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The mechanical alloying technique has been used to prepare nanocrystalline Fe–10 and Fe–20 wt.% Ni alloys from powder mixtures. The structure and magnetic properties were studied by using X-ray diffraction and hysteresis measurements, respectively. For both alloys studied, a disordered body centered cubic solid solution forms after 24 h milling time. The higher the milling time, the larger the lattice parameter. The steady-state grain size is ≈10 nm. The reduction of the grain size increases the saturation magnetization and decreases the coercivity. Nanocrystalline Fe–10 and Fe–20 wt.% Ni have been shown to exhibit a soft magnetic behavior.  相似文献   

The effects of beta flecks on tensile properties and low-cycle fatigue life were investigated at room temperature for Ti–10V–2Fe–3Al alloy. It was found that beta flecks had a significant influence on tensile ductility and low-cycle fatigue life. The greater the volume fraction of beta flecks (PA) or maximum area of beta flecks (Smax), the lower the tensile ductility and low-cycle fatigue life. Extensive scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy (LM) observation showed that under tensile load, cracks preferentially nucleated at β grain boundaries of beta flecks, then grew, connected and propagated along grain boundaries to form characteristics of intergranular fracture and quasi-cleavage fracture. While under an alternating load, beta flecks acted as sites for low-cycle fatigue crack nucleation due to inhomogeneous alternating strains between soft GB and aged beta matrix. The presence of beta flecks accelerates both the crack nucleation and early crack propagation.  相似文献   

We report the preparation and characterization of amorphous/non-equilibrium solid solution Fe100 − xZrx (x = 20–35) alloys by mechanical alloying process. The microstructure and magnetic properties of milled powders have been studied as a function of Zr substitution. The effective magnetic moment of as-milled powders decreases as concentration of Zr is increased. Thermomagnetization measurements confirmed that the Fe80Zr20 sample exhibits two clear magnetic phase transitions due to the co-existence of an amorphous phase and a Fe rich non-equilibrium solid solution. All the other samples exhibiting an amorphous structure showed a single magnetic phase transition with Curie temperature of ~ 570 °C,which did not vary much with different composition. The Curie temperature of the mechanically alloyed powders is noticeably higher than those of melt-spun amorphous ribbons.  相似文献   

Ti–Al–N coatings were deposited by direct current reactive magnetron sputtering using two titanium and two aluminum targets. Two series of films with Al/(Al + Ti) atomic ratios of ≈ 23.5 and ≈ 34.5% were studied. The amount of nitrogen in the films was varied from 0 to 44at.%. The incorporation of N atoms led to a change of the -Ti lattice preferential orientation from <100> to <001>, a decrease in the degree of crystallinity, and subsequently to the collapse of the crystalline structure. Annealing at 975K promotes the formation of the Ti3Al compound. The hardness increases smoothly with the nitrogen content. The high hardness values (31 and 41GPa) measured for the films with the highest N contents may be explained by the deposition of a nanocomposite phase. For the Ti–Al–N film deposited with Al/(Al + Ti) atomic ratio of 34.5% the -Ti structure was completely transformed to TiO2 upon oxidation. The high oxidation resistance of the film deposited with 44at.% N at 1075K is characteristic of Ti–Al–N films.  相似文献   

A powder mixture consisting of Cu–29.7at.% Zn alloy and graphite was mechanically alloyed in a planetary ball mill. The supersaturated solid solubility of carbon in the Cu–29.7at.% Zn alloy was determined to be 38.5at.% C (alloy composition: Cu–18.3at.% Zn–38.5at.% C) by the change in lattice parameter of the alloy. Supersaturated Cu–24.2at.% Zn–18.5at.% C alloy powder consolidated by a static compression stress of 1.4 GPa was found to have a relative density of 89.7%, a Vickers hardness of 147.2, and a compressive strength of 1.4 GPa which is equal to the statically consolidated compression stress. Moreover, the supersaturated solid-soluble carbon did not precipitate. When dynamically consolidated by a 93 g projectile at a speed of 38.1 m s−1 (estimated impact compression stress of 2.3 GPa) after static precompression of 0.4 GPa, the alloy powder was found to have a relative density of 93%, a Vickers hardness of 177, and a compressive strength of 2.3 GPa which is equal to the impact compression stress. Supersaturated solid solubility of 18.5at.% C decreased to 15at.% C after impact consolidation. The mechanically alloyed powders can maintain supersaturated solid solubility when consolidated by impact pressure, and especially when consolidated by static pressure.  相似文献   

Low frequency internal friction was measured on three specimens of Ti–Ni–Cu ternary alloys, the Cu content varying from 10 to 20 at.%, while Ti content was fixed at 50 at.%. The internal friction spectrum consists mainly of two peaks, a sharper one associated with the B2–B19 transformation and the other one at around 250 K, which is much broader and higher than the former. The peak height of the latter is 0.2 for the specimen containing 20% Cu, which shows that this alloy can be an excellent high damping material. Transformation behavior was studied by electrical resistivity, thermopower and DSC measurements, and was compared with the result of internal friction measurements. Solution treatment at higher temperatures lowers the internal friction peak markedly. Scanning electron microscopy observation reveals that the behaviors of precipitates are different for different solution treatment temperature, suggesting that the precipitation behavior is crucial in the damping properties.  相似文献   

In this investigation a theoretical model based on artificial neural network (ANN) and genetic algorithm (GA) has been developed to optimize the magnetic softness in nanocrystalline Fe–Si powders prepared by mechanical alloying (MA). The ANN model was used to correlate the milling time, chemical composition, milling speed, and ball to powders ratio (BPR) to coercivity and crystallite size of nanocrystalline Fe–Si powders. The GA–ANN combined algorithm was incorporated to find the optimal conditions for achieving the minimum coercivity. By comparing the predicted values with the experimental data it is demonstrated that the combined GA–ANN algorithm is a useful, efficient and strong method to find the optimal milling conditions and chemical composition for producing nanocrystalline Fe–Si powders with minimum coercivity.  相似文献   

The microstructure and magnetic properties of polycrystalline Fe100−xNix films have been studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and magnetic moment measurements. In the XRD pattern of Fe–Ni films, the values of area ratio, A(1 1 1)/A(2 0 0) for the XRD peaks, in the thickness dependence decrease rapidly with increasing film thickness in the films with a bias field applied parallel to the plane in order to introduce uniaxial anisotropy, but the values for the films without the field are nearly constant. The coercivity vs. thickness analyzed by using Néel's formula show that the values for the films with the bias field follow Néel's formula within the thickness range of 40–100 nm, except the range of 10–40 nm. This result indicates that there is a change in domain wall type at the thickness of 40 nm. From the results of thickness and temperature dependence of magnetization analyzed by using some theoretical models, the values of interaction strength between magnetic ions were determined. The electrical resistivity of films is found to be consistent with the Mayadas–Shatzkes model.  相似文献   

Microstructures and fracture behaviors of infrared heated, vacuum brazed Ti–6Al–4V and Ti-15-3 alloys using two Ti–Cu–Ni braze fillers have been characterized to establish the effects of brazing process parameter and chemical composition on the strength of brazed joints. The brazed joint initially contains two prominent phases; a Ti alloy matrix alloyed with V, Cr, Ni, Cu and Al and a Cu–Ni-rich Ti phase. Brazing temperature and soak time control the amount of Cu–Ni-rich Ti phase in the brazed joints. The fracture mode changes from brittle cleavage to quasi-cleavage to ductile dimple as the amount of Cu–Ni-rich Ti phase is reduced in the brazed joint. Both brazing temperature and soak time are critical to eliminate the Cu–Ni-rich Ti phase for optimal shear strength and ductile fracture of brazed joints. A post-brazing annealing at lower temperature is also shown to be an effective way to homogenize the microstructure of brazed joint for improved joint strength.  相似文献   

Fe–TiN, Ni–TiN, and SUS316–TiC nanocomposite powders were prepared by ball-milling Fe–Ti, Ni–Ti, and SUS316–TiC powder mixtures in a nitrogen or argon gas atmosphere. Fe–63vol.% TiN and Ni–44–64vol.% TiN milled powders were dynamically compacted by use of a propellant gun to produce bulk materials of nanocrystalline structure and having grain sizes between about 5 and 400 nm. SUS316–2.8–5.6vol.% TiC milled powders were consolidated by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) to produce bulk materials having grain sizes between about 100 and 400 nm. The possibility of using fine-dispersed TiN/TiC particles to pin grain boundaries and thereby maintain ultra-fine grained structures of grain sizes down to the nanocrystalline scale has been discussed.  相似文献   

This work describes the evolution of texture during cold rolling and annealing of a hot rolled and solution treated sheet of a low cost β titanium alloy Ti–10V–4.5Fe–1.5Al. The alloy was cold rolled up to 60% reductions and then annealed in β phase field at different temperatures to study the re-crystallisation textures. The rolling and re-crystallisation textures obtained in this study are compared with those of other β titanium alloys and bcc metals and alloys such as tantalum and low carbon steel.  相似文献   

利用X射线衍射及磁测量手段研究了Y2Al3Fe14-xMnx系列化合物的结构.结果表明,该系列化合物具有Th2Ni17型结构;随着x的增加,化合物的单胞体积呈现非线性的变化,这表明在化合物的磁相变点附近存在较大的正的本征磁致伸缩.对Y2Al3Fe11Mn3化合物进行的变温X射线衍射研究表明,该化合物在其居里点附近(185~200 K)具有负热膨胀性质,其热膨胀系数为-7.5×10-5/K.  相似文献   

Ti–Al intermetallic alloys have a great potential for high-temperature lightweight applications. They also have rather complicated microstructure and sophisticated behaviour under thermal–mechanical loading. In many cases, Ti–Al component optimization is sufficient when using effective elastic properties of these alloys. Computation of such effective properties is difficult due to various orientations of the phases micro-constituents. Here a simple micromechanical model is applied to calculate effective stiffness and other elastic parameters of Ti–Al alloys as function of composition, orientation and temperature. The dependence of these properties is computed and possibility of simplified, quasi-isotropic or orthotropic properties application is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the effect of CO2 laser alloying of pre-placed BN coating with Ti–6Al–4V alloy. The formation of titanium boride and titanium nitride investigated using energy dispersive X-ray diffraction (EDXRD) result were related to the microhardness and microstructure. The nitrogen and boron diffusion during the laser boronising process identified using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and X-ray photoelectron spectrometry (XPS) analysis was compared with the EDXRD results. The surface hardness HV1500–1700 observed at the boronised layer was five to six times higher than that of untreated Ti–6Al–4V alloy. This was compared with needle platelet and dendrite type microstructures. Theoretically estimated surface temperature values were used to interpret the compound formation in the laser alloyed layer.  相似文献   

The microstructures of several Fe-rich Fe–Al–Zr alloys have been studied as a basis of investigating the mechanical behaviour, which is subject of Part II. The alloys with only low Zr contents show microstructures with a relatively soft matrix and a hard skeleton along the grain boundaries, the latter being residual eutectics containing the matrix phase and the Zr(Fe,Al)2 Laves phase. Scanning electron microscopy, orientation imaging microscopy as well as transmission electron microscopy and diffraction are used to study the grain sizes, the orientation relationships between the grains and the phases and the crystallography of the Laves phase. With higher Zr contents above about 10 at.%, the matrix is formed by the Zr(Fe,Al)2 Laves phase.  相似文献   

High velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) thermal spray was used to deposit a Fe–Cr–Si–B alloy coating onto stainless steel (1Cr18Ni9Ti) substrate. Microstructures of the powder and the coating were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning election microscopy (SEM), transmission election microscopy (TEM) and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The coating had layered morphologies due to the deposition and solidification of successive molten or half-molten splats. The microstructures of the coating consisted of a Fe–Cr-rich matrix and several kinds of borides. The Fe–Cr-rich matrix contained both amorphous phase and nanocrystalline grains with a size of 10–50 nm. The crystallization temperature of the amorphous phase was about 605 °C. The formation of the amorphous phase was attributed to the high cooling rates of molten droplets and the proper powder compositions by effective addition of Cr, Mn, Si and B. The nanocrystalline grains could result from crystallization in amorphous region or interface of the amorphous phase and borides by homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation.  相似文献   

The influence of 50%, 75% and 90% cold work on the age hardening behavior of Cu–3Ti–1Cr alloy has been investigated by hardness and tensile tests, and light optical and transmission electron microscopy. Hardness increased from 118 Hv in the solution-treated condition to 373 Hv after 90% cold work and peak aging. Cold deformation reduced the peak aging time and temperature of the alloy. The yield strength and ultimate tensile strength reached a maximum of 1090 and 1110 MPa, respectively, following 90% deformation and peak aging. The microstructure of the deformed alloy exhibited elongated grains and deformation twins. The maximum strength on peak aging was obtained due to precipitation of the ordered, metastable and coherent β′-Cu4Ti phase, in addition to high dislocation density and deformation twins. Over-aging resulted in decreases in hardness and strength due to the formation of incoherent and equilibrium β-Cu3Ti phase in the form of a cellular structure. However, the morphology of the discontinuous precipitation changed to a globular form on high deformation. The mechanical properties of Cu–3Ti–1Cr alloy are superior to those of Cu–2.7Ti, Cu–3Ti–1Cd and the commercial Cu–0.5Be–2.5Co alloys in the cold-worked and peak-aged condition.  相似文献   

The relationship between consolidating temperature and the tensile behavior of iron alloy produced from Fe–Cu rapidly solidified powder is investigated. Fe–Cu powder fabricated by high-pressure water atomization was consolidated by heavy rolling at 873–1273 K. Microstructural changes were observed and tensile behavior was examined. Tensile behavior varies as the consolidating temperature changes, and these temperature-dependent differences depend on the morphology of the microstructure on the order of micrometers. The sample consolidated at 873 K shows a good strength/elongation balance because the powder microstructure and primary powder boundaries are maintained. The samples consolidated at the higher temperatures have a microstructure of recrystallized grains, and these recrystallized samples show the conventional relationship between tensile behavior and grain size in ordinal bulk materials.  相似文献   

An alloy of composition Ti–4.4 wt.% Ta–1.9 wt.% Nb is being developed as a structural material for corrosion applications, as titanium and its alloys possess excellent corrosion resistance in many oxidizing media. The primary physical metallurgy database for the Ti–4.4 wt.% Ta–1.9 wt.% Nb alloy is being presented for the first time. Determination of the β transus, Ms temperature and classification of the alloy have been carried out, employing a variety of microscopy techniques, X-ray diffraction (XRD), micro-hardness and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The β transition temperature or β transus determined using different experimental techniques was found to agree very well with evaluations based on empirical calculations. Based on chemistry and observed room temperature microstructure, the alloy has been classified as an + β titanium alloy. The high temperature β transforms to either ′ or + β by a martensitic or Widmanstatten transformation. The mechanisms of transformation of β under different conditions and characteristics of different types of have been studied and discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

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