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The effects of floodplain fragmentation by dykes on grassland vegetation were evaluated through field studies along the Middle Elbe River (federal states Saxony‐Anhalt and Brandenburg, Germany). Plant species composition was examined in 206 sites between 1996 and 1998 in the entire floodplain, which can be divided into the floodplain types ‘recent floodplain’, ‘older floodplain’ (which is separated from the recent one by dykes) and the ‘margin of the floodplain’ (which is the part of the older floodplain that forms the boundary and is furthest from the river). Dynamics in hydrology were examined weekly between November 1996 and February 1999 with the help of 40 water level wells which were installed near the studied sites. The hydrological parameters ‘average water level’, ‘average groundwater level’, ‘flooding duration’, ‘flooding depth higher 50 cm above soil surface’ and ‘standard deviation of the water level line’ were calculated to characterize the considered floodplain types and to relate species composition to hydrology. Furthermore several parameters of current management of the vegetation were recorded to evaluate the importance of land use versus hydrology for floodplain grasslands. Detrended and canonical correspondence analysis (DCA, CCA) were used to identify major environmental gradients governing the vegetation and to determine if there is a relationship between the different locations within the floodplain, variation in species composition, and gradients of measured environmental variables. The results indicate that the vegetation is closely related to a combination of water level fluctuations, which are different among the floodplain types, and soil moisture, while type and intensity of current management are not important in this context. The results of contingency tables underline the significance of dykes for the occurrence and absence of individual species among the floodplain types. The observed patterns can also be explained by the different hydrological properties of the recent and older floodplain as the results of logistic regression reveal. Furthermore, disturbance and dispersal processes and their alteration by dykes have to be taken into account to explain the pattern of species occurrence. Partial ordination detected residual differences in vegetation among the different floodplain types after accounting for the effects of the measured environmental variables. Grain size distribution is discussed as a further factor that might influence species composition. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although soil seed banks are understood to be integral to the vegetation dynamics and restoration of many ecosystems, little is known of their role in riparian zones. In this study, we investigated soil seed banks of riparian zones of contrasting condition in an agricultural landscape and evaluated their potential to influence riparian restoration. We examined the composition and structure of germinable soil seed banks along lateral gradients from stream channels in both cleared and wooded riparian zones of three lowland creeks within the Goulburn Broken catchment in temperate southeastern Australia. Environmental correlates of soil seed bank characteristics and similarity to extant vegetation were also examined. We found an abundant and species‐rich soil seed bank mostly comprising propagules of perennial rushes and sedges and annual and perennial grasses with many species of annual forbs. While the majority of identifiable germinants and species were native, exotic species were common at all locations. Soil seed bank composition was relatively homogeneous among streams and along lateral gradients from the channel. Riparian condition (i.e. cleared or wooded), however, had a strong influence on soil seed bank composition and structure with cleared reaches containing more species, more germinable annual grasses and higher total numbers of germinable seeds. Soil seed bank composition was correlated with site openness suggesting that extant vegetation structure plays an important role in soil seed bank dynamics. Recruitment from the in situ soil seed bank will help restore only some components of the riparian plant community and may hinder restoration by introducing undesirable species. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Historical trends in hydrology, geomorphology, and floodplain vegetation provide fundamental contexts for designing future management of large rivers, an area of fluvial research extensively informed by studies of historical channel dynamics. Changes in hydrology, channel structure, floodplain forests, and large wood were documented for the 273‐km main stem of the Willamette River from 1850 to present. Reduced sediment supply and frequency and magnitude of floods have decreased channel mobility and incised channels, leading to fewer gravel bars, islands, and side channels. Human alteration of channel morphology, vegetation, and bank hardening has exacerbated channel simplification caused by reductions in floods, sediment supply, and inputs of wood. A substantial number of floodplain channels reoccupied remnants of previous active channels inundated during recent floods, demonstrating functional but often forgotten role of historical geomorphic structure in modern floodplains and flood processes. In most reaches, area of floodplain forests in 1990 was only 10% to 25% of the area of forests in 1850. Abundance of wood in the wetted channel was generally greater in reaches with higher abundances of floodplain forests. Future trajectories will be influenced by legacies of the historical river but increasingly will reflect evolution of a new river shaped by human development, changing climate, and emerging hydrogeomorphic and vegetation processes. Understanding historical characteristics and anticipating future rates and patterns of ecosystem change provide fundamental contexts for restoring biophysical processes and structure in a large floodplain river.  相似文献   

河流地貌多样性修复方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
河流生态修复主要包括河流地貌特征的修复和水文特征的恢复。基于河流连续体、河流四维模型等河流生态修复的基础理论以及生态水工学的相关理念,对河流地貌多样性修复的一些方法和工程措施进行了总结和归纳。  相似文献   

The state of the science of lowland river floodplain restoration reflects the relatively new and experimental nature of large river floodplain rehabilitation efforts. Based on results of a case study of floodplain restoration at the lowland Cosumnes River, California, we present a geomorphic monitoring and adaptive assessment framework that addresses the need to inform and utilize scientific knowledge in lowland floodplain river restoration activities. Highlighting hydrogeomorphic processes that lead to habitat creation, we identify a discharge threshold for connectivity and sediment transfer from the channel to the floodplain and integrate discharge magnitude and duration to quantify a threshold to aid determination of when geomorphic monitoring is warranted. Using floodplain sand deposition volume in splay complexes as one indicator of dynamic floodplain habitat, we develop a model to aid prediction of the sand deposition volume as an assessment tool to use to analyze future monitoring data. Because geomorphic processes that form the physical structure of a habitat are dynamic, and because the most successful restoration projects accommodate this fundamental characteristic of ecosystems, monitoring designs must both identify trends and be adapted iteratively so that relevant features continue to be measured. Thus, in this paper, adaptive assessment is defined as the modification of monitoring and analysis methods as a dynamic system evolves following restoration activities. The adaptive monitoring and assessment methods proposed facilitate long‐term measurements of channel–floodplain sediment transfer, and changes in sediment storage and morphology unique to lowland river–floodplain interactions and the habitat that these physical processes support. The adaptive assessment framework should be integrated with biological and chemical elements of an interdisciplinary ecosystem monitoring program to answer research hypotheses and to advance restoration science in lowland floodplain river systems. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Zooplankton produce resting eggs and diapause stages as strategies to promote their survival during periods of adverse environmental conditions, thereby ensuring the community diversity. The goal of this study is to investigate the contribution of these eggs, which were present in the sediment of an isolated lagoon in the Upper Paraná River floodplain, to cladoceran diversity. The species hatching from the resting eggs in the sediment do not occur in the plankton. Sediment samples were collected at six sampling sites in the Osmar Lagoon banks, in September 2004 and June, July, August and September 2005. Zooplankton were sampled in the pelagic region, using a motorized pump (1000 L) and plankton net (68 µm). The pH, water temperature (°C), electrical conductivity (µS cm−1) and dissolved oxygen concentration (mg L−1) also were measured. The resting eggs were counted in the laboratory, being maintained under constant temperature and photoperiod until their analyses. The resting eggs were examined daily until hatching. A higher abundance of these eggs was observed in July, during a period of lower temperature and electrical conductivity, and higher pH and dissolved oxygen concentrations. ANOVA results indicated significant differences in resting egg abundance among the sampling months. Ceriodaphnia reticulata, Macrothrix spinosa, Ilyocryptus spinifer, Ephemeroporus tridentatus and Diaphanosoma sp. hatched from the resting eggs, although they were not observed in the plankton samples. C. reticulata was observed for the first time in this floodplain, with these study results corroborating the hypothesis that resting cladoceran eggs do contribute to zooplankton diversity in the lagoon.  相似文献   

River restoration is widely applied, although its effects are poorly understood, and degraded habitats might be difficult to improve. Moreover, there is a lack of monitoring as well as few systematic comparisons of restoration methods. This study presents results of a 4‐year monitoring on River Inn (southern Germany) investigating restoration by gravel or sand addition or embankment removal. The results were compared with reference sites that represent the pre‐restoration conditions. At the landscape scale, we analysed vegetation types based on aerial photographs, whereas at a smaller scale, we undertook vegetation surveys and evaluated species composition, growth, and life form, as well as the proportion of the target vegetation. After 4 years, the data indicated a “negative resilience” of the vegetation back to the state prior to restoration. The structural analysis revealed an extensive spread of reed at expense of bare soil. Thus, the species composition largely regressed to the pre‐restoration conditions, and neither annuals nor other pioneer species showed a long‐term benefit of river restoration. There were differences among the three restoration treatments after 2 years, but no longer after 4 years. However, the river restoration had three positive outcomes: (a) There was a temporary benefit for pioneer vegetation that most likely replenished the seed bank of the respective species, (b) the valuable reed communities showed resilience, and (c) the measures allowed some practical learning as expected for adaptive restoration.  相似文献   

为揭示嫩江下游洪水演进规律及对洪泛区植被的影响,利用MIKE FLOOD建立了嫩江江桥—大赉河段的一、二维水动力耦合模型,选取1998年与2013年汛期实测资料对河段糙率进行了率定与验证,并模拟了典型河段4种不同重现期洪水的演进过程。在此基础上基于2000—2019年MODIS卫星的MOD13Q1数据集,获取了不同洪水频率淹没范围内的植被指数(NDVI、EVI),评估了嫩江下游不同重现期洪水扰动对植被的影响。结果表明:模型在率定期与验证期的模拟效果符合甲级预报精度,模型模拟精度较高;不同重现期内的植被指数具有较强的季节变化规律,且洪水对植被具有明显的破坏作用,但这种破坏作用在嫩江流域周期性相对较短,表明该地区植被的可恢复性较强;同时受洪水频繁淹没程度影响,不同重现期的植被指数符合中度干扰假说。  相似文献   

Extremely high river discharges in 1993 and 1995 along the Dutch rivers Rhine and Meuse have increased the public awareness of possible safety threats. As a result the ‘Space for Rivers’ program was implemented, aiming at restoring physical space for the rivers in combination with ecological rehabilitation. However, the development of species‐rich vegetation types in these floodplain areas is lagging behind restoration targets and biogeochemical constraints may play a vital role in this. Biogeochemical, hydrological and vegetation data were collected in 111 plots in both rehabilitated and original floodplains in regulated and more pristine river systems in The Netherlands and Poland. Soil nutrient and soil pore water data were summarized by factor analysis and the subsequent principal components were compared to vegetation and hydrological data by correlation analysis. The correlation analyses between vegetation parameters including nutrient stoichiometry and the biogeochemical soil variables resulted in a remarkable difference between pristine and impacted river systems. The results suggest a clear N‐limitation of plant growth in pristine floodplains, and apparent absence of limitation in regulated, impacted floodplains. In addition, results indicate that flooding events do not lead to one‐way transport of sediment and nutrients from the river into the floodplains; rather they indicate that highly dynamic hydrological conditions prevent soils from accumulating organic matter and nutrients. This study shows that nutrient limitation in regulated floodplains shifted from distinctly N‐limited plant growth to no nutrient limitation at all, probably due to decades of high fertilizer and manure application and nutrient input by the rivers during flooding. The consequence of our findings for rehabilitation activities is that it might be necessary to restore nitrogen limitation in floodplain systems in order to create opportunities for a species‐rich floodplain vegetation, through nutrient removal by hay‐making. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Riparian ecosystems in montane areas have been degraded by mining, streamflow alterations, and livestock grazing. Restoration of ecological and economic functions, especially in high-elevation watersheds that supply water to lower elevation urban and agriculture areas is of high priority. We investigated the response of riparian vegetation and bank stability following channel treatments and riparian habitat restoration along a segment of the upper Arkansas River south of Leadville, Colorado. The study area has been historically degraded by heavy-metal mining and is designated a U.S. Superfund site. Additionally, trans-basin water diversions and livestock grazing have contributed to channel widening and altered vegetation composition and cover. We used a before-after-control impact study design in four reaches with varied contamination and grazing history to assess restoration success. Before restoration, streambanks were dominated by graminoids and total vegetation cover varied among reaches with willow cover less than 16% in three reaches. Post-restoration, changes in total vegetation cover fell short of projected goals, but willow cover was greater than 20% in all study reaches. The increase in woody cover likely contributed to reduced erosion and vegetation encroachment post-restoration. Differences in functional group cover among reaches persisted post-restoration and may be attributed to soil contamination levels and low willow seed rain and dispersal. These results highlight the importance of setting realistic restoration goals based on elevation and past land use. We recommend further remediation of fluvial tailings with low vegetation cover and continued monitoring of willow height and cover to determine if further restoration activities are needed.  相似文献   

Understanding how floodplain wetland vegetation is influenced by water regimes can inform the management of regulated river systems by targeting appropriate environmental water allocations. In this study, we examined plant community structure in 21 floodplain wetlands adjacent to the Murray River between Hume Reservoir and Tocumwal, south‐eastern Australia. Correlations between the water regime of the previous 25 years, and wetland type were investigated. We found the structure of plant communities, as assessed by the richness and percentage cover of plants, to be related to water regime, with clear differences between the communities of wetlands with historical ‘Wet’, ‘Dry’ and ‘Intermediate’ water regimes. Plant community structure was also related to wetland type, with differences being found between the communities of floodplain depressions, flood‐runners and cut‐off meanders. Managers of riverine/floodplain ecosystems need to consider both wetland type and water regime when planning strategies for the restoration or conservation of floodplain wetland vegetation in regulated river systems. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examined short-term temporal river restoration following slit construction using yearly surveys conducted from 2009 to 2011. The temporal changes caused by river restoration were monitored with regards to the river response, velocity diversity, channel geomorphic unit diversity and species diversity.The temporal change indicated a rapid increase in the hydraulic and channel geomorphic unit diversity by the river response, whereas the species diversity decreases by the rapid river response with the debris flow. The channel pattern changes were explained by an excess of shear stress, which eroded the bank toe. Bank scour or sediment failures then occurred during normal discharge. This process was the main mechanism of river widening in the Wasada stream.We suggested methods to assess the velocity and geomorphic diversity based on the Shannon diversity index for river conditions. The velocity and channel geomorphic unit diversity increased after the slit construction, with 1.31 in 2009, 1.68 in 2010, and 1.93 in 2011 for the velocity diversity and 1.05, 1.45, and 1.66 for the channel geomorphic unit diversity. Both diversities responded immediately to the slit construction, after which the response slowed. However, the species diversity remained lower than the pre-condition levels after the physical environment recovered. The reasons for the diversity decrease were the species evenness and the decrease in taxa richness. In the results, the species diversity varied as 2.33 (2009) to 2.38 (2010), and 2.12 (2011), while the species evenness decreased continuously: 0.79 (2009) to 0.74 (2010), and 0.73 (2011). The latter trend was caused by a rapid river response by debris flow that disturbed both the species population and species diversity. Species density and diversity decrease when the river response is very active in the early stage of river restoration.  相似文献   

河流生态修复的尺度格局和模型   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
董哲仁 《水利学报》2006,37(12):1476-1481
通过分析水文过程与生态过程的耦合特征,论证了流域尺度是编制河流生态修复规划的适宜尺度。讨论了景观空间异质性与物种多样性的相关关系,提出了在流域和河流廊道两种尺度上改善景观格局配置的方法。特别指出了在河流廊道尺度下提高景观空间异质性的两个要点,一是增强地貌学意义上的空间异质性,二是改善生态水文学和生态水力学意义上的水文、水力学条件。本文还介绍了景观格局分析方法和景观格局-生态过程模型。  相似文献   

Periodic deoxygenation events (DO < 1 mg/L) occur in the Richmond River Estuary on the east coast of Australia following flooding and these events may be accompanied by total fish mortality. This study describes the deoxygenation potential of different types of floodplain vegetation in the lower Richmond River catchment and provides a catchment scale estimate of the relative contribution of floodplain vegetation decomposition to deoxygenation of floodwaters. Of the major vegetation types on the floodplain slashed pasture was initially (first 5 to 7 h) the most oxygen demanding vegetation type after inundation (268 ± mg O2 m?2 h?1), followed by dropped tea tree cuttings (195 ± 18 mg O2 m?2 h?1) and harvested cane trash (110 ± 8 mg O2 m?2 h?1). However, 10 h after inundation the oxygen consumption rates of slashed pasture (105 ± 5 mg O2 m?2 h?1) and tea tree cuttings (59 ± 7 mg O2 m?2 h?1) had decreased to a rate less than the harvested cane trash (110 ± 8 mg O2 m?2 h?1). The oxygen demands of the different floodplain vegetation types when inundated were highly correlated with their nitrogen content (r2 = 0.77) and molar C:N ratio (r2 = 0.82) reflecting the dependence of oxygen demand of vegetation types on their labile carbon content. The floodplain of the lower Richmond River (as flooded in February 2001) has the potential to deoxygenate about 12.5 × 103 mL of saturated freshwater at 25°C per day which is sufficient to completely deoxygenate floodwater stored on the floodplain with 3 to 4 days. In addition, oxidation of Fe2+ mobilized during the decomposition of floodplain vegetation via iron reduction and discharged from groundwater and surface runoff in acid sulfate soil environments could account for about 10% of the deoxygenation of floodwater stored on the floodplain. Management options to reduce floodplain deoxygenation include removing cuttings from slashed pasture and transporting off‐site, reducing slashed pasture windrow loads by using comb‐type mowers, returning areas of the floodplain to wetlands to allow the establishment of inundation tolerant vegetation and retaining deoxygenated floodwaters in low lying areas of the floodplain to allow oxygen consumption process to be completed before releasing this water back to the estuary. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Plant communities and dynamics can be characterized according to species composition or plant traits. Here, we used species composition and plant traits to compare their effectiveness in discriminating the biogeomorphological (involving reciprocal feedbacks between physical and biological processes) and ecological (mainly biologically driven) phases of the fluvial biogeomorphological succession (FBS) model. The comparison was done between two French rivers, the largely unchannelized lower Allier and the channelized middle Garonne. One reach representative of each river section was selected for the study. Within each river reach, we chose two contrasted study sites in terms of channel and floodplain dynamics: a reference site (least altered channel and floodplain dynamics) and an altered site (laterally stabilized by riprap and constrained). In the four study sites, we sampled vegetation in 402 plots of 4 m2. The 512 species identified in the plots were characterized in terms of plant traits (20) from a literature review. When comparing reaches in unconstrained ordinations and permutational multivariate analyses of variance, both species composition and plant traits led to a similar identification of the biogeomorphological and the ecological successional trajectories. Nevertheless, the trait approach was less influenced by local and regional bioclimatic, hydrogeomorphological, and anthropogenic settings and thus produced a more comprehensive and general classification of the biogeomorphological and ecological phases of the FBS model. A lower than expected contrast between the four sites was found, because neither species composition nor plant traits could entirely characterize distinct successional trajectories occurring in our reference or altered sites. Furthermore, our results contributed to a better understanding of the multiple successional trajectories that can occur in midlatitude river corridors. It also showed that relating plant traits to their effects on fluvial landform dynamics remains a core challenge in explaining succession including feedback mechanisms between hydrology, morphodynamics, and vegetation dynamics.  相似文献   

The hydrological regime is the main factor governing the functioning of floodplain rivers. A full comprehension of its dynamic leads to a better understanding of the system's behaviour. We analysed the daily water level of the Paraná River during the last century at three gauge stations using linear and non-linear tools to characterise the hydrological dynamic and to analyse to what extent chaotic behaviour prevails. The three water level time series were characterised as non-linear and non-stationary by power spectrum, autocorrelation function, and surrogate test analyses. A strange attractor was developed when the phase space was reconstructed, having a low dimensional chaos supported by correlation dimension, positive maximum Lyapunov exponents, and recurrence quantification analysis. The sample entropy analysis shows that the system resulted unpredictable beyond a temporal threshold, and with an intermediate hydrological complexity, while Hurst exponent characterised it as persistent and with sensitive dependence on initial conditions. In a general overview, all the evidence obtained indicates that the Paraná River's behaviour is at the edge of chaos. A latitudinal gradient of decreasing chaoticity was observed as the floodplain extent increased, whereas complexity was highest at the intermediate river station due to the inflow of tributaries with different hydrology. This paper attempts to offer some additional insights for understanding the hydrological behaviour of floodplain rivers and the most appropriate methods to understand their complexity.  相似文献   

Monitoring riparian vegetation cover and species richness is an important component of assessing change and understanding ecosystem processes. Vegetation sampling methods determined to be the best option in other ecosystems (e.g., desert grasslands and arctic tundra) may not be the best option in multilayered, species rich, heterogeneous riparian vegetation. This study examines the strengths and weaknesses of two common vegetation sampling methods, line‐point intercept and ocular quadrat estimates. Permutational analysis of variance analyses indicate that cover estimates among observers did not differ significantly for either line‐point intercept or ocular quadrat estimates. Line‐point intercept cover estimates resulted in lower coefficient of variation among observers than ocular quadrat estimates, but the ocular quadrat estimates recorded significantly more species. Line‐point estimates of cover were generally larger than ocular quadrat estimates. Ocular quadrat estimates are appropriate when assessment of richness is important, in areas with heterogeneous geomorphology and hydrology where fine‐scale measurements are most useful, and in areas where continuous sampling transects are impracticable. Line‐point intercept estimates are useful when minimum variation among observers is necessary, continuous transects are logical and practicable for the sampling area, woody cover does not present a logistical complication, and species richness is not a priority.  相似文献   

河岸植被覆盖影响下的河流演化动力特性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨树青  白玉川  徐海珏  黄哲 《水利学报》2018,49(8):995-1006
河岸植被对河道的水流运动、主槽稳定及河湾迁移等均有重要的影响,尤其是在洪水期河流的演化过程中。为分析不同密度植被护岸对河流动力过程的影响响应,本文采用自然模型实验,通过改变河岸植被种植密度及单双岸布设方式,模拟河岸有无植被种植的河流演化过程。给定相同的造床流量、坡降、泥沙粒径等水沙边界条件,设定控制变量为河岸植被覆盖率,分别为0%,20%,40%,80%。实验结果表明:(1)单岸植被覆盖其主流稳定性较两岸植被覆盖为差;(2)河岸植被越密集,水流对河床的局部扰动越强烈,河演达到稳定状态周期越长;(3)两岸植被覆盖的蜿蜒河道其稳定曲率随植被覆盖率增大而减小,较大的水流剪切力会造成较大的河湾迁移。  相似文献   

阿什河某支流河岸带植物群落多样性差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对阿什河某支流不同区域河岸带植物多样性和植物群落结构差异进行了研究。从α多样性上来看,上游和中游河岸带物种丰富度和均匀度差异不显著,下游丰富度指数明显低于中上游;从稳定性上来看,河岸带植物群落结构稳定性为下游 < 中游 < 上游;草地早熟禾为本流域中各区域河岸带植被的优势种群,上游受外界影响及水力冲刷较小,植物有向陆生演替的趋势,下游受外界影响及水力冲刷较大,植物有向水生及耐冲刷物种演替的趋势。  相似文献   

Annual growth increments were calculated for blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) and flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) from the lower Mississippi River (LMR) to assess hypothesized relationships between fish growth and floodplain inundation as predicted by the Flood‐Pulse Concept. Variation in catfish growth increment was high for all age classes of both species, and growth increments were not consistently related to various measures of floodplain inundation. However, relationships became stronger, and usually direct, when water temperature was integrated with area and duration of floodplain inundation. Relationships were significant for four of six age classes for blue catfish, a species known to utilize floodplain habitats. Though similar in direction, relationships were weaker for flathead catfish, which is considered a more riverine species. Our results indicate the Flood‐Pulse Concept applies more strongly to temperate floodplain‐river ecosystems when thermal aspects of flood pulses are considered. We recommend that future management of the LMR should consider ways to ‘recouple’ the annual flood and thermal cycles. An adaptive management approach will allow further determination of important processes affecting fisheries production in the LMR. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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