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The formation of stable back beads in the first layer weld during one side multilayer welding is important to achieve high quality welded metal joints. The authors tried to apply the switch back welding method to butt welding to join discs with flat metal plates without backing plates. During the welding, the gap was detected by processing the weld pool image taken with a CCD camera. Moreover, the tip of the electrode wire is changing owing to a curve of its wire extension in accordance with a rotation of the torch axis. Even though teaching is achieved before the welding, the weaving centre is shifted from the gap centre. The controller of the seam tracking was designed to prevent any steady state error.  相似文献   


Manual underwater welding is usually time consuming, expensive and hard to perform because of the rigorous underwater environment. Automatic underwater welding can be performed faster at less cost and with higher quality. An automatic seam tracking system for underwater flux cored arc welding has been developed. It consists of a vision sensing module, a seam recognition module, a fuzzy controller (FC) and an X–Y travel platform. The vision sensing module can capture clear seam images during welding, successfully resolving the problem of welding arc interference during underwater flux cored arc welding. The seam recognition module filters, enhances and thresholds the seam images and then recognises the seam deviation angle with a three layer back propagation neural network. The FC outputs the control parameters according to the seam deviation angle and then controls the X–Y platform to drive the torch to the centre of the seam. In this study, three different welds were considered: a straight line, a kinked straight line and an S curved line. These welds were tracked real timely during underwater flux cored arc welding. The results show that this seam tracking system can meet the requirements of the automatic underwater flux cored arc welding.  相似文献   


This work investigates a parametric technique for short arc welding fault detection. The independent component analysis algorithm is applied to split welding voltage and current signals into arcing and short circuiting regions. A series of parameters including means, medians and normalised inner products are calculated by processing the different sections of welding electrical data. Out of position welds in overlap joints are studied with investigation of the connection between parameters and short arc welding features. The effect of changing shielding gas is also illustrated. Figures of merit to quantify the change in various parameters between faulty and good welds are compared and discussed. It is shown that the data separation into two regions with independent component analysis is useful in providing various parameters that can assist in short arc welding fault detection under different conditions.  相似文献   


The present work covers the statistical analysis of signature images for weld quality monitoring and fault detection. Welding signature images are two-dimensional histograms of voltage and current data. Signatures from production welding are compared with reference good welding using a statistical analysis of both the principal components, which are fitted with shifted normal distributions, and the remainders not explained by the principal components, which are fitted with a multidimensional normal distribution. A signature basis set is employed, allowing efficient real time computations. The statistical data fits are illustrated with data from overlap welds, and examples of fault detection with out of position welds are given.  相似文献   


This paper describes a technique for determining the position of a friction stir welding (FSW) tool with respect to the weld seam during welding. Forces are used as a feedback signal, and a general regression neural network is trained to predict offset position given weld forces. Experimental results demonstrate the accuracy of the developed position predictor. This technique is proposed for online misalignment detection or as a position estimator for in-process tracking of the weld seam for FSW and robotic FSW.  相似文献   


Experimental measurements have been made to investigate the meaning of the fluctuation or noise of electrical signals for the gas metal arc welding process through globular to spray transfer mode, with particular attention being paid to the so-called 'drop spray' transition mode. The results reveal that the welding arc voltage is significantly affected by the molten droplet travelling in the arc. A sharp drop in arc voltage appears just after the detachment of the droplet, reaching its minimum quickly and then recovering, according to the location of the droplet in the arc. Although the full explanation of the feature requires further study, we believe that an important influence is the geometrical effect. The existence of the droplet in the arc path significantly affects the geometrical shape of the arc and arc attachment at the anode, and hence the overall voltage of the arc.  相似文献   

基于电弧传感器的焊缝跟踪技术是目前焊接领域的一个重要研究方向,精确的焊缝跟踪可以快速实现焊缝的精确定位,是保证焊接质量的关键。介绍了摆动频率影响跟踪精度的工作原理,综述了电弧传感器的发展与研究现状,分析了各类电弧传感器的应用特点,论述了摆动电弧传感器的在管道焊接机器人系统中集成应用情况。  相似文献   

CO2焊接超声传感焊缝跟踪控制规则与参数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了一种CO2焊接非接触超声传感焊缝跟踪系统.该系统采用了Fuzzy-P控制理论.由于控制系统的控制规则、控制参数与控制系统性能密切相关,因此,要提高系统的控制性能,必须对系统的控制规则、控制参数进行优化处理.文中首先介绍了Fuzzy-P控制理论和参数自调整模糊控制规则;然后通过计算机仿真研究,确定了参数自调整模糊控制的比例因子α1和α2、系统输出比例因子K等控制参数,确定了Fuzzy-P控制的阈值ev.试验结果表明,采用计算机仿真研究确定的Fuzzy-P控制规则和控制参数是正确的,能够满足实际CO2焊接超声传感焊缝跟踪系统的控制要求.  相似文献   


The present paper describes the application of neural networks to obtain a model for estimating the stability of gas metal arc welding (GMAW) process. A neural network has been developed to obtain and model the relationships between the acoustic emission (AE) signal parameters and the stability of GMAW process. Statistical and temporal parameters of AE signals have been used as input of the neural networks; a multilayer feedforward neural network has been used, trained with back propagation method, and using Levenberg Marquardt's algorithm for different network architectures. Different welding conditions have been studied to analyse the incidence of the parameters of the process in acoustic signals. The AE signals have been processed by using the wavelet transform, and have been characterised statistically. Experimental results are provided to illustrate the proposed approach. Finally a statistical analysis for the validation of the experimental results obtained is presented. As a main result of the study, the effectiveness of the application of the artificial neural networks for modelling stability analysis in welding processes has been demonstrated. The regression analysis demonstrates the validity of neural networks to predict the stability of welding process using the statistical characterisation of the signal parameters of AE that have been calculated.  相似文献   


A calorimetric study of gas tungsten arc welding of aluminium is described. The present study comprised experiments in which autogenous welding runs were each made on a block of electrical conductor grade aluminium. The blocks were all approximately cubic in shape which, when combined with the high thermal conductivity of aluminium, ensured that their temperature equalised soon after the completion of a run. Each sample was immersed in insulating material before welding so that heat losses to the surroundings were minimised. Thermocouples were attached to the block in each experiment and the bulk temperature rise was related to the energy input associated with the welding run. The effects of arc polarity, alternating current balance, shielding gas composition, arc length and welding current on the arc power and arc efficiency were investigated. The results obtained with alternating current are compared to those for direct current, and the differences are explained.  相似文献   

视觉传感焊缝跟踪技术的发展状况及实施方案探讨   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:15  
介绍了用于焊缝跟踪的几种视觉传感方法及控制技术的原理,特点,在此基础上提出了一种基于结构光焊缝激光跟踪系统的实施方案,该方案能够将三维控制转换为一维控制,控制简单,实施容易,对焊缝跟踪系统的研制有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

李安强  洪波  屈岳波  尹力 《电焊机》2006,36(10):13-16
根据交变磁场测量法(ACFM)的基本原理,设计了一种由激励线圈和感应线圈组成的交变磁场传感器,可对空间“点”磁场进行测量。通过大量实验,研究了传感器位置和不同焊缝宽度对传感信号的影响规律。根据传感信号的变化规律,提出了相应的信号处理的方法,为ACFM方法用于焊缝跟踪奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

Abstract Image sensor has been one of the key technologies in intellectualized robotics welding. Edge detection plays an important role when the vision technology is applied in intellectualized welding robotics technologies. There are all kinds of noises in welding environment. The algorithms in common use cannot be applied to the recognition of welding environment directly. The edge of images can be fell into four types. The weld images are classified by the characteristic of welding environment in this paper. This paper analyzes some algorithms of edge detection according to the character of welding image, some relative advantages and disadvantages are pointed out when these algorithms are used in this field, and some suggestions are given. The feature extraction of weld seam and weld pool are two typical problems in the realization of intellectualized welding. Their edge features are extracted and the results show the applicability of different edge detectors. The trndeoff between precision and calculated time is also considered for different application.  相似文献   

采用一种空间漫反射激光测距传感器,研究了波纹板倾斜角与测量结果的关系。在保证被测面上激光光点与传感器之间距离不变的条件下,对不同倾斜角的被测面进行了激光测距试验,并利用Phong光照模型解释了倾角对试验结果的影响。随着被测面倾角增加,传感器测量结果的偏差增大;当倾斜角小于45°时,测量结果的偏差在0.5 mm以内;当倾斜角大于45°时,测量结果的偏差大于0.5 mm。研究结果表明,该激光传感器可以用于检测不大于45°的波纹板,能够满足其折线焊缝跟踪的精度要求。  相似文献   

A visual sensing system was developed for automatic gas metal arc welding (GMAW) of the root pass of steel pipe. The system consisted of a vision sensor that consisted of a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera and lenses, a frame grabber, image processing algorithms, and a computer controller. A specially designed five-axis manipulator was used to position the welding torch and to provide the vision sensor with automatic access to view the welding position. During the root pass welding, an image of the weld pool and its vicinity was captured using the camera without interference of the intensive arc light by viewing at the instance of a short-circuit of the welding power. The captured image was then processed to recognize the weld pool shape. For seam tracking, the manipulator was used to adjust the torch position based upon the pool image to the groove center. The measured gap size was used to determine the appropriate welding conditions to obtain sound penetration. The welding speed was chosen using fuzzy logic with the knowledge of a skilled welder and measured gap. The automatic welding equipment demonstrated that both welding conditions and torch position could be appropriately controlled to obtain a sound weldment and a good seam tracking capability.  相似文献   


Lasers are capable of producing welds with deep penetration, low distortion and faster travel speeds, compared to arc welding. More recently, laser/arc hybrid welding processes have also been generating interest for industrial fabrication. In this paper, six carbon–manganese, mainly pipeline, steels were welded using both autogenous Nd:YAG laser welding, and Nd:YAG laser/MAG hybrid welding. The improvements in weld microstructures and weld metal toughness that are possible when using the hybrid process are described and illustrated. Laser/arc hybrid welding is shown to be a process that can generate good quality welds in commercially available pipeline steels. It also has the potential to complete girth welds in these steels with significantly fewer welding passes than are currently required for arc welded pipelines, reducing the joint completion time.  相似文献   


In welding of high nitrogen steel (HNS), it is essential to control the nitrogen content and porosity in the weld metal. In this paper, the influence of shielding gas composition and heat input on the nitrogen content and porosity in the weld metal of HNS was investigated by gas tungsten arc welding. The experimental results indicate that the weld nitrogen content increases as N2 in the shielding gas is increased in the same heat input of welding. The weld nitrogen content decreases with increasing the heat input for pure argon used as a shielding gas, whereas it increases with increasing the heat input for the shielding gas including some nitrogen. The nitrogen pore can be avoided when the nitrogen content in the shielding gas is <4% in the heat input range of 528–2340 J mm–1.  相似文献   

大功率光纤激光焊焊缝跟踪偏差测量新方法   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对大功率光纤激光焊,分析一种基于近红外图像识别的焊缝跟踪偏差测量新方法.通过高速摄像机获取动态熔池近红外图像序列,分析熔池近红外图像的灰度分布特性,利用图像灰度梯度提取熔池温度分布参数.该参数能够体现激光束偏离焊缝时熔池表面温度的变化特性.以熔池温度分布参数作为特征测量值,利用最小二乘法建立焊缝路径与激光束偏离的近红...  相似文献   

For on-line monitoring of welding quality, the characteristics of the arc sound signals in short circuit CO2 GMAW were analyzed in the time and frequency domains. The arc sound presents a series of ringing-like oscillations that occur at the end of short circuit i. e. the moment of arc re-ignition, and distributes mainly in the frequency band below 10 kHz. A concept of the arc tone channel and its equivalent electrical model were suggested, which is considered a time-dependent distributed parametric system of which the transmission properties depend upon the geometric and physical characteristics of the arc and surroundings, and is excited by the sound source results from the change of arc energy so that results in arc sound. The linear prediction coding ( LPC ) model is an estimation of the tone channel. The radial basis function ( RBF ) neural networks were built for on-line pattern recognition of the gas-lack in welding, in which the input vectors were formed with the LPC coefficients. The test results proved that the LPC model of arc sound and the RBF networks are feasible in on-line quality monitoring.  相似文献   

电弧喷涂技术在中国的发展和应用   总被引:18,自引:4,他引:18  
杜小红 《表面技术》2000,29(5):21-23
电弧喷涂虽然不是一项新技术,随着电弧喷涂设备的改造和完善、新型喷涂材料的不断出现以及对电弧喷涂过程和涂层机理研究的深入,特别是电弧喷涂用管状丝材的开发和应用,使电弧喷涂技术得到越来越广泛的应用,成为最具有活力的热喷涂方法之一。在中国,电弧喷涂技术已成为最有效的钢结构长效防腐手段之一,另外,电弧喷涂技术在零部件修复和表面强化、电弧喷涂制模、锅炉水冷壁的抗热腐蚀、制造防滑涂层以及减磨涂层等方面得到了广泛应用。  相似文献   

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