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This article addresses the leaderless fixed‐time consensus (LLFTC) and leader‐following fixed‐time consensus (LFFTC) problems for multiagent systems (MASs) via impulsive control. First, a novel fixed‐time stability for impulsive dynamical system is developed. Then the novel fixed‐time impulsive control protocols are designed to achieve leaderless and leader‐following consensus for MASs. Based on the impulsive control theory, fixed‐time stability theory and algebraic graph theory, some sufficient conditions are derived for each agent to achieve LLFTC and LFFTC under the proposed control protocols. Finally, numerical simulations are put forward to validate the theoretical results.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the finite‐time and the prescribed finite‐time event‐triggered consensus tracking problems for second‐order multi‐agent systems (MASs) with uncertain disturbances. The prescribed finite‐time event‐triggered consensus of the second‐order disturbed MASs was obtained for the first time and the controller is nonsingular. Furthermore, a new self‐triggered control scheme is presented for the finite‐time consensus tracking, and the continuous communication can be avoided in the triggering condition monitoring. Hence, the finite‐time consensus tracking can be achieved with intermittent communication. Moreover, Zeno behavior is excluded for each follower. The efficiency of the proposed algorithms is verified by numerical simulations.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the synchronization problem of generic linear multiagent systems via integral‐type event‐triggered control. Each agent can only utilize the intermittent information of its neighboring agents in the control scheme. Based on the integral‐type event conditions, an event‐triggered control protocol is designed to guarantee the synchronization of multiagent systems, and Zeno behavior is excluded by showing the existence of a positive lower bound on the inter‐event intervals. Then, we propose the integral‐type event‐triggered control algorithms to study the leader‐following synchronization. It is shown that under the control algorithms all the followers track the leader and no Zeno behavior occurs. The effectiveness of the proposed control schemes is demonstrated by simulation examples.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the consensus problem for high‐order multiagent systems with unknown control directions and directed communication constraints. To handle the problem of unknown control directions, a logic switching rule is established in the framework of fixed‐time stability. Then, the consensus is achieved in two steps. A group of distributed fixed‐time observers is designed to estimate the reference signals first. Based on these estimates and the designed logic switching rule, a novel control protocol is proposed for each follower system. Different from the existing results, the consensus is achieved with a fixed‐time convergence rate, and the unknown control directions are allowed to be nonidentical for each agent. Finally, simulation results are given to exhibit the validity of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper considers optimal consensus control problem for unknown nonlinear multiagent systems (MASs) subjected to control constraints by utilizing event‐triggered adaptive dynamic programming (ETADP) technique. To deal with the control constraints, we introduce nonquadratic energy consumption functions into performance indices and formulate the Hamilton‐Jacobi‐Bellman (HJB) equations. Then, based on the Bellman's optimality principle, constrained optimal consensus control policies are designed from the HJB equations. In order to implement the ETADP algorithm, the critic networks and action networks are developed to approximate the value functions and consensus control policies respectively based on the measurable system data. Under the event‐triggered control framework, the weights of the critic networks and action networks are only updated at the triggering instants which are decided by the designed adaptive triggered conditions. The Lyapunov method is used to prove that the local neighbor consensus errors and the weight estimation errors of the critic networks and action networks are ultimately bounded. Finally, a numerical example is provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed ETADP method.  相似文献   

This article designs an adaptive event‐triggered controller to solve the problem of global finite‐time stabilization for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems. By using the symbol function technique, the event‐triggered error is completely compensated, the adaptive technique and the back‐stepping method are simultaneously applied to the controller design, and the new way of designing controller is completed on the basis of fast finite‐time stability theory. Subsequently, taking Lyapunov stability theorem into account, the system stability is proved, and the system is demonstrated by contradiction to be non‐zeno. Finally, giving a simulation example to display the feasibility of this method.  相似文献   

In this article, the problem of event‐triggered‐based fixed‐time sliding mode cooperative control is addressed for a class of leader‐follower multiagent networks with bounded perturbation. First, a terminal integral sliding mode manifold with fast convergent speed is designed. Then, a distributed consensus tracking control strategy based on event‐triggered and sliding mode control is developed that guarantees the multiagent networks achieve consensus within a fixed time which is independent of initial states of agents in comparison with the finite‐time convergence. Furthermore, the update frequency of control law can be considerably reduced and Zeno behavior can be removed by utilizing the proposed event‐triggered control algorithm. Simulation examples are used to show the effectiveness of the new control protocol.  相似文献   

This study investigates the fully distributed bipartite output consensus issue of heterogeneous linear multiagent systems (HLMASs) based on event‐triggered transmission mechanism. Both the cooperative interaction and the antagonistic interaction between neighbor agents are considered. A fully distributed bipartite compensator consisting of time‐varying coupling gain and dynamic event‐triggered mechanism is first proposed to estimate the leader's states. Different from the existing schemes, the proposed compensator is independent of any global information of the network topology, is capable of achieving intermittent communication between neighbors, and is applicable for the signed communication topology. Then the distributed output feedback control protocol is developed such that the fully distributed bipartite event‐triggered output consensus problem can be achieved. Moreover, we extend the results in HLMASs without external disturbances to HLMASs with disturbances, which is more challenging in three cases (a) the disturbances are not available for measurement, (b) the disturbances suffered by each agent are heterogeneous, and (c) the disturbances are not required to be stable or bounded. It is proven that the proposed controllers fulfill the exclusion of Zeno behavior in two consensus problems. Finally, two examples are provided to illustrate the feasibility of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

The problem of distributed leader‐follower consensus for second‐order linear multiagent systems with unknown nonlinear inherent dynamics is investigated in this paper. It is assumed that the dynamic of each agent is described by a semilinear second‐order dynamic equation on an arbitrary time scale. Using calculus on time scales and direct Lyapunov's method, some sufficient conditions are derived to ensure that the tracking errors exponentially converge to zero. Some numerical results show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

Traditional adaptive event‐triggered design methods compensated for the event‐triggered error are not direct, and the stability analysis of resulting close‐loop systems is rather complicated. To alleviate the above restrictions, we propose a direct and simple event‐triggered co‐design method to solve the tracking control problem for parameter strict‐feedback systems with actuator faults and uncertain disturbances. By introducing a compensating terms in a smooth function form of a conventional control law and certain positive integrable functions, the effects of actuator faults and event‐triggered error can be compensated completely. Such a direct design method has the following features: (i) a direct compensation of the event‐triggered error is achieved without introducing any extra design parameters; (ii) it is not necessary to know any bound information on the parameters of event‐triggered threshold, and global asymptotic tracking control of the overall closed‐loop system is achieved; and (iii) the resulting stability criteria of the proposed event‐triggered control design are much simpler and easier to fulfill by virtue of the introduced co‐design method. Simulations are then carried out to validate the proposed schemes.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the consensus issue of multiagent systems with data transmission time delay. The state measurement of each local agent is directly sent to a private event‐trigger and further authorized to be broadcasted to its neighbors via communication network only when the threshold of the event‐trigger is violated. Since the controller always receives discrete‐time neighbor information with data transmission time delay, a predictor is employed to estimate the continuous‐time neighbor state. Based on the estimated state, a novel consensus protocol is mainly proposed for achieving the bounded consensus of the multiagent systems. By the proposed method, the asynchronous neighbor information is allowed and the margin of data transmission time delay is also given. Furthermore, it has been proved that the unwanted Zeno phenomena can be naturally excluded. Numerical example is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The distributed output‐feedback tracking control for a class of networked multiagents in nonaffine pure‐feedback form is investigated in this article. By introducing a low‐pass filter and some auxiliary variables, we first transform the nonaffine system into the affine form. Then, the finite‐time observer is designed to estimate the states of the newly derived affine system. By applying the fraction dynamic surface control approach and the neural network‐based approximation technique, the distributed output‐feedback control laws are proposed and it is proved that the tracking errors converge to an arbitrarily small bound around zero in finite time. Finally, some simulation examples are provided to confirm the effectiveness of the developed method.  相似文献   

This paper proposes distributed adaptive cooperative control algorithms for second‐order agents to track a leader with unknown dynamics. The models of the followers and the leader are composed of uncertain nonlinear components. The order of the leader's dynamics is unknown and can be fractional. Only the single output information is shared among neighbored agents. To simplify the control design, linearly parameterized neural networks are used to approximate the unknown functions. We first present an adaptive control for leaderless consensus and then extend the method to the tracking problem. Thorough theoretical proofs as well as numerical simulation are included to verify the results. Compared with relevant literature, the new approach applies to a larger variety of systems because (i) knowledge about the structure of leader's model is unnecessary; (ii) the unknown functions in different agents' dynamics can be diverse and arbitrary, in other words, the algorithms apply to heterogeneous agents; (iii) the results can be simply used without parameter calculations.  相似文献   

This paper studies the event‐triggered output consensus problem of heterogeneous linear multiagent systems characterized via fixed and switching directed graphs. With proper state‐dependent triggering functions, two new event‐triggered output consensus control schemes are proposed for each agent to achieve consensus. Notably, under the proposed control protocols, continuous communication among agents is not required in both controllers updating and triggering threshold detection, which means being completely continuous communication free. The communication instances are reduced significantly, and the periodic or high‐frequency communication is restrained. It is also ensured that events cannot be triggered infinitely in finite time (ie, the Zeno behavior is elegantly avoided). Meanwhile, the simulation examples are given to illustrate the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

This paper studies the event‐triggered containment control problem for dynamical multiagent networks of general MIMO linear agents. An event‐triggered containment control strategy is provided, which consists of a control law based on a relative‐state feedback and a distributed triggering rule based on both the relative‐state information and a time‐dependent threshold function. Compared to the previous related works, our main contribution is that the triggering rule depends only on local information of communication networks. It is proved that under the proposed event‐based controller, the containment errors are uniformly ultimately bounded and the Zeno behavior can be excluded. Moreover, when the derivation constant in the threshold function is equal to zero, the containment control problem can be solved. Then, the results are extended to the event‐triggered observer‐based containment controller design.  相似文献   

An event‐triggered observer‐based output feedback control issue together with triggered input is investigated for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems subject to unknown external disturbances. Two separate event‐triggered conditions are located on the measurement channel and control channel, respectively. An event‐triggered extended state observer (ETESO) is employed to estimate unmeasurable states and compensate uncertainties and disturbances in real time while it is not required for real‐time output measurement. Then, combined with backstepping method and active disturbance rejection control, an output feedback control scheme is proposed, where an event‐triggered input is developed for reducing the communication rate between the controller and the actuator. The triggered instants are determined by a time‐varying event‐triggered condition. Two simulations, including a numerical example and an permanent‐magnet motor, are illustrated to verify the effectiveness of the proposed schemes.  相似文献   

This paper studies the event‐triggered practical finite‐time output feedback stabilization problem for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with unknown control gains. First, a reduced‐dimensional observer is employed to implement the reconstruction of the unavailable states. Furthermore, a novel event‐triggered output feedback control strategy is proposed based on the idea of backstepping design and sign function techniques. It is shown that the practical finite‐time stability of the closed‐loop systems is ensured by Lyapunov analysis and related stability criterion. Compared with the existing methods, the main advantage of this strategy is that the observer errors and event‐trigger errors can be processed simultaneously to achieve the practical finite‐time stability. Finally, an example is adopted to demonstrate the validity of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

This article presents a distributed adaptive integral‐type event‐triggered scheme (ETS) and an agent‐dependent switching strategy with dwell time to solve the cooperative output regulation problem for switched multiagent systems. First, by constructing an adaptive law to dynamically update the time‐varying coupling weights for all the communication links, a fully distributed ETS is designed, where only the local information of the topology is adopted. Based on the integral‐type triggering condition, the interevent interval is substantially enlarged and Zeno behavior is explicitly ruled out. Second, each agent permits all the subsystems to be unstabilizable. The switching signal for each agent is different, and any adjacent switches of each agent satisfy the preset dwell time. Under the designed switching strategy, the solvability of the regulation problem is guaranteed. Finally, the effectiveness of the designed ETS and switching strategy is substantiated by an example.  相似文献   

This paper investigates circle formation problem of multiagent systems over a kind of strongly connected and weight‐unbalanced directed graphs. To solve the concerned problem, decentralized periodic event‐triggered algorithms subject to or not to time delays are proposed, which have the advantages of decreasing the overall burden of the network in terms of finite communication and control input updates. In such algorithms, each agent independently evaluates whether the locally sampled information of itself should be broadcasted to or not to its neighbors. Furthermore, another advantage of our proposed algorithms is to automatically exclude Zeno behavior, which should be seriously considered in a variety of event‐based network systems. Sufficient conditions on circle formation control are derived under which the states of all agents can be ensured to converge to some desired equilibrium point. Simulation results are given to validate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the prespecifiable fixed‐time control problem for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems in strict‐feedback form, where the settling (convergence) time is not only bounded but also user‐assignable in advance. One of the salient features of the proposed method lies in the fact that it makes it possible to achieve any practically allowable settling time by using a simple and effective control parameter selection recipe. Both fixed‐time stabilization and fixed‐time tracking are considered for uncertain strict‐feedback systems. Firstly, by adding exponential state feedback and using fractional power integration as Lyapunov function candidate, a global stabilizing control strategy is developed. It is proved that all the system states converge to zero within prespecified fixed‐time with continuous and bounded control action. Secondly, under more general uncertain nonlinearities and external disturbances, an adaptive fixed‐time controller is derived such that the tracking error converges to a small neighborhood of zero within preassigned time. Theoretical results are also illustrated and supported by simulation studies.  相似文献   

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