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This paper addresses the design of robust weighted fusion Kalman estimators for a class of uncertain multisensor systems with linearly correlated white noises. The uncertainties of the systems include the same multiplicative noises perturbations both on the systems state and measurement output and the uncertain noise variances. The measurement noises and process noise are linearly correlated. By introducing two fictitious noises, the system under consideration is converted into one with only uncertain noise variances. According to the minimax robust estimation principle, based on the worst‐case systems with the conservative upper bounds of the noise variances, the four robust weighted fusion time‐varying Kalman estimators are presented in a unified framework, which include three robust weighted state fusion estimators with matrix weights, diagonal matrix weights, scalar weights, and a modified robust covariance intersection fusion estimator. The robustness of the designed fusion estimators is proved by using the Lyapunov equation approach such that their actual estimation error variances are guaranteed to have the corresponding minimal upper bounds for all admissible uncertainties. The accuracy relations among the robust local and fused time‐varying Kalman estimators are proved. The corresponding robust local and fused steady‐state Kalman estimators are also presented, a simulation example with application to signal processing to show the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed results. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For networked mixed uncertain time‐varying systems with uncertain noise variances, random one‐step measurement delay, state‐dependent and noise‐dependent multiplicative noises, and linearly dependent additive white noises, the robust local, centralized, and distributed fusion estimation problems are addressed. Three new approaches are presented, which include a new augmented state approach with fictitious white noises, an extended Lyapunov equation approach with two Lyapunov equations, and a universal integrated covariance intersection (ICI) fusion approach of integrating the minimax robust local Kalman estimators and their conservative cross‐covariances. They constitute a new important methodology of solving robust fusion estimation problems. Applying them, the local, centralized, and distributed ICI fusion time‐varying and steady‐state robust Kalman estimators (predictor, filter, and smoother) are presented in the sense that for all admissible uncertainties, their actual estimation error variances are guaranteed to have the corresponding minimal upper bounds. Their robustness, convergence, and accuracy relations are proved. Specially, the proposed ICI fusers improve the robust accuracies of the original covariance intersection fusers, and overcome their drawbacks, such that the local estimators and their conservative variances are assumed to be known, and the conservative cross‐variances are ignored. A simulation example with application to a vehicle suspension system shows the effectiveness of the proposed approaches and results.  相似文献   

本文研究带不确定方差乘性和加性噪声和带状态相依及噪声相依乘性噪声的多传感器系统鲁棒加权融合估计问题.通过引入虚拟噪声补偿乘性噪声的不确定性,将原系统化为带确定参数和不确定加性噪声方差的系统,进而利用Lyapunov方程方法提出在统一框架下的按对角阵加权融合极大极小鲁棒稳态Kalman估值器(预报器、滤波器和平滑器),其中基于预报器设计滤波器和平滑器,并给出每个融合器的实际估值误差方差的最小上界.证明了融合器的鲁棒精度高于每个局部估值器的鲁棒精度.应用于不间断电源(uninterruptible power system,UPS)系统鲁棒融合滤波的仿真例子说明了所提结果的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

对不确定噪声方差乘性噪声,同时带观测缺失、丢包和一步随机观测滞后三种网络诱导特征的混合不确定网络化系统,应用带虚拟噪声的扩维方法和去随机参数方法,将其转化为带不确定虚拟噪声方差的时变系统.基于极大极小鲁棒估计原理,对带虚拟噪声方差保守上界的最坏情形系统,设计了鲁棒时变和稳态Kalman估值器.对所有容许的不确定性,保证实际Kalman估计误差方差有最小上界.应用扩展的Lyapunov方程方法和矩阵分解方法证明了所设计估值器的鲁棒性.证明了实际和保守估值器的精度关系,以及时变和稳态估值器间的按实现收敛性.应用于F-404航空发动机系统的仿真验证了所提出结果的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

对于一类在状态转移阵和系统观测阵中带相同的状态依赖乘性噪声、带噪声依赖乘性噪声、一步随机观测滞后、丢包和不确定噪声方差的多传感器网络化系统,文章研究其鲁棒集中式融合稳态滤波问题.应用增广方法将系统转换为带随机参数矩阵、相同过程和观测噪声的集中式融合系统.应用去随机化方法和虚拟噪声技术,系统进一步转化为仅带不确定噪声方差的集中式融合系统.根据极大极小鲁棒估计原理,本文提出了鲁棒集中式融合稳态Kalman估值器(预报器、滤波器和平滑器),证明了所提出的集中式融合估值器的鲁棒性,给出了鲁棒局部与集中式融合估值器之间的精度关系.本文提出了应用于多传感器多通道滑动平均(MA)信号估计的一个实例,给出了相应的鲁棒局部和集中式融合信号估值器.仿真实验验证了所提出方法的有效性和正确性.  相似文献   


对于带不确定模型参数和噪声方差的线性离散时不变多传感器系统, 用虚拟噪声补偿不确定参数, 系统转化为仅带噪声方差不确定性的多传感器系统. 用加权最小二乘法和极大极小鲁棒估计准则, 基于带噪声方差保守上界的最坏情形保守系统, 提出一种鲁棒加权观测融合稳态Kalman 预报器, 并应用Lyapunov 方程方法证明了它的鲁棒性, 同时给出了与鲁棒局部和集中式融合Kalman 预报器的精度比较. 最后通过一个仿真例子说明了如何搜索参数扰动的鲁棒域, 并验证了所提出的理论结果的正确性和有效性.


对带不确定参数和噪声方差的多传感器定常系统,引入虚拟白噪声补偿不确定参数,可将其转化为带已知参数和不确定噪声方差系统.应用极大极小鲁棒估值原理和加权最小二乘法,基于带噪声方差保守上界的最坏情形保守系统,提出了鲁棒加权观测融合Kalman滤波器,并证明了它与集中式融合鲁棒Kalman滤波器是等价的,且融合器的鲁棒精度高于每个局部滤波器鲁棒精度.一个Monte-Carlo仿真例子说明了如何寻求不确定参数的鲁棒域和如何搜索保守性较小的虚拟噪声方差上界.  相似文献   

对带丢失观测和不确定噪声方差的线性定常多传感器系统,引入虚拟噪声将原系统转化为仅带不确定噪声方差的系统.根据极大极小鲁棒估值原理,用Lyapunov方程方法提出局部鲁棒稳态Kalman滤波器及其实际方差最小上界,并利用保守的局部滤波误差互协方差,提出一种改进的鲁棒协方差交叉(covariance intersection,CI)融合稳态Kalman滤波器及其实际方差最小上界.证明了所提出的鲁棒局部和融合滤波器的鲁棒性,并证明了改进的CI融合器鲁棒精度高于原始CI融合鲁棒精度,且高于每个局部滤波器的鲁棒精度.一个仿真例子验证所提出结果的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

The robust fusion steady‐state filtering problem is investigated for a class of multisensor networked systems with mixed uncertainties including multiplicative noises, one‐step random delay, missing measurements, and uncertain noise variances, the phenomena of one‐step random delay and missing measurements occur in a random way, and are described by two Bernoulli distributed random variables with known conditional probabilities. Using a model transformation approach, which consists of augmented approach, derandomization approach, and fictitious noise approach, the original multisensor system under study is converted into a multimodel multisensor system with only uncertain noise variances. According to the minimax robust estimation principle, based on the worst‐case subsystems with conservative upper bounds of uncertain noise variances, the robust local steady‐state Kalman estimators (predictor, filter, and smoother) are presented in a unified framework. Applying the optimal fusion algorithm weighted by matrices, the robust distributed weighted state fusion steady‐state Kalman estimators are derived for the considered system. In addition, by using the proposed model transformation approach, the centralized fusion system is obtained, furthermore the robust centralized fusion steady‐state Kalman estimators are proposed. The robustness of the proposed estimators is proved by using a combination method consisting of augmented noise approach, decomposition approach of nonnegative definite matrix, matrix representation approach of quadratic form, and Lyapunov equation approach, such that for all admissible uncertainties, the actual steady‐state estimation error variances of the estimators are guaranteed to have the corresponding minimal upper bounds. The accuracy relations among the robust local and fused steady‐state Kalman estimators are proved. An example with application to autoregressive signal processing is proposed, which shows that the robust local and fusion signal estimation problems can be solved by the state estimation problems. Simulation example verifies the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed results.  相似文献   

For networked sensor systems (NSSs) with hard and soft sensors including five uncertainties, two universal approaches of solving the robust fusion estimation problems are presented. It includes an integrated sequential covariance intersection (SCI) fusion minimax robust Kalman filtering approach with cross-covariance information and a generalized Lyapunov equation approach with four pairs of Lyapunov equations. Applying them, the robust local and SCI fused time-varying and steady-state Kalman filters are presented in the sense that their actual estimation error variances are guaranteed to have the corresponding minimal upper bounds. The equivalent batch SCI fusers are also presented. Their robustness and accuracy relations are proved, and the sensitivity of the SCI fuser with respect to the fused orders of sensors is analyzed. Applying the dynamic error system analysis method and the dynamic variance error system analysis method, a new convergence and absolute asymptotic stability theory of robust fusion Kalman filtering is presented. The classical Kalman filtering convergence and stability theory is developed. Compared with the original covariance intersection fuser, they significantly reduced the computational complexity and burden. Compared with the optimal and conservative SCI fusers, they significantly improved the robust accuracies. They are suitable to deal with asynchronous or random delayed data and are suitable for real-time applications. A simulation applied to the two-mass spring damper mechanical system shows their effectiveness.  相似文献   


For multisensor systems with uncertain noise variances and missing measurements, it can be converted into one only with uncertain noise variances by introducing fictitious measurement white noises. According to the minimax robust estimation principle and parameterisation representation of perturbances of uncertain noise variances, based on the worst-case system with conservative upper bounds of uncertain noise variances, the two classes of guaranteed cost robust weighted fusion Kalman estimators with matrix weights, diagonal matrix weights, scalar weights, and covariance intersection fusion matrix weights are presented. One class is the construction of a maximal perturbance region of uncertain noise variances, in which for all admissible perturbances, the accuracy deviations are guaranteed to remain within the prescribed range. The other class is the finding of minimal upper bound and maximal lower bound of accuracy deviations over the given perturbance region of uncertain noise variances. Two problems can be converted into the optimisation problems with constraints. Their optimal analytical solutions can simply be found respectively by the Lagrange multiplier method and the linear programme method. The guaranteed cost robustness is proved by the Lyapunov equation approach. A simulation example applied to the mass-spring system is provided to demonstrate the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed results.  相似文献   

The paper solves the robust weighted fusion Kalman filtering problem for systems with linearly correlated noise and mixed uncertainties of noise variances, multiplicative noises, and multiple networked inducements including missing measurements, packets dropouts, and two-step random measurement delays. It is assumed that system noise variances are uncertain but bounded above, and the other four uncertainties are compensated to fictitious white noise by the proposed model-transformation method. For the transformed local multimodel system with correlated fictitious noise, the robust local time-varying recursive Kalman filters are presented by decorrelation technique and minimax robust filtering principle. Then the six weighted fusion robust Kalman filters are presented in a unified form. The robustness of local and fused robust Kalman filters is proved by the extended Lyapunov equation approach, matrix factorization, and elementary transformation. Further, the local and fused steady-state robust Kalman filters are designed. Finally, a simulation study applied to F404 aircraft engine system is provided to examine effectiveness and applicability of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with robust weighted state fusion estimation problem for a class of time-varying multisensor networked systems with mixed uncertainties including uncertain-variance multiplicative and linearly correlated additive white noises, and packet dropouts. By augmented state method and fictitious noise technique, the original system is converted into one with only uncertain noise variances. According to the minimax robust estimation principle, based on the worst-case system with the conservative upper bounds of uncertain noise variances, four weighted state fusion robust Kalman estimators (filter, predictor and smoother) are presented in a unified form that the robust filter and smoother are designed based on the robust Kalman predictor. Their robustness is proved by the Lyapunov equation approach in the sense that their actual estimation error variances are guaranteed to have the corresponding minimal upper bounds for all admissible uncertainties. Their accuracy relations are proved. The corresponding robust local and fused steady-state Kalman estimators are also presented, and the convergence in a realization between the time-varying and steady-state robust Kalman estimators is proved by the dynamic error system analysis (DESA) method. Finally, a simulation example applied to uninterruptible power system (UPS) shows the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed results.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the state estimation problem for linear discrete time‐varying systems subject to limited communication capacity which includes measurement quantization, random transmission delay and data‐packet dropouts. Based on transforming the three communication limitations into the system with norm‐bounded uncertainties and stochastic matrices, we design a robust filter such that, for all the communication limitations, the error state of the filtering process is mean square bounded. An upper bound on the variance of the state estimation error is first found, and then, a robust filter is derived by minimizing the prescribed upper bound in the sense of the matrix norm. It is shown that the desired filter can be obtained in terms of the solutions to two Riccati‐like difference equations which also provide a recursive algorithm suitable for online computation. A simulation example is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed algorithm. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   


对于带有不确定协方差线性相关白噪声的多传感器系统, 利用Lyapunov 方程提出设计协方差交叉(CI) 融合极大极小鲁棒Kalman 估值器(预报器、滤波器、平滑器) 的一种统一方法. 利用保守的局部估值误差互协方差, 提出改进的CI 融合鲁棒稳态Kalman 估值器及其实际估值误差方差最小上界, 克服了用原始CI 融合方法给出的上界具有较大保守性的缺点, 改善了原始CI 融合器鲁棒精度. 跟踪系统的仿真例子验证了所提出方法的正确性和有效性.


This paper is concerned with the problem of delay‐distribution–dependent robust exponential stability for uncertain stochastic systems with probabilistic time‐varying delays. Firstly, inspired by a class of networked systems with quantization and packet losses, we study the stabilization problem for a class of network‐based uncertain stochastic systems with probabilistic time‐varying delays. Secondly, an equivalent model of the resulting closed‐loop network‐based uncertain stochastic system is constructed. Different from the previous works, the proposed equivalent system model enables the controller design of the network‐based uncertain stochastic systems to enjoy the advantage of probability distribution characteristic of packet losses. Thirdly, by applying the Lyapunov‐Krasovskii functional approach and the stochastic stability theory, delay‐distribution–dependent robust exponential mean‐square stability criteria are derived, and the sufficient conditions for the design of the delay‐distribution–dependent controller are then proposed to guarantee the stability of the resulting system. Finally, a case study is given to show the effectiveness of the results derived. Moreover, the allowable upper bound of consecutive packet losses will be larger in the case that the probability distribution characteristic of packet losses is taken into consideration.  相似文献   

针对带随机参数和噪声方差两者不确定性的线性离散多传感器系统,利用虚拟噪声补偿随机参数不确定性,原系统可转化为仅带不确定噪声方差的系统.根据极大极小鲁棒估值原理,用Lyapunov方程方法提出局部鲁棒稳态Kalman预报器及其误差方差最小上界,并利用保守的局部预报误差互协方差,提出改进的鲁棒协方差交叉(Covariance intersection,CI)融合稳态Kalman预报器及其误差方差最小上界.克服了原始CI融合方法要求假设已知局部估值及它们的保守误差方差的缺点和融合误差方差上界具有较大保守性的缺点.证明了鲁棒局部和融合预报器的鲁棒性,并证明了改进的CI融合器鲁棒精度高于原始CI融合器鲁棒精度,且高于每个局部预报器的鲁棒精度.一个仿真例子验证了所提出结果的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of designing weighted fusion robust time-varying Kalman predictors is considered for multisensor time-varying systems with uncertainties of noise variances. Using the minimax robust estimation principle and the unbiased linear minimum variance (ULMV) rule, based on the worst-case conservative system with the conservative upper bounds of noise variances, the local and five weighted fused robust time-varying Kalman predictors are designed, which include a robust weighted measurement fuser, three robust weighted state fusers, and a robust covariance intersection (CI) fuser. Their actual prediction error variances are guaranteed to have the corresponding minimal upper bounds for all admissible uncertainties of noise variances. Their robustness is proved based on the proposed Lyapunov equation approach. The concept of the robust accuracy is presented, and the robust accuracy relations are proved. The corresponding steady-state robust local and fused Kalman predictors are also presented, and the convergence in a realization between the time-varying and steady-state robust Kalman predictors is proved by the dynamic error system analysis (DESA) method and the dynamic variance error system analysis (DVESA) method. Simulation results show the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed results.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the robust formation control problem for multiple autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) to achieve the desired formation trajectory and time‐varying formation pattern and to align the vehicle attitudes. The dynamics of each AUV system involves parameter variations, nonlinear dynamics, and external disturbances. A robust distributed formation control protocol is developed based on the graph theory and the robust compensation theory. It is proven that the tracking errors of the global uncertain system can converge into a given neighborhood of the origin in a finite time. Simulation results substantiate the effectiveness of the developed formation control method for multiple AUVs subject to nonlinearities and uncertainties.  相似文献   

In this paper, the state estimation problems, including filtering and one‐step prediction, are solved for uncertain stochastic time‐varying multisensor systems by using centralized and decentralized data fusion methods. Uncertainties are considered in all parts of the state space model as multiplicative noises. For the first time, both centralized and decentralized estimators are designed based on the regularized least‐squares method. To design the proposed centralized fusion estimator, observation equations are first rewritten as a stacked observation. Then, an optimal estimator is obtained from a regularized least‐squares problem. In addition, for decentralized data fusion, first, optimal local estimators are designed, and then fusion rule is achieved by solving a least‐squares problem. Two recursive equations are also obtained to compute the unknown covariance matrices of the filtering and prediction errors. Finally, a three‐sensor target‐tracking system is employed to demonstrate the effectiveness and performance of the proposed estimation approaches.  相似文献   

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