-of-town users. Our proposed the GTSCP supports two recommendation scenarios in a joint model, i.e., home-town recommendation and out-of-town recommendation. Experimental results show that GTSCP achieves significantly superior recommendation quality compared to other state-of-the-art POI recommendation techniques.  相似文献   

目前多数软件用户满意度模型只关注了用户满意度的部分内容,有些研究只针对部分APP软件。文中基于ISO/IEC 25010软件产品质量标准,结合APP软件的特点,从主观和客观的角度出发,从用户、软件、环境三个方面提出了APP软件通用的用户满意度模型。通过APP软件用户评论的分析,表明文中提出的APP软件的用户满意度模型是可行的。  相似文献   

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