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采用等原子比Ti-Ni复合箔对C/SiC复合材料与Nb进行了真空反应钎焊,研究了焊前C/SiC表面状态对接头界面组织和力学性能的影响.结果表明,线切割态的C/SiC与Nb的接头界面(Ti,Nb)C反应层呈现锯齿状,而抛光和砂纸打磨状态的C/SiC接头界面处的反应层平直.锯齿状的界面反应层降低了界面处的应力集中程度,有助于提高接头的力学性能,使得线切割态的C/SiC与Nb的接头强度明显高于抛光和打磨状态的接头,达到188MPa.线切割态的C/SiC与Nb的接头断裂同时发生在C/SiC母材、界面和钎缝中,而抛光和打磨状态的C/SiC与Nb的接头断裂主要发生在界面处.  相似文献   

铜基钎料钎焊SiC/Nb的接头组织及强度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了连接SiC陶瓷与铌合金.用铜基钎料对SiC陶瓷与金属铌进行了钎焊,并对接头的微观组织、形成机理和高温强度进行了研究。结果表明,使用铜基钎料可以实现SiC陶瓷和铌合金的连接且在试验温度范围内。接头强度随钎焊温度升高呈上升趋势。通过扫描电子显微镜现察,钎料与SiC陶瓷钎焊接头明显分层,存在一层较厚的过渡层,性质介于金属与陶瓷之间。获得这种层状结构对缓和焊接残余应力十分有利,500℃下,三点弯曲强度试验测试达290MPa。  相似文献   

The 3D fine-woven punctured C/C-(PyC/SiC/TaC) composites, composed of PyC/SiC/TaC interphases and pyrocarbon (PyC) matrix, were synthesized by isothermal chemical vapor infiltration (ICVI) methods. The alternating layers and the structure of these composites were examined by polarized light microscopy (PLM), X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It is found that the PyC matrix has rough laminar (RL) structure, the TaC layer has NaCl-type cubic structure, and the SiC layer has few wurtzite type 10H-SiC besides β-SiC structure. The effects of fiber coating and the bulk density on the tensile and flexural properties of composites along X or Y and Z direction were investigated. It is shown that fiber coated 3D woven punctured C/C composites have good tensile and flexural strength, and the maximum of flexural strength is 375 MPa in X or Y direction at density of 1.89 g/cm3, which is about three times higher than that of samples without TaC/SiC fiber coating. The flexural strength and bending strength increase with increasing the density of the composites. The analysis of fracture surfaces reveals that fibers and fiber bundles are pulled out in composites, indicating that the composite exhibits a non-linear failure behavior through propagation and deflection of the cracks.  相似文献   

碳/碳化硅复合材料(C/SiC)在使用时经常受到高温氧化和烧蚀作用。本文采用化学气相沉积(CVD)和浆料刷涂-烧结法制备了双层SiC/ZrB2-SiC-B4C涂层,对比研究了无涂层,单层SiC涂层和双层SiC/ZrB2-SiC-B4C涂层C/SiC复合材料在1500℃下的氧化和在4.2 MW/m2热流密度下的烧蚀性能。结果表明,制备态ZrB2-SiC-B4C涂层致密、完整,表面平均粗糙度约为1 μm,孔隙率约为4.2 %。在1500℃氧化30 h后,SiC/ZrB2-SiC-B4C涂层C/SiC复合材料的质量损失率约为10%,涂层表面氧化膜致密,无明显裂纹。高温烧蚀20 s后,SiC/ZrB2-SiC-B4C涂层的线烧蚀率和质量烧蚀率分别为1.0±0.3 μm/s和1.1±0.2 mg/s,与单层SiC涂层相比分别降低了75.0 %和50.0 %,SiC/ZrB2-SiC-B4C涂层烧蚀后形成的ZrO2-SiO2氧化膜可以减缓火焰对复合材料的机械剥蚀作用。  相似文献   

采用树脂结合剂金刚石砂轮对二维正交编织结构C/SiC复合材料进行了平面磨削加工实验。通过对磨削加工表面形貌、磨削表面中碳纤维区域的粗糙度、磨削亚表面形貌的分析与测量,对C/SiC复合材料磨削表面/亚表面损伤进行了研究。结果表明:磨削表面中碳纤维损伤形式以阶梯状脆性断裂为主。对于编织方向平行于进给速度方向的纤维区域,脆性断裂尺寸、表面粗糙度受工艺参数影响较小;而对于编织方向垂直于进给速度方向的纤维区域,脆性断裂尺寸、表面粗糙度随进给速度增大无明显变化,但随磨削深度增大而明显增大。碳纤维区域亚表面损伤形式主要为阶梯状脆性断裂,而SiC区域亚表面损伤形式主要为脆性断裂及微裂纹,且损伤程度在实验参数范围内无明显差异。  相似文献   

以针刺整体毡为预制体,采用化学气相沉积(CVD)增密制备C/C多孔体,用熔硅浸渗(MSI)工艺快速制备C/SiC复合材料,通过非等温热重分析研究材料低温下的氧化反应动力学和反应机理。结果表明:C/SiC材料的非等温氧化过程呈现自催化特征,氧化机理为随机成核,氧化动力学参数为l:g(A/min^-1)=8.752,Ea=169.167 kJ/mol。MSI工艺中,纤维因硅化损伤产生的活性碳原子易先发生氧化,使C/SiC材料起始氧化温度仅为524℃,比C/C材料约低100℃,且氧化产生大量的裂纹和界面,使材料在氧化初期即具有大的氧化反应速率,C/C材料则出现氧化反应速率滞后现象。  相似文献   

The effects of brazing temperature on microstructure and bonding strength of vacuum brazed joints of Ti(C,N)-based cermet and 17-4 PH stainless steel, using filler metal BNi-2, were investigated. At a lower brazing temperature of 1050 °C, the distribution of melting point depressants (MPD) concentrated on the diffusion affected zone (DAZ) and the brazing seam near the Ti(C,N)-based cermet, the generation of brittle phases in the brazing seam was unavoidable. The uniform distribution of the MPD and full solid solution of γ-nickel occurred in the brazing seam at a higher brazing temperature of 1150 °C. A maximum shear strength of 690 MPa was achieved at a brazing temperature of 1150 °C.  相似文献   

李娟  王克鸿  张德库 《焊接学报》2015,36(10):73-76,104
采用正交试验法,研究了Cu,Si,Mg以及Ni元素的含量变化对Al-Cu-Si-Mg-Ni钎料熔点、润湿性的影响规律,并通过扫描电镜观察分析了钎料的显微组织.结果表明,影响钎料熔点的三个主要因素依次为:Mg元素的含量、Al-Cu-Si三元共晶反应程度和Ni元素的含量.随着镁含量增加,钎料的熔点降低,润湿性提高,但过量的镁使焊缝凝固后组织疏松.当镁含量一定时,η≈(Si/Cu)/(Si+Cu)与0.06越接近则三元共晶反应进行程度越大,钎料熔点越低.当Mg元素的含量和Al-Cu-Si三元共晶反应程度一定时,镍含量增加,钎料熔点降低.在焊缝组织方面,沿晶界析出的粗大的块状硅相会增大接头脆性;在部分区域偏聚的Si元素,形成富硅相,在其周围常有气孔形成;弥散分布的白亮色针状θ(Cu Al2)相也会在一定程度上降低接头性能;而具有面心立方结构的α固溶体(Al-Cu固溶体、Al-Cu-Si固溶体和Al-Si固溶体)基体则使钎料具有优良的力学性能.  相似文献   

采用化学气相反应法在C/C复合材料表面制备抗氧化SiC涂层,借助X射线衍射仪、扫描电镜及能谱等分析手段,研究涂层的结构;通过氧乙炔焰烧蚀试验考察SiC涂层对C/C复合材料高温耐烧蚀性能影响。结果表明:SiC涂层可明显提高C/C复合材料的高温短时耐烧蚀性能,经过20 s的高温氧乙炔焰烧蚀后,C/C复合材料试样的线烧蚀率和质量烧蚀率分别为13μm/s和6.6 mg/s,SiC涂层试样的线烧蚀率和质量烧蚀率分别为22μm/s和0.5 mg/s;在烧蚀中心区,涂层试样的烧蚀以升华分解为主,同时还伴有氧化烧蚀和微区机械剥蚀;在烧蚀过渡区,涂层的烧蚀机制以热氧化和燃气冲刷为主;而在烧蚀边缘区,涂层的烧蚀则主要表现为弱氧化烧蚀。  相似文献   

Carbon fiber reinforced silicon carbide matrix (C/SiC) composites have great potential in space applications because of their excellent properties such as low density, superior wear resistance and high temperature resistance. However, the use of C/SiC has been hindered seriously because of its poor machining characteristics. With an objective to improve the machining process of C/SiC composites, rotary ultrasonic machining (RUM) and conventional drilling (CD) tests with a diamond core drill were conducted. The effects of ultrasonic vibration on mechanical load and machining quality were studied by comparing the drilling force, torque, quality of holes exit and surface roughness of drilled holes between the two processes. The results showed that the drilling force and torque for RUM were reduced by 23% and 47.6%, respectively of those for CD. In addition, the reduction in drilling force and torque decreased gradually with increasing spindle speed, while they changed slightly with increasing feed rate. Under identical conditions, RUM gave better holes exit than CD. Moreover, because of the lower lamellar brittle fracture and pit originating from carbon fibers fracture, the roughness of surface of drilled holes obtained with RUM was lower than CD and the maximum reduction was 23%.  相似文献   

Yttrium silicate (Y2Si2O7) coating was fabricated on C/SiC composites through dip-coating with silicone resin + Y2O3 powder slurry as raw materials. The synthesis, microstructure and oxidation resistance and the anti-oxidation mechanism of Y2Si2O7 coating were in–estigated. Y2Si2O7 can be synthesized by the pyrolysis of Y2O3 powder filled silicone resin at mass ratio of 54.2:45.8 and 800 °C in air and then heat treated at 1400 °C under Ar. The as-fabricated coating shows high density and fa–orable bonding to C/SiC composites. After oxidation in air at 1400, 1500 and 1600 °C for 30 min, the coating-containing composites possess 130%–140% of original flexural strength. The desirable thermal stability and the further densification of coating during oxidation are responsible for the excellent oxidation resistance. In addition, the formation of eutectic Y–Si–Al–O glassy phase between Y2Si2O7 and Al2O3 sample bracket at 1500 °C is disco–ered.  相似文献   

分别采用包埋法、料浆法在碳/碳(C/C)复合材料表面制备了碳化硅(SiC)内涂层、W-Al-Si合金外涂层,借助XRD和SEM分析了所得涂层的物相组成和微观结构,并测试了带有单一SiC涂层、SiC/W-Al-Si双涂层碳/碳复合材料试样在1500℃静态空气中的抗氧化性能。结果表明:富Si的SiC内涂层结构疏松,仅能为碳/碳基体提供数小时的防氧化保护;W-Al-Si合金外涂层主要由WSi2和W(Si,Al)2两相组成;SiC/W-Al-Si双涂层厚度约为100μm,其抗氧化性能明显优于单一SiC涂层,氧化19 h后涂层试样的质量损失未超过5%;有望进一步通过优化W-Al-Si外涂层料浆比例,避免因为与SiC内涂层热膨胀不匹配而产生透性裂纹,从而发挥出超过19 h后SiC/W-Al-Si双涂层的氧化防护潜力。  相似文献   

采用Ti-Zr-Be活性钎料作为连接层,在一定工艺参数下真空钎焊Cf/SiC复合材料和304不锈钢.利用SEM,EDS,XRD和俄歇谱仪分析接头微观组织结构,利用剪切试验检测接头力学性能,分析了工艺参数对接头抗剪强度的影响.结果表明,在复合材料附近形成ZrC+TiC+Be2C/Ti-Si反应层,连接层中主要包含FeZr2,锆基固溶体,BeTi,Ti-Zr固溶体等反应产物,304不锈钢附近形成FeTi/αFe反应层.在连接温度为950℃,连接时间为60min时,接头室温抗剪强度最高为109.3 MPa,断裂位置为Cf/SiC复合材料与中间层连接界面靠近复合材料端.  相似文献   

Cf/SiC composites were prepared by precursor pyrolysis-hot pressing, and the effect of fiber characteristics on the fracture behavior of the composites was investigated. Because the heat treatment temperature of fiber T300 (below 1500℃) was much lower than that of fiber M40JB (over 2000℃), fiber T300 had lower degree of graphitization and consisted of more impurities compared with fiber M40JB, suggesting that T300 exhibits higher chemical activity. As a result, the composite with T300 showed a brittle fracture behavior, which is mainly ascribed to a strongly bonded fiber/matrix interface as well as the degradation of fibers during the preparation of the composite. However, the composite with M40JB exhibits a tough fracture behavior, which is primarily attributed to a weakly bonded fiber/matrix interface and higher strength retention of the fibers.  相似文献   

The oxidation behavior of chemical vapor infiltration(CVI),molten silicon infiltration(MSI)and CVI+MSI C/SiC composites at 500-1 400℃was studied.The oxidation below 900℃increased successively for CVI,CVI+MSI and MSI composites.However,the oxidation of CVI composite above 1 000 ℃was much faster thanthat of MSI and CVI+MSI composites. As active carbon atoms produced by siliconization of fibers during MSI process were oxidized first and decreased initial oxidation temperature.The initial oxidation temperature of MSI,MSI+CVI and CVI composites was 526,552 and 710℃,respectively.New active carbon atoms were generated due to the breaking of 2D molecular chains during oxidation,so the activation energy of three C/SiC composites was decreased gradually at 500-800℃with oxidation process,exhibiting a self-catalytic characteristic.  相似文献   

TiNiNb钎焊Cf/SiC与TC4接头组织结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文中在钎焊温度980℃、钎焊时间15 min的条件下,采用Ti54.8Ni34.4Nb10.8(原子分数,%)共晶合金粉末真空钎焊Cf/SiC复合材料与TC4钛合金.用SEM,EDS及差热分析法(DTA)观察测定了钎料组织、成分及熔点,分析了钎焊接头的微观组织结构.结果表明,Ti54.8Ni34.4Nb10.8共晶钎料由Ti2Ni及Ti(Nb,Ni)化合物组成,实际熔点为935℃.钎焊过程中,Ti和Nb元素与复合材料反应形成TiC和NbC混合反应层;钎料中的镍与TC4中的镍发生互扩散,在TC4钛合金侧形成扩散层;连接层由弥散分布的Ti(Nb,Ni)化合物和Ti2Ni相组成.Cf/SiC与连接层界面为接头最薄弱环节,此处易形成裂纹.  相似文献   

以低密度的C/C复合坯体为预制体,分别采用反应熔渗(RMI)、化学气相沉积(CVD)、浸渍-原位反应技术对其进行陶瓷改性.结果表明:改性陶瓷分别以SiC和c-BN的形式渗入C/C复合坯体内.摩擦试验结果表明:采用RMI技术制备的C/C-SiC复合材料摩擦因数较高,高达0.3到0.9;采用CVD技术制备的C/C-SiC复合材料的摩擦因数在0.20~0.36之间;而采用浸渍-原位反应技术制备的c-BN改性C/C复合材料的摩擦因数较低,为0.10~0.20.SEM观察表明:采用RMI技术制备的C/C复合材料的摩擦表面粗糙、未形成完整的摩擦膜,而采用另两种技术制备的C/C复合材料均形成了较完整、致密的摩擦膜.  相似文献   

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