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Dolomite and other MgO bearing materials are being increasingly used as basic flux constituents for production of fluxed sinters. Addition of flux materials in sinter influences the resultant sinter microstructure and chemical properties. The physical and metallurgical properties of sinter mainly depend on mineralogy of the sinter. Dolomite is the source of double carbonate of calcium and magnesium. Recent studies reveal that, apart from the additional fuel needed, the addition of dolomite and MgO bearing material greatly influences the magnetite content and the properties of the sinter produced. The increasing use of MgO bearing fluxes in the blast furnace burden, and the trend to incorporate a major part of fluxes in the sinter mix led to an investigation of the influence of MgO on sinter properties and productivity. In this study, the systematic investigation has been made on the influence of MgO% (1·4 to 2·6) on sinter mineralogy and sinter properties with dolomite. Microstructural examination of dolomite sinter revealed that hematite and calcium ferrite phases decreased whereas magnetite phase increased with increase in MgO percentage in sinter. From the laboratory pot grate sintering results it was found that sinter reduction degradation index improved whereas tumbler index and reducibility decreased with increase in MgO%.  相似文献   


A semiempirical kinetic model has been developed to determine the course of reduction of iron ore–graphite composite pellets over time in a laboratory scale side heated packed bed reactor attached with a tailor made bottom hanging thermogravimetric set-up. The rate parameters in the model, especially the three sets of apparent activation energy values and frequency factors associated with the reduction of iron oxides in three elementary steps, namely hematite to magnetite, magnetite to wustite and wustite to iron, have been estimated based on experimental data by employing an optimisation tool, the genetic algorithm (GA). The difference between the predicted and experimental degree of reduction is minimised to obtain the rate parameters. The experimental degree of reduction is calculated based on mass loss data during reduction and the exit gas analysis. Estimated values of apparent rate parameters were found to be of the same order of magnitude to their intrinsic counterparts reported in literature. Finally, by using the predicted rate parameters the temporal evolution of various oxide phases as well as pure iron has been evaluated.  相似文献   


Pellet plant (4·2 MPta capacity) of JSW Steel Ltd imports iron ore fines from different mines to produce pellets for its Corex and Blast Furnace plants. The pelletisation process involves drying the ore fines to reduce the moisture content to less than 1%, grinding in open circuit ball mills to get required fineness. To produce good quality of pellets certain additives are important and limestone is employed for modifying the pellet basicity. Iron ore fines of ?10 mm size and limestone are ground together in a ball mill to get sufficient fineness for the balling process. However, as limestone is harder than iron ore fines the + 100 mesh size limestone particles is higher than required and not all the limestone is fully consumed in the reaction for melt formation. Microstructural studies were conducted under a Leica DMRX polarized microscope at different level fineness (?325# ? 56, 58 and 60%) to investigate its effect on the pellet quality. The cold crushing strength of the pellet improved from 203 to 220 kg p?1 with increase in fineness. With increase in percentage of ?325# particle size in the ground product RDI of the pellet decreased from 13·8 to 11·9% with increased melt formation from 5 to 9%. With increase in fineness ?325# from 56 to 60% the 150 to 500 μm size pores decreased from 51·8 to 13·6%.  相似文献   


Liquid ejections from gas stirred melts can be classified into small film and jet droplets caused by bubble bursting and larger splashes resulting from gas channels formed at higher exiting gas velocities. In view of the conditions in ladle metallurgy, experimental investigations were carried out at moderate to low gas flowrates in an arc heated, bottom stirred 150 kg steel melting furnace and an 80 L water tank. Droplets were collected at different heights above the melt level, while gas flowrates, viscosities, surface tensions, and slag layer thickness were varied. The number of steel droplets collected decreased greatly with height (in the range 30-110 mm) and with size (in the range 0·1-1·8 mm). Calculations showed that the entrainment of droplets is strongly influenced by the velocity of upward flowing gases. While at low flowrates typical for secondary metallurgy (0·1 m s -1), only droplets <50 μm will be entrained, BOF (basic oxygen furnace) typical flowrates (20-50 m s -1) will cause particles up to 500 μm to be carried into the dust removal systems. Higher surface tensions resulted in increased droplet ejection, while higher viscosities led to a decreasing quantity of ejected melt. Slag layers led to a decrease in the ejection of steel droplets and to an increase in ejected slag but they did not completely stop steel ejection, because gas bubbles appear to entrain steel drops when they rise through the slag layer. Bubble bursting in a pure slag system caused large but few slag droplets due to the high viscosity of the slag as compared to the steel melt.  相似文献   

X射线衍射法鉴定铁矿石中氧化皮   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
考察了不同粒度下氧化皮的X射线衍射图谱,结果表明,270~400目粒度下氧化皮衍射峰强度最强。利用分析评估程序处理了氧化皮的X射线衍射图谱,并和PDF-2数据库(国际衍射数据中心)中数据进行比对,以找出其特征物相。结果表明,氧化皮的特征物相为三氧化二铁、四氧化三铁、氧化亚铁共存,而其它杂质物相含量极低。经过与天然铁矿石的特征物相进行比对,发现其中氧化亚铁物相是氧化皮区别于铁矿石的主要特征,因此氧化亚铁物相的存在可以作为鉴定铁矿石中是否掺杂氧化皮的重要指标,由此建立了铁矿石中氧化皮的X射线衍射鉴定方法,方法能够对含量高于10%的氧化皮进行鉴定。  相似文献   

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