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The Journal of Supercomputing - This paper presents a challenging panoramic vision and LiDAR dataset collected by an autonomous vehicle at Chungbuk National University campus to facilitate robotics...  相似文献   

Quite a number of approaches for solving the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problem exist by now. Some of them have recently been extended to mapping environments with six‐degree‐of‐freedom poses, yielding 6D SLAM approaches. To demonstrate the capabilities of the respective algorithms, it is common practice to present generated maps and successful loop closings in large outdoor environments. Unfortunately, it is nontrivial to compare different 6D SLAM approaches objectively, because ground truth data about the outdoor environments used for demonstration are typically unavailable. We present a novel benchmarking method for generating the ground truth data based on reference maps. The method is then demonstrated by comparing the absolute performance of some previously existing 6D SLAM algorithms that build a large urban outdoor map. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This paper describes BoWSLAM, a scheme for a robot to reliably navigate and map previously unknown environments, in real time, using monocular vision alone. BoWSLAM can navigate challenging dynamic and self‐similar environments and can recover from gross errors. Key innovations allowing this include new uses for the bag‐of‐words image representation; this is used to select the best set of frames from which to reconstruct positions and to give efficient wide‐baseline correspondences between many pairs of frames, providing multiple position hypotheses. A graph‐based representation of these position hypotheses enables the modeling and optimization of errors in scale in a dual graph and the selection of only reliable position estimates in the presence of gross outliers. BoWSLAM is demonstrated mapping a 25‐min, 2.5‐km trajectory through a challenging and dynamic outdoor environment without any other sensor input, considerably farther than previous single‐camera simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) schemes. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Among the solutions to the simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) problem with probabilistic techniques, the extended Kalman filter (EKF) is a very common approach. There are several approaches to deal with its computational cost, usually based on an adequate selection of features to be updated in real time, while the whole map update is delayed or processed in a background task, allowing one to map larger environments or to carry out multirobot experiments. Although these solutions are theoretically sound, there is a great lack of real experiments in large indoor environments due to several previously unknown problems derived from the geometric model of the map features and the inconsistency of the SLAM‐EKF algorithm. For the first time, these problems are described and solved, and the implementation of the algorithms and solutions presented in this paper achieve excellent results in experiments in different real large indoor environments. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

潘高峰  樊渊  汝玉  郭予超 《计算机应用》2022,42(7):2170-2176
当图像因相机快速运动造成模糊或者处在低纹理场景时,仅使用点特征的同步定位与地图构建(SLAM)算法难以跟踪提取足够多的特征点,导致定位精度和匹配鲁棒性较差。而如果造成误匹配,甚至系统都无法工作。针对上述问题,提出了一种基于点线特征融合的低纹理单目SLAM算法。首先,加入了线特征来加强系统稳定性,并解决了点特征算法在低纹理场景中提取不足的问题;然后,对点、线特征提取数量的选择引入了加权的思想,根据场景的丰富程度,对点线特征的权重进行了合理分配。所提算法是在低纹理场景下运行的,因而设置以线特征为主、点特征为辅。在TUM室内数据集上的实验结果表明,与现有的点线特征算法相比,所提算法有效地提高了线特征的匹配精度,使得轨迹误差减小了大约9个百分点,也使得特征提取时间减少了30个百分点,使加入的线特征在低纹理场景中发挥出积极有效的作用,提高了数据整体的准确度和可信度。  相似文献   

Robotic collaboration promises increased robustness and efficiency of missions with great potential in applications, such as search‐and‐rescue and agriculture. Multiagent collaborative simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is right at the core of enabling collaboration, such that each agent can colocalize in and build a map of the workspace. The key challenges at the heart of this problem, however, lie with robust communication, efficient data management, and effective sharing of information among the agents. To this end, here we present CCM‐SLAM, a centralized collaborative SLAM framework for robotic agents, each equipped with a monocular camera, a communication unit, and a small processing board. With each agent able to run visual odometry onboard, CCM‐SLAM ensures their autonomy as individuals, while a central server with potentially bigger computational capacity enables their collaboration by collecting all their experiences, merging and optimizing their maps, or disseminating information back to them, where appropriate. An in‐depth analysis on benchmarking datasets addresses the scalability and the robustness of CCM‐SLAM to information loss and communication delays commonly occurring during real missions. This reveals that in the worst case of communication loss, collaboration is affected, but not the autonomy of the agents. Finally, the practicality of the proposed framework is demonstrated with real flights of three small aircraft equipped with different sensors and computational capabilities onboard and a standard laptop as the server, collaboratively estimating their poses and the scene on the fly.  相似文献   

Autonomous navigation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in GPS‐denied environments is a challenging problem, especially for small‐scale UAVs characterized by a small payload and limited battery autonomy. A possible solution to the aforementioned problem is vision‐based simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), since cameras, due to their dimensions, low weight, availability, and large information bandwidth, circumvent all the constraints of UAVs. In this paper, we propose a stereo vision SLAM yielding very accurate localization and a dense map of the environment developed with the aim to compete in the European Robotics Challenges (EuRoC) targeting airborne inspection of industrial facilities with small‐scale UAVs. The proposed approach consists of a novel stereo odometry algorithm relying on feature tracking (SOFT), which currently ranks first among all stereo methods on the KITTI dataset. Relying on SOFT for pose estimation, we build a feature‐based pose graph SLAM solution, which we dub SOFT‐SLAM. SOFT‐SLAM has a completely separate odometry and mapping threads supporting large loop‐closing and global consistency. It also achieves a constant‐time execution rate of 20 Hz with deterministic results using only two threads of an onboard computer used in the challenge. The UAV running our SLAM algorithm obtained the highest localization score in the EuRoC Challenge 3, Stage IIa–Benchmarking, Task 2. Furthermore, we also present an exhaustive evaluation of SOFT‐SLAM on two popular public datasets, and we compare it to other state‐of‐the‐art approaches, namely ORB‐SLAM2 and LSD‐SLAM. The results show that SOFT‐SLAM obtains better localization accuracy on the majority of datasets sequences, while also having a lower runtime.  相似文献   

The strength of appearance-based mapping models for mobile robots lies in their ability to represent the environment through high-level image features and to provide human-readable information. However, developing a mapping and a localization method using these kinds of models is very challenging, especially if robots must deal with long-term mapping, localization, navigation, occlusions, and dynamic environments. In other words, the mobile robot has to deal with environmental appearance change, which modifies its representation of the environment. This paper proposes an indoor appearance-based mapping and a localization method for mobile robots based on the human memory model, which was used to build a Feature Stability Histogram (FSH) at each node in the robot topological map. This FSH registers local feature stability over time through a voting scheme, and the most stable features were considered for mapping, for Bayesian localization and for incrementally updating the current appearance reference view in the topological map. The experimental results are presented using an omnidirectional images dataset acquired over the long-term and considering: illumination changes (time of day, different seasons), occlusions, random removal of features, and perceptual aliasing. The results include a comparison with the approach proposed by Dayoub and Duckett (2008) [19] and the popular Bag-of-Words (Bazeille and Filliat, 2010) [35] approach. The obtained results confirm the viability of our method and indicate that it can adapt the internal map representation over time to localize the robot both globally and locally.  相似文献   

Distributed as an open‐source library since 2013, real‐time appearance‐based mapping (RTAB‐Map) started as an appearance‐based loop closure detection approach with memory management to deal with large‐scale and long‐term online operation. It then grew to implement simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) on various robots and mobile platforms. As each application brings its own set of constraints on sensors, processing capabilities, and locomotion, it raises the question of which SLAM approach is the most appropriate to use in terms of cost, accuracy, computation power, and ease of integration. Since most of SLAM approaches are either visual‐ or lidar‐based, comparison is difficult. Therefore, we decided to extend RTAB‐Map to support both visual and lidar SLAM, providing in one package a tool allowing users to implement and compare a variety of 3D and 2D solutions for a wide range of applications with different robots and sensors. This paper presents this extended version of RTAB‐Map and its use in comparing, both quantitatively and qualitatively, a large selection of popular real‐world datasets (e.g., KITTI, EuRoC, TUM RGB‐D, MIT Stata Center on PR2 robot), outlining strengths, and limitations of visual and lidar SLAM configurations from a practical perspective for autonomous navigation applications.  相似文献   

This article presents a very efficient SLAM algorithm that works by hierarchically dividing a map into local regions and subregions. At each level of the hierarchy each region stores a matrix representing some of the landmarks contained in this region. To keep those matrices small, only those landmarks are represented that are observable from outside the region. A measurement is integrated into a local subregion using O(k2) computation time for k landmarks in a subregion. When the robot moves to a different subregion a full least-square estimate for that region is computed in only O(k3 log n) computation time for n landmarks. A global least square estimate needs O(kn) computation time with a very small constant (12.37 ms for n = 11300). The algorithm is evaluated for map quality, storage space and computation time using simulated and real experiments in an office environment. This article is based on the authors studies at the German Aerospace Center. Udo Frese was born in Minden, Germany in 1972. He received the Diploma degree in computer science from the University of Paderborn in 1997. From 1998 to 2003 he was a Ph.D. student at the German Aerospace Center in Oberpfaffenhofen. In 2004 he received his Ph.D. degree from University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and joined SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition at University of Bremen. He works on mobile robotics, SLAM and computer vision.  相似文献   

Joint simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) constitutes the basis for cooperative action in multi‐robot teams. We designed a stereo vision‐based 6D SLAM system combining local and global methods to benefit from their particular advantages: (1) Decoupled local reference filters on each robot for real‐time, long‐term stable state estimation required for stabilization, control and fast obstacle avoidance; (2) Online graph optimization with a novel graph topology and intra‐ as well as inter‐robot loop closures through an improved submap matching method to provide global multi‐robot pose and map estimates; (3) Distribution of the processing of high‐frequency and high‐bandwidth measurements enabling the exchange of aggregated and thus compacted map data. As a result, we gain robustness with respect to communication losses between robots. We evaluated our improved map matcher on simulated and real‐world datasets and present our full system in five real‐world multi‐robot experiments in areas of up 3,000 m2 (bounding box), including visual robot detections and submap matches as loop‐closure constraints. Further, we demonstrate its application to autonomous multi‐robot exploration in a challenging rough‐terrain environment at a Moon‐analogue site located on a volcano.  相似文献   

A backlight for liquid‐crystal‐display illumination is presented, in which s‐polarized light is preferentially coupled out by micro‐optical structures in a birefringent layer. In the experiments, contrasts higher than 15 have been obtained. A polarization dependent ray‐tracing model has been developed. Important guidelines for finding an optimal backlight configuration have been derived from the calculations.  相似文献   

A map‐aided localization approach using vision, inertial sensors when available, and a particle filter is proposed and empirically evaluated. The approach, termed PosteriorPose, uses a Bayesian particle filter to augment global positioning system (GPS) and inertial navigation solutions with vision‐based measurements of nearby lanes and stop lines referenced against a known map of environmental features. These map‐relative measurements are shown to improve the quality of the navigation solution when GPS is available, and they are shown to keep the navigation solution converged in extended GPS blackouts. Measurements are incorporated with careful hypothesis testing and error modeling to account for non‐Gaussian and multimodal errors committed by GPS and vision‐based detection algorithms. Using a set of data collected with Cornell's autonomous car, including a measure of truth via a high‐precision differential corrections service, an experimental investigation of important design elements of the PosteriorPose estimator is conducted. The algorithm is shown to statistically outperform a tightly coupled GPS/inertial navigation solution both in full GPS coverage and in extended GPS blackouts. Statistical performance is also studied as a function of road type, filter likelihood models, bias models, and filter integrity tests. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The inherent complex nature of current distributed computing architectures hinders the widespread adoption of these systems for mainstream use. In general, users have access to a highly heterogeneous set of compute resources, which may include clusters, grids, desktop grids, clouds, and other compute platforms. This heterogeneity is especially problematic when running parallel and distributed applications. Software is needed which easily combines as many resources as possible into one coherent computing platform. In this paper, we introduce Zorilla: peer‐to‐peer (P2P) middleware that creates a single distributed environment from any available set of compute resources. Zorilla imposes minimal requirements on the resource used, is platform independent, and does not rely on central components. In addition to providing functionality on bare resources, Zorilla can exploit locally available middleware. Zorilla explicitly supports distributed and parallel applications, and allows resources from multiple sites to cooperate in a single computation. Zorilla makes extensive use of both virtualization and P2P techniques. We will demonstrate how virtualization and P2P combine into a simple design, while enhancing functionality and ease of use. Together, these techniques bring our goal a step closer: transparent, easy use of resources, even on very heterogeneous distributed systems. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sentiment analysis involves the detection of sentiment content of text using natural language processing. Natural language processing is a very challenging task due to syntactic ambiguities, named entity recognition, use of slangs, jargons, sarcasm, abbreviations and contextual sensitivity. Sentiment analysis can be performed using supervised as well as unsupervised approaches. As the amount of data grows, unsupervised approaches become vital as they cut down on the learning time and the requirements for availability of a labelled dataset. Sentiment lexicons provide an easy application of unsupervised algorithms for text classification. SentiWordNet is a lexical resource widely employed by many researchers for sentiment analysis and polarity classification. However, the reported performance levels need improvement. The proposed research is focused on raising the performance of SentiWordNet3.0 by using it as a labelled corpus to build another sentiment lexicon, named Senti‐CS. The part of speech information, usage based ranks and sentiment scores are used to calculate Chi‐Square‐based feature weight for each unique subjective term/part‐of‐speech pair extracted from SentiWordNet3.0. This weight is then normalized in a range of ?1 to +1 using min–max normalization. Senti‐CS based sentiment analysis framework is presented and applied on a large dataset of 50000 movie reviews. These results are then compared with baseline SentiWordNet, Mutual Information and Information Gain techniques. State of the art comparison is performed for the Cornell movie review dataset. The analyses of results indicate that the proposed approach outperforms state‐of‐the‐art classifiers.  相似文献   

Multiobjective multiproduct parcel distribution timetabling problem is concerned with generating effective timetables for parcel distribution companies that provide interdependent services (products) and have more than one objective. A parcel distribution timetabling problem is inherently multiobjective because of the multitude of criteria that can measure the performance of a timetable. This paper provides the mathematical formulation of the problem and applies the model to a real‐world case study. The application shows that without a common ground with the practitioners, it would be impossible to define the actual requirements and objectives of the company; problem definition is as important as model construction and solution method.  相似文献   

Introduced in 1976 by Hennell, Woodward, and Hedley, the Linear Code Sequence and Jump (LCSAJ) has since been named the jump‐to‐jump path (JJ‐path). If all JJ‐paths in a piece of code have been tested, then it is guaranteed, for example, that all of the code's branches and all of its statements will likewise have been tested. JJ‐path testing is thus said to include both branch and statement testing. Over the years, much work has been carried out on the inclusion relation, and this is also true of a closely‐linked relation that is known as subsumption. Not surprisingly, some of the work in the literature has focussed on the criteria of executing all JJ‐paths and sequences of such, and how these criteria relate to other path coverage and test data criteria. Unfortunately, certain results involving JJ‐paths in the context of inclusion, as portrayed in a widely referenced and influential paper, are in error. Consequently, the main purpose of this paper is to rectify this situation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problems of synchronization and state estimation for a class of inertial quaternion‐valued Cohen‐Grossberg neural networks. By means of proper control strategy, sufficient conditions are derived for ascertaining exponential synchronization of quaternion‐valued Cohen‐Grossberg neural networks. Subsequently, the state estimation problem has also been augmented to achieve robust stable performance of the estimation error system. What should be mentioned is that, the system states considered in this paper are taking values in an interval, which implies that the states are varying between two different quaternions, thus, an optimal algorithm (lexicographical order method) is employed, which can be used to determine the “magnitude" of two different quaternions. In this case, the interval proposed by the quaternion‐valued is meaningful. Finally, numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the derived theoretical results.  相似文献   

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