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In this study, the microstructural evolution of an as-cast Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy (AA7085) during various homogenization schemes is investigated. It is found that in a single-stage homogenization scheme, some of the primary eutectic gets transformed into the Al2CuMg phase at 400 °C, and the primary eutectic and Al2Cu phase gradually dissolve into the alloy matrix at 450 °C. The Al3Zr particles are mainly precipitated at the center of the grain because Zr is peritectic. However, the homogeneous distribution of the Al3Zr particles improves and the fraction of Al3Zr particles increases in two-stage homogenization scheme. At the first low-temperature (e.g., 400 °C) stage, the Al3Zr particles are homogeneously precipitated at the center of the grain by homogeneous nucleation and may be heterogeneously nucleated on the residual second-phase particles at the grain boundary regions. At the second elevated-temperature (e.g., 470 °C) stage, the Al3Zr nuclei become larger. A suitable two-stage homogenization scheme for the present 7085-type Al alloy is 400 °C/12 h + 470 °C/12 h.  相似文献   

Equivalent strain and redundant shear strain distribution in the roll bite during normal rolling were calculated by a numerical integration method combined with the experimental method. The microstructural parameters, such as length of high-angle grain boundaries (HAGB), length of low-angle grain boundaries (LAGB) per unit area, and (0002) basal texture in surface layer and center layer were measured quantitatively by EBSD or X-ray diffraction. The effect of equivalent strain and redundant shear strain on the microstructure and (0002) basal texture evolution in AZ31 alloy during hot rolling were examined. As a result, it was found that the formation of the HAGB depends on the equivalent strain, while the formation of the LAGB is strongly affected by the redundant shear strain, which restrains the formation of the LAGB. The experimental results also suggest that the redundant shear may have little effect on improving DRX and weakening the (0002) basal texture intensity when the redundant shear strain is in small to moderate range (≤0.8).  相似文献   

The effects of solution treatment and large strain rolling (LSR) on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg–10.73Li–4.49Al–0.52Y alloy were investigated. Results showed that after solution treatment, α-phase and AlLi phase were dissolved into β matrix, which led to the increase of strength. With the increased temperature of LSR, new phase MgLi2Al (θ-phase) and AlLi phase precipitated from the matrix in turns. The Mg–Li alloy rolled at 623?K with 75% reduction showed the ultimate tensile strength of 328?MPa, which was more superior to many other Mg–Li alloys. The excellent strength could be explained by the mechanisms of solution strengthening and fine grain strengthening.  相似文献   


A parametric study has been carried out to quantify the recrystallised grain size in two commercial non heat treatable alloys, AA 5056 and AA 5083. It is shown that the deformation parameters (including total hot strain and deformation temperature) and the parent microstructures (typically quantified by grain size and constituent particles) have a controlling effect on recrystallised grain size. Grain growth subsequent to recrystallisation has also been studied as a function of time and temperature of annealing. Grain size distributions were also measured and are presented in the form of histograms.

MST/899  相似文献   

Mg–Gd–Y–Zr alloys are among recently developed Mg alloys having superior mechanical properties at elevated temperatures. Dynamic recrystallization (DRX) and rare earth-rich particles play important roles in enhancing the high-temperature strength of these alloys. Accordingly, the microstructural evolution of a fine-grained extruded Mg–5Gd–4Y–0.4Zr alloy was investigated after hot shear deformation in the temperature range of 350–450 °C using the shear punch testing (SPT) method. The results reveal the occurrence of partial dynamic recrystallization at the grain boundaries at 350 °C while the fraction of DRX grains increases with increasing deformation temperature. A fully recrystallized microstructure was achieved after SPT at 450 °C. The Gd-rich and Y-rich cuboid particles, having typical sizes in the range of ~50 nm to ~3 μm, show excellent stability and compatibility after hot shear deformation, and these particles enhance the high-temperature strength during hot deformation at elevated temperatures. The textural evolution, examined using electron backscattered diffraction, revealed a non-fibrous basal DRX texture after SPT which is different from the conventional deformation texture.  相似文献   

The microstructural evolution of an Al–Zn–Mg–Cu–Sc–Zr alloy prepared by spray deposition via extrusion and equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) was investigated in this study. Deformation route A for Al–11.5 wt% Zn–2 wt% Mg–1.5 wt% Cu–0.2 wt% Sc–0.15% Zr super-strength alloy was carried out at 573 K by ECAP. The microstructures of extruded and ECAP samples were investigated by means of Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). A large amount of dislocation tangles were formed inside grains during ECAP, which further evolved into sub-boundaries and high angle grain boundaries. Microstructure analyses showed that the grain size was refined to 800 nm after 8 passes ECAP from earlier 3.5 μm of sprayed and extruded alloy. A few finer MgZn2 and Al3(Sc,Zr) were dispersed uniformly after ECAP. The textures of 8 passes ECAPed sample were dominated by the strong Cu orientation and relatively weak S orientation.  相似文献   


Hot rolling of an aluminium–1% manganese alloy has been carried out. Wedge shaped specimens were rolled in two pass schedules, of either two forward passes or a forward and a reverse pass to the same overall net strain. Through thickness marker pins were inserted to allow the investigation of plastic flow during the different rolling schedules. The reversed rolling technique allowed the determination of the effect of a strain path change on the recrystallisation kinetics during hot rolling. Following subsequent annealing, quantitative metallography indicated that the forward–forward specimens showed faster recrystallisation kinetics than the forward–reverse specimens, and produced a finer recrystallised grain size following equivalent thermomechanical treatments differing only in strain path. A through thickness microstructural gradient was found in all materials.  相似文献   

Strain-induced abnormal grain growth was observed along the gage length during high-temperature uniaxial tensile testing of rolled Mg–Al–Zn (AZ31) sheet. Effective strain and strain rates in biaxial forming of AZ31 sheets also affected the nature of grain growth in the formed sheet. For the uniaxial testing done at 400 °C and a strain rate of 10?1 s?1, abnormal grain growth was prevalent in the gage sections that experienced true strain values between 0.2 and 1.0. Biaxial forming of AZ31 at 5 × 10?2 s?1 and 400 °C also exhibited abnormal grain growth at the cross sections which experienced a true strain of 1.7. Uniaxially tested sample at 400 °C and a strain rate of 10?3 s?1, however, showed no abnormal grain growth in the gage sections which experienced true local strain values ranging from 1.0 to 2.3. The normalized flow stress versus temperature and grain size compensated strain rate plot showed that the deformation kinetics of the current AZ31 alloy was similar to that reported in the literature for AZ31 alloys. Orientation image microscopy (OIM) was used to study the texture evolution, grain size, and grain boundary misorientation during uniaxial and biaxial forming. Influence of deformation parameters, namely strain rate, strain, and temperature on grain growth and refinement were discussed with the help of OIM results.  相似文献   

The microstructure and texture evolution of Mg98.5Y1Zn0.5 and Mg92.5Y5Zn2.5 (atomic percent) alloys during hot extrusion were systematically investigated. The coarse LPSO phases with higher volume fraction (~ 57%) suppressed the twinning generation in the initial stage of extrusion, and accelerated the dynamic recrystallization through the particle deformation zones. Therefore, the volume fraction of DRXed grains in as-extruded Mg92.5Y5Zn2.5 alloy was much higher than that of Mg98.5Y1Zn0.5 alloy. The intensive recrystallization process resulted in the conventional basal texture weakening, although the texture evolution was mainly dominated by flow behavior. The dynamic recrystallization behavior in Mg92.5Y5Zn2.5 alloy restricted the formation of deformation texture, and thus the more random texture was observed during the whole extrusion process.  相似文献   


Plane strain compression tests at 5 s?1 and at temperatures of 270–480°C have been carried out on an Al–1Mg–1Mn alloy containing a bimodal distribution of intermetallic particles and after a prior heat treatment to coarsen all particles to greater than 1 μm in size. During the heat treatment, recrystallisation of the initially hot worked material only proceeded with coarsening of the fine particles. During subsequent hot deformation, thin foil electron microscopy revealed that identical subgrain structures were developed in the two materials by dynamic recovery at temperatures below 450°C. At higher temperatures, the initially recrystallised material showed localised particle stimulated dynamic recrystallisation. The subsequent static recrystallisation rate was more than 103 times faster in the material free from small particles.

MST/751  相似文献   

Guo  Yue  Zhang  Jianhai  Zhao  Hongwei 《Journal of Materials Science》2021,56(24):13429-13478

Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloys can be fabricated by a series of thermo-mechanical processing methods (e.g., hot rolling, forging and extrusion), which is able to serve in aeronautic, automobile, and marine industries because of its excellent physical properties. However, reaching the balance between high strength and favorable ductility to present its high performance is still in progress, during which temperature and strain rate are two very important external variables. More importantly, the core lies in sophisticated microstructure evolution paths involved in hot deformation, which consists of different microstructure mechanisms and behaviors and can be expressed as various mechanical responses. Therefore, a fundamental review of microstructure mechanisms and behaviors, microstructure evolution and relevant mechanical responses of Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloys during high-temperature deformation is of great significance. In present paper, first, various experimental methods have been introduced. Second, general trends of mechanical properties changing with temperature and strain rate have been summarized. Third, major microstructure mechanisms and behaviors have been discussed. Then, a schematic illustration originating from dislocations’ movement has been depicted, which succeeding microstructure evolution and mechanical responses (including superplasticity) have been reviewed accordingly. Finally, further suggestions of hot deformation of Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloys have been given.


A Mg–Li–Al–Zn alloy was friction stir processed (FSP) under water, and the microstructures and superplastic behavior in the FSP alloy were investigated. The FSP Mg–Li–Al–Zn alloy consisted of a mixed microstructure with fine, equiaxed, and recrystallized α (hcp) and β (bcc) grains surrounded by high-angle grain boundaries, and the average grain size of the α and β grains was ~1.6 and ~6.8 μm, respectively. The fine α grains played a critical role in providing thermal stability for the β grains. The FSP Mg–Li–Al–Zn alloy exhibited low-temperature superplasticity with a ductility of 330 % at 100 °C and high strain rate superplasticity with ductility of ≥400 % at 225–300 °C. Microstructural examination and superplastic data analysis revealed that the dominant deformation mechanism for the FSPed Mg–Li–Al–Zn alloy is grain boundary sliding, which is controlled by the grain boundary diffusion in the β phase.  相似文献   


The microstructure development of a Zn–40 wt-%Al alloy during aging was studied using transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction. The supersaturated solid solution αs phase was formed after solution quenching treatment, which exhibited a substructure with a structure factor contrast in some areas after aging for shorter times at ambient temperature. Electron diffraction results show that there are satellite reflections in the 〈110〉 α′s direction. The αsphase decomposes during aging, forming an (α+η) lamellar structure by the discontinuous reaction or cellular decomposition and an equiaxed fine grained structure by the continuous reaction, which are αm and α″ or αm and α′ with twin relationships to each other. A very fine tweedlike structure was observed to spinodally decompose ahead of the cellular zone. The value of the modulation wavelength λ is about 70–85 nm. The bowing and migration of the grain boundary would occur in the evolution of the discontinuous precipitates. Precipitate free zones of the vacancy denuded type were found in the vicinity of the grain boundary and within grains. It has been observed that the formation of the metastable R phase is always associated with dislocations.  相似文献   

The effect of pre-deformation annealing on the microstructure and texture of an AZ31 + 0.74 wt% Sr alloy has been investigated. As-cast samples as well as three samples that have been annealed at 400 °C for 10, 30, and 120 min were extruded at 300 °C. Results indicate that annealing transforms the bulky non-equilibrium Al–Mg–Sr precipitates to stable Al4Sr spheroids. As the extent of this transformation increases before extrusion, there is seen an increase in the amount of uniformly dispersed intermetallic stringers in the extruded material. Texture measurements reveal the alignment of basal poles with the compression axis (perpendicular to the circular cross section of the extruded bar) and the formation of the basal ring texture in all the samples. However, an increase in the duration of the pre-deformation anneal switches the plane facing the extrusion direction from first order prismatic (10-10) to second order prismatic planes (11-20). Annealing decreases the Al solute concentration in Mg and lowers the lattice resistance against dislocation movement. Consequently, the more favorable (0002)[11-20] slip system is activated in grains that see low basal resolved shear stress (τ). As a result, those grains work harden and are consumed by dynamic recrystallization (DRX). However, the (0002)[-1100] slip system with high τ still avoids basal dislocation movement. Hence, the grains with high τ(0002)[-1100], which need to move dislocations in the (0002)[-1100] system to fulfill the strain compatibility conditions across the microstructure would be prevented from work hardening and DRX. This specific orientation has a (11-20) plane facing the extrusion direction.  相似文献   

Deformation behavior of an Al–Cu–Mg–Mn–Zr alloy during hot compression was characterized in present work by high-temperature testing and transmission electron microscope (TEM) studies. The true stress–true strain curves exhibited a peak stress at a critical stain. The peak stress decreased with increasing deformation temperature and decreasing strain rate, which can be described by Zener–Hollomon (Z) parameter in hyperbolic sine function with the deformation activation energy 277.8 kJ/mol. The processing map revealed the existence of an optimum hot-working regime between 390 and 420 °C, under strain rates ranging from 0.1 to 1 s−1. The main softening mechanism of the alloy was dynamic recovery at high lnZ value; continuous dynamic recrystallization (DRX) occurred as deformed at low lnZ value. The dynamic precipitation of Al3Zr and Al20Cu2Mn3 dispersoids during hot deformation restrained DRX and increased the hot deformation activation energy of the alloy.  相似文献   

Cavitation behaviour has been investigated in an Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy with an average grain size of 10?µm during superplastic deformation. The superplastic tensile tests were interrupted at different true strains at 530°C and 3?×?10?4?s?1. The results showed that cavity nucleation occurred above a critical strain in the optimum loading condition. It was easy for cavities to form at the triple junction due to the stress concentration caused by cooperative grain boundary sliding. Since the tensile stress was higher in the middle of the sample, the cavities were arranged in a straight line parallel to the tensile axis in the centre of the sample. A more appropriate cavity growth equation considering the critical strain was proposed to describe the cavitation behaviour.  相似文献   


The microstructural development of a rapidly solidified Al–7Mg–1Zr powder alloy during consolidation via hot extrusion is reported. This non-heat-treatable alloy is a proposed candidate for the production of net shape extruded components, which require a combination of high strength, low density, and good damage tolerance. By employing a combination of X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and differential scanning calorimetry a detailed understanding of the microstructural transformations that occur during consolidation has been achieved. Additionally, the above techniques have been employed to assess the effect of extrusion temperature on the final microstructure of the alloy. It is shown that rapid solidification techniques can retard the nucleation and growth of Zr containing intermetallics even at the relatively high concentrations found in the present alloy: however, segregation of the Mg component during solidification is found to be severe. A detailed analysis of the dissolution kinetics of the Mg bearing phase on heating shows that although the segregation is drastic, its refined nature permits the omission of a homogenisation treatment. This analysis also shows that for solidification at lower cooling rates homogenisation of the present alloy composition would be required. It is found that during consolidation the Zr rich solid solution decomposes to produce a very fine distribution of metastable ZrAl3 dispersoids. Examination using TEM reveals that these dispersoids are formed in a discontinuous manner during the hot deformation associated with the extrusion process. Employing quantitative XRD techniques the variation in quantity and size of these intermetallics with consolidation temperature is assessed and the optimum distribution is observed when the alloy is consolidated at 500°C.

MST/1658  相似文献   

This study was conducted to discuss the effect of rolling strain on microstructure and tensile properties of dual-phase Mg–8Li–3Al–2Zn–0.5Y (wt%) alloy, which was prepared by casting, and then homogenized and rolled at 200?°C. The rolling process was conducted with 10% reduction per pass and five different accumulated strains, varying from 10% to 70%. The results indicate that the as-cast and as-rolled Mg–8Li–3Al–2Zn–0.5Y alloys are composed of α-Mg, β-Li, AlLi and Al2Y phases. After rolling process, anisotropic microstructure was observed. α-Mg phase got elongated in both rolling direction and transverse direction with the addition of rolling strain. Consequently, the strength of the alloy in both directions was notably improved whereas the elongation declined, mainly caused by strain hardening and dispersion strengthening. The tensile properties of the as-rolled alloys in the RD, no matter the YS, UTS or the elongation, are higher than those of the TD due to their larger deformation strain and significant anisotropy in the hcp α-Mg phase. In addition, the fracture and strengthening mechanism of the tested alloys were also investigated systematically.  相似文献   

The defects and properties of a precipitation hardening Al–Cu alloy 2017 were studied after rolling at room temperature (RT) and cryogenic (liquid N2) temperature (CT). It is found that CT rolling produced practically the same hardness as RT rolling for a wide range of rolling strains. However, electrical resistivity measurement revealed a clear difference indicating different defect structures in the CT- and RT-rolled samples. This difference led to higher hardness, after subsequent ageing, for samples processed by CT rolling. It is deduced that precipitation occurred during RT rolling, which compensated for the effect of lower dislocation density (evaluated from X-ray diffraction) in RT-rolled sample, and consequently resulted in similar hardness in both RT- and CT-rolled samples. It is noted that after ageing, CT-rolled sample has higher strength (~35%) than the standard T4 treatment.  相似文献   


Aluminium alloy strip has been successfully cast using the melt conditioned twin roll casting (MC-TRC) process. The liquid metal to be strip cast was fed into a melt conditioner, where it was intensively sheared under conditions of high shear rate and high turbulence induced by corotating twin screws. Melt conditioning provides a melt which has a uniform temperature and chemical composition and well dispersed nuclei. The conditioned melt was then fed into a twin roll caster. The MC-TRC process produced high quality Al–Mg alloy strip with fine and uniformly distributed intermetallics throughout the cross-section with minimal centreline segregation compared to conventional TRC strip. The Erichsen height value of MC-TRC sheet was superior to that of TRC sheet. The lower formability of the TRC sheet is attributed to the severe centreline segregation.  相似文献   

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