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C. KANCHANOMAI Y. MUTOH 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2007,30(5):443-457
In modern electronic packaging, especially surface mount technology (SMT), thermal strain is usually induced between components during processing, and in service, by a mismatch in the thermal expansion coefficients. Since solder has a low melting temperature and is softer than other components in electronic packaging, most of the cyclic stresses and strains take place in the solder. Fatigue crack initiation and fatigue crack propagation are likely to occur in the solder even when the cyclic stress is below the yield stress. It is an objective of this research to study the behaviour of fatigue crack initiation and propagation in both lead‐containing solder (63Sn‐37Pb), and lead‐free solders (Sn‐3.5Ag). The effect of alloying (Cu and Bi addition), frequency, tensile hold time and temperature on low cycle fatigue (LCF) behaviour of the solders is discussed. Mechanisms of LCF crack initiation and propagation are proposed and LCF life prediction, based on the various models, is carried out. 相似文献
Fatigue crack nucleation and growth in filled natural rubber 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Rubber components subjected to fluctuating loads often fail due to nucleation and the growth of defects or cracks. The prevention of such failures depends upon an understanding of the mechanics underlying the failure process. This investigation explores the nucleation and growth of cracks in filled natural rubber. Both fatigue macro‐crack nucleation as well as fatigue crack growth experiments were conducted using simple tension and planar tension specimens, respectively. Crack nucleation as well as crack growth life prediction analysis approaches were used to correlate the experimental data. Several aspects of the fatigue process, such as failure mode and the effects of R ratio (minimum strain) on fatigue life, are also discussed. It is shown that a small positive R ratio can have a significant beneficial effect on fatigue life and crack growth rate, particularly at low strain range. 相似文献
Notch-like stress raisers occur widely in engineering components. They are preferred sites for crack initiation when the components are subjected to cyclic loadings. Thus the growth of cracks initiated from notches is very relevant to design against fatigue failures. Schematic models proposed to explain the departure of notch crack growth from linear elastic fracture mechanics predictions are briefly reviewed. Different methods of measuring crack closure are compared. It is found that the commonly employed notch-mouth clip-gauge method is not sensitive enough to detect the closure of short cracks in regions of notch plasticity. Various mechanics parameters have been claimed to be able to bring the notch crack and long crack growth rate data to a single base. In the present work on double-edge notched AISI 316 stainless steel specimens, it is found that none of them is able to correlate satisfactory all the experimental data. 相似文献
H. M. PLOKKER S. U. KHAN R. C. ALDERLIESTEN R. BENEDICTUS 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2009,32(3):233-248
To extend the predictive capability of existing crack growth models for fibre metal laminates under constant amplitude fatigue loading to variable-amplitude loading, further research on variable-amplitude fatigue mechanisms in fibre metal laminates is necessary. In response to this need, an experimental study into the effects of multiple overloads, underloads and various block-loading sequences on crack growth in the fibre metal laminate Glare was investigated. Crack growth retardation effects were observed in the tests; however, the magnitude of these effects was lower than seen in monolithic aluminium because of fibre bridging. As a result, predictions of the observed behaviour were attempted using an existing constant-amplitude fatigue crack growth model for Glare in combination with a linear damage accumulation law. 相似文献
X. YAN 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2010,33(6):365-377
This paper presents a numerical prediction model of mixed‐mode crack fatigue growth in a plane elastic plate. It involves a formulations of fatigue growth of multiple crack tips under mixed‐mode loading and a displacement discontinuity method with crack‐tip elements (a boundary element method) proposed recently by Yan is extended to analyse the fatigue growth process of multiple crack tips. Due to an intrinsic feature of the boundary element method, a general growth problem of multiple cracks can be solved in a single‐region formulation. In the numerical simulation, for each increment of crack extension, remeshing of existing boundaries is not necessary. Crack extension is conveniently modelled by adding new boundary elements on the incremental crack extension to the previous crack boundaries. At the same time, the element characters of some related elements are adjusted according to the manner in which the boundary element method is implemented. As an example, the present numerical approach is used to analyse the fatigue growth of a centre slant crack in a rectangular plate. The numerical results illustrate the validation of the numerical prediction model and can reveal the effect of the geometry of the cracked plate on the fatigue growth. 相似文献
P.‐Y. CHANG P.‐C. YEH J.‐M. YANG 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2012,35(2):93-107
The fatigue crack growth behaviour of hybrid S2‐glass reinforced aluminium laminates (Glare) with multiple open holes was investigated experimentally and analytically. It was observed that the presence of multiple‐site fatigue damage would increase crack growth rates in the metal layers as two propagating cracks converged. An analytical crack growth model was established for predicting crack growth rates based on empirical Paris equation. The effective stress intensity factor at crack tips is a function of mode I far‐field stress intensity factor, crack opening stress intensity factor and effective non‐dimensional stress intensity factor that incorporated the crack‐bridging effect in fibre metal laminates. The predicted results under different applied stress can capture the trend of averaged crack growth rates in experiments, although deviation exists in the predictions. 相似文献
A common evaluation is given for creep crack growth and fatigue crack growth experiments which have been performed at the companies ABB, Siemens-KWU and KFA. The materials under investigation were X10NiCrAlTi32 20 (Alloy 800) and NiCr22Col2Mo (Alloy 617). Several production lots and semi-finished materials as well as welded materials have been tested. Testing techniques differed at the different labs. In order to eliminate the influence of individual testing techniques, material from some production lots was investigated at different labs. The given data cover fatigue crack growth (the materials were tested between room temperature and 1050°C; the influence of temperature, R?ratio, and frequency was investigated) and creep crack growth (Alloy 800 was tested between 550°C and 900°C, Inconel 617 between 800°C and 1000°C; the evaluation was done on the basis of the fracture mechanics parameters K1 and C*). 相似文献
L. P. Borrego J. M. Ferreira & J. M. Costa 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2001,24(4):255-265
This study reports an experimental investigation of fatigue crack propagation in AlMgSi1-T6 aluminium alloy using both constant and variable load amplitudes. Crack closure was monitored in all tests by the compliance technique using a pin microgauge. For the constant amplitude tests four different stress ratios were analysed. The crack closure parameter U was calculated and related with Δ K and the stress ratio, R . The threshold of the stress intensity factor range, Δ K th , was also obtained. Fatigue crack propagation tests with single tensile peak overloads have been performed at constant load amplitude conditions. The observed transient post overload behaviour is discussed in terms of the overload ratio, Δ K baseline level and R . The crack closure parameter U trends are compared with the crack growth transients. Experimental support is given for the hypothesis that crack closure is the main factor determining the transient crack growth behaviour following overloads on AlMgSi1-T6 alloy for plane stress conditions. 相似文献
M. Skorupa J. Schijve A. Skorupa & T. Machniewicz 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》1999,22(10):879-887
Preliminary results of a research program on fatigue crack growth in a low-carbon steel under a variable amplitude loading are presented. First, test results are reported on crack growth under simple loading sequences containing single and multiple tensile overloads applied periodically between smaller, constant amplitude cycles. Next, the observed crack growth behaviour is compared to predictions from a theoretical model developed by the authors. 相似文献
H. Mykura
N. Mykura
《Composites Science and Technology》1992,45(4):307-312The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of a series of Al-6%Si matrix samples, with reinforcements of carbon, SiC, Al2O3, or boron fibres, cloths, or ceramic particles was measured in the range 60°–220°C with a dilatometer. The anisotropy of the CTE was measured and found to be very large for specimens unidirectionally reinforced with carbon fibre. Relaxation of stresses due to the different thermal expansion of matrix and reinforcement was studied by using the bending of asymmetrically reinforced samples and the magnitude of the stresses evaluated using bending beam theory. 相似文献
J. SCHIJVE 《Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures》2009,32(11):867-871
The paper presents a discussion on two problems associated with fatigue crack growth in aluminium alloys. First, the application of the similarity approach to crack growth prediction in specimens and structures of aluminium alloys is discussed. The significance of similarity conditions is emphasized and the K-dominated zone is briefly addressed. Secondly, the significance of water vapour for fatigue crack growth in aluminium alloy is reported with a case history of subsurface crack initiation and crack growth in vacuum. Some comments are presented on physical understanding and practical applications. 相似文献
A fatigue crack growth model under constant amplitude loading has been developed considering energy balance during growth of the crack. The plastic energy dissipated during growth of a crack within cyclic plastic zone and area below cyclic stress–strain curve was used in the energy balance. The near crack tip elastic–plastic stress and strain were calculated on the basis of Hutchinson, Rice and Rosengren (HRR) formulations. Fatigue crack growth rate in linear and near threshold region of da/dN versus ΔK curve can be determined on the basis of the proposed model in terms of low cycle fatigue (LCF) properties determined on smooth specimen. The predictions of the model have been compared with the experimental and theoretical results available in the literature using mechanical and fatigue properties. The model compares well in the threshold and intermediate region of the da/dN versus ΔK curve for wide range of material tested. 相似文献
Fatigue-lifetime behaviour has been examined for extruded 6061 aluminium alloy composites reinforced with 15 vol% SiC and 10 vol% Al2O3 particles. The peak particle sizes are at about 4.5 and 6 μm. Within measured S- N curves the fatigue lifetime at given stress amplitudes of SiCp/AA6061 is superior to that of Al2O3p/AA6061 in the low-cycle fatigue region as well as in the high-cycle fatigue region. These results are discussed by consideration of theoretically evaluated crack propagation curves. 相似文献
S. Pasta 《Engineering Fracture Mechanics》2011,78(2):397-411
The interaction of a crack with a perfectly bonded inclusion or a cluster of inclusions in polycarbonate matrix was investigated through both numerical simulations and fatigue tests. Stress intensity factors (KI) were evaluated by boundary element method for several particle sizes, position and finally for inclusion cluster as a precursor study for the experiments. The numerical simulation has shown the crack tendency to circumvent the inclusions with consequential reduction of the growth rate. Fatigue crack growth tests were carried out on several particle-filled specimens at constant value of the applied stress intensity factor range (ΔKIapp) highlighting the crack delay due to the presence of the stiff second phase. The experiments demonstrated that the inclusion effect on the crack growth rate can be explained with a model based on the crack shielding effect in which the particle would act to reduce the effective stress intensity factor at crack tip (KIeff). Finally, the crack growth rate was predicted with an analytical model, and then compared to that obtained by the fatigue testing. Possible explanations for differences are discussed. 相似文献
N. Shaber R. Stephens J. Ramirez M. Taylor I. Charit 《Materials at High Temperatures》2013,30(6):562-574
Fatigue crack growth (FCG) and creep-fatigue crack growth (CFCG) in austenitic stainless-steel Fe-25Ni-20Cr (Alloy 709) were measured experimentally and simulated using the finite element method. Temperature conditions investigated were 550°C, 600°C and 700°C, with load hold times of 0 s, 60 s and 600 s. Fracture surface was investigated using scanning electron microscopy and optical imaging. Experiments indicated that crack growth exhibits minimal sensitivity to the various loading conditions evaluated. At 600°C, crack growth rates were independent of hold time or loading frequency. At 700°C, there was a small increase in crack growth rate as a function of hold time, with a 600s hold time causing a factor of 2 increase in crack growth rate over FCG. Finite element simulations were performed to compute plasticity-induced crack closure in the presence of creep deformations at the crack tip. The simulations produced FCG and CFCG rates similar to the experimental results. 相似文献
Static and cyclic fatigue crack growth behaviour of gamma base titanium aluminides with three different microstructures were
investigated. Influence of cyclic test frequency on fatigue crack growth behaviour was also studied at room temperature under
a controlled humidity condition. The crack growth behaviour both under static and cyclic loading was strongly influenced by
the microstructure. The threshold stress intensity and crack growth behaviour under cyclic loading were much inferior than
that under static loading indicating the ‘true-cyclic fatigue’ effect exhibited in gamma base titanium aluminides. No significant
effect of test frequency on the crack growth behaviour was observed for the equiaxed and duplex microstructure materials. 相似文献
A fatigue crack can be effectively retarded by heating a spot near the crack tip under nil remote stress condition. The subcritical
spot heating at a proper position modifies the crack growth behaviour in a way, more or less, similar to specimen subjected
to overload spike. It is observed that the extent of crack growth retardation increases with increasing level of overload
as well as with increasing spot temperature. It is also observed that modification in crack growth behaviour is a function
of location of heating spot and maximum retardation is observed at + 5 position. 相似文献