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Inclusion removal from liquid steel by bubble flotation under turbulent conditions is analysed using a water model. Turbulence is realised by impeller stirring in a water containing vessel. First, the effects of variables such as filter pore size, gas flowrate, NaCl concentration, and stirring intensity on bubble size are investigated. Second, particle removal by bubble flotation is studied using the water containing vessel system. The results indicate that particle removal rate by bubble flotation is controlled by non-first order kinetics. The factors affecting the particle removal rate constant k 1 are discussed and a final empirical equation is derived as follows: -dc/dt = k 1 c1·3665 and k 1 = A(d p/d B)2·65?0·104 Q g1·630, where c is particle number density, t is time, A is a constant parameter, d p and d B are the particle and bubble diameter respectively, ? is the turbulent energy dissipation rate, and Q g is the gas flowrate.  相似文献   

none 《粉末冶金学》2013,56(3):191-200

New methods of characterising multiple phase powder metallurgy steels have been investigated. Mapping of microhardness with a lateral resolution of as little as 5 μm and with up to 104 indents can produce distributions of mechanical properties which are characteristic of different steel grades. Maps of these properties can be correlated with the different phases observed in etched microstructures, and quantification of size and interconnectivity of the regions with, for example, different hardness or stiffness is then possible. Electron backscatter diffraction can also produce simultaneously highly detailed maps of the different phases in a powder metallurgy steel with chemical composition information. Percentages of the different phases present can be determined from the crystallography and morphology of the grains observed, but the technique is limited by the speed with which maps can be acquired.  相似文献   


As sintered parts are to be machined after sintering, the MnS powder is usually added to improve the machinability. Vibratory ball peening is used for deburring and improving the surface finish of sintered components in local PM industries. The effect of the MnS powder content and vibratory ball peening on the corrosion resistance of the sintered 316LSC alloys was investigated. Experimental results show that the addition of MnS powder slightly decreases the sintered density. The weight loss rate of the sintered specimens immersed in the 10%FeCl3 corrosion test solution increases slightly with increas- ing MnS content, but decreases with increasing sintering temperature. Vibratory ball peening effec- tively decreases the weight loss rate of the sintered stainless steels. The chromium atoms actively migrate across the phase boundary and diffuse into the MnS particles during sintering. This intensive chromium diffusion affects the corrosion performance of the sintered alloys with MnS added. The surface morphology of the as sintered and the ball peened specimens before and after the corrosion test were studied with a SEM.  相似文献   


Semisolid processing, already a well established manufacturing route for the production of intricate, thin walled aluminium and magnesium parts with mechanical properties as good as forged grades, faces a major challenge in the case of steels. The tool materials must withstand complex load profiles and relatively higher forming temperatures for thousands of forming cycles for this near-net shape process to be attractive for steels on an industrial scale. The potential of a Ni-based superalloy, Inconel 617, reported to exhibit superior thermal fatigue resistance in demanding tooling applications, was investigated. The response to thermal cycling of this alloy at high temperatures was compared with that of X38CrMoV5 hot work tool steel widely used in the manufacture of conventional forging dies. The favourable thermophysical properties of the latter were completely negated by its limited temper resistance, while the Inconel 617 alloy responded to thermal cycling by the usual heat cracking mechanism.  相似文献   


Mould flux samples from an operating continuous caster showed a steady state increase in titanium oxide content of 3–4% for a titanium stabilised ferritic stainless steel and about 6% for a titanium stabilised austenitic stainless steel. Owing to the reduction of silica the flux basicity increased from 0.8 to 0.9, and from 0.95 to 1.2, for the ferritic and austenitic steels, respectively. Similar changes in composition were found for mould shims, which had been recovered from the mould after casting the ferritic steel. The increased titanium oxide content caused a decrease in the flux viscosity, for the original basicity. However, when the flux basicity was increased from 0.95 to 1.2, the apparent viscosity of the mould flux of the austenitic steel increased markedly, for 10% TiO2 and temperatures of 1250°C and below. Precipitation of perovskite was found to be responsible for the higher apparent viscosity.  相似文献   


The results of a fifteen year research and development programme on the application of forge hammers to the impact powder forging of 46xx steel preforms are reviewed and assessed. The main topics are suitability of forge hammers to powder forging; effects of forging strain and forging pressure on core residual porosity; importance of pressure dwell or contact time in determining residual porosity near the surfaces and corners of powder forgings; dependence of tensile ductility, toughness, and fatigue strength on high strength, impact powder forged 46xx steel on lateral strain, residual porosity, oxygen, and sulphur contents; and inclusion volume fraction and spacing. It is shown that impact forged steels can achieve mechanical property parity at very high strength levels with high quality wrought steels. State of the art forge hammers have significant technical and economic advantages over presses in powder forging applications and are best suited to powder forging processes for which the forging strains and energy requirements are small.  相似文献   


The present work was undertaken with the objective of developing a magnetically graded material by a reverse martensitic transformation (RMT) technique in a controlled manner. Tensile deformed SUS type 304 stainless steel was annealed within a temperature gradient to introduce the reverse martensitic transformation inhomogeneously. The magnetisation distributions within specimens were evaluated using a vibrating sample magnetometer. It was found that the desired saturation magnetisation gradient was formed in the magnetically graded material fabricated by the RMT technique. Therefore, by controlling the thermal gradient in the furnace very carefully, it is possible to obtain a magnetically graded material with a suitable gradient of magnetisation using the α′ –γ reverse transformation in SUS 304 stainless steel.  相似文献   


Four grades of sinter hardening materials have been compared, using industrial equipment. Three powder types were completely prealloyed; the last one was a hybrid, combining prealloying and diffusion bonding. Different amounts of Cu have been added by mixing. The lubricated mixes, containing 0.6% graphite, have been compacted at different pressures, to form gears at green densities ≥7.0 g cm?3 ; the compacts have been sintered at 1120°C, under endogas from methane and fast cooled (at least 7 K s?1 within the range 850–400°C). The final step has been stress relieving, at 180°C, for 1 h. Material properties have been investigated, focusing on porosity, pore shape, hardness, microhardness, microstructure, local chemical composition and mechanical properties. For comparison, other gears, compacted in the same tool and at the same density level, but manufactured according to a more conventional cycle, i.e. starting from less alloyed powders and adding carbonitriding, quenching and stress relieving, have been used. The analysis of the different experimental results enabled the authors to find out and outline some criteria suitable for selecting sinter hardening materials and for choosing more reliable manufacturing conditions to fulfill specific application requirements.  相似文献   

The creation of a new direction of research in radiation materials science, i.e., the designing of low-activated materials exhibiting a rapid decrease in the induced radioactivity and intended for nuclear power, is described. This direction was developed according to the plan of building an international magnetic confined fusion reactor. The problems of decreasing the induced radioactivity in structural austenitic steels are considered. Theoretical models for designing such steels and experimental data obtained at the Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, and other Russian and foreign scientific centers are presented.  相似文献   

none 《粉末冶金学》2013,56(3):184-187

Recent trends in the technology, production and applications of diamond tooling are reviewed. The continuing fall in the price of synthetic diamond as production volumes increase provides a strong incentive for tooling companies to reduce the cost of matrix materials and of their manufacturing processes, with an accompanying need for research in these areas. Diamond wires for the cutting of granite and other rock continues to grow in application and provides another focus for materials and technology advances.  相似文献   

A test technique has been developed to determine the stress intensity for slow crack growth in hydrogen precharged steels. Measurements on several grades of maraging steel and a 300M steel show that hydrogen contents on the order of 2 ppm reduce the stress intensity for slow crack growth by 50 pct or more of theK Ic values. At equivalent hydrogen contents the 300M steel was more severely embrittled than the mar aging steels. Comparison of the present results with aqueousK Iscc data indicates that the amount of hydrogen “picked up by the steels in stress corrosion increases with increasing yield strength. Formerly with International Nickel Co.  相似文献   

应用透射电镜(TEM)和X射线能谱(EDX)对CSP工艺含钛耐候钢中的细小磷化物进行了研究.对成品钢板和经900℃压缩20%并等温30min的连铸坯分析结果表明:耐候钢中存在MxP型纳米级磷化物,x值为2~3,金属元素M为Fe、Ti及少量Cr或Ni,磷化物的结构为六方晶系,点阵常数a=0.609nm、c=0.351nm;成品钢板中磷化物尺寸多在20nm以下,而经过900℃压缩的连铸坯试样中磷化物的尺寸、形状不尽相同,较大的棒状磷化物长约300nm、宽约50nm,其他粒子在50nm以下,多呈方形.CSP工艺生产线中可能发生磷化物沉淀的阶段是热连轧的最后两个道次直至冷却到400~500℃的过程中;磷化物的析出可提高沉淀强化效果,但同时会使钢中的固溶磷浓度降低.  相似文献   

In the last three decades new stronger modified 9%Cr steels have been introduced in new power plants with steam parameters up to 300 bar(1 bar =10~5 Pa) and 600℃. In order to further increase the steam parameters of steel based power plants up to a target value of 650℃/ 325 bar it is necessary to double the creep strength compared with todays strongest 9%Cr steels,and at the same time the resistance against steam oxidation must be improved by adding 12%Cr to the steel. However,so far all attempts to make stronger 12%Cr steels have been unsuccessful because the high chromium content introduced severe microstructure instabilities in the tested steels.Recently,it was found that the microstructure instabilities in 11%- 12%Cr steels can be explained by the precipitation of coarse Cr(V,Nb)N Z-phases, which dissolve fine(V,Nb)N nitrides. A new possibility to use the Z-phase for strengthening of 12%Cr steels has been identified,and the development of stable strong martensitic 12%Cr steels based on this concept is expected to allow the construction of 325 bar/ 650℃steam power plants all based on steel.  相似文献   

利用热重分析仪、扫描电镜和电子探针研究了含As或者Cu+As的C-Mn钢的高温氧化特性.1050℃氧化初期约500 s内,As钢和Cu-As钢为线性氧化阶段,随后转为抛物线氧化,两种钢的抛物线氧化速率均高于C-Mn钢.因氧化层分离,1150℃氧化增重小于1050℃氧化增重.钢中Cu和As的存在促进了固相Fe2SiO4层的生长.由于As在氧化层/基体界面的富集,1050℃氧化时,As钢中存在明显的条带状内部氧化粒子层;C-Mn钢中加入Cu和As后,其氧化层/基体界面变得崎岖不平,内部氧化粒子的数量随着氧化时间及氧化温度的增加而增加.1050℃氧化时氧化层/基体界面处Cu和As的富集程度高于1150℃氧化.  相似文献   

Ultra-low carbon(ULC),cold-rolled sheet steels for porcelain enameling containing alloys of titanium and boron are studied. The microstructure,mechanical properties,inclusions,and precipitates of the sheet steels are analyzed. The hydrogen permeation time of the sheet steels as-annealed and after skin-passed or cold-rolled at different reductions are measured. It is show n that the sheet steels possess different features of enameling properties in hydrogen permeability,fishscale resistance,and pinhole resistance.  相似文献   

采用"DC炉+LF+VD+浇注3.7t钢锭+快锻"的工艺技术,试制了风力发电主轴轴承用高品质的高碳铬轴承钢锻棒,规格为250~380mm。检测结果表明,通过控制钢中的有害元素钛和氧的含量、采用LF精炼加VD真空脱气和软吹氩技术、选用合理的锻造比,提高了钢水的纯净度、改善了碳化物不均匀性和低倍组织,生产出品质较好的超大规格锻棒,满足了风力发电主轴轴承用钢的性能要求。  相似文献   

煤制天然气是我国煤炭清洁利用的重要发展方向.现有管道用于输送煤制天然气(最高氢分压为0.72 MPa)时需要考虑其中低压氢气的影响,因而需先进行氢致开裂安全性评估.本文利用高压釜环境下恒载荷实验和电化学充氢,模拟研究X-70管线钢和20#钢在不同氢含量下的氢损伤和氢致延迟开裂,并对其在煤制天然气中服役安全性进行评估.在总压12MPa(10 MPa N2+2 MPa H2)的高压釜中放置一个月,两种钢的金相试样均不出现氢损伤,U弯试样不开裂,加屈服强度σs的恒载荷试样不发生断裂.在含0.72 MPa的煤制天然气中长期服役时,进入两种钢的氢含量均远低于σs下发生氢致延迟开裂的门槛氢含量和出现氢损伤的门槛氢含量,因而X-70钢和20#钢在煤制天然气中长期服役均具有高的氢损伤和氢致开裂安全系数.  相似文献   


Stringent property requirements are specified for steels to be used for oil and gas pipelines, especially for application in extremely cold climates. The effect of controlled plate mill processing (including water spray cooling between hot rolling passes), and of simulated strip mill processing on the mechanical properties and microstructure of pipe skelp of varying thickness has been studied in a family of Mn-Mo-Cb steels developed to meet these specifications. By virtue of chemistry and process control, desired minimum levels of yield strength in the range of 60 to 90 ksi (415 to 620 N/mm2) have been achieved, with excellent corresponding toughness values, in strip and plate gauges up to 0.75 in (19 mm). The microstructure of these steels varies, according to chemistry, from ferrite plus pearlite to acicular ferrite.


Des propriétés mécaniques particulièrement strictes son t exigées des aciers pour pipe-lines (gaz ou pétrole) situés spécialement dans des régions très froides. Pour une série d'aciers au Mn-Mo-Cb développés pour de telles applications, les auteurs ont étudié la variation des propriétés mécaniques et de la microstructure de tôles a tube d' épaisseur variable en fonction de la procédure de laminage contrôlé des tôles fortes (incluant un refroidissement par aspersion d'eau entre les passes) ou d'une procédure simulée de laminage des feuillards. Du fait de la composition chimique et du contrôlé du laminage, des limites d' élasticité de l'ordre de 60 à 90 ksi (415 à 620 N/mm2) ont été atteintes et sont associées a d'excellen tes valeurs de la résilience des feuillards et des tôles jusqu'à 0.75 in. (19 mm) d' épaisseur. Selon la composition, la microstructure de ces aciers varie de ferritico-perlitique à une ferrite aciculaire.  相似文献   


By means of a centrifugal casting method, high speed steel (HSS) rolls with excellent wear resistance have been manufactured. The hardness of the HSS rolls was 65–67 HRC, the range of hardness variation was smaller than 2 HRC and the impact toughness exceeded 15 J. The wear rate of the rolls was 2.5 × 10?4 mm t?1 of steel passing through the prefinishing stands of the high speed hot wire rod rolling mill. Casting cracking of the HSS rolls was definitely decreased and the rejection rate owing to the presence of cracks was less than 3%, as a result of the use of a two layer paint and varying the rotation rate. In addition, the segregation of alloying elements could be decreased by adding a suitable amount of niobium (0.6–2.0%).  相似文献   

Hafnium, usually added to improve the high temperature oxidation resistance of alloys, allowed obtaining HfC carbides which are very efficient for the creep-resistance. For that Hf must be added in particularly high quantities which may possibly influence the oxidation behaviour. Three HfC-strengthened cast cobalt alloys were studied all along thermogravimetry tests at 1100°C. They were compared to similar but Hf-free ternary alloys. The mass variation were plotted according to {m?×?dm/dt?=?f(–m)} to specify all kinetic oxidation constants, and versus temperature to study the oxidation beginning during heating and the scale spallation during cooling. The presence of many HfC carbides obviously influences the high temperature oxidation: mass gain occurring sooner during heating, faster isothermal mass gains but better behaviour in oxide scale spallation during cooling. This deterioration of oxidation behaviour must be corrected to hope benefiting from the high creep-resistance brought by this new type of strengthening.  相似文献   

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