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A prototype spatial decision support system (SDSS) is presented for watershed management. The SDSS integrates landuse/landcover derived from the remote sensing data, real-time hydrological data, geographic information system, and a model-based subsystem for computing soil loss, land capability classification and engineering measures. A graphical user interface has been developed to allow effective use by decision makers. The model-based subsystem employs a process-based soil erosion model to compute soil loss in spatial environment. Computed pixel-based soil loss information is an input to the land capability classification and watershed management modules. The developed SDSS can help the end users in avoiding the laborious procedures of soil erosion calculations and analysing various thematic layers to get suitable watershed management practices. The SDSS for watershed management is applied to the Tones watershed in India to compute soil loss, to prioritise watersheds, and to suggest various watershed management practices.  相似文献   

Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have become common data driven tools for modeling complex, nonlinear problems in science and engineering. Many previous applications have relied on gradient-based search techniques, such as the back propagation (BP) algorithm, for ANN training. Such techniques, however, are highly susceptible to premature convergence to local optima and require a trial-and-error process for effective design of ANN architecture and connection weights. This paper investigates the use of evolutionary programming (EP), a robust search technique, and a hybrid EP–BP training algorithm for improved ANN design. Application results indicate that the EP–BP algorithm may limit the drawbacks of using local search algorithms alone and that the hybrid performs better than EP from the perspective of both training accuracy and efficiency. In addition, the resulting ANN is used to replace the hydrologic simulation component of a previously developed multiobjective decision support model for watershed management. Due to the efficiency of the trained ANN with respect to the traditional simulation model, the replacement reduced the overall computational time required to generate preferred watershed management policies by 75%. The reduction is likely to improve the practical utility of the management model from a typical user perspective. Moreover, the results reveal the potential role of properly trained ANNs in addressing computational demands of various problems without sacrificing the accuracy of solutions.  相似文献   


Non-point source pollution is recognized internationally as a critical environmental problem. In Illinois, soil erosion from agricultural lands is the major source of such pollution. The erosion process, which has been accelerated by human activity, tends to reduce crop productivity and leads to subsequent problems from deposition on farmlands and in water bodies. Comprehensive watershed management, however, can be used to protect these natural resources. In this study, a discrete time optimal control methodology and computational model are developed for determining land use and management alternatives that minimize sediment yield from agriculturally-dominated watersheds. The solution methodology is based on an interface between a genetic algorithm and the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Soil and Water Assessment Tool. Model analyses are performed on a farm field basis to allow capture of different, local stakeholder perspectives, and crop management alternatives are based on a three-year rotation pattern. The decision support tool is applied to the Big Creek watershed located in the Cache River basin of Southern Illinois. The application demonstrates that the methodology is a valuable tool in advancing comprehensive watershed management. The study represents part of an ongoing research effort to develop an even more comprehensive decision support tool that uses multi-criteria evaluation to address social, economic, and hydrologic issues for integrative watershed management.  相似文献   

针对新时期水利发展的战略性需求,提出数字流域基本概念,总结数字流域国内外研究进展,深入分析数字流域基础框架与技术标准、空天地协同流域综合监测体系、多源海量数据组织、处理与共享服务、多专业模型集成及应用等数字流域关键技术,并详细介绍数字流域技术在三峡工程运行管理中的应用实践,最后进行应用总结与展望。  相似文献   

从水文角度,提出了包括最小生态基流满足率、断流指数、环境适宜指数、含沙量指数及输沙平衡程度指数5大要素构成的指标体系及评价标准,采用模糊综合评价模型,得出辽河中下游河段水文生态完整性评价结果,为日后辽河中下游河段的保护、修复与管理提供了决策依据。  相似文献   

Barriers within streams can affect riverine species' ability to access habitats and may reduce their population viability. Connectivity metrics attempt to quantify the impacts of barriers; however, little is known about their functioning when applied to dendritic habitats such as watersheds. Several graph‐theoretic connectivity metrics were calculated on rivers originating in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico. These metrics were classified into two primary groups: metrics that count weighted paths through the stream network and metrics that predict the flow of organisms through a stream reach. Representative metrics from each of these categories were suggested to model the effects of dams and water intakes, respectively. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Among the many institutions addressing development issues at the international level, the 16 research centers of the Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) focus on the goal of reducing poverty, hunger, and malnutrition by sustainably increasing productivity of resources in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries. The CGIAR has certain comparative advantages in carrying work in water at the various scales, from the farm up to global, that should be offered to the international community. This discussion paper addresses the question: what are the major water issues relevant to the CGIAR goal? The paper also presents a justification of the research needs and opportunities as well as some initial ideas for the development of a specific research agenda on each area. While other international organizations are very active in many international initiatives, the CGIAR is one of the few that could contribute much needed research information in many world areas. The CGIAR must focus more on water in relation to the plight of the poor in particular. There is a need to increase the adaptive capacity of the poor, and to manage the water supply and quality constraints. This could be achieved by focusing at the community level and by developing inexpensive, easy to use monitoring tools that would alert the communities of forthcoming problems and provide them with means to take remedial action. This action is often needed long before there is any hope of changes in policy and other macro-level interventions. The fundamental issue of water as a food requires that attention be given to the quantity and quality of water available for domestic use in poor households and communities. Health issues associated with domestic supply and with irrigation management have been important research themes in the CGIAR and demand increasing attention. Given the current composition, activitiesm and comparative advantages of the CGIAR, it is proposed that research on water management should focus on the following four broad general areas: (1) improving the efficiency of water use in agriculture through increased water productivity; (2) management of watersheds for multiple functions; (3) management of aquatic ecosystems, in particular those sharing boundaries with terrestrial ecosystems; and (4) policy and institutional aspects of water management. As the aim of water management research is to address water constraints and issues in an integrated manner, the four areas cannot be treated in isolation from each other. There is thus a need for the fifth area for achieving integration at and across different scales.  相似文献   

随着清洁小流域综合治理的不断探索和实践,小流域综合治理模式不断创新和深入,取得的成果日益丰硕.近年来,天津市结合当地实际,积极探索小流域综合治理的新思路,总结出传统型、生态旅游型和村落型的模式.对天津市典型的生态旅游型小流域蓟县黄土梁子小流域进行具体分析,提出治理措施.  相似文献   

建立了一种同时利用管身分布式应变监测数据以及管道三维有限元模型修正的承插式埋地管道完整性评价方法.利用分布式光纤传感器监测管身纵向应变,根据埋地管道与其所处环境建立三维有限元模型,并应用监测数据通过手动调节法修正承插式埋地管道模型,进而由有限元分析获得管口的应力应变和管道剩余承载能力,综合利用上述方法对承插式埋地管道的完整性进行综合评价.通过全尺寸埋地管道在侵蚀坑作用下的监测试验,验证了上述方法的可行性.  相似文献   

通过调查分析晋西王家沟流域水源现状及人畜用水情况,提出了该区旱地果园的用水模式,即旱井集流节水栽培技术模式,这一模式首先利用现代材料和传统技术相结合的旱井修筑马天然降水贮存于旱井之中,然后采用节水保墒技术,充分把有限集流用于果园生产,提高了水的利用率和果园效益。  相似文献   

纸坊沟流域水土流失综合治理减沙效益评价   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
根据纸坊沟流域土壤侵蚀制图和多年径流泥沙观测资料 ,在阐明该流域土壤侵蚀特征的基础上 ,对比分析了“六五”、“七五”、“八五”和“九五”各治理期间流域输沙量的变化 ,重点定量评价了‘八五’和‘九五’期间降雨衰减影响和综合治理影响在流域输沙量减少中的作用。降雨衰减影响占 1 3;而综合治理影响占 2 3。  相似文献   

人口的大量增加,城市的迅速扩张,需水量增加,水资源过度地被开发、水环境恶化,导致人类可以利用的水资源越来越少,水资源保护实为重中之重。流域水资源的保护一度主要侧重于水质的保护,水量保护与恢复没有得到应有的关注。根据水资源量的特征和保护的意义,分析水资源量保护和恢复影响因素,探讨水资源保护的相关问题。  相似文献   

应用鱼类生物完整性指数评价长江中上游健康状况   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据长江渔业资源动态监测网(监测站有宜宾、巴南、万州、荆州、岳阳、湖口、洞庭湖、鄱阳湖)2003-2008年监测数据,采用Karr提出的、Fausch等修订的12个指标体系水质健康评价原理,依照长江鱼类区域组成特征列出待选指标并结合各指标调查结果进行筛选,初步建立了适合长江中上游干流及附属湖泊的FIBI指标体系。同时,参照Karr做法不单独设定期望值和参照点,而是根据各监测站数据之间的差距分三个层次赋值打分。结果表明:长江上游和中游大多数站位鱼类生物完整性表现为“一般”等级,洞庭湖和鄱阳湖为“差”。统计结果显示长江中上游各监测站FIBI值在近6年的时间内呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

本文以未资源工作由计划经济的管理体制,向适应社会主义市场经济要求的管理体制转变,及利用方式由粗放型变约型转变,这两个根本性转变、水资源管理新的含义和任务等理论进行探讨,以澄清思路,统一认识,为进一步做好水资源管理工作打下理论基础。  相似文献   

Water, a renewable natural resource that is indispensable both to human life and to economic processes, has had its hydrological cycle threatened by pollution and contamination of hydrological resources. In Brazil, in 1997, Law 9.433 established the river basin as the unit for territorial planning and management of water resources. The proposal presented in this paper has an integrating focus, aiming at pointing out indicators for the sustainable development of river basins. The indicators are analyzed through social, environmental, economic and political–institutional frameworks, supported by internationally accepted methodologies. The implementation of this kind of project requires a large and reliable data set. Thus, we propose gradual implementation of sustainable development diagnosis in the river basins. To begin this process, we selected three indicators—public water supply, public sewerage and municipal trash collection. The values obtained for these indicators were compared with those of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which establish 50% reduction in them by 2015. The indicators were applied to the Guanabara Bay Watershed (GBW) in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil as a case study.
Alessandra MagriniEmail:

Efficient natural resources management, including continental water at watershed level, requires understanding the arrangement of landscape attributes in a region. The geographical analysis of landscape attributes is a useful approach to delineate relatively homogeneous watersheds or regions. This research was carried out in order to evaluate the effect of land cover through time on regionalisation modelling in the poorly-gauged Cuitzeo Lake Watershed, and to develop models to create two hydrogeographical regionalisations for the years 1975 and 2000. The inputs required by the regionalisation methodology were integrated in a GIS and validated before carrying out statistical regionalisation procedures (cluster analysis and PCA). GIS operations were done in Arc View 3.2 and statistical analyses in PC-ORD. Median Euclidean distances with mean distance linkage methods were used. A 75% of similarity was chosen as the threshold to generate regions. Importance rankings of regions were obtained using multicriteria evaluation methods. Based on the analysis, 38 of the 52 subwatersheds belonging to the Cuitzeo Lake Watershed were clustered; eight groups were defined in 1975 and nine in 2000. According to PCA, the strongest positive variables are associated to morphometric, geologic, land cover and soil attributes. Fourteen subwatersheds were never clustered. Four subwatersheds changed of cluster between 1975 and 2000. This change is explained because of rainfed agricultural parcel abandonment, and subsequent shrubland growth. This means that the hydrogeographical regionalisation is sensitive to land cover change processes. The methodological approach applied in this research is a low-cost and fast alternative for evaluating the impact of land cover and land use change on hydrogeographical regionalisation; in consequence, data and information generated during the analysis were made available to local authorities so that they can improve both water resources planning and their informational baseline for decision making and for development of environmental policies in the Cuitzeo Lake Watershed.  相似文献   

统一管理是现代水资源管理的发展方向。水资源本身特质、水资源国家所有和利益的平衡是实行水资源统一管理的理论依据。水资源统一管理的成功模式是流域管理,中国的水资源流域管理的立法和管理体制都亟待完善。  相似文献   

健康长江评价指标体系与标准研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
科学的指标体系和标准是评价河流健康状况的技术依据。根据科学性、代表性、创新性等原则,运用主成分分析法和聚类分析法.构建了健康长江评价指标体系,包括河岸稳定性、河床稳定性等19个定量指标和水系连通性、河岸栖息地状况和珍稀水生动物存活状况3个定性指标;给出了相应指标的量化评价方法,并通过国内外相关研究成果的综合分析.提出了健康长江的评价标准及分类标准,为维持河流健康理论发展提供了新方法。  相似文献   

铯-137同位素示踪法测算小流域土壤侵蚀量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 介绍了~(137)Cs方法测算土壤侵蚀量的基本原理。研制了适合复杂岩性侵蚀区使用的~(137)Cs侵蚀模型。并以鄂东花岗片麻岩侵蚀区的某荒坡小流域为例,计算了其坡面土壤侵蚀量和侵蚀模数,计算结果与径流场实测结果十分接近。此外,还对该流域坡面土壤侵蚀的分选性做了初步评价。  相似文献   

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